What does DotLess' "web" attribute do exactly? - asp.net

The dotless documentation is quite limited. I can't find much information at all about the configsection options - especially what the "web" attribute does.
Can anyone enlighten me?

The code is normally pretty good documentation for open source projects ;)
Grab a copy of the code and look in dotless.Core > configuration > DotlessConfiguration.cs you will see some handy comments about all the config elements - this is the Web one
/// <summary>
/// Whether this is used in a web context or not
/// </summary>
public bool Web { get; set; }
Admittedly it doesn't tell you a great deal but find the references to that property and you come across only one place in the code where it is used -
if (!configuration.Web)
Which starts to give you a better clue as to what it does which is this
protected virtual void RegisterLocalServices(FluentRegistration pandora)
So it sets up in memory caching, logging to the console etc (i.e services it uses if not in a web context)


C#/ASP.NET MVC 4 Instantiate Object Derived From Interface In Factory Method

Currently have a Factory class that features a GetSelector function, which returns a concrete implementation of ISelector. I have several different classes that implement ISelector and based on a setting I would like to receive the appropriate ISelector back.
public interface ISelector
string GetValue(string Params);
public class XmlSelector : ISelector
public string GetValue(string Params)
// open XML file and get value
public static class SelectorFactory
public static ISelector GetSelector()
return new XmlSelector(); // Needs changing to look at settings
My question is what is the best way to store the setting? I am aware of using AppSettings etc. but I'm not sure whether I want to have to store strings in the web.config and perform a switch on it - just seems to be really tightly coupled in that if a new implementation of ISelector is made, then the Factory would need to be changed. Is there any way of perhaps storing an assembly name and instantiating based on that?
It is hard to say, because I don't know the architecture of your particular project, but at a first glance what I would do is if the objects associated with ISelector can be decoupled from your web application, I would put these objects in a class library along with the factory. Your factory will need to be changed if you implement a new ISelector, but if you can decouple the whole ISelector family from your actual web application the depth of the refactoring you will have to do will be minimal compared to a monolithic architecture.
Personally, I tend to avoid AppSettings, web.config settings and the like for mission-critical design questions. Using the web.config as an example, I have seen applications where architectural data is stored for ease of configurability. The problem is that after compilation your web.config can be changed (that is the purpose of it after all) and if the implementation of your classes depends on very specific values being chosen, you are running a risk of a crash when someone inadvertently modifies the wrong value.
Like I said all this depends entirely on your application architecture, but my reflex would be to split out the components that could be subject to future modification into a class library. Loose coupling is your friend ;).
Instead of doing it in AppSettings, I think a better approach will be to create a separate XML file, which will only hold the mappings and from that file you can iterate through the mappings and return correct instance in GetSelector().

Fluorine TransientAttribute and Linq-to-SQL

I've found a workaround, but I had trouble earlier this week working with FluorineFx, where I had a Linq-to-SQL–generated object I wanted to send over the wire to Flash. This object contained a property that Flash didn't need:
[Association(Name="User_UserEntry", Storage="_UserEntries",
ThisKey="UserID", OtherKey="UserID")]
public EntitySet<UserEntry> UserEntries { ... }
But Flex couldn't handle reinflating this type, throwing:
ArgumentError: Error #2173: Unable to read object in stream. The class flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection does not implement flash.utils.IExternalizable but is aliased to an externalizable class.
Now I didn't need to send the property over the wire, so I tried the steps that Marc Gravell suggested in issue 456624, firstly adding attributes to it using the MetadataTypeAttribute in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations (found from JasonW's comment on issue 393687:
public partial class User { }
internal class UserMetadata
public EntitySet<UserEntry> UserEntries { get; set; }
Unfortunately it seems that FluorineFx doesn't support metadata attributes yet (which isn't very surprising, tbh, they are quite new).
What I ended up having to do was create a dedicated DTO, with all the properties that Flash cared about and none of the properties it didn't. Not the most elegant of solutions.
So, have other people come across this problem and have you found more-elegant ways of solving it?
I use the Transient attribute and it works fine. I do work with the latest FluorineFx release from SVN.

