How do I use my own custom buttons and design with wxpython - button

I've been looking for some inspiration with wxpython as far as the GUI goes. Everything in the demo looks boring and uninspiring so I want to go in my own direction but I can't figure out how to use my own buttons I made in photoshop or my own background images.
I'm kind of new to GUI programming so I ask if you could please be clear in what steps I should take. Once I intialize the to I load my custom buttons, or set the panel background?

As acattle pointed out, I already wrote on how to change a panel's background. You should note that wxPython isn't a themable GUI toolkit. It uses the native widgets of the OS wherever possible and most of the time, those just aren't very themable. If you need that, then you should look at Tkinter's (especially ttk) or pyside/pyQt.
If you need bitmap buttons, there are several options:

I did some googling and I found this tutorial for setting the background of panels.
A bit more googling and I found this post talking about wxPython's Bitmap Button Class and showing some code examples.
I would suggest being very very careful designing your GUI if you're going to use custom images. You need to pay special attention to your spacing and your text sizes or your GUI might come out looking like crap.


How can I add custom graphics in Qt designer?

I'm comfortable with C++ but brand new to Qt. I apologize for my ignorance as I'm sure this is a very simple question. I'd like to make a custom clickable widget, basically a push button that is just a black square with Qt designer, but don't have any idea on where to start.
EDIT: after fumbling around I think I'm an epsilon closer.
I created a black_box.png file. In the resource browser I created a new resource and prefix, and added the black_box.png. Any advice from here?
You have a few options for what you want to achieve.
You can use custom painting to draw a new button that subclasses QPushButton, this is reasonably involved and provides a huge amount of flexibility to build it to your requirements.
You can use Qt's stylesheets mechanism to style it, you can get more information on it here:
Or you can set a QPixmap of your image to be a button icon, and size your button to match it, there's a good answer on how to do this on this question: How to set image on QPushButton?

Extending Three20 photo gallery?

Hi I am using the Three20 SDK to create a gallery and it's all working great. I basically want to extend this so that when you see a large image there is an additional button on the bottom bar (by the > keys) so you can view some text about the image - I guess this is in principal the same as on the Facebook app where you can click the comments button and the photo flips over to reveal the comments.
Ideally a tutorial on this would be amazing but I guess that probably doesn't exist so I wanted to know the best way to do this was? Should I be adding new files into the Three20 directory to add this additional functionality? Or can I do it just in the one project where I need it?
Sorry to be vague, I'm a bit new to all this!
Generally, you shouldn't modify the three20 source code, unless it's a patch you're planning on submitting back to the three20 project.
If you need different behavior from TTPhotoViewController, you can subclass it and override any functions which doesn't fit your needs.
In your case, if you want to add a button to the toolbar, you should probably override (void)loadView, and replace the _toolbar with your own UIToolbar
Also, if you're only using the photo viewer from the entire three20 library, you will probably better off with a light weight solution, such as

How to use custom widget in Qt-Designer

I want to use a custom widget in the GUI-Designer of Qt-Creator IDE.
So i created a class which inherits from Qt's QWidget. It worked to place
it on a QMainWindow programaticaly, but have to do my work in the desiger
where it does not appear as an option in the kist of components.
I googled to find a solution for problem an found an manual on, who guesses, the
Qt doc page (
I tried to follow it but doesn't work.
Does someone know an other way to do this or can give a hint where i can search
for problems following this tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
There is a different example in the examples section of the Qt documentation that I think is a lot clearer.
Custom Widget Plugin Example
It was a little unclear to me when reading the tutorial where the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro goes, but having full example code and project alleviates that.
If you are like me, the analog clock example didn't do it for you, in which case I found just one better tutorial. It may be on the kde site but I you dont need kde to do it, it just explains how to make the custom widget a plugin so you can add it into Qt Designer, rather than having to code it in, which is the norm when you just add a widget to your project and customize the class. I hope this page helps you like it helped me, get in the right direction of writing a single Qt Designer (or multiple) plugin:
Writing Qt Designer Plugins
If this link ever becomes dead, just do a search for the link itself, usually that will turn up the original page in someone's cache, as they do in the other examples above (the dead links in the above answers that just take you to main area and not to the pages originally intended).

Qt and UI Skinning

I wanted to consult with the sages here regarding Qt and skinning, get your opinion and chart a path for my development. My requirements are as follows:
My Qt/C++ application (cross platform with Mac, Windows and Linux versions) needs to have modular skins.
A skin is defined as a set of one or more elements: - Window background texture - Look/feel of UI controls such as edit boxes, drop down, radio buttons, buttons etc. - Look/feel of window "caption", resize grips etc.
Skins will be installed with the application installer, allowing the user to choose which one he/she wants to use. Users should be able to change skins on the fly.
Can I go the QML route? should this be custom and based on simple resources which are built into the application? Any design advice will be appreciated.
If I understood you correctly then stylesheet is the best way forward. You can create stylesheets similar to CSS and then pass them as command line option to your application or load on invocation to style your application at runtime. That way you can create multiple stylesheets each having a different look and feel and allow user to load them at will. Since its CSS it doesn't need any new learning and you can keep all your styling outside your source code.
Here are a list of resources that can get you up and running quickly:
I haven't played with QML yet, but you could also create a custom QStyle implementation that supports your resource format. Note that you'd lose style sheet support if you went this route.
Changing window captions is a little trickier if you want portability.
QML, if I understand correctly, doesn't really skin the widgets, it mainly deals with GUI layout etc etc.
QStyle is used to change the looks. It is a bit low-level though, and requires programming, so if you want to load different user-created skins (from an XML or so) it might be tricky to support extensive skinning. Chaining colors and a few items are easy enough though. (There might be someone else who've done something you could re-use.. not sure.)
For modifying widgets, use QStyle::polish(). You could use that to change the background picture (if it's a top-level window, or of a certain class). There are numerous repaint method to change almost every part of every widget.
Store/load the style using QSettings, by reading and setting the desired Style just after QApplication but before your main window is constructed.

Glossy buttons in wxPython?

alt text
This is how they look in vista. They are glossier than the normal buttons and when the mouse is not over them they are flat. They have a correspondent version on Windows XP. Is there a way to get them using wxPython?
You can always make a custom button which can look same or better
see my answer to your other question
Custom Button
Get the wxpython docs package from
and check out the examples.
Andrea Gavana's agw library, which is included with wxpython now, has a couple of custom widgets called AquaButton and Gradient button both which look very nice. These may work or you may be able to adapt them to suit, they're pure python so you shouldn't have hard time modifying them.
