How to implement generic Max<TSource>(Func<TSource,TSource> func) - collections

I am busy writing my own collection type and need to have a function
Max that returns the value in the collection, where one of the value attributes is a max or some condition holds.
So I am trying to call Max(Func<...) on one of the underlying .net collections, but
I can't seem to get it to work:
public TValue MaxValue(Func<TValue,TValue> func)
return this.valueSet.Max<TValue>(func);
but I am getting 2 errors:
Argument 2: cannot convert from 'System.Func<TValue,TValue>' to System.Func<TValue,int>'
'System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet<TValue>' does not contain a definition for 'Max'
and the best extension method overload 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Max<TSource>(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>,
System.Func<TSource,int>)' has some invalid arguments
I just can't seem to figure out what I should be doing here...

When you call:
the compiler interprets this as one of the Max overloads with one generic type. Either explicitly point out that the return value also should be a TValue type:
this.valueSet.Max<TValue, TValue>(func);
or use implicit typing and let the compiler sort out the types itself:


Swiftui: how do you assign the value in a "String?" object to a "String" object?

Swiftui dictionaries have the feature that the value returned by using key access is always of type "optional". For example, a dictionary that has type String keys and type String values is tricky to access because each returned value is of type optional.
An obvious need is to assign x=myDictionary[key] where you are trying to get the String of the dictionary "value" into the String variable x.
Well this is tricky because the String value is always returned as an Optional String, usually identified as type String?.
So how is it possible to convert the String?-type value returned by the dictionary access into a plain String-type that can be assigned to a plain String-type variable?
I guess the problem is that there is no way to know for sure that there exists a dictionary value for the key. The key used to access the dictionary could be anything so somehow you have to deal with that.
As described in #jnpdx answer to this SO question (How do you assign a String?-type object to a String-type variable?), there are at least three ways to convert a String? to a String:
import SwiftUI
var x: Double? = 6.0
var a = 2.0
if x != nil {
a = x!
if let b = x {
a = x!
a = x ?? 0.0
Two key concepts:
Check the optional to see if it is nil
if the optional is not equal to nil, then go ahead
In the first method above, "if x != nil" explicitly checks to make sure x is not nil be fore the closure is executed.
In the second method above, "if let a = b" will execute the closure as long as b is not equal to nil.
In the third method above, the "nil-coalescing" operator ?? is employed. If x=nil, then the default value after ?? is assigned to a.
The above code will run in a playground.
Besides the three methods above, there is at least one other method using "guard let" but I am uncertain of the syntax.
I believe that the three above methods also apply to variables other than String? and String.

Java 8 Map merge VS compute, essential difference?

It seems Both merge and compute Map methods are created to reduce if("~key exists here~") when put.
My problem is: add to map a [key, value] pair when I know nothing: neither key existing in map nor it exist but has value nor value == null nor key == null.
words.forEach(word ->
map.compute(word, (w, prev) -> prev != null ? prev + 1 : 1)
words.forEach(word ->
map.merge(word, 1, (prev, one) -> prev + one)
Is the only difference 1 is moved from Bifunction to parameter?
What is better to use? Does any of merge, compute suggests key/val are existing?
And what is essential difference in use case of them?
The documentation of Map#compute(K, BiFunction) says:
Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or null if there is no current mapping). For example, to either create or append a String msg to a value mapping:
map.compute(key, (k, v) -> (v == null) ? msg : v.concat(msg))
(Method merge() is often simpler to use for such purposes.)
If the remapping function returns null, the mapping is removed (or remains absent if initially absent). If the remapping function itself throws an (unchecked) exception, the exception is rethrown, and the current mapping is left unchanged.
The remapping function should not modify this map during computation.
And the documentation of Map#merge(K, V, BiFunction) says:
If the specified key is not already associated with a value or is associated with null, associates it with the given non-null value. Otherwise, replaces the associated value with the results of the given remapping function, or removes if the result is null. This method may be of use when combining multiple mapped values for a key. For example, to either create or append a String msg to a value mapping:
map.merge(key, msg, String::concat)
If the remapping function returns null, the mapping is removed. If the remapping function itself throws an (unchecked) exception, the exception is rethrown, and the current mapping is left unchanged.
The remapping function should not modify this map during computation.
The important differences are:
For compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>):
The BiFunction is always invoked.
The BiFunction accepts the given key and the current value, if any, as arguments and returns a new value.
Meant for taking the key and current value (if any), performing an arbitrary computation, and returning the result. The computation may be a reduction operation (i.e. merge) but it doesn't have to be.
For merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>):
The BiFunction is invoked only if the given key is already associated with a non-null value.
The BiFunction accepts the current value and the given value as arguments and returns a new value. Unlike with compute, the BiFunction is not given the key.
Meant for taking two values and reducing them into a single value.
If the mapping function, as in your case, only depends on the current mapped value, then you can use both. But I would prefer:
compute if you can guarantee that a value for the given key exists. In this case the extra value parameter taken by the merge method is not needed.
merge if it is possible that no value for the given key exists. In this case merge has the advantage that null does NOT have to be handled by the mapping function.

