How can I create a queue with multiple workers? - firebase

I want to create a queue where clients can put in requests, then server worker threads can pull them out as they have resources available.
I'm exploring how I could do this with a Firebase repository, rather than an external queue service that would then have to inject data back into Firebase.
With security and validation tools in mind, here is a simple example of what I have in mind:
user pushes a request into a "queue" bucket
servers pull out the request and deletes it (how do I ensure only one server gets the request?)
server validates data and retrieves from a private bucket (or injects new data)
server pushes data and/or errors back to the user's bucket
A simplified example of where this might be useful would be authentication:
user puts authentication request into the public queue
his login/password goes into his private bucket (a place only he can read/write into)
a server picks up the authentication request, retrieves login/password, and validates against the private bucket only the server can access
the server pushes a token into user's private bucket
(certainly there are still some security loopholes in a public queue; I'm just exploring at this point)
Some other examples for usage:
read only status queue (user status is communicated via private bucket, server write's it to a public bucket which is read-only for the public)
message queue (messages are sent via user, server decides which discussion buckets they get dropped into)
So the questions are:
Is this a good design that will integrate well into the upcoming security plans? What are some alternative approaches being explored?
How do I get all the servers to listen to the queue, but only one to pick up each request?

Wow, great question. This is a usage pattern that we've discussed internally so we'd love to hear about your experience implementing it ( Here are some thoughts on your questions:
If your primary goal is actually authentication, just wait for our security features. :-) In particular, we're intending to have the ability to do auth backed by your own backend server, backed by a firebase user store, or backed by 3rd-party providers (Facebook, twitter, etc.).
Load-balanced Work Queue
Regardless of auth, there's still an interesting use case for using Firebase as the backbone for some sort of workload balancing system like you describe. For that, there are a couple approaches you could take:
As you describe, have a single work queue that all of your servers watch and remove items from. You can accomplish this using transaction() to remove the items. transaction() deals with conflicts so that only one server's transaction will succeed. If one server beats a second server to a work item, the second server can abort its transaction and try again on the next item in the queue. This approach is nice because it scales automatically as you add and remove servers, but there's an overhead for each transaction attempt since it has to make a round-trip to the firebase servers to make sure nobody else has grabbed the item from the queue already. But if the time it takes to process a work item is much greater than the time to do a round-trip to the Firebase servers, this overhead probably isn't a big deal. If you have lots of servers (i.e. more contention) and/or lots of small work items, the overhead may be a killer.
Push the load-balancing to the client by having them choose randomly among a number of work queues. (e.g. have /queue/0, /queue/1, /queue/2, /queue/3, and have the client randomly choose one). Then each server can monitor one work queue and own all of the processing. In general, this will have the least overhead, but it doesn't scale as seamlessly when you add/remove servers (you'll probably need to keep a separate list of work queues that servers update when they come online, and then have clients monitor the list so they know how many queues there are to choose from, etc.).
Personally, I'd lean toward option #2 if you want optimal performance. But #1 might be easier for prototyping and be fine at least initially.
In general, your design is definitely on the right track. If you experiment with implementation and run into problems or have suggestions for our API, let us know ( :-)!

This question is pretty old but in case someone makes it here anyway...
Since mid 2015 Firebase offers something called the Firebase Queue, a fault-tolerant multi-worker job pipeline built on Firebase.
Q: Is this a good design that will integrate well into the upcoming security plans?
A: Your design suggestion fits perfectly with Firebase Queue.
Q: How do I get all the servers to listen to the queue, but only one to pick up each request?
A: Well, that is pretty much what Firebase Queue does for you!
Introducing Firebase Queue (blog entry)
Firebase Queue (official GitHub-repo)


What's the recommended way to handle microservice processing bugs new insights?

