Custom drupal view - drupal

Im kinda new to drupal, and its views. SO can anybody tell me how do i make structure like on picture below

You will need to enable the Views UI module as well as Views and its dependencies in order to build views.
You will want to create a content type that represents the 'company'. Then you will want to give it an image field for the logo, and maybe a link field or a text field if you want it to link back to something. This is all core in Drupal 7 with the exception of the link field.
When creating the view have it show a grid of fields for the content type you just created. View creation screen should look something like this.
Add the fields using the AJAX interface on the left and set the grid to show 4 columns in the Settings for the grid format. This configuration is in the left column under the format header.
The left handle column should look something like this before you start adding fields.
After that the rest is just CSS.


How to "separate" image uploads while using multiupload image field

My client has a bizarre request which is making it difficult to build a slideshow on profile2 pages: The profile2 pages require 4 photos to be uploaded, and he does not believe that the users adding content to the site will "get" the multi-select method found in most file upload modules. The Field Slideshow module only works if you're using multiupload (which of course makes sense), and that's how I had it set up initially - which worked perfectly. I've tried using the field collection module, then creating a Slideshow view, but the image fields in the field collection field aren't being seen as a group. I think I had to select one of the 4 image fields to use instead of all 4. Any ideas?
he does not believe that the users adding content to the site will "get" the multi-select method found in most file upload modules
This hardly makes sense, I guess you tried to explain things to your client ?
Assuming you have several image fields on your content type, you could build a view which create a list (unformatted or HTML list) of these fields, maybe using a global field rewriting (you add all your image fields, exclude them from display, custom their display by removing field wrapper and field+label wrapper (in order to get only ), add a global text field in which you include image fields token), and then create your slideshow in a custom javascript file, using whatever library you like (Cycle2 is great).
Your global text field would look like :
<div class="wrapper cycle-slideshow">
(with cycle2 adding a cycle-slideshow class will initialize your slideshow)
...but you need token to do so.
I often find it more convenient to setup javascript things like that (slideshows, gmaps...) by myself instead of using views integration.
Hope I understood your issue correctly, good luke with this.
For every (custom) field you have option "Number of values" which you can set to fixed amount (i.e. 4) or unlimited. Can you use that?
Easier: Use Rules. Create an additonal (fifth) image field (multivalued) that will be the one consuming the slideshow. Create a new Rule, triggered on creation or update of your content with 4 actions: each one adding the content of one of the fields to the multivalued field list. You probably need to avoid showing that field but that depends on what are you using to display, so hide it using display suite or just not using it in the content template. This way, you show your users your 4 fields but makes the slideshow work based on a computing of the user inputs.

Create a drupal 6 views slideshow from a single content type that has both, image and video fields

I need a little direction. I've created a content type that has both, images and videos attached to a node. I need to create a single frame slideshow that riffles through the mixed media. Currently, I'm using the Embedded Media Field as well as the ImageField to upload the content. I'd like to keep that within the same content type if possible. I was considering separating them and then using taxonomy to make them relational, but that sounds convoluted. At this point, the slideshow displays them both, together.
Could I add both fields to an array in a template file, then return them as one field?
It sounds like you want to add some markup that encapsulates both fields. If that is the case, you can re-write the output of the fields.
Try this:
Edit the "Content: Slideshow main image" field
Enable "Exclude from display"
Click Update
Edit the "Content: Upload Full Size Video" field
Enable "Rewrite the output of this field"
Here you can add whichever markup you want and make use of the field tokens. For example, something like <div>[field_slideshow]<br>[field_upload]</div> Note: The token values will depend on the names of your CCK fields.
Also, for Drupal related questions, there is a separate Drupal Answers exchange where you might get more targeted help.

Drupal 7: Add view to content type

I've been making a template for a particular content type, but just ran into a problem: I need to embed a view into the content type.
I am aware this can be done via several different methods, but I don't see one that fits exactly my needs:
I need the view added automatically for all pages of that content type.
Using blocks in a region is not an option, as I want to avoid defining a region in the middle of a page that should only be available for a specific content type.
Translatable label.
Possibility to freely apply a template to all fields in the content type (excluding the embedded view).
I tried doing it via page layout (Panels) and simply adding node content fields and the view to my layout regions, but then I get another problem: I can't style my content fields without doing something that seems a bit over the top:
Currently I have about 20 different content fields in the content type that are wrapped in HTML and styled in my template file. I have a translated label for each of these in the template file. From what I can tell I'd have to add a template for each of the panes containing content fields to add my translated labels and HTML needed to style each field.
I'm not really fond of making 20 templates, 20 theme hook suggestions to get the templates to work and 20 regions in the panel layout just to get a view inserted in the content type.
Am I doing something terribly wrong here? Any suggestions?
You may want to try the Viewfield module or similar modules (search for "view field" or "view reference").
If you are doing something more complex like changing/filtering the view based on some value in your content type, then you may have to use Viewfield module in combination with something else that will help fill in the filter values.
I've never done something like this before so I'm not sure exactly what module combination would work but Rules or Computed Field come to mind as possible helpers.
You have to use "views node field", after installing this module you have to select the "Node content" in the display (like blocks,page). then click the add display. if you want to display the content like this page then you have to download the views_galleriffic module and install it and choose the style option "Galleriffic Gallery". You can choose the content type by using the filter in the views.
That's it cheers
i implemented this in my website
if you still unclear please send me the email i will reply you & ready to help you we can share information
i am using this module in drupal 6.
I resorted to using the EVA module ( ).
In addition to Woodgnome's answer
Let's say you have a content type named 'Product'
You want to attach a view to it.
Here are the steps using the eva module :
On your view edit page :
Section Displays
+Add : Eva field
Entity type:Node
That's it, going to a node product type will now display the view

Drupal 7: navigation menu with Views?

I want to make a long page consisting of multiple nodes (each of the same Content Type). The page should have navigation on top of it that will allow to jump directly to the desired point of the long page, kind of like here: (there navigation is under the picture)
I used the Views module to assemble a long page from content, and for navigation I tried to use another View of the same content, only inserted in the top of the page as a block. I set this view to display grid of fields; it looks good. Only I could not figure out how to make each cell in the grid to become a link to the content on the same page.
I tried modifying views template, but there $rows variable turned out to be a string with already assembled html. Maybe I could possibly modify the content template, and insert some sort of condition that will change the way content looks based on what part of the page current view is located, but I am not sure how to do that either.
In the views, edit the field selected, and there are options there to configure the field as hyperlinks how you may want them. Also you can just let the field link directly to the node, there is an option for that. cheers

Changing order of fields in Drupal's content type

I am using Drigg on Drupal 6.17. Drigg has a content type called as "Scoop". I try to change the labels and order of fields. Normally, this is done in Content Management > Content Types > Manage Fields . But some fields that are shown in Create Content screen are not shown in Manage Fields screen.
The screenshot of Manage Fields is here:
The screenshot of Create Content view is here:
The first three fields (Submit the scoop as.., Scoop's URL, Scoop) in Create Content form are not shown in Manage Fields view.
I would like to ask the reason for this. They must be defined somewhere else. Where is it?
Manage fields is for editing CCK fields that you have added. Other fields from different modules often have a weight setting that you can change to move the field up and down, which you would get to from the main content type editing page.