Java 8 Functional Programming - Passing function along with its argument

I have a question on Java 8 Functional Programming. I am trying to achieve something using functional programming, and need some guidance on how to do it.
My requirement is to wrap every method execution inside timer function which times the method execution. Here's the example of timer function and 2 functions I need to time.
timerMethod(String timerName, Function func){
functionA(String arg1, String arg2)
functionB(int arg1, intArg2, String ...arg3)
I am trying to pass functionA & functionB to timerMethod, but functionA & functionB expects different number & type of arguments for execution.
Any ideas how can I achieve it.
Thanks !!
you should separate it into two things by Separation of Concerns to make your code easy to use and maintaining. one is timing, another is invoking, for example:
// v--- invoking occurs in request-time
R1 result1 = timerMethod("functionA", () -> functionA("foo", "bar"));
R2 result2 = timerMethod("functionB", () -> functionB(1, 2, "foo", "bar"));
// the timerMethod only calculate the timing-cost
<T> T timerMethod(String timerName, Supplier<T> func) {
try {
return func.get();
} finally {
IF you want to return a functional interface rather than the result of that method, you can done it as below:
Supplier<R1> timingFunctionA =timerMethod("A", ()-> functionA("foo", "bar"));
Supplier<R2> timingFunctionB =timerMethod("B", ()-> functionB(1, 2, "foo", "bar"));
<T> Supplier<T> timerMethod(String timerName, Supplier<T> func) {
// v--- calculate the timing-cost when the wrapper function is invoked
return () -> {
try {
return func.get();
} finally {
IF the return type of all of your functions is void, you can replacing Supplier with Runnable and then make the timerMethod's return type to void & remove return keyword from timerMethod.
IF some of your functions will be throws a checked exception, you can replacing Supplier with Callable & invoke Callable#call instead.
Don't hold onto the arguments and then pass them at the last moment. Pass them immediately, but delay calling the function by wrapping it with another function:
Producer<?> f1 =
() -> functionA(arg1, arg2);
Producer<?> f2 =
() -> functionB(arg1, arg2, arg3);
Here, I'm wrapping each function call in a lambda (() ->...) that takes 0 arguments. Then, just call them later with no arguments:
This forms a closure over the arguments that you supplied in the lambda, which allows you to use the variables later, even though normally they would have been GC'd for going out of scope.
Note, I have a ? as the type of the Producer since I don't know what type your functions return. Change the ? to the return type of each function.
The other answers show how to use a closure to capture the arguments of your function, no matter its number. This is a nice approach and it's very useful, if you know the arguments in advance, so that they can be captured.
Here I'd like to show two other approaches that don't require you to know the arguments in advance...
If you think it in an abstract way, there are no such things as functions with multiple arguments. Functions either receive one set of values (aka a tuple), or they receive one single argument and return another function that receives another single argument, which in turn returns another one-argument function that returns... etc, with the last function of the sequence returning an actual result (aka currying).
Methods in Java might have multiple arguments, though. So the challenge is to build functions that always receive one single argument (either by means of tuples or currying), but that actually invoke methods that receive multiple arguments.
Approach #1: Tuples
So the first approach is to use a Tuple helper class and have your function receive one tuple, either a Tuple2 or Tuple3:
So, the functionA of your example might receive one single Tuple2<String, String> as an argument:
Function<Tuple2<String, String>, SomeReturnType> functionA = tuple ->
functionA(tuple.getFirst(), tuple.getSecond());
And you could invoke it as follows:
SomeReturnType resultA = functionA.apply(Tuple2.of("a", "b"));
Now, in order to decorate the functionA with your timerMethod method, you'd need to do a few modifications:
static <T, R> Function<T, R> timerMethod(
String timerName,
Function<? super T, ? extends R> func){
return t -> {
R result = func.apply(t);
return result;
Please note that you should use a try/finally block to make your code more robust, as shown in holi-java's answer.
Here's how you might use your timerMethod method for functionA:
Function<Tuple2<String, String>, SomeReturnType> timedFunctionA = timerMethod(
tuple -> functionA(tuple.getFirst(), tuple.getSecond());
And you can invoke timedFunctionA as any other function, passing it the arguments now, at invocation time:
SomeReturnType resultA = timedFunctionA.apply(Tuple2.of("a", "b"));
You can take a similar approach with the functionB of your example, except that you'd need to use a Tuple3<Integer, Integer, String[]> for the argument (taking care of the varargs arguments).
The downside of this approach is that you need to create many Tuple classes, i.e. Tuple2, Tuple3, Tuple4, etc, because Java lacks built-in support for tuples.
Approach #2: Currying
The other approach is to use a technique called currying, i.e. functions that accept one single argument and return another function that accepts another single argument, etc, with the last function of the sequence returning the actual result.
Here's how to create a currified function for your 2-argument method functionA:
Function<String, Function<String, SomeReturnType>> currifiedFunctionA =
arg1 -> arg2 -> functionA(arg1, arg2);
Invoke it as follows:
SomeReturnType result = currifiedFunctionA.apply("a").apply("b");
If you want to decorate currifiedFunctionA with the timerMethod method defined above, you can do as follows:
Function<String, Function<String, SomeReturnType>> timedCurrifiedFunctionA =
arg1 -> timerMethod("timerCurryA", arg2 -> functionA(arg1, arg2));
Then, invoke timedCurrifiedFunctionA exactly as you'd do with any currified function:
SomeReturnType result = timedCurrifiedFunctionA.apply("a").apply("b");
Please note that you only need to decorate the last function of the sequence, i.e. the one that makes the actual call to the method, which is what we want to measure.
For the method functionB of your example, you can take a similar approach, except that the type of the currified function would now be:
Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Function<String[], SomeResultType>>>
which is quite cumbersome, to say the least. So this is the downside of currified functions in Java: the syntax to express their type. On the other hand, currified functions are very handy to work with and allow you to apply several functional programming techniques without needing to write helper classes.

