Building designs into WordPress and Plugins - wordpress

I want to build a new design into WP (not make a theme for anyone to use) but I was wondering is there anything specific you have to do to make sure plugins still work?
What about plugins you use on the current theme? Will they automatically work on the new design or do you have to do something for them to continue working?
Edit: To elaborate further, I have a site that currently uses a WP theme, however I want to get a new design created for it and then build that design into WP. I'm just wondering what I need to do to make sure plugins (new and existing) work on the new theme as I will be coding it.

Well the procedure would be like this :-
Create your design, then make the html for the same.
In the existing theme put your html tags properly and add your css in the style.css
Just keep in mind that you don't remove any wordpress functions without knowing it.
And for plugins, dont remove the below functions :-
In header.php there is a function wp_head();, this helps the plugins script to embedd scripts.
In footer.php there is a function wp_footer(); this also helps the plugins to embedd scripts.
Hope these steps help you, let me know if there is any other confusion.


How to edit an already existing Wordpress theme?

I know it can be a very dummy question but I'm trying to figure out how I can develop and make changes in an already existing wordpress page (write new code, etc)? Before the changes go online, I must be able to save it somehow and I also need approval from its owner.
What is the best practice for it? It has some paid plugins also, I was thinking that I should create a parallel wordpress site exporting everything from the existing one and work locally.. how does it sound? Any suggestions?
I work on mac and use Docker.
Many thanks in advance!
Have a read on Wordpress Developers relating to Child Themes. Tou can get started here -
This will allow you to activate a child theme over a normal theme and any changes you make to its functions.php will not be overridden when the parent theme updates.
You will just need to maintain the code incase major updates are undertaken on the parent theme.

How to Incorporate External Design Elements in a WordPress Site

I have lots of fantastic PSD, CSS and HTML design resources from places like CodeCanyon, CoDrops, multiple designer bundles, etc. I'd like to incorporate some of them into a WordPress site, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to do it and I've looked everywhere I can think of, from and the Codex to For-Dummies books :)
I'm familiar with HTML, basic CSS and WordPress, but I'm (obviously) not a designer. I do know how to call an external stylesheet using #import or within tags, but how do I pull in the rest of the files?
For instance, I have an item called CSS3Accordion and it contains several index.html files as well as folders containing css, images and javascript. How should I reference them in my theme and where should I put them?
I'm assuming this is a very elementary question (so much so that these awesome design resources don't typically come with a how-to file), so in advance, let me say I sincerely appreciate any help I might get.
Applying a WP template to a WP site and coding one are two very different things. Those resources you are using, are they WP themes? If so, you should be able to install them quite easily using the control panel. If not, it's a completely new horizon. Templates don't function like "normal" html + css, they need much more things (specially, they need to be read by WP and its modules, widgets, etcetera).
I would suggest you start by downloading and installing themes (plenty of tutorials around), and then modifying some of those themes. They usually come with a custom css sheet to add/change styles (use firebug to find them, use !important to overwrite).
I hope this answers your question. If it's only a matter of loading new css, you can still add all of it to the custom sheet. There are also a lot of free plugins (like the accordion) that you can install in WP. Good luck!
I would recommend starting with a basic wordPress theme and incorporate your ideas as you go with some trial and error. WordPress themes are actually pretty straight forward once you spend some time dissecting a basic one. Most of the time I start with a complete design in Photoshop and use that image as a background to layout the sliced graphics over with CSS.
You can place your files anywhere you want, but I normally put them inside the themes folder and reference them with relative file paths, remember though to take the path into account when linking to the files.
I'd also suggest setting up a locally hosted WordPress install to play around with using something like WAMP, MAMP or LAMP. That way you have instant review without having to expose it to the public or uploading files every time you make a change.
Here are a couple of good starting template themes to explore with.
Regards and good luck.

Blank Theme for Wordpress

I need to build a new WordPress site form scratch. So I guess I need a blank theme to do that. I need to know where I can find such a theme like that, and I need a tutorial that can help me to create my first WordPress theme from scratch.
I'm new in that world. So please I need your help.
If you're starting with no WP knowledge, I believe you're better off modifying a blank theme than you are creating one from scratch.
Here is a great tutorial I used when I started doing custom themes. The HTML is getting outdated semantically, but it will teach you all working parts of a WP theme.
As a starter theme I use HTML5 Boilerplate which is full of quality HTML5 and additional features like file caching, cross-browser readiness, mobile device readiness, and file caching, to name a few. Also it's got a minimal default styling.
You may also find the wordpress site helpful. Cheers.
starting with twentyten or twentyeleven isn't a bad option either.
Whatever theme you choice make it a child theme.
It may seem like something complex at first but it will make things easier along the way.
Theme Hybrid has a great blank theme:
I have a starter theme on github that was originally based off html5 boilerplate that you can check out..

Custom Wordpress Editor?

After looking around for hours I couldn't see anything even close to what I saw here:
As you can see, they created a custom editor for Wordpress (not just some edits to TinyMCE), its a whole different editor even with an option to switch back to TinyMCE.
Does anyone know how to create custom editors for wordpress without altering the core files and just via a custom theme? I am starting to think its a custom meta box...but I am not sure.
Any clue will be much appreciated!
I suggest to use a plugin to extend the default tinymce WP uses.. Take a look at this plugin:
If you really want a completely different editor, ckeditor is quite ok.. There is a plugin too:
Always use or write a plugin an don't change any core files is indeed the way to go!
Please let me know what you think!

Wordpress creating custom theme-Reusability

first approach to CMS and wordpress I'm wondering if there's any predefined html structure and classes/IDs "must-be" reference that I can refer for making my own theme willing to change in the future for another wordpress theme
There are a few other 'template' themes that could get you started - if Starkers isn't quite your thing, you might find WP Framework a good alternative. Or - just start stripping down the Twenty Eleven theme to give you a base (which is just what the Starkers theme does, using the Twenty Ten theme as a base).
There's also quite a handy first-time guide on the WordPress Codex around theme development if you'd prefer to start from scratch.
Wordpress doesn't require you to have any specific classes or IDs in your theme in terms of the HTML and CSS, the only things WP needs are things like the wp_head function inside your element on every page. Having said that themes such as Starkers were created to enable developers to have a starting point instead of starting from scratch.
Now the above applies only to whatever code you write, there are however some functions in WP that will return standard code, for instance if you don't specifically create the comment thread code, WP will generate it for you, and that is really the only code that many themes will share.
I would say that if you are intending on making a number of blogging themes for instance, having a set of standard code might be a good idea, for the article pages for example, so that you don't have to re-write code over and over. Aside from that the only code I ever reuse when making themes is the CSS to style comments if I don't hand-code the comments section, this is a good idea as it will save you a lot of time.
Wordpress provide some functions which add CSS classes depending of page type, templete, conditional tags . . .etc.
These functions are body_class() and post_class().
For more info check:
