Links continue to point to live server - Drupal Live to localhost - drupal

I have inherited a Drupal 6 site to maintain.
I am new to Drupal so there is an element of learning as I go.
I have encountered a strange issue after attempting to set up a test site on my local machine.
All my links on my local site continue to point to the live server. So all menus, login buttons, etc. all point towards the live site.
Steps I have taken:
checked settings.php to ensure that $base_url is set to "http://localhost:456"
checked settings.php to ensure that MySQL settings are correct
Taken an SQL dump of the entire local database and searched for any references to live site URL
deleted all the local cache data from database
Checked various blocks to ensure that there was no hard coding of links
Disabled language support as that does use separate URLS for each language
I am at a total loss as to where to go from here.
I can navigate through the site locally by replacing the URL in the address bar to point to the local site, and I have even managed to change the local theme so I can see which version of the site I'm on. The fact that I could do this means that the database is set up correctly.
Totally stumped as to where to go from here. Any takers?

The problem was that in the 'variable' table there was an entry with the URL for default language pointing to live site. There is a 'language' table which holds the URLS for each language e.g. for english and for russian. I had changed the urls here to point to local server, but it seems there is also an entry in the variable table which needed to be changed.
In case anybody runs into this problem and wants to change it, you need to change the metadata for the entry as well where S22 represents a string of 22 characters, you need to change it to the length of the string that you are entering, youll see what I mean when you look in the table!
Also, you need to clear your cache after making any change.

In your local server, go to your site directory->site->default and open your settings.php file
look for the base url and comment out that line it should be around line 144

The only thing left is you need to a search for the live site url in your complete code base. See if any module is changing the base url using the code. Though I am not sure how it can be done using code.
However instead of replacing the url you can edit the hosts file and add an entry like
If you are using Linux the location of the file is /etc/hosts

I had this problem. I moved the entire site from the remote to the local server to work on, but whenever I loaded the site it went to the live site. I believe the problem was the .htpaccess file. I updated all the core Drupal files, but as the .htpaccess file was hidden I didn't notice it was still there.
Note that even after I removed it, it wasn't until I opened a different site on the local server and then went back that the path worked correctly.


Azure CDN Correct URL Is Pointing A Wrong Resource

I wrote a website with Blazor and because I and my server are in Australia. Most of my friends who want to contribute to my website are in China so I'm using Azure CDN on Azure Blob Storage where I put all the images in, in order to make it faster for visiting in China. The problem is, lots of my friends reported wrong images were displaying in my website and I asked one of my friends to check if the URLs were correct. Turned out, URL was the same but the image it pointed to was completely different. How's that possible? And how to solve things like this?
Edit: Also, I use the self-increment SQL ID as the file name so I can assure new file or the updated file won't use the same name as those deleted or modified files.
Correct Pointing on My Browser
Wrong Pointing on My Friend's Browser
As you can see on the devtool of Chrome, the src are the same but the photos displayed are different.
Maybe you need to purge files.
CDN is replicating your files to local servers, when you update files in storage it does not automatically update all servers. Purging is doing the job.
This is what can be reason, if not this then it sounds very weird for me.

Codekit 3 - External Server Issue

I've been using codekit for ages now, and now I've been using the version 3 since it came out.
I really like this app, but there's something I never really understood and I decided to post it here (hoping to finally understand how this works and how to make it works like I want).
I have MAMP pro installed, with some hosts.
Let's say I have this list of hosts with (fake) document root:
localhost -> documents/site1/dist
test -> documents/sitetest/dist
and let's assume that test is a wordpress site having the site url set to
http://test/ in the database.
In codekit, when I enable the browser refresh, the bottom options asks me to write down the address I would visit to see my website.
Now, if I navigate to http://test/ my WordPress website loads and I am able to see everything.
In codekit I then setup the browser refreshing options to be the following:
Animation: ticked
Refresh Delay: 0.0 seconds (default)
Preview: empty
Document-Root Subpath: empty
External Server Required: on
External Server Address: http://test/
Then when I click on the green dot (server) to preview my website, I'm expecting codekit to navigate to http://test:5757 and to properly display my website. This, unfortunately, is not the case. When I click on the preview (or server, it doesn't really make any difference for me) codekit navigates to my mac IP and the website is either not loading or loading without any external resource.
I don't think the issue is in the way I load the resource in WordPress (i use enqueue sources properly, and the website without using codekit refresh function works, load and displays as meant to).
So far, I always switched my current project to use the localhost host (changing the document root in MAMP pro) and then telling codekit to use the localhost ip as external server, but now it's a bit more complex, as I have way more projects and I was hoping not to change back and forth the document root to use codekit built in refreshing feature.
Is it possible? am I missing something here?
I read all I was able to find as well as watched the videos on codekit, but this bit here is still a bit unknown to me and any help would be really appreciated.
PS: No need to mention I am on a MAC, right? :)
I don't believe I actually managed to fix this.
I'll leave the answer here in case somebody else is facing the same issue.
The problem I had was that my website http://test/ was using a theme called test.
Codekit, for refreshing the browser, uses a simple string search and replace in the URL, and so everything that looked like "test" in the url was replaced by the internal ip.
Quick example:
and of course no file where loaded successfully, as the path was wrong.
To fix this?
Just change the MAMP pro address to something that won't be present in the URL (in my case, the MAMP pro host called test became dev.test and problem solved.