Before I get to my question, let me sketch out a sample set of microservices to illustrate my dilemma.
Scenario outline
Suppose I have 4 microservices:
An activation service where features supplied to our customers are (de)activated. A registration service where members can be added and changed. A secured key service that is able to generate secure keys (in a multi step process) for members to be used when communicating with them with the outside world. And a communication service that is used to communicate about our members with external vendors.
The secured key service may however only request secured keys if this is a feature that is activated. Additionally, the communication service may only communicate about members that have a secured key AND if the communication feature itself is activated.
Because they are microservices, each of the services has it's own datastore and is completely self sufficient. That is, any data that is required from the other microservices is duplicated locally and kept in sync by means of asynchronous messages from the other microservices.
The dilemma
I'm actually facing two main dilemma's. The first is (pretty obviously) data synchronization. When there are multiple data stores that need to be kept in sync you have to account for messages getting lost or processed out of order. But there are plenty of out of the box solutions for this and when all fails you could even fall back to some kind of ETL process to keep things in sync.
The main issue I'm facing however is the actions that need to be performed. In the above example the secured key service must perform an action when it either
Receives a message from the registration service for a new member when it already knows that the secured keys feature is active in the activation service
Receives a message from the activation service that the secured keys feature is now active when it already knows about members from the registration service
In both cases this means that a message from the external system must lead to both an update in the local copy of the data as well as some logic that needs to be processed.
The question
Now to the actual question :)
What is the recommended way to cope with either bugs or new insights when it comes to handling those messages? Suppose there is a bug in the message handler from the activation service. The handler does update the internal data structure, but it fails to detect that there are already registered members and thus never starts the secure key generation process. Alternatively it could be that there's no bug, but we decide that there is something else we want the handler to do.
The system will have no reason to resubmit or reprocess messages (as the message didn't fail), but there's no real way for us to re-trigger the behavior that's behind the message.
I hope it's clear what I'm asking (and I do apologize if it should be posted on any of the other 170 Stack... sites, I only really know of StackOverflow)
I don't know what is the recommended way, I know how this is done in DDD and maybe this can help you as DDD and microservices are friends.
What you have is a long-running/multi-step process that involves information from multiple microservices. In DDD this can be implemented using a Saga/Process manager. The Saga maintains a local state by subscribing to events from both the registration service and the activation service. As the events come, the Saga check to see if it has all the information it needs to generate secure keys by submitting a CreateSecureKey command. The events may come in any order and even can be duplicated but this is not a problem as the Saga can compensate for this.
In case of bugs or new features, you could create special scripts or other processes that search for a particular situation and handle it by submitting specific compensating commands, without reprocessing all the past events.
In case of new features you may even have to process old events that now are interesting for your business process. You do this in the same way, by querying the events source for the newly interesting old events and send them to the newly updated Saga. After that import process, you subscribe the Saga to these newly interesting events and the Saga continues to function as usual.

Sharing particular data between realms

I am about to start working on the back-end for a mobile app (initially iOS/Android, later also website) and I am thinking whether Realm could fulfill all my needs.
The basic idea is that there are two types of users - customers and service-providers. The customers send requests to the server once in a while and are subscribed (real-time) for any event that might occur in relation to this request in the future. Each service-provider is listening for specific requests from all customers and is the one who is going to trigger various events (send data) for each of those requests.
From the Realm docs, it is obvious that the real-time data sync is not going to be a problem. The thing I am concerned about is how to model the scenario (customer/service-provider) in the Realm 'world'. Based on what I read, it is preferred to have one realm per user. Therefore, I suppose the user will register and will be given a realm. Then whenever he makes a request, it is going to be stored in his realm. Now the question is how to model the service-provider. There are going to be various service-providers each responding (triggering various kinds of events up to one hour after request) to different kinds of requests. (Each user can send any request and therefore be served by any service-provider.)
I read a bit about that Realm supports data sharing among different realms which could be a partial solution for this problem, however I was not able to find if this 'sharing' could share only particular requests. (Meaning each service-provider will get only requests intended for him.)
My question is whether this scenario is doable using Realm?
This sounds like a perfect fit for Realm's server-side event-handling. Put simply, Realm offers the ability through our Node SDK to listen for changes across Realms on the server.
So in your example, where each mobile user would have their own Realm, the URL for this would be /~/myRealm in which the tilde represents the Realm user ID. The Node SDK event handling API allows you to register a JS function that will run in response to changes represented by a Regex pattern for Realm URLs. In this case you could use: ^/([0-9a-f]+)/myRealm so that any time any user's myRealm updated, the server could perform some logic.
In this manner, the server via the Node SDK is really a "super-user" or service-provider as you describe. When an event fires, the JS function that runs is provided the Realm that was updated and a list of indexes pertaining to the objects in the Realm that were inserted, deleted, or modified. You can then perform any logic in JS, such as using the changed data to call out to another API or opening the Realm in question or any other and writing changes which will get pushed back out to the respective clients.
The full server-side event handling is part of Realm Professional Edition, but we recently released another way to interact with this called Realm Functions. This provides the ability through the server's dashboard to create the same JS functions that will run in response to changes across Realms. The developer edition support 3 functions so you can try it out immediately!

