MDI Child Windows overdraw frame toolbar? - toolbar

I have write a MDI application with toolbar, but the child window overdraw the frame window's toolbar. Here is the effect, I have to click the left corner to see the toolbar icons.
I create the toolbar with following code:
CToolBar::CToolBar(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hParent, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName) :
CWindow(hInst, hParent, lpszWindowName)
// Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded.
icex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
lstrcpy(m_szClassName, TOOLBARCLASSNAME);
BOOL CToolBar::Create()
//create the toolbar
WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_hParent,
//for backword compatibility
SendMessage(m_hWnd, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM) sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0);
if (m_hWnd == NULL)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CToolBar::Init()
TBBUTTON tbb[3];
if (! Create() )
return FALSE;
//Add standard toolbar bitmaps
tbab.hInst = HINST_COMMCTRL;
SendMessage(m_hWnd, TB_ADDBITMAP, 0, (LPARAM)&tbab);
//Add buttons
ZeroMemory(tbb, sizeof(tbb));
tbb[0].iBitmap = STD_CUT;
tbb[0].idCommand = IDS_CUT;
tbb[0].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
tbb[0].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
tbb[1].iBitmap = STD_COPY;
tbb[1].idCommand = IDS_COPY;
tbb[1].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
tbb[1].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
tbb[2].iBitmap = STD_PASTE;
tbb[2].idCommand = IDS_PASTE;
tbb[2].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
tbb[2].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON;
SendMessage(m_hWnd, TB_ADDBUTTONS, (WPARAM) 3, (LPARAM) (LPTBBUTTON) &tbb);
ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_NORMAL);
return TRUE;
I test it with SDI windows, it works well, but after I create the MDICLIENT(client) window, it sucks.
Please help me to work around this peculiar problem.
You COULD get all the source code at

Handle WM_SIZE message of Frame Window.


How to set image in google marker with a border in Android?

I have profile photo of users stored in Firebase and I want to know how I can create a marker with the user's profile photo with an orange border.
I tried some code from the internet and it works but the measurements seem to be wrong and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
The code I used:
fun setMarkerPhoto(user:User, location: Location){
var bitmapFinal : Bitmap?
/*val options = RequestOptions()
.into(object : CustomTarget<Bitmap>(){
override fun onResourceReady(resource: Bitmap, transition: com.bumptech.glide.request.transition.Transition<in Bitmap>?) {
bitmapFinal = createUserBitmapFinal(resource)
.position(LatLng(location!!.latitude, location!!.longitude))
.title("Current Location")
mCurrentMarker = googleMap.addMarker(markerOptions)
override fun onLoadCleared(placeholder: Drawable?) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
.position(LatLng(mLastLocation!!.latitude, mLastLocation!!.longitude))
.title("Current Location")
mCurrentMarker = googleMap.addMarker(markerOptions)
private fun createUserBitmapFinal(bitmapInicial: Bitmap?): Bitmap? {
var result: Bitmap? = null
try {
result = Bitmap.createBitmap(150,150, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) //change the size of the placeholder
val canvas = Canvas(result)
val drawable: Drawable = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_pickup)
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, 150,150) //change the size of the placeholder, but you need to maintain the same proportion of the first line
val roundPaint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)
val bitmapRect = RectF()
if (bitmapInicial != null) {
val shader =
BitmapShader(bitmapInicial, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)
val matrix = Matrix()
val scale: Float = 200 / bitmapInicial.width.toFloat() //reduce or augment here change the size of the original bitmap inside the placehoder.
// But you need to adjust the line bitmapRect with the same proportion
matrix.postTranslate(5f, 5f)
matrix.postScale(scale, scale)
roundPaint.shader = shader
bitmapRect[10f, 10f, 104f+10f]=104f+10f //change here too to change the size
canvas.drawRoundRect(bitmapRect, 56f, 56f, roundPaint)
I didn't really understand how to perfectly fit the bitmap image inside the placeholder. My marker looked like this:
also the image wasn't being center cropped even though I mentioned that it should be in the code, where it says Glide.centerCrop()
Also, I'm using GeoFire to display markers of users in a specified radius of the user and for now I can display a simple marker but I want the marker to have that user's profile photo too! How can I do it?
GeoFire Code:
val geoQuery: GeoQuery = geoFire.queryAtLocation(GeoLocation(location.latitude, location.longitude), 0.5)
geoQuery.addGeoQueryEventListener(object : GeoQueryEventListener {
override fun onKeyEntered(key: String, location: GeoLocation) {
println(String.format("Key %s entered the search area at [%f,%f]", key, location.latitude, location.longitude))
Log.i("key entered","User found around you")
val aroundYou = LatLng(location.latitude, location.longitude)
if (markerList != null) {
for (marker in markerList) {
.title("Current Location")
.icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromBitmap(smallMarker)) //This is a simple marker but i want it to have the user's profile photo
Thank you in advance
In the line: val drawable: Drawable = resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_pickup)
It's this png:
I want to insert the profile photo of the user on that drawable file and if the user doesn't have a profile photo then only the drawable photo will be visible.
You get the code to transform the bitmap from my code in another question in StrackOverflow. As I mentioned there, I can´t teste the code because i´m only working with flutter right now.
But looking ate your code I might try this:
Add this function:
fun dp(value: Float): Int {
return if (value == 0f) {
} else Math.ceil(resources.displayMetrics.density * value.toDouble()).toInt()
in your lines:
result = Bitmap.createBitmap(150,150, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, 150,150);
change to:
result = Bitmap.createBitmap(dp(62f), dp(76f), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, dp(150f), dp(150f)) ;
let me know the results.

