Remove rows based on factor-levels - r

I have a data.frame df in format "long".
df <- data.frame(site = rep(c("A","B","C"), 1, 7),
time = c(11,11,11,22,22,22,33),
value = ceiling(rnorm(7)*10))
df <- df[order(df$site), ]
site time value
1 A 11 12
2 A 22 -24
3 A 33 -30
4 B 11 3
5 B 22 16
6 C 11 3
7 C 22 9
How do I remove the rows where an unique element of df$time is not present for each of the levels of df$site ?
In this case I want to remove df[3,], because for df$time the timestamp 33 is only present for site A and not for site B and site C.
Desired output:
site time value
1 A 11 12
2 A 22 -24
4 B 11 3
5 B 22 16
6 C 11 3
7 C 22 9
The data.frame has easily 800k rows and 200k unique timestamps. I don't want to use loops but I don't know how to use vectorized functions like apply() or lapply() for this case.

Here's another possible solution using the data.table package:
unTime <- unique(df$time)
DT <- data.table(df, key = "site")
(notInAll <- unique(DT[, list(ans = which(!unTime %in% time)), by = key(DT)]$ans))
# [1] 3
DT[time %in% unTime[-notInAll]]
# site time value
# [1,] A 11 3
# [2,] A 22 11
# [3,] B 11 -6
# [4,] B 22 -2
# [5,] C 11 -19
# [6,] C 22 -14
EDIT from Matthew
Nice. Or a slightly more direct way :
DT =
tt = DT[,length(unique(site)),by=time]
time V1
1: 11 3
2: 22 3
3: 33 1
tt = tt[V1==max(V1)] # See * below
time V1
1: 11 3
2: 22 3
DT[time %in% tt$time]
site time value
1: A 11 7
2: A 22 -2
3: B 11 8
4: B 22 -10
5: C 11 3
6: C 22 1
In case no time is present in all sites, when final result should be empty (as Ben pointed out in comments), the step marked * above could be :
tt = tt[V1==length(unique(DT$site))]

Would rle work for you?
df <- df[order(df$time), ]
df <- subset(df, time != rle(df$time)$value[rle(df$time)$lengths == 1])
df <- df[order(df$site), ]
## site time value
## 1 A 11 17
## 4 A 22 -3
## 2 B 11 8
## 5 B 22 5
## 3 C 11 0
## 6 C 22 13
Re-looking at your data, it seems that this solution might be too simple for your needs though....
Here's an approach that should be better than the rle solution that I put above. Rather than look for a run-length of "1", will delete rows that do not match certain conditions of the results of table(df$site, df$time). To illustrate, I've also added some more fake data.
df <- data.frame(site = rep(c("A","B","C"), 1, 7),
time = c(11,11,11,22,22,22,33),
value = ceiling(rnorm(7)*10))
df2 <- data.frame(site = rep(c("A","B","C"), 1, 7),
time = c(14,14,15,15,16,16,16),
value = ceiling(rnorm(7)*10))
df <- rbind(df, df2)
df <- df[order(df$site), ]
temp <- as.numeric(names(which(colSums(with(df, table(site, time)))
>= length(levels(df$site)))))
df2 <- merge(df, data.frame(temp), by.x = "time", by.y = "temp")
df2 <- df2[order(df2$site), ]
## time site value
## 3 11 A -2
## 4 16 A -2
## 7 22 A 2
## 1 11 B -16
## 5 16 B 3
## 8 22 B -6
## 2 11 C 8
## 6 16 C 11
## 9 22 C -10
Here's the result of tabulating and summing up the site/time combination:
colSums(with(df, table(site, time)))
## 11 14 15 16 22 33
## 3 2 2 3 3 1
Thus, if we were interested in including sites where at least two sites had the timestamp, we could change the line >= length(levels(df$site)) (in this example, 3) to >= length(levels(df$site))-1 (obviously, 2).
Not sure if this solution is useful to you at all, but I thought I would share it to show the flexibility in solutions we have with R.


