jQuery Mobile breaking styling because of min-height - css

I'm building a test mobile website for a client: http://preview.stafforce.co.uk/mobile/
As you can see, upon the loading the website on a mobile device or on the desktop using the correct viewport size you will see a red box with three options. The red box is the page itself told be red by a class of splash. (I had originally had this as a separate DIV that sat ontop of the page using position fixed, but that had several issues with positioning).
On the desktop this works fine, but on the mobile device e.g. iPhone using Safari when the toolbar disappears and/or you scroll/change orientation you get a black bar, this is because the body is appearing as the div is not taking up the full size of the screen (jq mobile uses min-height which is done using the framework to make this happen).
Any ideas on how to fix this? Or had similar issues? Also noticed when doing the transitions that they appear cut off in places again likely attributed to this min-height not getting things correct.
Edit: The reason I have changed the body to black is because when you do the flip transitions, this is what you see behind, and black is the correct colour for the background when doing transitions on phones such as the iPhone.

You should use Jquery mobile enhanced 'listview' and keep your content in DIV with data-role='content'.
Jquery mobile will make your content fullscreen.
You should not style listview or anything else manually.
Here is the demo: http://jsfiddle.net/nachiket/YSp3x/
I haven't set icons and your logo, but you will get idea.
If possible use Jquery mobile Theme Roller for base styling, and do customizations on top of it.
You can set color on div which has data-role="page".
.myPage {
And in HTML
<div data-role="page" class="myPage">
I have already updated jsfiddle link.


Logo in the header loads and then disappears on the mobile view

The logo in the header loads and then disappears on the mobile view. Reloading the page causes it to appear and then disappear. This only happens when using a phone, and I can't seem to replicate this behavior on a desktop screen. I'm trying to track down what may be causing this behavior?
There are a couple of css rules that apply only on a certain viewport width through media-queries (in style.css).
But no matter how you change your external css, the actual img-tag div.navbar-brand > a > img has set an inline-style attribute display: none; which, on a wider viewport is set to display: inline;. It changes on small viewports after the pageload finished.
I assume the img's style attribute is changed via javascript.
You can reproduce this behaviour with chrome's mobile emulation using a screen-resolution of 375x812 (e.g. iPhone X).

Bootstrap 4 navbar with fullscreen mobile menu background jumping when opened

I have the following navbar that, when open on mobile, should have a background that covers the entire screen.
The problem is that with my current implementation the contents of the navbar "jumps" down the screen a little bit. I want the navbar-brand and the links to remain where they would without jumping.
See this fiddle for an example showing the code I've tried and the current problem.
Removing the height: 100vh directive removes the "jump", but then the background of the open mobile navbar no longer covers the entire viewport, which is what I want without the jumping.
Thanks for any suggestions!

Can not scroll <body> while fullscreen is enabled in MS IE11

I have a page with fixed header and footer using Bootstrap3. The content beneath is scrollable. The user may enable the fullscreen mode via F11 or a button (using the FullScreen-API). This works fine in Chrome and FF but has problems in IE11. Fullscreen with F11 works always fine. But toggling fullscreen mode with javascript causes my page to be placed at the top bottom with shrinked width and height when using IE11. My header and footer remain intact.
I have created a small fiddle, that may show what I'm doing. Unfortunately the fullscreen wont be toggled in JSFiddle, so better copy the code to somewhere else: https://jsfiddle.net/j122kdju/
Here are two screenshots from the site. I gave the html a green backgound color to see what's happening when enabling fullscreen via JS API. First image shows the page without fullscreen in IE11:
The second shows fullscreen enabled via JS API in IE11:
I may handle this issue by setting html width in css to 100%. Anyway, pages with overflow can't be scrolled anymore. The scrollbar is not visible. As said, this works fine in other browsers.
Is there any workaround available? Am I missing something here? Thanks
EDIT: Maybe related: IE cannot scroll while in fullscreen mode
if you want the entire page fullscreen the solution is to send "document.body" for IE11 and "document.documentElement" for Chrome and Firefox
see my complete answer here:
IE cannot scroll while in fullscreen mode
You can try to set html width to 100% as you said and then force the body to have a scrollbar using
body {
overflow-y: scroll;