How can I improve our CM.AppSettings references

Classes throughout our solution referenced ConfigurationManater.AppSettings[""] to get appSettings (from web.config).
We decided we weren't happy with that. Folks were mistyping appSetting key names in code (which compiled fine), and it was cumbersome to track usages. And then there's the duplicated strings throughout the codebase as you reference the same appSettings all over the place.
So, we decided that only one class would be allowed to reference the ConfigurationManager, and the rest of the solution would reference that class when it needed the value of a certain appSetting. ConfigurationManater.AppSettings[""] was static, so we exposed a bunch of static read-only properties off of our single Settings class.
public class Settings {
public static string Foo {
get {
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Foo"];
That worked pretty well, until we needed to mock the settings in our tests. We created an interface to enable our mocking (was this a mistake of any kind?).
public interface ISettings {
string Foo {
public class Settings : ISettings {
public string Foo {
get {
return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Foo"];
And now we're injecting the ISettings instance as a dependency of the objects which use settings values (the class/interface are in a project that everyone can reference without problems).
In places where we can't inject an existing instance (e.g. Global.asax), we construct a new instance into a static field.
Given all of that, what would you recommend we change, and why?
Using an interface to represent configuration is a good idea. But your implementation looks a little off.
Joshua Flanagan wrote about writing application configuration code in a way that specific configuration sections can be injected into your code. This is a good idea, as it really decouples your code from worrying about details behind configuration. Have a read.
I think this will address the issue you are having re. testability.

ASP.net MVC v2 - Debugging Model Binding Issues - BUG?

I am having more than a little difficulty trying to debug why MVC is not binding correctly in a given case I have...
Basically, I have my action which receives a complex object which in turn has a complex child object - Activity.Location.State (Where Activity is the complex object that the action expects, Location is a complex child object and State is just a string).
Now I set up a test project which as far as I can tell exactly mimics the actually scenario I have, in this test case the binding works... But in my actually project, the binding to Activity works but not to Location... By putting break points within the Locaiton property I can tell that MVC is retrieving the complex Location object from the Activity, but its not setting any of the properties...
I am trying to debug the issue but I need access to the MVC v2 preview 2 symbols which I can't seem to track down... I would like to see what it is actually doing once it pulls out the location object (for some reason I think it might be failing internally but swallowing the exception).
Any ideas on what I could do here...
Ok I did what J.W. suggested and directly reference the MVC project...
I found the problem and there was one very small difference that I overlooked... As I result I found out that MVC does not currently support multiple levels of INTERFACE inheritance when it comes to model binding... See the following...
public class Location : ILocation
public interface ILocation : ILocationCore
public interface ILocationCore //In my sample I didn't have this second level interface
//MVC doesn't find any of these properties
public class Activity : IActivity
public interface IActivity : IActivityCore
ILocation Location { get; set; } //MVC finds this and reads its meta type as an ILocation
//Also the implementation of this Location within Activity will always return a instance - our IoC takes care of that, so MVC should never have to create the instance
public interface IActivityCore
public ActionResult Create(Activity activity)
Hence what I have found is that MVC finds the Location and reads its meta type as an ILocation, but when GetModelProperties is run within the DefaultModelBinder the following occurs -
protected virtual PropertyDescriptorCollection GetModelProperties(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) {
return GetTypeDescriptor(controllerContext, bindingContext).GetProperties();
//This return no properties
protected virtual ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) {
return new AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(bindingContext.ModelType).GetTypeDescriptor(bindingContext.ModelType);
//bindingContext.ModelType - is ILocation
Hence I am assuming at this point that TypeDescriptionProvider doesn't support this style of inheritance, which i am quite surprised by. Also looking at the v1 source it looks like this was introduced with v2 - but v1 mightn't have been able to support what I am trying to do anyway.
I wouldn't say that this is really a bug, but I tried replacing my the interfaces with concrete classes and it worked fine. Hence the behavior isn't really what I would expect and is a little inconsistent.
Any thoughts??? I would have thought that this inheritance was not fairly standard but would occur often enough to be catered for. Thanks for the reply.
Turns out this behavior is by design due to how interface inheritance works. Interfaces do not define implementations, thus ILocation doesn't "inherit" the properties of ILocationSource. Rather, ILocation only defines what a concrete implementation must implement.
For the full details including the section of the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) spec which defines this behavior, check out: http://haacked.com/archive/2009/11/10/interface-inheritance-esoterica.aspx
I would simply reference to the asp.net mvc2 source code published in codeplex. I did that, it's very straightforward.
It will give you much better understanding when you debugging through the source code.

What is the best way to reuse pages from one website in another?

I'm developing a new ASP .NET website which is effectively a subset of the pages in another site we've just released. Two or three of the pages will need minor tweaks but nothing significant.
The obvious answer is to simply copy all of the code and markup files into the new project, make the aforementioned tweaks, and consider the job done. However I'm not keen on this at all due to the amount of duplicated code it will create.
My next idea was to move the code for the pages (i.e. the code-behind file) into a separate assembly which can then be referenced from both sites. This is a little awkward however as if you don't take the designer file with it, you get a lot of build errors relating to missing controls. I don't think moving the designer file is a good idea though as this will need to be regenerated each time the markup is altered.
Does anyone have any suggestions for a clean solution to this problem?
You might want to take a look at the MVP pattern. Since you are probably using WebForms it would be hard to migrate to ASP.Net MVC, but you could implement MVP pretty easily into existing apps.
On a basic level you would move all the business logic into a Presenter class that has a View that represents some sort of interface:
public class SomePresenter
public ISomeView View{get; set;}
public void InitializeView()
//Setup all the stuff on the view the first time
View.Name = //Load from database
View.Orders = //Load from database
public void LoadView()
//Handle all the stuff that happens each time the view loads
public Int32 AddOrder(Order newOrder)
//Code to update orders and then update the view
You would define your interface to hold the atomic types you want to display:
public interface ISomeView
String Name {get; set;}
IList<Order> Orders{get; set;}
Once those are defined you can now simply implement the interface in your form:
public partial class SomeConcreteView : System.Web.UI.Page, ISomeView
public SomePresenter Presenter{get; set;}
public SomeConcreteView()
Presenter = new SomePresenter();
//Use the current page as the view instance
Presenter.View = this;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Implement your members to bind to actual UI elements
public String Name
get{ return lblName.Text; }
set{ lblName.Text = value; }
public IList<Order> Orders
get{ return (IList<Order>)ordersGrid.DataSource; }
ordersGrid.DataSource = value;
//Respond to UI events and forward them to the presenter
protected virtual void addOrderButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Order newOrder = //Get order from UI
As you can see, your code behind is now extremely simple so code duplication is not a big deal. Since the core business logic is all wrapped up in a DLL somewhere, you don't have to worry about functionality getting out of sync. Presenters can be used in multiple views, so you have high reuse, and you are free to change the UI without affecting the business logic as long as you adhere to the contract.
This same pattern can apply to user controls as well, so you can get as modular as you need to. This pattern also opens up the possibility for you to unit test your logic without having to run a browser :)
The patterns and practices group has a nice implementation of this: WCSF
However, you don't have to use their framework to implement this pattern. I know this may look a little daunting at first, but it will solve many of the problems (In my opinion) you are running into.
Create user controls (widgets) or templates to tweak what you want to achieve.
It might also be possible to achieve the same with CSS styles or JavaScript.
Why not create user controls (or custom controls) from the pages which you wish to share? You can then re-use these across both sites.
What we use in our project (JSP, not ASP, but when it comes to building and files it surely isn't an issue?) is to have a base folder of common files, and then another ("instance") folder of additional files and overwrites, and our build script (in ANT, Maven should be fine too) will first copy the base folders, and then based upon a parameter supplied select which instance's files to copy across as well.
Thus we can change a file in the base, and have it apply across all instances.
An issue is that changing a base file will not update any instance file that overwrites it but at least you can make a process for these updates. Presumably you could also use the SVN (etc) revision to flag a build error is an instance file is older than a base file, but we haven't implemented anything that clever yet.
In addition your back-end code (Struts actions in our case) will end up handling all cases rather than any particular instance's cases only. But at least all the code is in one place, and the logic should be clear ("if (instance == FooInstance) { doFooInstanceStuff(...); }").