Inexpensive firebase listeners

I am curious to know what is the internal implementation of firebase listeners like?
I have heard firebase engineers saying firebase listeners are inexpensive to use and can be used as much required. While I agree that they make the app real time. What happens if I have a bunch of firebase listeners in my app(a real time chess playing application for multiple users.)
The listeners are listening to bunch of actions including when a move is made by a player in a game or when a new game is started. Easy to imagine the scale if I have hundreds of thousands of users using the application concurrently everyday.
How does firebase handle so many requests on their server since they have given the power of listeners to the end user.
We can have as many listeners as we want in our firebase app. How is this inexpensive?
Please correct me if I am wrong in my inherent assumptions.
Firebase uses WebSockets, which is a persistent connection to the server. This means that you don't have to worry about making a request, because the only HTTP request that gets made is in the very beginning to establish the socket. Here is more information about Web sockets which is a different protocol from HTTP. So in your case it's completely feasible to make many separate "requests" for the data, because there's no real overhead to consider. The device's radio is already on, and a WebSocket header is merely 6 bytes.

How to Design a Database Monitoring Application

I'm designing a database monitoring application. Basically, the database will be hosted in the cloud and record-level access to it will be provided via custom written clients for Windows, iOS, Android etc. The basic scenario can be implemented via web services (ASP.NET WebAPI). For example, the client will make a GET request to the web service to fetch an entry. However, one of the requirements is that the client should automatically refresh UI, in case another user (using a different instance of the client) updates the same record AND the auto-refresh needs to happen under a second of record being updated - so that info is always up-to-date.
Polling could be an option but the active clients could number in hundreds of thousands, so I'm looking for a more robust and lightweight (on server) solution. I'm versed in .NET and C++/Windows and I could roll-out a complete solution in C++/Windows using IO Completion Ports but feel like that would be an overkill and require too much development time. Looked into ASP.NET WebAPI but not being able to send out notifications is its limitation. Are there any frameworks/technologies in Windows ecosystem that can address this scenario and scale easily as well? Any good options outside windows ecosystem e.g. node.js?
You did not specify a database that can be used so if you are able to use MSSQL Server, you may want to lookup SQL Dependency feature. IF configured and used correctly, you will be notified if there are any changes in the database.
Pair this with SignalR or any real-time front-end framework of your choice and you'll have real-time updates as you described.
One catch though is that SQL Dependency only tells you that something changed. Whatever it was, you are responsible to track which record it is. That adds an extra layer of difficulty but is much better than polling.
You may want to search through the sqldependency tag here at SO to go from here to where you want your app to be.
My first thought was to have webservice call that "stays alive" or the html5 protocol called WebSockets. You can maintain lots of connections but hundreds of thousands seems too large. Therefore the webservice needs to have a way to contact the clients with stateless connections. So build a webservice in the client that the webservices server can communicate with. This may be an issue due to firewall issues.
If firewalls are not an issue then you may not need a webservice in the client. You can instead implement a server socket on the client.
For mobile clients, if implementing a server socket is not a possibility then use push notifications. Perhaps look at for a similar issue.
Finally you may want to consider a content delivery network.
One last point is that hopefully you don't need to contact all 100000 users within 1 second. I am assuming that with so many users you have quite a few servers.
Take a look at Maximum concurrent Socket.IO connections regarding the max number of open websocket connections;
Also consider whether your estimate of on the order of 100000 of simultaneous users is accurate.

