Wordpress plugins for membership? - wordpress

I'm looking to create a membership-basee website and I'm new to Wordpress so its been a headache trying to look for free plugins that can
creates 3 levels of membership (non-members, members, and premium members)
limit access to certain pages/functionality of the site to members/premium members
Also can't find a good plugin for customizable registration form

Take a look at Paid Memberships Pro, which is 100% open source, and available in the WordPress repository:
Here is some code to use hooks in the plugin to add fields to checkout page. It takes a bit of php skill and programming:
Good luck.

If you are trying to create a membership website with WordPress, the memberpress plugin is what you should know about. It allows you to restrict certain areas and even add membership tiers for your WordPress website. it is one of the best plugins available for membership websites, you can check out the memberpress website from this link


What plugins can I use for WordPress that will allow my premium users to have access to video content?

I want to have a separate part of my WordPress website blocked off only for premium users, this membership area will have training videos. It might be 2 plugins to achieve this, please help me figure out which ones. thanks!
Create a new role for premium users
then use Content Control – User Access Restriction Plugin
to specify which content to show to users

What CMS should I use site that has a members only section

I am helping out a friend and rebuilding her dance business site.
- site owner friendly CMS for updates
- Prefer a free cms
- main site and a few pages will be for new/potential clients
- members only section where she can post updates instead of having to email a news letter.
- an additional page or 2 exclusive to members where videos can be posted for at home practice
I am thinking wordpress may be a great option for this. Any tutorials out there to help with the initial build of a member only section? I want to make sure I lock down the member section properly.
I am hoping to also generate an email each time a post is made in the members only section. Also use categories in the members only section to generate emails to members with corresponding tags that an update was made.
Is this attainable?
I am open to other CMS platforms but they must be responsive, free, and easy for the site owner to update.
Go for wordpress. As you are a starter use subscription / membership plugin to manage the member setting that you desire, and for email you can use newsletter plugins (both free adn paid) . Hope this helps :)
And for the final question : no wordpress is the easiest one out there

Different users and rules in Wordpress or Joomla

I am going to make a website which there is 3 type of users.
- can CRUD posts
- can CRUD own posts in their's own pages.
- can Read posts, comment, ...
I know how to do this in PHP, but I need to implement this website with Wordpress OR Joomla.
Can Wordpress/Joomla provide my needs or I have to install extra plugins.
If I need plugins, would you please tell me plugin's names.
You could do that with Joomla default features.
Super Administrator would have full access to administrator panel and all articles.
Then you have to create Authors that could have access to their own articles (this is the full list of privileges in Joomla).
As for students you have to find a comments extension.
Good Luck!

Wordpress site user accounts

I am new to web development. I am trying to build a site using wordpress as a cms. As such i want to know whether there is any way to create user accounts, so that people can register with the site and login. We would have an online store and we would like users to be able to save and view orders.
I have seen buddy press, but it only works with some themes. Is there any other option available?
Thanks in advance,
You can add one of the free plugins such as "Login Logout". This is the one I am currently using and it lets new users register for accounts.
You need to search for it in your plugins tab in wordpress, then install and activate it. Then you need to go to your Widgets tab and include it. Then it should run on your website.
Yes, Wordpress has user management, I suggest you play around with wordpress to understand how it works. Download a few e-commerce plugins or user management plugins and see how it all works.
Buddy press just uses the same user management that wordpress has.
I'm sure the wordpress documentation is a good place to look for more information.

Wordpress + BuddyPress + (aMembers OR Magic Members OR DAP OR ...)

Does anybody know if there is any smooth integration between BuddyPress (a social networking plugin for Wordpress) with a membership plugin like aMembers, Magic Members, DAP, etc. (Wordpress plugins that provide Silver/Gold memberships, eCommerce, etc.)?
Would enabling BuddyPress and a membership plugin work smoothly?
Would I need to enable WPMU or just plain Wordpress will work?
EDIT (24 Nov 2010, 26 Nov 2010):
I contacted both aMembers and Magic Members support team regarding this issue.
aMembers say "Buddy Press will work with amember/amprotect, but I haven't found a way
of limiting access to BuddyPress features for members of X level only. If you only have 1 level of membership this may be Ok, or if it's in a walled garden."
Magic Members say "You will need to integrate it Magic Members manually. Buddypress registration process takes over Wordpress' original registration form and Magic Members uses Wordpress' registration form which is causing a conflict. In order to avoid that we have a shortcode called [[register]]. If you put that in any of your pages the registration form will appear."
You don't need wordpress mu (now called multisite or referred to as a network) unless you want the user to have blogs.
Also, this membership plugin works with BuddyPress:
