Failure creating BizTalk application on remote server using MSBuild extension pack - biztalk

I have an msbuild script that tries to create and deploy a BizTalk application to a remote server. I use the following task:
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.BizTalkApplication TaskAction="Create" MachineName="$(BizTalkServer)" Applications="$(BizTalkApplicationName)" />
When trying to deploy on a remote server, I get the following error
error : COMException: Application registration failed because the
application already exists.
But that is not true, the application does not exist.
Searching on the net results in the following link, suggesting setting the MSDTC properties:
But the DTC has been setup like this on both the local and remote server:
It is also worhty of note that I run two other tasks against the remote BizTalk server to check the existence of the application, and the existence of the WCF-SQL adapter. These both succeed.
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.BizTalkApplication TaskAction="CheckExists" MachineName="$(BizTalkServer)" Application="$(BizTalkApplicationName)">
<Output TaskParameter="Exists"
PropertyName="ApplicationExists" />
<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.BizTalk.BizTalkAdaptor TaskAction="CheckExists" MachineName="$(BizTalkServer)" AdaptorName="WCF-SQL">
<Output TaskParameter="Exists" PropertyName="AdaptorExists" />
I inspected the event log. Don't know why I didn't think of that to begin with. I get the following 3 events:
1st event, Level=Information, Source=Sql server
Attempting to initialize Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
(MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is
2nd event, Level=Information, Source=Sql server
The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) service
could not be contacted. If you would like distributed transaction
functionality, please start this service.
3rd event, Level=Error, Source=BizTalk
Unable to communicate with MessageBox BizTalkMsgBoxDb on SQL Instance
.. Error Code: 0x8004d01c. Possible reasons include:
1) The MessageBox is unavailable.
2) The network link from this machine to the MessageBox is down.
3) The DTC Configuration on either this local machine or the machine hosting this MessageBox is incorrect.

I discovered that although there is no BizTalk application on the remote server, the one I'm attempting to deploy to, with that name, there was a BizTalk application on the local server, the one I'm attempting to deploy from, with the specified name.
That shouldn't prevent me from deploying the application to a remote server but it does.
This behavior is present both when I use the MSBuild extension pack BizTalk tasks, and when I try to use btstask.exe to create a remote application.


ASP.NET 4.5 Connection string to SQL Server 2019 - "An error occurred while communicating with the database"

So my company has an old legacy .NET 4.5 web application running on IIS (version 8.5.9600.16384) in which it's application database resides on Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP3)... This works perfectly fine.
However (due to decommissioning / upgrades) we want to move the database to our SQL Server 2019 Server. So I took the original .NET package and re-imported it >> during the wizard I entered the SQL Server 2019 Server / db path and renamed the solution name with '_TEST' suffix >> then restarted IIS. The resulting connection string looks like this (as expected / mirroring the original working one however with the new server / db / uname):
connection string in IIS
When I go to test logging in to the web application (via IE11), I get the following "an error occurred while communicating with the database" error after clicking login:
Error message
We also tested the same exact SQL Server 2019 connection string through Powershell on this same web server and we are able to connect into the database, so it would seem that there's some mechanism failing inside the .NET application whether there's a configuration or driver not quite right somewhere.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could potentially try next or what the issue might be here?
It seems you need to use the correct connectionstring. I know it works in your previous sql server 2014. Please follow the below steps to get the connection string, and replace it in your web.config. And the settings sync to your IIS.
If there also have any errors, you can update your post.
open your vs2019, and open sql server object explorer .
Add new server, and type the information to connect your sql server 2019.
After connect to the sql server, please click the Properties to copy the Connection string.