lua corona - how to disable touch events widget.newScrollView

I have a widget.newScrollView component and a widget.newButton in front of it. Unfortunately when i click my button it also calls my ScrollView "tap" handler. How do i stop my ScrollView from getting this event?
Here is some of the code I'm using:
local function handleButtonEvent( event )
if ( "ended" == event.phase ) then
print( "Button was pressed and released" )
return true; **I tried this - but it had no effect**
local button1 = widget.newButton(
label = "button",
onEvent = handleButtonEvent,
emboss = false,
shape = "roundedRect",
width = 400,
height = 100,
cornerRadius = 32,
fillColor = { default={1,0,0,1}, over={1,0.1,0.7,1} },
strokeColor = { default={1,0.4,0,1}, over={0.8,0.8,1,1} },
strokeWidth = 4,
I've got an array (planets) of display.NewImages and my handler - like this:
local planets = {};
planets[1] = display.newImage( "planetHexs/001.png", _topLeft_x, _topLeft_y);
planets[2] = display.newImage( "planetHexs/002.png", _topLeft_x, _topLeft_y + _planet_height2 );
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView(
top = 0,
left = 0,
width = display.actualContentWidth,
height = display.actualContentHeight,
scrollWidth = 0,
scrollHeight = 0,
backgroundColor = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5},
for i = 1, #planets do
local k = planets[i];
scrollView:insert( k )
function PlanetTapped( num )
print( "You touched the object!"..num );
for i = 1, #planets do
local k = planets[i];
k:addEventListener( "tap", function() PlanetTapped(i) end )
I get this print log:
Button was pressed and released
You touched the object2
You must return true on your event functions to prevent propagation. This essentially tells Corona that the event was handled correctly and that no more event listeners for that event should be fired. You can read more about event propagation here in the docs.
"tap" and "touch" events are handled with different listeners, so if you wish to stop taps when you touch the button, you will have add a "tap" listener to your button as well, that essentially just returns true to prevent, or block tap events to anything behind it.
button1:addEventListener("tap", function() return true end)
Since the button does not have a tap event, tap events simply go through the button, to any objects behind it which do have a "tap" event.

OpenLayer Popups for markers imported from google spreadsheet

I'm looking for a way to use framecloud type popup with my current setup. Unfortunately all my attempts have either not worked or will only work on the most recently placed maker.
In the course of trying to get it to work I have converted my original script from using Markers to using Vectors to placing the marker points (as I've seen that it's easier to customize vectors than markers.)
Now which ever one I can get to work I'll use, but after working on this for a few days I'm at my wits end and need a helping hand in the right direction.
My points are pulled from a google spreadsheet using tabletop.js. The feature is working how I wish it to, with the markers being placed on their respective layer based on a field I called 'type'.
While I have a feeling that might have been the source of my problem with the Markers type layer, I'm not sure how to fix it.
You can view the coding through these pages
(Links removed due to location change.)
Thanks for all help in advance.
I finally got it to work. For anyone in a similar situation here's my final code for the layers. I did change the names of the layers from what they are originally and blacked out the spreadsheet I used, but the changes should be noticeable.
//// Set 'Markers'
var iconMarker = {externalGraphic: '', graphicHeight: 21, graphicWidth: 16};
var iconGeo = {externalGraphic: './images/fortress.jpg', graphicHeight: 25, graphicWidth: 25};
var iconAero = {externalGraphic: './images/aeropolae.jpg', graphicHeight: 25, graphicWidth: 25}; // Image is the creation of DriveByArtist:
var vector1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("1");
var vector2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("2");
var vector3 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("3");
// Pulls map info from Spreadsheet
key: 'http://xxxxxxxxxx', //Spreadsheet URL goes here
callback: function(data, tabletop) {
var i,
dataLength = data.length;
for (i=0; i<dataLength; i++) { //following are variables from the spreadsheet
locName = data[i].name;
locLon = data[i].long;
locLat = data[i].lat;
locInfo = data[i].info;
locType = data[i].type; // Contains the following string in the cell, which provides a pre-determined output based on provided information in the spreadsheet: =ARRAYFORMULA("<h2>"&B2:B&"</h2><b>"&G2:G&"</b><br /> "&C2:C&", "&D2:D&"<br />"&E2:E&if(ISTEXT(F2:F),"<br /><a target='_blank' href='"&F2:F&"'>Read More...</a>",""))
locLonLat= new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(locLon, locLat);
case "Geopolae":
feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
case "POI":
feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
case "Aeropolae":
feature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
simpleSheet: true
map.addLayers([vector1, vector2, vector3]);
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.LayerSwitcher());
//Add a selector control to the vectorLayer with popup functions
var controls = {
selector: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(Array(vector1, vector2, vector3), { onSelect: createPopup, onUnselect: destroyPopup })
function createPopup(feature) {
feature.popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("pop",
'<div class="markerContent">'+feature.attributes.description+'</div>',
function() { controls['selector'].unselectAll(); }
feature.popup.autoSize = true;
feature.popup.minSize = new OpenLayers.Size(400,100);
feature.popup.maxSize = new OpenLayers.Size(400,800);
feature.popup.fixedRelativePosition = true;
feature.popup.overflow ="auto";
//feature.popup.closeOnMove = true;
function destroyPopup(feature) {
feature.popup = null;
} chart control: hide all lines (axes, etc.) except data points

