How to view pdf using QT framework on blackberry playbook - qt

I had asked before also for rendering pdf but its in blackberry JAVA development.
But currently I want to know , is it possible to render a PDF in the playbook using native sdk 2.0.0 with the QT framework.
If it is possible then can you suggest me some example if it exist on the google?
Is it possible with any third party library i.e of c++??
Thanks in advance.

It is possible, provided you agree to the licensing of the third party library.
Open source world has two know libraries for PDF rendering:
Both provide bindings for Qt, the bad part is that both are licensed GPL.
However, the firms working behind both libraries provide commercial licensing options.
For commercial licensing:
GlyphandCog provides commercial licensing for XpdfWidget/Qt
Artifex Software, Inc. provides commercial licensing for MuPDF.


Migrating code from Qt free version to Qt Commercial [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Friends I am in dilemma.
None of the threads explain if [and how ] i can migrate an application from Qt free version to Qt commercial.
Me and my friends started developing an application using Qt[freely available] for learning .
We have created a good application and think we can sell it for pocket money.
The application does not modify any of the Qt source[we are not that good programmers :P] and we dynamically linked also.
I want to know how can i migrate it to Qt Commercial [since it protects from giving my source code].
First things first
a) can i migrate an application[not distributed in any form] written in Qt free version to Qt commercial.
b) will i have to re-write the application again in Qt commercial version or i can use my source files from old project and migrate to new Qt commercial project.
c) are there any API difference between Qt commercial libraries and Qt LGPL libraries that will make porting difficult/impossible. we still plan to have dynamic linking
d) i hope all Qt LGPL features are supported in Qt Commercial.
e) is there any complex legal thing i need to know. i only understand with LGPL we have to distribute code / object code + dynamic linking but in Qt commercial we dont have to.
If it is possible and legal then only we will buy Commercial License[expensive huh] ?
Why don't you go to click Try&Buy and then Download and Install Qt Enterprise.
You'll see if you can port it before actually buying a license.
And for licensing questions I would suggest to contact then directly. I guess they would give you all the answers you need and try to help you with any problems you run in to.
The core is basically the same. So you can compile your existing code by enterprise version with no change. The only reason for the commercial license is if you need commercial support or you are shipping on an embedded platform like a cellphone.
Qt Enterprise has some more features and tools like Charts, Qt purchasing, Qt Quick Compiler, Boot2Qt and some others.
I see two really big issues:
Not understanding the terms of the commercial license you plan on using.
Not understanding the terms of the LGPL you develop under: they are nothing like what you state.
The terms of the commercial Qt license either expressly prohibit what you have done, or it is implied/understood that what you did is a NO-NO. Your project is now legally tainted and you can't ever apply the commercial license to it unless you buy the licenses for all the developers that participated in the development. They'd go broke long ago if everyone was as "clever" as you are.
The LGPL does not force you to release your source code. All it forces you to do is to let the end user re-link with binary-compatible Qt of their choice, and for you to allow access to the sources of Qt you used. If you use a release Qt, all you need to provide, on request, is the .zip of the Qt version(s) you redistribute. Since you link dynamically with Qt, there's nothing further you need to do here.
The only binary differences between commercial and open source Qt are in the license markers. There's literally nothing you need to do to link your code with a commercial Qt. Just swap out the DLLs and you're done.
I'm not a lawyer.

How do I build ITK-SNAP?

I use ITK 4.3, VTK and Qt on Visual Studio 9. How do I add ITK-SNAP?
I want to know the difference between ITK and ITK-SNAP and what does ITK-SNAP add compared to ITK.
I started working with ITK. Do I need to change my code or can I continue in my project?
SNAP is a software application used to segment structures in 3D medical images. It provides semi-automatic segmentation using active contour methods, as well as manual delineation and image navigation. The software was designed with the audience of clinical and basic science researchers in mind, and emphasis has been placed on having a user-friendly interface and maintaining a limited feature set to prevent feature creep. ITK-SNAP is free software, provided under the General Public License. ITK-SNAP binaries are provided free of charge for academic or commercial use.
This tutorial provides a step by step walkthrough of building ITK-SNAP 2.4.0 from source on Windows. We will be using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 for building the application. Make sure you have VS 2010 installed and VS Service Pack 1 as well. (if required) : Click Here for full tutorial
ITK is abbrevation of Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit which is open source library which provide image processing algorithms to develop your application on different platforms ex python, c++.You can follow this link: to build ITK and use that in your application. ITK-SNAP It is an open source software you can directly install it from here. I think this is solution for all of your questions.

Which platform for mobile development?

