How to integrate a Sharepoint Blog into ASP.NET web application? -

Googling did not result any useful answers so I'm trying you.
Has anyone out there ever done an integration of a Sharepoint Blog into an ASP.NET web application? Or, do you know of any sharepoint web services available for retrieving and updating sharepoint blog content? Any info is appreciated.
Sharepoint is MOSS 2010
The web application is a sitecore intranet
portal 3.3 but this may be inconsequential

There wouldn't be a simple solution to this, however here are a couple of approaches you could explore:
1) Consume the SharePoint Blog RSS feed in your .NET application to get the blog posts
2) Use the SharePoint Client Object Model to interact with SharePoint via custom code. Using the object model (through C# or VB) you could create new posts (which are just list items) as well as retrieve them. Here is a good place to start on writing custom code with the Client Object Model:

Check this open source web part
It would be very simple to convert to generic .net usage, contact Bendsoft at their forum (, maybe they will help you with some of the work. It isn't very difficult when using a connector.
The solution is compatible with both SP 2007, 2010 and also feature versions like 2013.


Sharepoint 2007 user control or webpart

I need to write some functionality to present on a sharepoint site which needs to work with a back end sql database. I would also like to leverage the core functionality of this 'component' in a standard website. I am a newbie with SharePoint and especially with old version like 2007, is it best to do this as a webpart or a user control. What would be the benefits / drawbacks of each.
Appreciate any guidance / links to other materials.
if you create user controls you will be able to use them in another project - the drawback is that SP2007 is 2.0/3.5 as is SP2010; but in Asp.Net you can take full advantage of .Net 4.0 and above.
A User control - specifically designed as a standalone control will be re-usable in more projects so make sure you add it in its own project rather than wrapping it up into the SharePoint Web Part project.
If I have to make a choice then at that moment I will prefer the User Control.
There arae mainly two advantages of that.1. You can reuse it in any other project if it will require same functionality like this one.2. As Mauro said SP 2007 is 2.0/3.5. You can work with that one too.
AS you are a new bee in sharepoint you can work with the more easily then wrapping it in the sharepoint web part object.
hope my answer help you in decision

Integrating N2CMS with existing ASP.Net Website

We need to select a CMS for our company's website which will allow the designers to make changes to the pages, add pages, view and publish them.
We r using Visual Studio 2010 for web development and includes Global.asax, Masterpages, User-/Custom-Controls, Security (FormsAuthentication, custom Membership-/RoleProvider). W ehave SQL server 2008 for the DB.
I have looked into various CMS like Sitefinity,N2CMS, Umbraco, DotNetnuke. We kinda liked playing with the demo of N2CMS. We don't want to start developing the site from scratch. We want to integrate some CMS into our application for the designers to use. However, I can't find any helpful documentation regarding the integration. Everyone starts talking building from sctrach. The documentation for N2CMS seems so outdated.
If anyone can guide me how to set a CMS into exsiting application, I will really appreciate it.

Developing MS Outlook Plugin using .NET

I am currently building 3-tired ASP.NET 3.5 Web application which has workflows built in for manager approvals. Currently there is a dashboard on the homepage of the website where all the pending approvals are displayed in a webpart. I want to build a plugin for MS Outlook so that whenever there is a new request for approval I want that request to show up in MS outlook. Where do I start with this? Do I have to expose my business logic layer through webservices? Can anyone please point me towards some useful material or books?
It's been a while, but I can give you a quick heads up.
Have built a single add-on to Outlook 2007. between 2003 and 2007 you develop the add-ons differently. Since the introduction of the Ribbon 2007.
I used WCF to setup Web Services (a simple API) within my web application. Then, connected to that API from an Outlook application. If I remember correctly, there is a template in visual studio to use for building Office Add-ins.
I just did some google searching and this was nearly 2 years ago. there was very limited info then. Now there should be more.
Hope that helps.
I've done some VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code in the past, but I think you should check out this video on the Microsoft site.

CMS for .Net web applications

i am working on a web application that now requires a CMS.
Could you suggest me a product that grant integration with my existing application.
The latter is implemented using .Net framework 3.5 Linq to sql and SQL Server 2008
I may consider even not open source product (affordable price)
i want to create a Master page and allow the application's users to modify the content.
Ideally give them the ability to add controls such as image sliders (but this is not the main scope)
Main objective is the ability to modify the content usually text. Bu more is always better........
Thanks is very powerful cms that can be integrated with your application. is a good open source choice.
Graffiti is now Open Source. I'm not sure how it integrates with an existing application.
SharePoint is the obvious answer, considering it's an ASP.NET application itself. It's free with Windows Server 2003 or 2008.
Umbraco is fantastic and free. Allowing you to integrate many plugins. If you are a developer you will probably fall in live as it offers a lot of integration.
DotNetNuke has a great (if not long winded) video intro and online demo so you can see how it works.

Integrate SharePoint Document Library into ASP.NET

I'm looking to take advantage of SharePoint's document management features for an intranet portal. Portal users, find SharePoint rather cumbersome so I would like to build most of the site in ASP.NET, and integrate SharePoint document libraries so that i don't have to create a document management system.
How can I do this?
In my honest opinion it sounds like you are trying to reinvent the wheel. If users are finding it cumbersome it is generally do to lack of understanding or incorrect implementation and training.
However if you do want to integrate into SharePoint, you can reference the full SharePoint API Library. It is .Net based and allows you to access any aspect of SharePoint in code. You need to reference the Microsoft.SharePoint assembly to access these classes. You will need to setup a development environment for this, since you can't develop for SharePoint without having it installed. The detailed documentation on the namespace starts here
From personal experience we had much more success implement a solid SharePoint structure, with training, and also building the SharePoint portal the same way we would have built a website. Users now insist on having applications in SharePoint.
Basically, you can set up and administer your document library (or libraries) through the standard SharePoint pages, but you build your own ASP.NET site for users which will access the information in the document library. This site will use either the SharePoint object model or the SharePoint web services to retrieve, manipulate and store documents in your document libraries.
Generally the rule is that if you are deploying your ASP.NET site onto the same server as your SharePoint instance, then use the Object Model; if you are deploying to a separate web server, use the Web Services.
Some of the common issues for SharePoint development, and how to avoid them can be found here:
The “Working with Folders and Lists” section will be particularly relevant to what you are doing.
Use an IFrame :)
Seriously.. you'll have to work within the context of SharePoint or you will find yourself rebuilding SharePoint. This excludes building it as a regular ASP.NET app. But it is not that far off.
Why not adapt the way SharePoint works to how your users like to work? It was made to be changed and appended.. within limits.