Labelling rows according to how many times the group appeared in previous rows

Suppose I have the following data.frame object:
df = data.frame(id=(1:25),
From the snapshot above, you can see that there are two groups of rows that have col1=="a": rows 1 through 3 and rows 21 through 23. Similarly, there are three groups of rows that have col1=="e": row 15, rows 19 through 20 and rows 24 through 25 (and so on and so on with "b", "c" and "d").
Here's my main question
Is it possible to label the rows according to what "chunk" we're currently on? More explicitly: since rows 1 through 3 are the first time where we have col1=="a", they should be labelled as 1. Then, rows 21 through 23 should be labelled as 2, because that is the second time that we have a set of rows that have col1=="a". Using the same logic, but for col1=="e", we'd label row 15 as 1, rows 19 and 20 as 2 and rows 24 and 25 as 3 (again, so on and so on with "b", "c" and "d").
Desired output
Here is what the resulting data.frame would look like:
df = data.frame(id=(1:25),
My attempt
I tried implementing a solution using a for loop, but that was quite slow (the original data I'm working on has about 500,000 rows), and it just looked a bit sloppy:
my_classifier = function(input_df, ref_column){
# Keeps a tally of how many times each unique group was "found" before.
group_counter = list()
# Dealing with the corner case of the first row
group_counter[[df$col1[1]]] = 1
output_groups = rep(-1, nrow(input_df))
output_groups[1] = 1
# The for loop starts at the second row because I've already "dealt" with the
# first row in the corner cases above
for(i in 2:nrow(input_df)){
prev_group = input_df[[ref_column]][i-1]
this_group = input_df[[ref_column]][i]
this_counter = 0
this_counter = group_counter[[this_group]]
if(prev_group != this_group){
this_counter = this_counter + 1
output_groups[i] = this_counter
group_counter[[this_group]] = this_counter
df$grup = my_classifier(df,'col1')
Is there a quicker/more efficient way to solve this problem? Maybe something that relies on vectorized functions or something?
Important notes
Consider that we cannot rely on the number of repetitions of each "block". Sometimes, col1 will have just one single row of a particular group, while other times the "block" will have several rows where col1 share the same value. Also consider that we cannot assume any logic in the "order" or the number of times each group shows up.
So, for example, there might be a a stretch of 10 rows where col1=="z", then a stretch of 15 rows where col1=="x", then another single row where col1=="x" and then finally a stretch of 100 rows where col1=="w".
You can use data.table::rleid() twice, like this:
setDT(df)[,grp:=rleid(col1)][, grp:=rleid(grp), by=col1][order(id)]
id col1 grp
<int> <char> <int>
1: 1 a 1
2: 2 a 1
3: 3 a 1
4: 4 b 1
5: 5 b 1
6: 6 b 1
7: 7 c 1
8: 8 c 1
9: 9 c 1
10: 10 d 1
11: 11 d 1
12: 12 b 2
13: 13 b 2
14: 14 b 2
15: 15 e 1
16: 16 c 2
17: 17 c 2
18: 18 c 2
19: 19 e 2
20: 20 e 2
21: 21 a 2
22: 22 a 2
23: 23 a 2
24: 24 e 3
25: 25 e 3
id col1 grp
Here is a possible base R solution:
change <- with(rle(df$col1), rep(seq_along(values), lengths))
cbind(df, grp = with(df, ave(
FUN = function(x)
inverse.rle(within.list(rle(x), values <- seq_along(values)))
Or another option using a combination of rle and dplyr using the function from here:
rle_new <- function(x) {
x <- rle(x)$lengths
rep(seq_along(x), times=x)
df %>%
mutate(grp = rle_new(col1)) %>%
group_by(col1) %>%
mutate(grp = rle_new(grp))
id col1 grp
1 1 a 1
2 2 a 1
3 3 a 1
4 4 b 1
5 5 b 1
6 6 b 1
7 7 c 1
8 8 c 1
9 9 c 1
10 10 d 1
11 11 d 1
12 12 b 2
13 13 b 2
14 14 b 2
15 15 e 1
16 16 c 2
17 17 c 2
18 18 c 2
19 19 e 2
20 20 e 2
21 21 a 2
22 22 a 2
23 23 a 2
24 24 e 3
25 25 e 3

