Google Analytics code not firing -

I have a e-commerce site using Umbraco.
The google analytics code works fine on most of the pages but for some reason doesn't work on the 'secure pages' (pages the user has to log in to see).
I've tried moving the code to various places in the HTML with no joy.
Any ideas?

The best way to resolve this is try to track for yourself, if the __utm.gif is called on the page that should be the Goal URL. You can use the Net tab in Firebug, Live HTTP Headers or Fiddler (if you use other browser than Firefox) to track all request on the page.
Check out this!category-topic/analytics/discuss-tracking-and-implementation-issues/pjKZ1pou7Sg


Multiple links to same page google analytics

So in google analytics I am seeing two links for every post I have on my wordpress site. See:
All the duplicate links are the same except for /404/ at the beginning. I checked my database and don't see these links. They do link to the correct page and don't display the /404/ in the url toolbar when clicked.
I inherited this site so I didn't set it up. Has anyone ever seen this? Is a plugin doing this? (We use yoast).
My suspicion isn't Google Analytics, but something on your site isn't right. Load up an Inspect session in your browser such as Google Chrome, and then go to the Network tab, and watch each request. You'll look for the "status" column for anything that's not a 200. I'd bet something like a JS, CSS, or image isn't loading, and your site is redirecting each 404 request to a page and passing the referring URL to it.

Google Analytics In-Page Script Fails To Load

The following link when opened in my chrome results in an infinite loop of 302 redirects which lead to the 'ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS' error:
This link is loaded when trying to open the google analytics in-page analytics. It does not matter if I turn off the shield sign or open in full screen or whatever, there is always this infinite 302 redirects loop.
I read somewhere that maybe changing the google analytics tracker domain in my script will help but it did not help.
Also tried to clear browser data and cookies and it did not help.
Anybody encountered this problem and has an idea of how to solve it?
What is opened for you when you open this link? And can you also try opening it while being connected to google analytics account?
This is supposed to be the script that turns the in-page analytics functionality so can anybody who has in-page analytics working, test what happens with this link? or check if using in-page analytics in his page loads this script at all?

In-Page Analytics not working

When trying to look at In-Page Analytic in firefox I get this message:
"Problem loading In-Page Analytics
We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics.
Your site doesn't load ga.js from Google. If you host the Google tracking code on your own servers, it isn't updated automatically and can miss important changes.
We didn't find a tracking snippet on your site. In-Page Analytics cannot load. Please make sure you have tracking installed correctly. If your snippet is included in a separate JavaScript file, you'll have to manually check it is being loaded correctly."
When trying to view In-Page Analytic in Chrome I get:
"Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006]"
I don't understand why this is not working because when I look at other reports in Google Analytic like page views everything seems to be working fine...
Any help would be much appreciated.
Recent web browser updates block http scripts from loading in a https session by default. In the URL bar click the shield icon and Load unsafe script to show in page analytics.
I had the same problem in Chrome and this worked for me like a charm:
After you try loading the report, look at the Chrome browser’s Address
bar. At the right side of the bar, a shield icon is displayed. Click
on the shield icon. Then you’re notified that the site contains an
unsafe script, and you’re given the option to run the script. Once
you grant permission to run the script, the report appears as it’s
supposed to
Clear your browsing data and try again. (Ctrl - Shift - Delete)
You should also verify your View settings are correct - please have a look at this GA troubleshooting document:
I had the same issue as user1697748 & Alex Lockwood. I change the property settings to
Start In-Page Analytics in "Full View Mode" instead of embedded mode.
This you can find in Admin --> Property Settings.
Now I the In page analytics opens in new window but get this error.
Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006]
I am getting the other data from analytic but having issues with in page analytics.
So I did following to fix it.
Make sure the url is same in all your properties. I had at one place and at all other places it was Google also recommends to keep it same
Delete all cookies. Close windows and re open it.
Worked for me.
It has been more than 2 years since In-Page Analytics report started to have problems with loading the data in Google Analytics interface. There are a few things you can try:
You can disable the security in your browser (not recommended).
You can download a plugin for Chrome to view some of the Google Analytics data directly in your browser (you wouldn't be able to apply any segments or filter the data by using the plugin).
You can recreate the report using Google Analytics data (the best solution) in Excel or Tableau. It isn't very hard to do, and once you are done, the problem is gone forever.
Here is a detailed step-by-step description of how to recreate In-Page Analytics report.
Google anaytics inpage analytics feature has been disabled and will be removed soon. To overcome the loading errors a new page analytics chrome extension has been developed which is more easier to use and analyze page.
Follow the step by step guide to using inpage analytics chrome extension.
seems to be a widespread problem with this whole inpage analytics thing.
I had/ have several problems my self and there is not only one step towards the solution because there is more than just one problem. So I will write here some of the steps and solutions I made so far which worked:
1. Problem: Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006] = Solution = If updated to universal analytics you get a code snippet, which is not complete: you get this from analytics
ga('create', 'UA-1200274-1', '');
ga('send', 'pageview');
but you have to put in an extra line between those two lines
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');, plus you have to go under admin ->Property settings-> and switch on Use enhanced link attribution, DONT use full side mode!
Now when you try inpage analytics again it depends on the browser you are using: In IE, it appears an allert, you have to click on "view whole content" (sorry I have it in german, it might be in english saying something else, like loading page, or show whole page or so..), In google Chrome you have to look in the url bar, there is kind of a shield and you have to click on it and say load unsecure script.
Well that is the way how to solve the two error messages with Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006] and "Problem loading In-Page Analytics We've identified problems in your setup. These may cause problems loading In-Page Analytics..."
Now at least you can anaylse the main page (eg, but in my case when i click further, then it doesnt stop loading for ever or it just appears that error again Access denied. Please try relaunching In-Page Analytics from the report.[Error: 20006],
I was really analyzing and testing and breaking my head, until I found out, that when I copy the Url, at the end of the url, my webpages adress repeats again. like this so i just deleted the last part from the www... out of the Url and pressed enter and then all the datas appeared... Its a little annoying because you have to delete the www out of ech url you are anaylzing manually, but at least you can use the inpage analytics. Sorry for my very bad English skills, but I hope at least some one understood it:)
Please dont stop posting more solutions and ideas:)
regards MA