Cannot create SQL Server DB within Amazon RDS Instance

This seems to be a common question, however I haven't found a solution out there and many related questions are quite vague. Anyways, I am deploying an ASP.NET MVC 5 application to AWS using the AWS toolkit for Visual Studio Pro 2013. I have successfully published the app to Elastic Beanstalk with the exception of my database file which exists as a localDB database (.mdf). In trying to migrate this (very small) database I have created an RDS DB instance for SQL Server Express. My issue is that I cannot create a SQL Server DB which appears to be a common issue for VS users: I right click on the DB instance, select "Create SQL Server Database", VS is busy for a few moments and then nothing happens.
What I have done thus far:
I have an RDS instance created on a VPC with a security group that has an Inbound rule set to allow all traffic from my IP
I have an IAM user account with the following policies: PowerUserAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, AmazonVPCFullAccess (I imagine some of this is redundant-I added additional policies to see if it was a permission issue)
So to succinctly state my questions, why is Visual Studio failing to create the SQL Server DB within the database instance? Or alternatively, is there a simpler method of migrating my database to AWS?
Just FYI, these are the references I have been using to deploy my application:
I'm brand new at AWS so let me know if clarification is needed.
Update: I checked the logs for my instance and I'm getting error logs
2014-12-12 18:16:02.72 Server The SQL Server Network Interface library could not register the Service Principal Name (SPN) [ MSSQLSvc/AMAZONA-E3AJMJI ] for the SQL Server service. Windows return code: 0xffffffff, state: 53. Failure to register a SPN might cause integrated authentication to use NTLM instead of Kerberos. This is an informational message. Further action is only required if Kerberos authentication is required by authentication policies and if the SPN has not been manually registered.
2014-12-12 18:47:23.72 Logon Error: 17806, Severity: 20, State: 14.
2014-12-12 18:47:23.72 Logon SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c, state 14 while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. Reason: AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows error code indicates the cause of failure. The logon attempt failed [CLIENT:]
2014-12-12 18:47:23.73 Logon Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.
2014-12-12 18:47:23.73 Logon Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. [CLIENT:]
UPDATE: Issue solved. We use a proxy server in my office which seemed to cause authentication with the RDS instance to fail, not allowing me to connect from my machine. I accepted Ossman's answer as I think it solves a lot of similar questions I've come across trying to solve this.
This is a AWS explorer for Visual Studio 2013 bug and actually occurs because you're using the "default security group" by default when you're creating your DB instance in RDS.
Access the EC2 Service in AWS Management Console.
Click on "Security Groups", and then on "Create Security Group"
Give it a Name, Description and use "vpc-0846aa61" as VPC.
And then add following rule for both "Inbound" and "OutBound" rules
Type: "All traffic"
Source (for Inbound): "Anywhere"
Destination (for Outbound): "Anywhere"
Then Create the Security Group
Go back to your DB Instance and then change the "default" security group to the one you just created. This is done by clicking "Instance Actions" and then "Modify".
Then you should be able to see following window when you right click on your instance in Visual Studio and clicking on "Create SQL Server Database":
My DB Instance:

What does error ORA-12571 (TNS:packet writer failure) mean in a Web Service?

Background: I'm calling a Web Service written in ASP.NET that queries an Oracle database. I know the Web Service itself works, because I've used it before other applications. So I have a web application in Visual Studio that I've been switching back and forth to point from a 'DEV' web service to a production configured version of the same web service for testing. Pointing to the 'DEV' configured web service is no problem, but calling the production version I always get an exception calling the service:
SoapException was unhandled by user code
Server was unable to process request. ---> could not execute query
[ SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ FROM ABC.TABLE_A this_ WHERE this_.FIELD1 like :p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1 asc ]
Positional parameters: #0>00073%
[SQL: SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ FROM ABC.TABLE_A this_ WHERE this_.FIELD1 like :p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1] ---> ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
I ran the SQL queries against the appropriate database (cut and pasted straight out of the exception message) and the query came back with the expected data. I've tried updating and re-adding the Web Service reference both as a "Service Reference" (.NET 3.0+ way) and as a "Web Reference" (Older .NET way), and both give the same error.
Question: So, what does a "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure" error mean in the context of a Web Service? Looking up the Oracle Error number gives some very vague possible causes such as "loose cable connection" or "IP address conflict". I'm fairly certain it's neither of these, since a different application is currently successfully using that Web Service. Possibly some kind of configuration error, or maybe something more subtle? Anyone else seen this vexing Oracle error number being attributed to something web-service related?
Your call is going from the ws client to the ws server to the oracle database.
Your error is an ORA error, which is generated by the database. So your problem is probably between the ws server and the database.
When you ran "the SQL queries against the appropriate database", did you do it from the web server? If not could you try that. Make sure that you are using the same connection configuration.
As per the comment below, the real problem was a driver mismatch.
I would suggest re-examining your assumptions more carefully, as this is clearly an error in the web-service dialogue with the db and should be completely independent of the w/s caller.
If the w/s call is generating this specific exception, it should be doing so for all other invocations, so your 'other application' that's using the web service successfully is simply not executing the same code or there are outside factors at play.
Either way, it's unrelated to how the service is registered or invoked.