slideshow won't scale width on mobile

I have a slideshow on my homepage that scales to 100% width. It works perfectly on my computer (I can even resize my browser windows all the way down, in both Firefox and Safari, and it works great) but it doesn't work on my iphone (it stays too wide and adds a lot of blank space to the right of the page content).
The slideshow is an iframe. I've tried scaling the iframe with html, putting it in a div and scaling the div with css, and I've tried this: http://css-tricks.com/snippets/html/responsive-meta-tag/, but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone have any ideas I can try?
website: www.silvervinedesign.com
You have pixel widths defined for the styles of this element. Therefore, it won't be responsive.
If you inspect the source of this iframe (right click and choose "Inspect Element"), you'll find that the <ul> element containing the images is getting a style="width: 4778px;" applied to it. Each <li> child is also getting an explicit pixel width style applied. When I view the source of the iframe, these style tags are not present there.
That tells me you've got some javascript function which is setting this width. Looking at your source, I'm guessing the plugin responsible is galleria, but it's hard to tell.

How do I get scrollbars to show in Mobile Safari?

The jQuery time-picker plugin that I wrote uses a div as the containing block for the list of times, and on Mobile Safari there are no scrollbars to indicate that there are more available times than are visible. I know about using two fingers to scroll within the div (on the iPad at least), but that only works if the user knows that there is more content to scroll to, and there's no indication that there is. So, my question: Has anyone been able to get scrollbars to show in Mobile Safari? How'd you do it?
Assuming you are using iOS5.0 or later, I think you have to use the following:
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto (this is default style)
auto: One finger scrolling without momentum.
The other available style is
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
touch: Native-style scrolling. Specifying this style has the effect of creating a staking context (like opacity, masks, and transforms).
Using touch mode, the scrollbar will be visible when the user touches and scrolls, but disappear when not in use. If you want to make it always visible, then this old post will help you:
::-webkit-scrollbar {
-webkit-appearance: none;// you need to tweak this to make it available..
width: 8px;
Another Piece of Code for Thumb by #BJMC:
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.5);
Original Source
Edit: with respect to this demo's behaviour, you should use jQuery because it will help you a lot, $(document).ready(function(){//your code with timer}) code with timer will need to reset the CSS property to normal after desired time(let's say 5 sec.)
For the demo( that you have described), this is initiated with the onhover event, please check this fiddle I have created for that.
That reproduces the results in a desktop browser, and will also work in iPad, just add your timer code to suit your requirements.
Regarding the original question: the best solution to have scrollbars would be to use an external library (already recommended iScroll is good, but even jQuery UI itself contains scrollbars). But displaying ever-present scrollbars might deviate from the general iOS UI (see below).
Alternative would be to indicate with other GUI elements that the content is scrollable. Consider small gradient fields in the end of the element (the content fades to background there) that suggest that content continues when touched and scrolled.
In iOS5 overflow: scroll functions as expected, i.e it allows the the div to be scrolled up/down with one finger within the area specified by the dimensions of the div. But scrollable div doesn't have scrollbars. This is a bit different from the general UI in iOS(5). Generally there are no scrollbars also, but they appear when user starts scrolling a content area and fade out again after the touch event has stopped.
To answer Sam Hasler comment above.
Nicescroll 3 is a jquery plugin that does just what you want with fade in/out effect and work in all major Mobile/Tablet/Desktop browsers.
Live demo
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#divexample1").niceScroll();//or styles/options below
$("#divexample3").niceScroll("#divexample3 iframe",{boxzoom:true});
If you want to have the scroll to be always visible,
Do not set -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
then set custom style for scrollbar
::-webkit-scrollbar {
-webkit-appearance: none;// you need to tweak this to make it available..
width: 8px;
You loss the momentum effect, but scrollbar will always be there.
(tested under iPhone 4/ iOS 7)
Mobile safari, as far as I have seen won't support scrollbars.
The best plugin I could find to get the job done is this.
Its Demos are available here.
It also has multiple predefined skins to suit your application.
here's a sample of what you'll get -
By convention, scrollbars are not used on iOS.
For a div with overflow: scroll, the only native way to scroll is with two fingers.
You might take a look at iScroll, a JavaScript library which handles touch events and implements single-finger momentum scrolling (what users generally expect in native apps) for divs.
until ios5 you could not scroll internal divs - so you probably are not seeing a scroll bar when you try to scroll because there isn't one.
I haven't tested on ios5 but supposedly scrolling internal divs now works.
If it isn't an internal div then you should be able to see the scroll bar when it is scrolling only - this isn't just on ios anymore - lion has gotten rid of all native scroll bars too. You can only see them when a window is scrolling or when the window is first loaded.