Best way how to track iframe separately from the site on the same domain

On my site I have feature for users, that they can embed video on their page with iframe. Now I'm tracking classic page view and iframe view same way. So my analytics stats are not correct. I wanna separate this tracking to know how much of visitors I have on page and how much of them on iframe. I'm using google analytics.
I'm looking forward what do you suggest.
BTW: I am using special url for embeded video but still on the same domain.
Since you've got a special URL for the embedded video, you could use filters to include or exclude that URL for a Google Analytics profile, and keep the same analytics code on every page.
I'd recommend:
Keeping one profile unfiltered, showing all traffic
One profile that filters out the iframe URL
One profile that only shows the iframe URL
More info about Google Analytics accounts & profiles
Can you add a simple GET-Parameter in your URLs? For example:
Unfortunately I don't know exactly, how Google Analytics handles same URLs with various GET-Parameter.
Other way is using a simple redirect script or htaccess rule.

how to test my local page on Fetch as Googlebot

I have written a page and need to test it locally.
How can I see the result of my development site served from my local machine using Google's "Fetch As Google" feature in Webmaster Tools?
(disclaimer: more of a comment than an answer)
This is an excellent question and there are amazingly little sources on the web for a solution.
Fetch Google Bot -
The Fetch as Googlebot tool lets you
see a page as Googlebot sees it. This
is particularly useful if you're
troubleshooting a page's poor
performance in search results. For
example, if you use rich media files
to display content, the page returned
by the tool may not contain this
content if Google can't crawl it
effectively. You can choose to fetch a
page as Google's regular web crawler
sees it or, if you publish mobile
content, as our mobile crawlers do.
I followed the link above and tried out User Agent Switcher but it doesn't accomplish what the asker is looking for. See this thread:
You can change the user agent settings
to be the same as GoogleBot, for
example, but I'm not sure if sites
also change their appearance based on
the headers the search bot sends.
Changing the headers is beyond the
scope of the extension, however.
For example if i put googleBot i'd
like it to customize that it would be
emulate Google's spider.
The User Agent Switcher has always
been designed to be a simple,
light-weight solution so I'm not
planning on adding anything like this.
In short I don't think there is a solution. This would be a great opportunity for a google app
Do you mean you want to see how your site will react to the google web crawler?
For this you could use Firefox with the User Agent Switcher addon.
In order to test your localhost website with the official Google tools, you can use Ngrok as i described in this post :
Fetch as Google is not possible to use directly with non verified domain in Google Search Console (Webmaster tools). A trick to view it, is to iframe your Ngrok URL in a another verified domain.
- you should have a website verified in Search console
- Make an iframe that loads your Ngrok URL of your localhost webpage
Ngrok + Fetch as google combination is great, but you will need to go through the verification process each time you launch ngrok on the google tools side.
In my case I just needed to check if server side render was properly done, just went to google Chrome navigator settings and disabled javascript:
Settings >> Advanced >> Content Settings >> Disable >> Javascript Allowed (off)
It allowed me to check that the page was being 100% rendered in the server side(nextjs server side rendering) and no JavaScript render was being run on the client side.