I'm trying to generate sparklines for a dashboard using the Microsoft chart control on Sparklines generally have no axes or anything other than the data points showing.
I've succesfully turned off most of the lines but I'm stuck with one horizontal and one vertical line I can't figure out how to get rid of. Here's what I see:
Here's what I want:
Here's an excerpt of the code I'm using (minus the actual data):
Chart2.Width = 100;
Chart2.Height = 60;
Chart2.BorderlineWidth = 0;
var name = "Northeast Region";
ChartArea area = new ChartArea(name);
area.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
area.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.MinorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.AxisX.MinorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.BorderWidth = 0;
Series s = new Series(area.Name);
s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
s.ChartArea = area.Name;
s.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
foreach (var row in Data)
s.Points.AddXY(row.StartDate, row.Sales);
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Duh. I googled every possible combination of "hide" and "axis" and "line" but didn't Google " chart control sparklines" until after I posted this.
Answer is here:
I was missing setting the LineWidth property on the ChartArea:
area.AxisX.LineWidth = 0;
area.AxisY.LineWidth = 0;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines.Add(new StripLine());
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 252, 180, 65);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].StripWidth = 40;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].Interval = 10000;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].IntervalOffset = 20;

Dynamically adding container to a dynamic container

I have a loop that goes through data from a book and displays it. The book is not consistent in it's layout so I am trying to display it in two different ways. First way(works fine) is to load the text from that section in to a panel and display it. The second way is to create a new panel (panel creates fine) and then add collapsable panels(nested) to that panel. Here is the code from the else loop.
else if (newPanel == false){
// simpleData is just for the title bar of the new panel
// otherwise the panel has no content
var simpleData:Section = new Section;
simpleData.section_letter = item.section_letter;
simpleData.letter_title = item.letter_title;
simpleData.section_id = item.section_id;
simpleData.title = item.title;
simpleData.bookmark = item.bookmark;
simpleData.read_section = item.read_section;
var display2:readPanel02 = new readPanel02;
//item is all the data for the new text = "panel"+item.section_id;
//trace(;//trace works fine
// set vars is how I pass in the data to the panel
studyArea.addElement(display2); // displays fine
newPanel = true;
//this is where it fails
var ssPanel:subSectionPanel = new subSectionPanel;
//function to pass in the vars to the new panel
The error I get is: ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property panel4.4 not found on components.readTest and there is no default value.
I have tried setting the "name" property instead of the "id" property. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am stumped. Thanks.
So here is the solution I came up with. I made the new readPanel create the sub panels. I added the else statement to help it make more sense. The readPanel creates the first sub panel, and for every subsequent need of a sub panel it references the other panel by name and calls the public function in the panel that creates the new sub panel. Here's the code to create the main panel:
else if (newPanel == false){
var display2:readPanel02 = new readPanel02;
studyArea.addElement(display2); = "panel"+item.section_id;
newPanel = true;
var myPanel:readPanel02 = studyArea.getChildByName("panel"+item.section_id) as readPanel02;
And here is the functions in the panel:
public function setVars(data:Section):void
myS = data;
textLetter = myS.section_letter;
textLetterTitle = myS.letter_title;
textSection = myS.section_id;
textTitle = myS.title;
myS.bookmark == 0 ? bookmarked = false : bookmarked = true;
myS.read_section == 0 ? doneRead = false : doneRead = true;
public function addSubSection(data:Section):void{
var ssPanel:subSectionPanel = new subSectionPanel;
myContentGroup.addElementAt(ssPanel, i);