R - replace all values smaller than a specific value in a column with the nearest bigger value

I have a data frame like this one:
df <- data.frame(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7), c(0,23,55,0,1,40,21))
names(df) <- c("a", "b")
a b
1 0
2 23
3 55
4 0
5 1
6 40
7 21
Now I want to replace all values smaller than 22 in column b with the nearest bigger value. Of course it is possible to use loops, but since I have quite big datasets this is way too slow.
The solution should look somewhat like this:
a b
1 23
2 23
3 55
4 55
5 40
6 40
7 40
Here is a tidyverse possibility (but note #phiver's comment on replacement ambiguities)
df %>%
mutate(b = ifelse(b < 22, NA, b)) %>%
fill(b) %>%
fill(b, .direction = "up");
# a b
#1 1 23
#2 2 23
#3 3 55
#4 4 55
#5 5 55
#6 6 40
#7 7 40
Explanation: Replace values b < 22 with NA and then use fill to fill NAs with previous/following non-NA entries.
Sample data
df <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7), b = c(0,23,55,0,1,40,21))
You can use zoo::rollapply :
df$b <- rollapply(df$b,3,function(x)
if (x[2] < 22) min(x[x>22]) else x[2],
partial =T)
# df
# a b
# 1 1 23
# 2 2 23
# 3 3 55
# 4 4 55
# 5 5 40
# 6 6 40
# 7 7 40
In base R you could do this for the same output:
transform(df, b = sapply(seq_along(b),function(i)
if (b[i] < 22) {
bi <- c(b,Inf)[seq(i-1,i+1)]
} else b[i]))

