Open Sharepoint Application Page inside ASP.Net web app -

I have the unusual situation to solve... There is a application page that runs inside SharePoint 2010 with a form to upload some file to a Document Library.
The thing is that this application page needs to be showed on a modal inside my ASPX web app.
I got this running using simplemodal jquery plugin running inside a iframe.
My question is... how can I achieve this functionality considering security questions like a controlled access to this application page? My SharePoint site does not allow anonymous access so I need to figure out how to allow public access only on this page.

I would re-create the page in this application and then communicate with sharepoint using the client object model or perhaps another approach such a custom webservice (but client model should be ok). I would say that this is the only clean way to achieve your goal.


ASP.Net custom control which can be hosted and can be consumed by various websites/webapplications

In classic asp or you could create custom controls which would reside in the solution e.g customer control which could be used for customer's billing address and shipping address.
What i am trying to achieve is creating a website/iframe which could be hosted as a website or something and then the client applications would use this as an iframe in their application. The reason i want to do this is to have one central location for any changes and avoiding the need to recompile and redeploy existing applications whenever there is a change in control.
Is this possible to do? what would be the design like? any links to articles or similar solutions is highly appreciated.
Is it advisable to create a default page with content of custom control and then force the users/client app to consume that page in a iframe?

Is it possible to launch an aspx ( ) page by clicking on a ribbon button?

Can I have a ribbon button launch an aspx ( ) page? The aspx page needs to inherit authentication and authorization as the logged in Dynamics user.
You can execute custom JavaScript from a ribbon button allowing you to spin up a new browser window pointing at whatever you like.
To inherit security credentials you need to look at setting up federated authentication across both the CRM server and the custom website hosting the ASPX. As you can probably imagine this isn't a trivial task.
You could also look at dropping your website into the custom ISV folder as was the case with CRM 4. However, this approach has been deprecated in CRM 2011 and AFAIK is therefore no longer supported.
As #Konrad pointed out you won't be able to use the Data Service REST API (OData) from your custom web pages as the service is only accessible from web resources hosted within the CRM environment. Server-side you'll be fine against the Org Service.
If you can get away with doing what you need in a web resource I'd highly recommend it as it's a whole lot less work.
I'm not sure you can do that. A while ago, I put in an iframe that I linked to an outside web page and it worked as supposed to except for connecting to the organization data. I just couldn't make that work (I got impatient, to be honest and didn't try all too hard).
The resolution I deployed in the end was to run a web resource, which was run internally on the server, that communicated the data to an outside service.
I'm assuming that the same behavior will follow if you try to open windows/convey data in to/out from the CRM.

How CMS handles postback for integrated web applications?

Currently I am working on a project to integrate legacy application (ASP.NET) with a content management system. There are two web servers, one act as cms server which is public facing and other the legacy application website behind the firewall. CMS drive the show to render header, footer, left and right info pans and menu.
My requirement is to show the legacy application aspx pages inside a content area of cms. Everything works fine except postback. The form submits to cms website whereas I want it to postback to legacy application.
How CMS or SharePoint achieve this? For example if a webpart is having a submit button which postbacks,
how SharePoint submit the form to webpart? What is the architecture behind this?
I'm not sure what you are asking. You're talking about a legacy application hosted in some kind of Iframe and it not being able to post back? Well of course?!
In SharePoint when you build a WebPart you can just use any server side method and it automatically posts back - just regular ASP.NET there, nothing special.
Sometimes a PostBack is called via Javascript for which the _doPostBack() Javascript method is used.

Silverlight redirects to ASP.NET Page with ReportViewer Control

I have this situation in my SL4 application: We create some User Accounts in the Silverlight APP, now we want to generate printable reports for the generated accounts which we will hand out to the users. The idea is to save the information from the created account to a database, redirect from the Silverlight App to an ASP.NET page passing the ID of the stored account information and display the data in a report viewer control in from where it can be printed and exported.
Is this possible or am I completely wrong? How can I redirect from silverlight to the page and how can I pass the ID?
You can use Window.Navigate to do the same. For example,
// Navigate to the web page
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(””));
//Open in a separate window
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri(””), “_blank”);
You can pass the id using the query-string.
See this SO question that discusses other options: redirect to another page from Silverlight
I have a different way of showing reports in a Silverlight application. I make use of the Acrobat Reader plugin to do the displaying for me. It does require a different method depending on whether your application is running inside or outside the browser (I check if the application is running inside the browser and change the means of display accordingly). If running inside the browser, I overlay the application with an IFrame, as I describe in this article: Otherwise, I use the WebBrowser control. I have a control which does this all for you in the source code that accompanies my book, which is downloadable from the Apress website here:
NOTE: I copied this answer from my previous response to a similar question here: Show pdf inside silverlight application. PDF to XAML

Displaying the current authenticated Sharepoint user from an Page Viewer Web Part

I am creating a standalone page that needs to be embedded into a sharepoint site using the Page Viewer Web Part. The page is published to the same server on a different port, giving me the URL to embed.
The requirement is that after a user is authenticated using Sharepoint authentication, they navigate to a page containing the web part for more options.
What I need to do from this page is query Sharepoint for the currently authenticated username, then display this on the page from the code.
This all works fine when I debug the application from VS, but when published and displayed though Sharepoint, I always get NULL as the user.
Any suggestions on the best way to get this to work would be much appreciated.
If you want to retrieve the currently authenticated user from the SharePoint context, you need to remain within the SharePoint context. This means hosting your custom web application within SharePoint (see Then from your custom application reference Microsoft.SharePoint and use the SPContext object to retrieve the user name. For example:
You can still use the Page Viewer Web Part to reference the URL of the site, now located within the SharePoint context.
Thanks heaps for the answers!
Turns out that as long as the page is using the same URL and port as the Sharepoint site, authentication works across both sites.
The solution is to use a Virtual Directory inside of the sharepoint site and install the page there.
When it works in debug, is that being used in SharePoint?
Your page and the Sharepoint site might as well be on different servers as far as authentication is concerned -- in order to get the information over you might need to pass it via the QueryString from the webpart if you can -- or you might need to make your own webpart to do this (just put an IFRAME in the part with the src set to your page with the QueryString passing the username).
It does seem that this would be a security issue if you use the name for anything though -- if you are just displaying it, then it's probably fine.
If you actually need to be authenticated, you might need to add authentication into the web.config of the site hosting your standalone page.
edit: I think you'd have better luck putting your page on the same port and server as SharePoint.
I suspect you will have a hard time specifically querying SharePoint for the currently authenticated username. I can't think of a way to easily access the SharePoint context from a separate web application like you are describing.
I don't know what kind of authentication scheme you are using, but you may want to consider using Kerberos, as I've found that it can make these kinds of scenarios a little easier by allowing for delegation and passing credentials from application to application or server to server.
