pagination in alfresco - alfresco

I am working on an application which lists and searches document from alfresco. The issue is the alfresco can return upto 5000 records per query. but I don't want my application to list down all documents instead if I can some how implement pagination in alfresco, so that alfresco only return X result per page. I am using Alfresco 4 enterprise edition.
Any help or suggestion please.
UPDATE (Example)
I have written a web script which executes the query and returns all the documents satisfies the condition. Lets say, there are 5000 entries found. I want to modify my web script in a way that the web script returns 100 documents for 1st page, next 100 for second page and so on...
It'll be something like usage of Limit BY and OFFSET keywords. something like this

There are two ways to query on the SearchService (excluding the selectNodes/selectProperties calls). One way is to specify all your arguments directly to the query method. This has the advantage of being concise, but the disadvantage is that you don't get all the options.
Alternately, you can query with a SearchParameters object. This lets you do everything the simple query does, and more. Included in that more are setLimit, setSkipCount and setMaxItems, which will allow you to do your paging.
If your query used to be something like:
searchService.query(StoreRef.STORE_REF_WORKSPACE_SPACESSTORE, "lucene", myQuery);
You'd instead do something like:
SearchParameters sp = new SearchParameters();

Assuming you have written your webscript in Javascript you can use the search.query() function and add the page property to the search definition as shown below:
var sort1 = {
column: "#{}modified",
ascending: false
var sort2 = {
column: "#{}created",
ascending: false
var paging = {
maxItems: 100,
skipCount: 0
var def = {
query: "cm:name:test*",
store: "workspace://SpacesStore",
language: "fts-alfresco",
sort: [sort1, sort2],
page: paging
var results = search.query(def);
You can find more information here:


Firestore rule to only add/remove one item of array

To optimize usage, I have a Firestore collection with only one document, consisting in a single field, which is an array of strings.
This is what the data looks like in the collection. Just one document with one field, which is an array:
On the client side, the app is simply retrieving the entire status document, picking one at random, and then sending the entire array back minus the one it picked
var all = await metaRef.doc("status").get();
List tokens=all['all'];
var r=new Random();
int numar=r.nextInt(tokens.length);
var ales=tokens[numar];
Then it tries to do some stuff with the string, which may fail or succeed. If it succeeds, then no more writing to the database, but if it fails it fetches that array again, adds the string back and pushes it:
var all = await metaRef.doc("status").get();
List tokens=all['all'];
List<String> toate=( => element as String).toList());
You can use the methods associated with the Set object.
Here is an example to check that only 1 item was removed:
allow update: if checkremoveonlyoneitem()
function checkremoveonlyoneitem() {
let set =;
let setafter =;
return set.size() == setafter.size() + 1
&& set.intersection(setafter).size() == 1;
Then you can check that only one item was added. And you should also add additional checks in case the array does not exist on your doc.
If you are not sure about how the app performs the task i.e., successfully or not, then I guess it is nice idea to implement this logic in the client code. You can just make a simple conditional block which deletes the field from the document if the operation succeeds, either due to offline condition or any other issue. You can find the following sample from the following document regarding how to do it. Like this, with just one write you can delete the field which the user picks without updating the whole document.
city_ref = db.collection(u'cities').document(u'BJ')
u'capital': firestore.DELETE_FIELD

DynamoDB PartiQL pagination using SDK

I'm currently working on pagination in DynamoDB using the JS AWS-SDK's executeStatement using PartiQL, but my returned object does not contain a NextToken (only the Items array), which is used to paginate.
This is what the code looks like (pretty simple):
const statement = `SELECT "user", "id" FROM "TABLE-X" WHERE "activity" = 'XXXX'`;
const params = {Statement: statement};
try {
const posted = await dynamodb.executeStatement(params).promise();
return { posted: posted };
} catch(err) {
throw new Error(err);
I was wondering if anyone has dealt with pagination using PartiQL for DynamoDB.
Could this be because my partition key is a string type?
Still trying to figure it out.
Thanks, in advance!
It turns out that if you want a NextToken DO NOT use version 2 of the AWS SDK for JavaScript. Use version 3. Version 3 will always return a NextToken, even if it is undefined.
From there you can figure out your limits, etc (default limit until you actually get a NextToken is 1MB). You'll need to look into the dynamodb v3 execute statement method.
You can also look into dynamodb paginators, which I've never used, but plan on studying.

Use vogels js to implement pagination

I am implementing a website with a dynamodb + nodejs backend. I use Vogels.js in server side to query dynamodb and show results on a webpage. Because my query returns a lot of results, I would like to return only N (such as 5) results back to a user initially, and return the next N results when the user asks for more.
Is there a way I can run two vogels queries with the second query starts from the place where the first query left off ? Thanks.
Yes, vogels fully supports pagination on both query and scan operations.
For example:
var Tweet = vogels.define('tweet', {
hashKey : 'UserId',
rangeKey : 'PublishedDateTime',
schema : {
UserId : Joi.string(),
PublishedDateTime :,
content : Joi.string()
// Fetch the 5 most recent tweets from user with id 555:
Tweet.query(555).limit(5).descending().exec(function (err, data) {
var paginationKey = data.LastEvaluatedKey;
// Fetch the next page of 5 tweets
Yes it is possible, DynamoDB has some thing called "LastEvaluatedKey" which will server your purpose.
Step 1) Query your table with option "Limit" = number of records
Step 2) If your query has more records than the "Limit value", DynamoDB will return a "LastEvaluatedKey" which you can pass in your next query as "ExclusiveStartKey" to get next set of records until there are no records left
Note: Be aware that to get previous set of records you might have to store all the "LastEvaluatedKeys" and implement this at application level

firefeed stores only id in spark list - how does that work?