I have to develop an application which requires Bluetooth and profile change functionality for Symbian phones. After spending sometime I found that following options:
Java: but java does not allow to change profile
Symbian C++: I read basics for Symbian C++ and created some basic stuffs. Symbian extended APIs provide simple APIs for Profile and Bluetooth (I haven't tested yet). But its required lot of efforts to grab these. Specially certificate singing problem. I want to test my application on different devices and wish to give my friends whom having different cellphones. But couldn't due to signing problem.
QT: I am still confused on this. Whether this platform capable to fulfill my requirement or not. Secondly which phone supports QT or not...
Honestly, I am bit frustrated while writing this. I am looking someone, experience in these matter, to guide me in this situation.
You can combine native C++ with Qt. Though you'll lose some of the cross-platform nature of Qt by mixing native C++ with it.
See the XQProfile example on Forum Nokia Wiki for mixing Qt and native Symbian C++ for profile changing.
Qt can be installed to practically all devices from S60 3rd Edition FP1 (S60 3.1) onwards. Newer device models ship with Qt preinstalled. Forum Nokia has device specifications that you can filter based on Qt availability.
QT (+ QML) is the language of choice going forward. I believe it is currently on the following phones: N8,C7,C6,E7. i version 4.6.1 with version 4.7 which has the QML support due shortly.
However if you need to target current and older devices then your only choice is Symbian C++.

What tools do I need to write Adobe AIR applications?

I cannot afford the Creative Suite or Flex Builder but I would like to develop a commercial Flex/ActionScript AIR application. Is this a viable goal and are there robust tools out there that don't cost a small fortune?
Have others done this? What am I missing out on without Adobe's pricey software?
You can build AIR Apps using the command line tool in the SDK which is free for anyone to download and use.
More info is on this page:
I quote:
If you prefer working with a text editor or another development environment, the free Adobe AIR SDK provides the tools you need to package and deploy Adobe AIR applications built using HTML, JavaScript, or Flash.
This is a direct link to the AIR SDK:
You should have no problem using that in conjunction with the Flex SDK, which also available at no cost.
You can get Flash Builder Standard for $249. I believe this to be nominal compared to the hourly rate that you'd pay a programmer to build an application. There are other IDEs with Flex support including FDT ( ), IntelliJ ( ), and a couple of plugins to Visual Studio. ( ).
Most of these have an associated cost. It is my personal opinion that the $249 for Flash Builder Standard is nominal when you consider the cost of a developer's time.
Try the opensoure IDE Flashdevelop

Any really modern, good-looking desktop apps that are developed with PyQt/PySide?

I have started using Python for web development recently, it's kinda cool;
I have seen programs that are developed in QT/C++, which is good enough in terms of esthetics;
I have just noticed the new PySide project (which brings LGPL Qt license to Python and it doesn't support Windows yet).
In view of the above, I see the possibility of using Python + PyQt/PySide to develop cross platform apps in the future :) but I have several doubts right now:
Can PyQty/PySide be used to develop really complex/modern UI? Can somebody give me some points to have a look at some nice-looking screenshots of apps that are developed in Python+QT?
What about the performance of using Python + QT for a desktop app?
Thanks in advance!
Can PyQty/PySide be used to develop really complex/modern UI?
Desktop applications come in all sorts of varieties -- some nicely laid out, some extremely customized with virtually no semblance to a standard application for that OS. The same can be done with Qt/PyQt/PySide. As Alex said, there should be no visible difference between an application written with PyQt/PySide versus one written with Qt in C++. Any program written with Qt4 (using bindings or not) will, by default, look like a standard modern application.
Of course, there are features of recent Windows releases (and likely some on Mac OS X) that aren't supported immediately and by default in Qt, but you can almost always write some custom platform specific code for those situations where said features are truly important.
Can somebody give me some points to have a look at some nice-looking screenshots of apps that are developed in Python+QT?
The best and most open source program that I know of and which is written with PyQt, is Eric -- a Python based IDE.
What about the performance of using Python + QT for a desktop app?
For most applications the performance difference between a C++ Qt application and a PyQt application are not noticible. But if you really need performance, you can write certain parts of the application in C++ and make bindings available in Python so you can integrate the two.
TortoiseHg was re-designed using Qt and PyQt for its 2.0 release.
Here is one of several posted screenshots:
There is no aesthetic difference between the look and feel of C++ based Qt, and the PyQt and PySide wrappers on top of it. I use basically no desktop GUI apps so I couldn't point you to any implemented with any of these language/toolkit combos, but if you like the former, you'll be hard put to distinguish it in any way from the latter.
A bit late but for the record, apps such as Skype, GoogleEarth or the recent versions of VLC (media player & more) used the Qt libs.