BizTalk SSO configuration and SQL Error 18456, Severity 14, State 16

I'm having a major issue trying to configure a new install of BizTalk Server 2006 (not R2). The server had BizTalk installed on it before, and it was working fine. I've uninstalled BizTalk, removed the databases and jobs from the SQL server, which is a separate machine, and re-installed BizTalk. The install was successful, with no errors during the install, and nothing in the install logs.
I'm configuring the BizTalk server to be the SSO master secret server, along with creating a new BizTalk group and registering the BizTalk runtime. The process always errors out on creating the SSO database on the SQL server. In the ConfigLog, there are a couple of warnings that the MSSQLServerOLAPService does not exist, then it shows errors on creating the SSO database. There are 4 in a row. In order, they are:
Error ConfigHelper] [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Error ConfigHelper] SQL error: 08001 Native error code: 17
Error ConfigHelper] c:\depotsetupv2\private\common\configwizard\confighelper\sqlhelper.cpp(1176): FAILED hr = 80004005
Error ConfigHelper] c:\depotsetupv2\private\common\configwizard\confighelper\sqlhelper.cpp(918): FAILED hr = 80004005
It then has similar errors trying to create each of the BizTalk databases.
On the SQL server, there are corresponding errors in the SQL Server Logs - 2 for each attempt
Login failed for user '[USERNAME]'.[CLIENT: [IP ADDRESS]]
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16
The first error from the SQL logs also shows up as a failure audit in the SQL server's application event log.
The biggest issue I am having with this is that the user I am logged on to the BizTalk server is a local admin on both the BizTalk server and the SQL server, and is in the SQL sysadmin group. The user that I am configuring the BizTalk services to run under is also a local admin on both servers and in the sysadmin group on the SQL server. I've checked the MSDTC settings on both machines and made sure they are set as the BizTalk documentation recommends. SQL Browser is running on the SQL machine, and I've verified that network access is allowed using the SQL Surface Area Configuration tool.
Can anyone help me find something that I might have missed?
Re: Igal:
Yes, all of the servers and users are on the same domain. I've run across that posting on SQL protocols in researching this, but I tried to select a count from one of the tables in the default database of the logged in user while connected to another database. I had no problems at all running that query.
Re: Yossi:
I'm installing BizTalk on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP1. Yes, I have removed the SSODB (Wouldn't out it past myself to miss something like that though!). I will make sure I am providing the usernames correctly and check out the sources you linked and get back to you.
A few of pointers:
Check out the two points at the end of the Configuring Enterprise SSO Using the Configuration Manager page on MSDN:
When configuring the SSO Windows
accounts using local accounts, you
must specify the account name without
the computer name.
When using a local SQL Server named
instance as data store, you must use
LocalMachineName\InstanceName instead
of LocalMachineName\InstanceName,
Check out the relevant installation guide (don't worry about the fact that it relates to R2, they seems to have hidden the 'R1' documentation, but they are the same), and specifically the section around "Windows Groups and Service Accounts"
also - just to be sure - when you have uninstalled BizTalk and removed the databases - you have removed the SSODB as well, right?! :-)
The log files are very confusing - especially when deciding which error is the acutal problem - have you tried looking up any other errors you've had? (check out this blog entry, for example)
I had everything set up properly. Unfortunately for me, the answer was the standard "Windows" answer - reboot and try again. As soon as I rebooted the SQL server, I was able to configure BizTalk just fine.
I am going to set Yossi's answer as accepted, however, since that would be the most relevant for anyone else who may be reading this question.
Just remember to reboot after all setting changes!
Make sure the BizTalkMgmtDb and BizTalkMsgBoxDb have your local admin account as DB OWNER.
Right click on the databases --> Properties --> Files --> Owner:

BizTalk 2006 Tutorial 1: EDI-to-XML Document Translation

I cannot find the translated file after running the solution in BizTalk 2006 Tutorial Lesson 3: Run the EDI-to-XML Solution.
It should be placed in the c:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 \EDI\Adapter\Getting Started with EDI\Northwind\In folder.
The Base EDI adapter picks up the file in c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\BizTalk Server 2006 \EDI\Subsystem\Documents\PickupEDI folder, but I cannot find the translated file in the X-12 4010 850 document format.
I'm not immediately familiar with the tutorial you mention, but below are steps to find where any document has gone to in BizTalk.
First two places to check are in the event viewer and in the BizTalk Server Administration Console.
Check you have no errors in the event viewer.
In the admin console, click on the BizTalk Group in the left hand window and you should see two columns in the right hand pane, Work in Progress and Suspended Items. Click on Running service instances and Suspended service instances. Check that you message is not delayed for any reason (a Send Port being turned off perhaps).
Next, from Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 select the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool.
In HAT, select Queries -> Most recent 100 service instances. Find the pipeline that will have wrote out your file, right click the service instance and select Message Flow. In the message flow view you should see in the URL the disk location where your file was written to.
(You can also look in the admin console to check where the send port is pointing)
Thanks for your suggestion regarding how to troubleshoot an issue of BizTalk Server from generic point of view. It did help. I have resolved this problem by reading error logs.
Here is the error:
Access denied. The client user must be a member of one of the following accounts to perform this function.
SSO Administrators: SSO Administrators
SSO Affiliate Administrators: SSO Affiliate Administrators
Application Administrators: BizTalk Server Administrators
Application Users: BizTalk Application Users
It works now after adding a service account to "SSO Administrators" and restart all BizTalk related services.