Selecting rows by offsetting

I have this data frame, lets call it my_df.
It looks like this:
my_df <- data.frame(rnorm(n = 30,sd=.5),rep(c("a","b","c"),each=10))
names(my_df) <- c("num","let")
num let
1 0.01202600 a
2 1.09025768 a
3 -0.08656178 a
4 -0.04847073 a
5 -0.63750258 a
6 0.58846135 a
What I want to do is select all of the rows when my_df$let == "b" as well as the five rows before the first row when my_df$let == "b", and the five rows after the last row when my_df == "b". So basically my_df[6:25,].
The data I'm actually working with is hundreds of thousands of lines long and I don't know what rows is what, and besides that each set of data doesn't match up row wise and I can't take the time to go through each set of data individually. I've been using a subset to select the data I want, but I don't know how to select the additional rows outside of the subset (1000 rows before and after).
Here's my subset for what I'm doing:
#The following lines seperate pXX_NoNegative into individual field sections
p04_HighWeeds <- subset(p04_NoNegative, subset = p04_NoNegative$GS_Field == "High Weeds")
I want to select all of the rows that the above code selects, but I also want 100 rows before that, and 1000 rows after that.
If you need any additional information that may help you please ask.
Here's another idea using dplyr:
my_df %>% filter(lead(let == "b", 5) | lag(let == "b", 5))
Or as per #akrun suggestion using the devel version of data.table:
setDT(my_df)[shift(let == "b", 5) | shift(let == "b", type = "lead", 5)]
Which gives:
# num let
#1 0.36723709 a
#2 0.24743170 a
#3 -0.33339924 a
#4 -0.57024317 a
#5 0.03390278 a
#6 -0.43495096 b
#7 -0.85107347 b
#8 0.53048931 b
#9 -0.26739611 b
#10 -0.96029355 b
#11 -0.71737408 b
#12 0.34324685 b
#13 0.12319646 b
#14 0.75207703 b
#15 0.18134006 b
#16 -0.02230777 c
#17 0.42646106 c
#18 -0.11055478 c
#19 0.06013187 c
#20 0.50782158 c
Normally splitting a data frame into a list of data frames based on some categorization is straightforward -- you would use split(my_df, my_df$let) in your case. However with the added complication that you want some number of rows before or after I would operate over the set of unique categorizations, selecting the rows you want in each case:
before <- 5
after <- 5
ret <- setNames(lapply(unique(my_df$let), function(x) {
positions <- which(my_df$let == x)
start.pos <- max(1, min(positions)-before)
end.pos <- min(nrow(my_df), max(positions)+after)
}), unique(my_df$let))
You can grab the observations for any category you want out of the returned list:
ret$b # Also works: ret[["b"]]
# num let
# 6 -0.197901427 a
# 7 0.194607192 a
# 8 -0.107318203 a
# 9 -0.365313233 a
# 10 -0.188926562 a
# 11 0.636272295 b
# 12 -0.058791973 b
# 13 -0.231029510 b
# 14 0.519441716 b
# 15 0.239510912 b
# 16 0.107025658 b
# 17 -0.446644081 b
# 18 0.145052077 b
# 19 -0.426090749 b
# 20 -0.356062993 b
# 21 -0.155012203 c
# 22 -0.007968255 c
# 23 -0.504253089 c
# 24 0.081624303 c
# 25 -0.657008233 c
I recently answered a nearly identical question: Select n rows after specific number. Adapting the single-segment solution to your data:
set.seed(1); my_df <- data.frame(rnorm(n = 30,sd=.5),rep(c("a","b","c"),each=10));
names(my_df) <- c("num","let");
brange <- range(which(my_df$let=='b'));
my_df$offb <- c((1-brange[1]):-1,rep(0,diff(brange)+1),1:(nrow(my_df)-brange[2]));
## num let offb
## 1 -0.313226905 a -10
## 2 0.091821662 a -9
## 3 -0.417814306 a -8
## 4 0.797640401 a -7
## 5 0.164753886 a -6
## 6 -0.410234192 a -5
## 7 0.243714526 a -4
## 8 0.369162353 a -3
## 9 0.287890676 a -2
## 10 -0.152694194 a -1
## 11 0.755890584 b 0
## 12 0.194921618 b 0
## 13 -0.310620290 b 0
## 14 -1.107349944 b 0
## 15 0.562465459 b 0
## 16 -0.022466805 b 0
## 17 -0.008095132 b 0
## 18 0.471918105 b 0
## 19 0.410610598 b 0
## 20 0.296950661 b 0
## 21 0.459488686 c 1
## 22 0.391068150 c 2
## 23 0.037282492 c 3
## 24 -0.994675848 c 4
## 25 0.309912874 c 5
## 26 -0.028064370 c 6
## 27 -0.077897753 c 7
## 28 -0.735376192 c 8
## 29 -0.239075028 c 9
## 30 0.208970780 c 10
## num let offb
## 6 -0.410234192 a -5
## 7 0.243714526 a -4
## 8 0.369162353 a -3
## 9 0.287890676 a -2
## 10 -0.152694194 a -1
## 11 0.755890584 b 0
## 12 0.194921618 b 0
## 13 -0.310620290 b 0
## 14 -1.107349944 b 0
## 15 0.562465459 b 0
## 16 -0.022466805 b 0
## 17 -0.008095132 b 0
## 18 0.471918105 b 0
## 19 0.410610598 b 0
## 20 0.296950661 b 0
## 21 0.459488686 c 1
## 22 0.391068150 c 2
## 23 0.037282492 c 3
## 24 -0.994675848 c 4
## 25 0.309912874 c 5