Load Drupal Site on Any URL

I'm setting up access to a Drupal 7 site. The site sits alone on a box that answers to a number of domains and that number is likely to grow. What I'd like to do is to tell Drupal to load the site regardless of which actual domain brought us to the box (the rest of the URL will always be the same, of course). Currently most of those domains send me to the install page.
The problem is the lack of a directory (symlink) in the sites/ directory.
I can probably rewrite requests coming through alternate domains in Nginx, but I'm wondering whether there's an application level answer. As it stands right now, accessing the box/site by any domain other than the canonical domain sends me to the install page.
Is there anything I can do?
It looks to me that you didn't configure your Drupal site as the "default" one.
The file "sites/default/settings.php" is loaded if no better (more specific to the current request) settings file can be found in the sites/folder... This is in fact a "wildcard" config, so the best solution would be to move the site files to the default folder. See the multi-site documentation for more details.
If you can't do that, then you can use sites.php for the rewriting, but you will need to update it to add any new URL you want to match. There's a little shortcut though: you can add a bunch of rewrites such as
$sites['com'] = 'default';
$sites['net'] = 'default';
$sites['org'] = 'default';
which will act as catch-all rewrites for sites ending in .com, .net, .org and so on, saving you a lot of (but not all) the manual rewrites.
Altering the conf_path() function should really be your last solution, since it will make updating Drupal a slower process (and if you forget to re-apply the changes after an update, your setup won't work any more).

Orchard CMS- Configure Base URL

I installed the latest version of Orchard on my dev machine using a base url of localhost/frankgiotto. Then I moved the site to and updated my Base URL in the settings.
Site works perfectly. I love everything about it but the one thing is that all the links on every page are mapping to and I want simply
This is driving me insane at the moment.. help anyone!?
p.s.. Yes, I made absolutely sure that Base Url is set to
Interestingly enough, and both work and take me to the same place. Its the same with everything else on the site.
This is little out of context, but to make the orchard urls work without any issue on local just do the following
go to Web project
open property->Web
check for "virtual path", set it empty, and all will be fine
that will make the app run without "/", hence less chance for the above issue
Yes, that is a known issue unfortunately. This is because for now links and image addresses are just stored as plain HTML in the database. Ideally, they would be stored as logical references instead and could be rebased on the production server. This feature does not exist today so what we encourage people to do is to use a port rather than a virtual directory on their dev box if they are going to deploy at the root of a domain. This way relative urls just work. In your case I'm afraid you'll have to manually rebase the existing links and change your dev box configuration.

How to make Drupal's multisite algorithm ignore the domain name part

I currently develop Drupal web sites using its multi-site feature that allows me to have a single code base and support multiple distinct settings per each site.
I set up a dev server and I was quite happy with my arrangement of domains like (not that happy because I had to perform a small conversion before entering production, but still quite happy) and the thing used to work well. Too bad I recently started to work at places outside the LAN in which my dev server resides--mostly at clients' places where I need to demo their sites. First of all I set up a account and the server is accessible through the Internet.
Unfortunately the whole domain-based multi-site ungracefully fell down, since I'm now accessing the server via and Drupal's algorithm takes the domain name into account, so I'm forced to use at least the TLD as part of the directory name (namely sites/ So I decided to switch to directory-based multi-site, and now I'm able to access my server from inside the LAN using myservername.local/ (having renamed the sites/ subdirectories accordingly). You should easily see why this is suboptimal, since when I browse to Drupal looks for sites/ I temporarily ended up making a link from sites/ to sites/ but again, this does not scale well If and when I'll have to drop for, say,
Is there any other possibility? I have full access to the server, I can change Apache2's configs, .htaccess and all the stuff.
I would recommend against referencing drupal multisites in folders but instead would set up your server to have a fixed domain name and each site in a subdomain.
So your dev server is at
and then each site could be
If you also at the same time as creating these, you move the files folder from the default to whatever the live site will be i.e.
Then when you have to go live, all the references will be correct (if you are drupal 7 this might not be an issue)