"cannot take the address of" and "cannot call pointer method on"

This compiles and works:
diff := projected.Minus(c.Origin)
dir := diff.Normalize()
This does not (yields the errors in the title):
dir := projected.Minus(c.Origin).Normalize()
Can someone help me understand why? (learning Go)
Here are those methods:
// Minus subtracts another vector from this one
func (a *Vector3) Minus(b Vector3) Vector3 {
return Vector3{a.X - b.X, a.Y - b.Y, a.Z - b.Z}
// Normalize makes the vector of length 1
func (a *Vector3) Normalize() Vector3 {
d := a.Length()
return Vector3{a.X / d, a.Y / d, a.Z / d}
The Vector3.Normalize() method has a pointer receiver, so in order to call this method, a pointer to Vector3 value is required (*Vector3). In your first example you store the return value of Vector3.Minus() in a variable, which will be of type Vector3.
Variables in Go are addressable, and when you write diff.Normalize(), this is a shortcut, and the compiler will automatically take the address of the diff variable to have the required receiver value of type *Vector3 in order to call Normalize(). So the compiler will "transform" it to
This is detailed in Spec: Calls:
A method call x.m() is valid if the method set of (the type of) x contains m and the argument list can be assigned to the parameter list of m. If x is addressable and &x's method set contains m, x.m() is shorthand for (&x).m().
The reason why your second example doesn't work is because return values of function and method calls are not addressable, so the compiler is not able to do the same here, the compiler is not able to take the address of the return value of the Vector3.Minus() call.
What is addressable is exactly listed in the Spec: Address operators:
The operand must be addressable, that is, either a variable, pointer indirection, or slice indexing operation; or a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array indexing operation of an addressable array. As an exception to the addressability requirement, x [in the expression of &x] may also be a (possibly parenthesized) composite literal.
See related questions:
How to get the pointer of return value from function call?
How can I store reference to the result of an operation in Go?
Possible "workarounds"
"Easiest" (requiring the least change) is simply to assign to a variable, and call the method after that. This is your first working solution.
Another way is to modify the methods to have a value receiver (instead of pointer receiver), so that there is no need to take the address of the return values of the methods, so calls can be "chained". Note that this might not be viable if a method needs to modify the receiver, as that is only possible if it is a pointer (as the receiver is passed just like any other parameters – by making a copy –, and if it's not a pointer, you could only modify the copy).
Another way is to modify the return values to return pointers (*Vector3) instead of Vector3. If the return value is already a pointer, no need to take its address as it's good as-is for the receiver to a method that requires a pointer receiver.
You may also create a simple helper function which returns its address. It could look something like this:
func pv(v Vector3) *Vector3 {
return &v
Using it:
dir := pv(projected.Minus(c.Origin)).Normalize()
This could also be a method of Vector3, e.g.:
func (v Vector3) pv() *Vector3 {
return &v
And then using it:
dir := projected.Minus(c.Origin).pv().Normalize()
Some notes:
If your type consists of 3 float64 values only, you should not see significant performance differences. But you should be consistent about your receiver and result types. If most of your methods have pointer receivers, so should all of them. If most of your methods return pointers, so should all of them.
The accepted answer is really long so I'm just going to post what helped me:
I got this error regarding this line:
so I just changed it to:

how to dynamically create value type and assign value in .net

I have:
data type (all types are values types) as string (for example: 'System.Boolean')
data value as string (for example: 'true')
I have to get:
instance of value type
this instance should be initialized by that value
I have started from
object v = Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type.GetType('type as string', true, true),..);
and I don't know how to initialize v to value: how can I convert dynamically value as string to bool (or other value types) and assign it to v?
Thank you.
Have you tried using Convert.ChangeType?
object v = Convert.ChangeType(text, Type.GetType(typeName));
That will only work for certain target types, but that may be enough for you.
EDIT: Ultimately, you'll need a set of types you want to support. You may want to have some sort of Dictionary<Type, Func<string, object>> and a method which is able to disguise how you handle more general cases (such as enums).