automating a normal transformation function in R over multiple columns

I have a data frame m with:
id w y z
1 2 5 8
2 18 5 98
3 1 25 5
4 52 25 8
5 5 5 4
6 3 3 5
Below is a general function for normally transforming a variable that I need to apply to columns w,y,z.
For example, if I wanted to run this function on "column w" to get the output column appended to dataframe "m" then:
Can someone help me automate this to run on multiple columns in data frame m?
Ideally, I would want an output data frame with the following columns:
id w y z w_n y_n z_n
Note this is a sample data frame, the one I have is much larger and I have more letter columns to run this function on other than w, y,z.
Probably a way to do it in a single step, but what about:
df <- data.frame(id = 1:6, w = sample(50, 6), z = sample(50, 6) )
id w z
1 1 39 40
2 2 20 26
3 3 43 11
4 4 4 37
5 5 36 24
6 6 27 14
transCols <- function(x) qnorm((rank(x,na.last="keep")-0.5)/sum(!
tmpdf <- lapply(df[, -1], transCols)
names(tmpdf) <- paste0(names(tmpdf), "_n")
df_final <- cbind(df, tmpdf)
id w z w_n z_n
1 1 39 40 -0.2104284 -1.3829941
2 2 20 26 1.3829941 1.3829941
3 3 43 11 0.2104284 0.6744898
4 4 4 37 -1.3829941 0.2104284
5 5 36 24 0.6744898 -0.6744898
6 6 27 14 -0.6744898 -0.2104284

R ifelse condition with hourly data: frequency of continuously NA

With the help of sebastian-c, I figured out my problem with daily data. Please see: R ifelse condition: frequency of continuously NA
And now I have a data set with hourly data:
day <- c(rep(1:2, each=24))
hr <- c(rep(0:23, 2))
v <- c(rep(NA, 48))
A <- data.frame(cbind(day, hr, v))
A$v <- sample(c(NA, rnorm(100)), nrow(A), prob=c(0.5, rep(0.5/100, 100)), replace=TRUE)
What I need to do is: If there are more(>=) 4 continuously missing day-hours(7AM-7PM) or >= 3 continuously missing night-hours(7PM-7AM), I will delete the entire day from the data frame, otherwise just run linear interpolation. Thus, the second day should be entirely deleted from the data frame since there are 4 continuously NA during day-time (7AM-10AM). The result is preferably remain data frame. Please help, thank you!
If I modify the NA_run function from the question you linked to take a variable named v instead of value and return the boolean rather than the data.frame:
NA_run <- function(x, maxlen){
runs <- rle($v))
any(runs$lengths[runs$values] >= maxlen)
I can then write a wrapper function to call it twice for daytime and nighttime:
dropfun <- function(x) {
dt <- x$hr > 7 & x$hr < 19
daytime <- NA_run(x[dt,], 4)
nighttime <- NA_run(x[!dt,], 3)
any(daytime, nighttime)
Which gives me a data.frame of days to drop.
> ddply(A, .(day), dropfun)
day V1
1 1 TRUE
We can alter the dropfun to return the dataframe instead though:
dropfun <- function(x) {
dt <- x$hr > 7 & x$hr < 19
daytime <- NA_run(x[dt,], 4)
nighttime <- NA_run(x[!dt,], 3)
if(any(daytime, nighttime)) NULL else x
> ddply(A, .(day), dropfun)
day hr v
1 2 0 NA
2 2 1 NA
3 2 2 2.54899107
4 2 3 NA
5 2 4 -0.03476039
6 2 5 NA
7 2 6 0.65658846
8 2 7 0.95949406
9 2 8 NA
10 2 9 1.08444118
11 2 10 0.95949406
12 2 11 NA
13 2 12 -1.80603126
14 2 13 NA
15 2 14 NA
16 2 15 0.97291675
17 2 16 NA
18 2 17 NA
19 2 18 NA
20 2 19 -0.29429386
21 2 20 0.87820363
22 2 21 NA
23 2 22 0.56305582
24 2 23 -0.11028549