Why this structure? We're optimizing for performance and scalability. When we need to display the feed for a particular user, we only need to look in a single place:
var feed = firebase.child("users").child(userid).child("feed");
feed.on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
var sparkID =;
var sparkRef = firebase.child("sparks").child(sparkID);
sparkRef.on("value", function(spark) {
// Render the spark into the user's feed.
I don't understand how you can just store the ids and list out the sparks. To me, all you would be rendering is a list of ids. How does Firebase know to get the data for the list of sparkids so it can be rendered?
The key lines are:
var sparkRef = firebase.child("sparks").child(sparkID);
sparkRef.on("value", function(spark) { ... });
This takes the sparkID from the list, and attaches a callback to the location where all of the spark's data is stored, under /sparks. This lets Firefeed use lists of sparkIds in various places, without duplicating all of the data for each spark. As an additional advantage, if the spark is ever updated, it will update in every list that it's a part of automatically, since the list is just storing a pointer.

Get Meteor collection by name

Suppose I write:
new Meteor.Collection("foos");
new Meteor.Collection("bars");
Is there an API for accessing those collections by name? Something like Meteor.Collection.get(name), where name is "foos" or "bars"? I know I could write something like
var MyCollections = {
foos: new Meteor.Collection("foos");
bars: new Meteor.Collection("bars");
and then use MyCollections[name], but I'd prefer to use an existing API if one exists.
Based on Shane Donelley's mongoinspector
getCollection = function (string) {
for (var globalObject in window) {
if (window[globalObject] instanceof Meteor.Collection) {
if (globalObject === string) {
return (window[globalObject]);
return undefined; // if none of the collections match
I've just found that package :
It allow you to
Foo1 = new Mongo.Collection('foo'); // local
Foo2 = new Mongo.Collection('foo', { connection: connection });
Mongo.Collection.get('foo') // returns instance of Foo1
Mongo.Collection.get('foo', { connection: connection });
// returns instance of Foo2
Hope it will help
This feature was added to Meteor in Feb 2016: "Provide a way to access collections from stores on the client"
It works like this:
And I was using it as follows to test inserts using the javascript console:
For the insert it required the insecure package to still be installed otherwise got an access denied message.
As far as I can see in the collection.js source there currently is no way in the api to get an existing Collection by name, once it has already been initialized on the server. It probably wouldn't be hard to add that feature.
So, why not fork Meteor and submit a patch or create a smart package and share it I'm sure there are others out there who'd like the same feature.
With you can use Mongo.Collection.get('collectionname')
Note that the parameter you're inserting is the same one you use when creating the collection. So if you're using const Products = new Mongo.Collection('products') then you should use get('products') (lowercase).
Note that they have a return value, so you can just do
var Patterns = new Meteor.Collection("patterns");
and use Patterns everywhere.
And when you need to subscribe to server updates, provide "patterns" to Meteor.subscribe().
If you have the same code for multiple collections, the chance is high that you're doing something wrong from a software engineering viewpoint; why not use a single collection with a type field (or something else that differentiates the documents) and use that instead of using multiple collections?
Rather than looking, I've just been doing:
Foos = new Meteor.Collection("foos");
or possibly put it inside another object. I haven't really been making a Collections collection object.
It seems there is no way to get at the wrapped Meteor.Collection object without saving it at creation time, as others have mentioned.
But there is at least a way to list all created collections, and actually access the corresponding Mongo LocalCollection object. They are available from any Meteor Collection object, so to keep it generalistic you can create a dummy collection just for this. Use a method as such (CoffeeScript):
dummy = new Meteor.Collection 'dummy'
getCollection = (name) ->
These objects do have all the find, findOne, update et al methods, and even some that Meteor doesn't seem to expose, like pauseObservers and resumeObservers which seem interesting. But I haven't tried fiddling with this mongo LocalCollection reference directly to knowif it will update the server collection accordingly.
var bars = new Meteor.Collection("foos");
Judging by what the collection.js does, the line we use to instantiate the collection object opens a connection to the database and looks for the collection matching the name we give. So in this case a connection is made and the collection 'foos' is bound to the Meteor.Collection object 'bars'. See collection.js AND remote_collection_driver.js within the mongo-livedata package.
As is the way with MongoDB, whilst you can, you don't have to explicitly create collections. As stated in the MongoDB documentation:
A collection is created when the first document is inserted.
So, I think what you're after is what you already have - unless I've totally misunderstood what you're intentions are.
You can always roll your own automatic collection getter.
Say you have a couple of collections called "Businesses" and "Clients". Put a reference each into some "collections" object and register a Handlebars helper to access those "collections" by collections["name"].
i.e. put something like this on the client-side main.js:
collections = collections || {};
collections.Businesses = Businesses;
collections.Clients = Clients;
Handlebars.registerHelper("getCollection", function(coll) {
return collections[coll].find();
Then in your HTML, just refer to the collection by name:
{{#each getCollection 'Businesses'}}
<div> Business: {{_id}} </div>
{{#each getCollection 'Clients'}}
<div> Client: {{_id}} </div>
Look ma, no more generic "list all records" boilerplate js required!