Architecture For A Real-Time Data Feed And Website

I have been given access to a real time data feed which provides location information, and I would like to build a website around this, but I am a little unsure on what architecture to use to achieve my needs.
Unfortunately the feed I have access to will only allow a single connection per IP address, therefore building a website that talks directly to the feed is out - as each user would generate a new request, which would be rejected. It would also be desirable to perform some pre-processing on the data, so I guess I will need some kind of back end which retrieves the data, processes it, then makes it available to a website.
From a front end connection perspective, web services sounds like it may work, but would this also create multiple connections to the feed for each user? I would also like the back end connection to be persistent, so that data is retrieved and processed even when the site is not being visited, I believe IIS will recycle web services and websites when they are idle?
I would like to keep the design fairly flexible - in future I will be adding some mobile clients, so the API needs to support remote connections.
The simple solution would have been to log all the processed data to a database, which could then be picked up by the website, but this loses the real-time aspect of the data. Ideally I would be looking to push the data to the website every time the data changes or now data is received.
What is the best way of achieving this, and what technologies are there out there that may assist here? Comet architecture sounds close to what I need, but that would require building a back end that can handle multiple web based queries at once, which seems like quite a task.
Ideally I would be looking for a C# / ASP.NET based solution with Javascript client side, although I guess this question is more based on architecture and concepts than technological implementations of these.
Thanks in advance for all advice!
Realtime Data Consumer
The simplest solution would seem to be having one component that is dedicated to reading the realtime feed. It could then publish the received data on to a queue (or multiple queues) for consumption by other components within your architecture.
This component (A) would be a standalone process, maybe a service.
Queue consumers
The queue(s) can be read by:
a component (B) dedicated to persisting data for future retrieval or querying. If the amount of data is large you could add more components that read from the persistence queue.
a component (C) that publishes the data directly to any connected subscribers. It could also do some processing, but if you are looking at doing large amounts of processing you may need multiple components that perform this task.
Realtime web technology components (D)
If you are using a .NET stack then it seems like SignalR is getting the most traction. You could also look at XSockets (there are more options in my realtime web tech guide. Just search for '.NET'.
You'll want to use signalR to manage subscriptions and then to publish messages to registered client (PubSub - this SO post seems relevant, maybe you can ask for a bit more info).
You could also look at offloading the PubSub component to a hosted service such as Pusher, who I work for. This will handle managing subscriptions and component C would just need to publish data to an appropriate channel. There are other options all listed in the realtime web tech guide.
All these components come with a JavaScript library.
A - .NET service - that publishes info to queue(s)
Queues - MSMQ, NServiceBus etc.
B - Could also be a simple .NET service that reads a queue.
C - this really depends on D since some realtime web technologies will be able to directly integrate. But it could also just be a simple .NET service that reads a queue.
D - Realtime web technology that offers a simple way of routing information to subscribers (PubSub).
If you provide any more info I'll update my answer.
A good solution to this would be something like or . It's not, but it can easily solve the issue of distributing real time data to other users. Since user connections, subscriptions and broadcasting to channels are built in to each, that will make coding the rest super simple. Your clients would just connect over standard tcp.
If you needed clients to poll for updates then you would need a que system to store info for the next request. That could be a simple array, or a more complicated que system depending on your requirements and number of users.
There may be solutions for .net that I am not aware of that do the same thing, but those are the 2 I know of.
