Javascript not downloading fully - http

Ok, this might be more of a networking question than programming but I'm not really sure what is going on here:
I'm having intermittent problems with my site where I am only partially downloading javascript documents. By intermittent, I mean that on the same browser (Safari in this case) I can view that javascript file in my browser and refresh the page and still only see the file partially downloaded, but another browser (Chrome) I see the file correctly downloaded. Clearing the browser cache has no effect either.
The odd thing is that it appears to be location specific, as when I check the site from home, still using Safari, I have zero issues. The problem also seems to be machine independent, as I also occasionally get the same javascript errors on my iPad (when at work on the same network).
I'm 100% sure it isn't a syntax error or anything with the javascript, as the file that fails most often is a minified copy of jQuery (downloaded from their site, though hosted on my site's server)
I have tried turning off mod_deflate on the idea that it might be compression that was causing the issue, but this had no effect.
I have spoken to the network admins at both my end, and the hosting server end and they claim that it isn't anything wrong with their network, though they are possibly just deflecting a complex issue.
Any ideas on how I can narrow down the issue?


Can't navigate through ASP.NET website while Jmeter recorder is running

The title pretty much says it all. When I'm running HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, one particular page becomes unresponsive - when I click on something it just reloads. The recorder itself is working fine, it is recording every step. And the problem is not proxy related. I've successfully recorded other pages of the same website. When I'm not recording, there are no problems.
It's a .NET 3.5 project.
The page itself has a lot of forms, file uploads, etc, but as far as I know, it should not interfere with recording or even more - with browsing the page. When debugging the project, no breakpoints are hit, so I assume that something gets lost before reaching the server.
Browsers that I've tried: tried FF, Chrome, Edge, IE.
Tried recording the web locally and online. Same thing.
Played around (reinstalled and whatnot) with certificates, didn't help.
Has anyone encountered such a problem? What could be done to fix this? I'm more interested in finding the solution, than a way around (blazemeter, badboy). Any help would be very appreciated.
EDIT: I tried recording with blazemeter and it worked. But when looking at view results tree I noticed that the request path and parameters don't change, even when in the HTTP Request Sampler they are different. So there's no solution yet
This often happens to me and what I've found is that JMeter changes the root certificate in the bin folder every week. So usually the HTTP traffic is fine but certain HTTPS traffic won't work. So make sure that your browsers are seeing the latest JMeter certificate and not using an old one that doesn't exist anymore. On Windows, Chrome and IE use the certificates in Internet Options, while Firefox needs to have it added to it manually.
It turns out that in Test Script Recorder HTTP Sampler Settings choosing Type: Java was all that was needed. I suspect that the issue was related to file upload being involved.

CSS not refreshing - now deleted, not cached, inexistent - and still loading? How? Why?

I'm working on a Wordpress website and I have styles loaded from two stylesheets - original style.css and style-custom.css for additional style.
Unfortunately whatever I do, the styles do not refresh. I already tried to press Shift+F5 without success.
I've purged the server and browser cache entirely several times (even though it's actually permanently turned off via WP Engine). I've removed appended ?ver numbers to force the update of the file content.
Right now I've even deleted the file and it is still loading in the browser! Even worse - it's loading in all browsers that I have not even ever used on the damn site.
I don't know what else to do. The file is gone and the cache has been purged.
There is definitely some sort of caching mechanism still. Are you developing on your own server? If you try to refresh on somebody else's computer are they able to see the file?
If yes - then you need to contact the servers' administrator, or you hosting provider with clarification.
You should be developing your websites locally though, and once they are ready publish them on the web.

What can be preventing this cdn file from loading on my webpage?

I wish I had a more generic way of asking this question but I really can't figure out what could be going on.
Using dev-channel Chrome 26 (and IE 10) I'm hitting a simple html site in my public dropbox here
In my browser Handlebars.js (from never loads and I get an error. Heck, according to the Network tab it never even tries to load it. Yet click through the source and the script file - it is definitely a live link. Why handlebars? Additionally, running the same exact site with a local server loads just fine.
I'm at a loss here what could possibly have this effect. You'd think the issue would be running the server in dropbox but it seems to be the actual browser misbehaving. And why on earth does it not make any request at all?
My repo by the way is on github on the preformance-tuning branch
It looks like Chrome is throwing an insecure content warning on your scripts. Most likely because you are trying to access content hosted over HTTP while your site is being served from dropbox using ssl. Most likely a Chrome security setting silently block scripts it considers "insecure"

Strangest IE9 bug ever (turn off internet, screw up page rendering)

I've got a local webserver (apache) running on my laptop and it is serving up a content management system successfully. Everything looks okay in both IE9 and Firefox.
Today I tried to demo it to someone and the elements were completely misaligned, looked terible in IE9. Still looked okay in Firefox. Tried to figure out what was wrong, even restored an earlier known good build and still messed up. There was no wireless connection at that site and no wired connection either.
I'm back at my place now to diagnose the issue, and there is no issue! By process of elimination, I deduced the ONLY difference between then and now is that now I am on the internet. Bear in mind, I am NOT retrieving anything from the internet for this site. (Not that I am aware.)
I switched off my wireless connection and immediatly my pages started rendering in screwed up fashion again. These pages have tons of framework generated divs and CSS classes so it is not clear where the breakdown occurs... but here is my fundamental question:
What could IE9 be doing that simply shutting off my internet connection would cause it to stop rendering a locally served page properly?
Use a network analysis tool like Wireshark to capture the packets that Internet Explorer send (or tries to send) out. You probably will find something there.
There are two things I can think of:
You are retrieving some parts from the internet, even though you are not aware of it. Maybe some JavaScript code loads something, or you have url() values in your CSS.
It might have something to do with the compatibility view of the IE.
You could try to use a network sniffer to find out, what the request is.
instead of going all the way to WireShark why don't you try the built-in developer tools?
Press F12, select the Network tab and start capturing traffic right from IE9. It will show you everything it requests for.

HTTPS does not work - Secure and Non secure data on web page?

I have a browser compatibilty problem with https? I have SSL installed and is in usage. Until today morning, my https part is working well. From then, Https is shown as https(with slashed in red color) saying the page has some insecure content.
I have not changed any code and suddenly i see this problem in chrome. In IE 8, i see the same problem but on every page, it shows me a popup if i should allow to opne secure and non secure or just secure. Firefox has no issues . It shows correct https without any problem. I am fed up with it searching all over. Why is this happenening for me in Chrome and IE 8.
Could someone tell me what the problem is and what can be done to solve it!
PS: I have also checked if the page source is any different when IE8 showed with and without secure data. Everything is the same. but viewstateID was different. Is that something that is creating this problem?
Thanks a lot in advance.
This is usually caused by having the absolute path to a resource specified somewhere on the page without having https specified, eg:
<img src="">
If it's a link to something on your site, use https: or a relative path.
DO you have any 3:rd party javascript included, like google analytics or other that might have changed.
If you try with Firefox there is firebug you can add as an addon.
In there is a tab for network (net).
It lists everything the page loads.
In that list you should be able to find anything that gets loaded without https.
IE (correctly) complains when there is mixed http/https content as a security warning. Most other browsers do not typically complain when dealing with mixed content so your source is very likely the same in both instances.
I would second David MÃ¥rtensson's answer and say the issue is likely a third party library (google or MS hosted JQuery for example) or static asset server.
