radio buttons int html5 form - zoom issue - css

So I've heard people talk about things that hate to resize, and that radio buttons are one of them. As such, I was curious if there was a work-around? textareas don't resize nice when using rows/columns, but do when you use width. I tried a similar approach and gave my radio inputs a heights, but didn't 'fix' zoom issue.
And so here I am wondering if there's a fix of sorts for this. I have a fluid layout so it's fine, but it turns out quite bad '~'.

You can create a styled replacement (a plus is that you can have the look you want), almost like jQuery Mobile does. It's not that hard.
Some things to give you kickstart:
Hide the original input with javascript;
Insert your markup to generate the "fake" input;
Wireup the events on your replacement to activate or deactivate the original input with the click, focus and blur events.
Also, there are a lot of plugins that can do it for you, like

Radio buttons look and feel are usually determined by the OS, as such, it's quite hard to resize them.
A good alternative would be to fake it with an image.


Checkboxes with Raphael, svg or html inputs?

So I would like to use some customised checkboxes for my application. I'm not very experienced so I don't really know which way would be the best, but what I've done right now seems somewhat inefficient to me (mainly because I don't know how to copy this button around so each button would require the same amount of code). The button in this jsFiddle is just a simple example, the final might be a bit more elaborate but regardless the point comes through.
The questions are:
1) Which method is best for these type of buttons, Raphael SVG or PNG images with HTML inputs(?)?
2) If Raphael, what would be the best method of producing around 6 of these buttons with different click functions (possibly hover colours would be different too)? I know that creating multiple sets which use same basic variables didn't work.

Can you make a Stack Panel type layout using CSS?

I've had immense trouble googling this, I guess I don't quite know the name for the concept. I have a section of the page where a series of text boxes will appear, the number might vary. I'd like to have them fill a div in a top-to-bottom then left-to-right manner. That is, the text boxes will stack (normal) until they reach the bottom then wrap around to the top again in a new column.
Textbox1 Textbox4 Textbox7
Textbox2 Textbox5 Textbox8
Textbox3 Textbox6
Is that possible in CSS, or will I need to actually code something to do this correctly?
You can use CSS columns, which is described on A List Apart.
Note that this only works in modern browsers. Otherwise you need JavaScript or extra HTML.
You want to Google "multi-column lists" using CSS.
I personally call this newspaper columns, and there is support for this in CSS 3
As mentioned, CSS3 allows for this, though browser support is going to likely be mixed.
It wouldn't be too hard to do via JavaScript, though.

CSS form buttons

I'm looking for a good way to implement reusable buttons in CSS on my forms. The requirements:
- Separate image and text (text is in many languages)
- Rollover effects
- Plays nicely cross browser
- No javascript (if possible)
- Rounded corners
Whats the best way to do this? Years ago I was using the sliding doors technique, but this seems out of date now. Would you use CSS3 with a fallback for older browsers? Any particularly well thought of techniques out there?
Jquery UI buttons are AWESOME. They're fully tested, completely compliant, and really look great. With one line of code, you can have a fully styled button in no time flat. Here's the thing--they can be executed without Jquery (go figure)
First, the tut
So, the standard method is to build an element (a, button, input) with an id and set it as a button in Jquery like this:$('#element').button()
However, if you do it in the manner that the tutorial shows, you just have to add some classes to an element to get a similar effect. So, to make a button out of an a tag, it would just be
In this example, there's no need to set the button with the jQuery button're doing it by style only. With the flexibility to style so many different type of elements, it opens up a ton of doors.
You would have to have the Jquery UI css loaded, which offers the added benefit of ThemeRoller, which can style elements on the page with a simple change of a file. It's really a great way to "theme" a site that has to change branding in a hurry, which has made custom themed apps my company puts out extremely profitable.
I would use css sprites for this. You can find out about them here:
It is basically a way to make one large image that has all states of buttons(normal, hover, selected). The benefit is it is one http request and you don't see a flicker the first time a hover occurs. If you use this route, the css background property will be the image. You can then use text-align and line-height to center the text that you want to place over the image.
This library, Nifty Corners Cubed uses Javascript but is a fairly clean way to round div tags links, etc. It is tough to find a reusable solution without using a sliding doors derived technique. Otherwise you stuck making none-resuable buttons that have to fit to your size.
You can also take a look at PIE
A sprite is a great option and I do use them from time to time.
Personally I don't mind if my websites aren't identical in all browsers and I go the CSS class route. I keep in mind what is and isn't supported by various browsers and if there is an element that needs to be a certain way I will double check with W3Schools for compatibility.
The main benefit the keeps me using CSS/CSS3 classes is if something changes it is done quickly by text in a single file, if need be I can do a quick change from a 10 year old computer with a dial-up connection (if they still exist) and no imaging software.
Where the advantage of a sprite is they are supported across all browsers and they will look identical (more or less). SpriteMe is a bookmarklet that I have heard of to help with sprites if you decide to go down this path.
I see this as a what do you prefer matter... these questions are what I ask myself when making this type of decision:
How often will it change? Big or small changes? Will it be a complete redesign job if it changes? What do you already know? How much time are you willing to spend learning something that you may not know? What does your gut say for this project?
I hope this can help you.

How to grow a textbox to match size of input for data entry dynamically (ASP.NET)

I'd like to add a description field to an application that can be as long as several lines (or even paragraphs) or as short as a one-liner.
Instead of taking up a lot of screen real estate or have scroll bars, it would be preferable to have the textbox grow based on its input.
On IE6 adding Style="overflow-y:visible" accomplishes this nicely (both on display of read only, and if we are in edit mode).
However, it has no effect on Firefox, or IE7 for that matter.
Is there a relatively easy fix for this?
You can accomplish this using jquery if you want to go down that route. It's a nice effect, kind of like the comment textarea in facebook.

color of scrollbars within the page

I need help. My main page has a long table that will typically be approximately 2 screens "tall" (assuming a 1024x768 browser window).
I want
the user to be able to browse that table up and down, while always having a set of control buttons available in the currently visible portion of the page.
to retain control over the color scheme of all elements on the page.
The problem is that both solutions I could think of that address the first point (using an overflown div or a frame) involve scrollbars that I cannot style. (At least on Firefox they will invariably be gray.)
I cannot implement a "pager" which breaks the data on the table into chunks which are served one at a time (eg, having a "next 40 results" link at the bottom). The user needs to refer to the full table to find and compare multiple rows throughout the table.
What are my options? My head hurts when I think of moving this entire page to Flash for this reason...
thanks in advance...
i would use jquery and a scrollable div.
Here are some resources to get you started.
Don't change the styling of scrollbars unless you really know what you're doing! However, if you understand the usability implications (and try to make them as user-friendly as possible), try the following options:
If you use jQuery, try jScrollPane.
If you use MooTools, try MooScroll or MooScroller.
The following StackOverflow threads might also be useful:
How do I change the browser's scrollbar colours using CSS?
What's the deal with CSS and scroll bars?
How can one use scroll bar images?
