CSS embeded within dwt vs external style sheet - css

I created a new website with 46 pages: http://www.lampshade111.com/
I use Microsoft Expression Web 4 employing a dynamic web template.
All css was embedded within the heading of the dwt page and updated to every individual web page.
Everything looks and works perfectly - no problems.
However, everything I have read suggests using an external style sheet.
So in the spirit of "good practice", I removed css from the dwt heading and employed (linked) an external style sheet to the dwt.
Of course the individual pages are updated by the dwt and the linked css file is shown on every page.
Again, everything looks and works perfectly as before.
Problem: When viewing my website after employing an external style sheet, the website is much slower in my browser.
I have another website with 256 pages and all css is embedded within the heading of the master dwt - no external style sheet.
It has worked fine for many years.
Is there any reason to not use css in the heading of a dwt ?
Is this suppose to be more efficient (faster) than an external style sheet ?
I cannot find any information on this subject.
Thanks for any help ? - Jim

I can't imagine why an external style sheet is "much slower" than an external one. A linked style sheet will be cached as soon as it is loaded and will not have to be loaded a second time. That means the second and third pages you load should be faster, unless you are using totally different formatting on each page.
Embedded style sheets will run faster at first, because only one resource has to be loaded. But over time the work needed to maintain multiple pages with embedded style sheets will be much more of a burden. Remember every time you change even one CSS rule in any page, you will have to make that change in every single page and upload all those pages again. If you don't, you will have individual pages formatted differently throughout the site.
An external linked style sheet precludes this problem. One style sheet, one file to correct and to upload. The only things I can think of that would make your page load or respond more slowly are the following:
Very large style sheet
Using "import" instead of "link" command (some browsers react differently to these commands)
You are using non-standard CSS or very dense styling commands.
Without seeing the CSS I really can't give you any more suggestions. The fact that the browser has to load two files at first, will cause it to function slightly slower. But it's hard to understand why the entire site runs more slowly.
Here are some suggestions:
Have you checked and tested your pages in other browsers and other computers? Maybe it's not the page at all. Maybe it's the browser or the computer you are using.
If your style sheet is large, break it into logical components. I have style sheets that format tables, forms and special components that don't appear on every page. Load only the CSS that is pertinent to that page. Have one main style sheet and then specialized style sheets for specific types of components, like those mentioned.
Check the types of commands you are using. Are you making best advantage of Cascade, Inheritance, and specificity? Try to create CSS that is as efficient as possible.
Keeping embedded style sheets may be easy at first, but updating and maintaining a large website with embedded style sheets would be much more burdensome.
Hope that helps.


Should i always use external style sheet even if the style is for one particular page

Since External Style Sheet will be kept in cache, so it will be faster for page load with frequenly visit.Should i always using external style sheet instead of embedded style sheet even if a style is used only for one particular page. The only drawback i can think of is if we use only external style sheet we might have a lot of file in folders styles and this can be messy and confused for others fellow developer compared with using embedded style sheet for css that use only on that page.
If it's for one page, and only that page, then no. You'll induce an unnecessary GET request on your server to grab that CSS file.
Edit: To answer the question in your comment "Will using an external CSS document have an overhead of a GET request?" the answer is yes. For each file not included in the HTML document you're accessing (i.e. external javascript files, images, external stylesheets, etc) the client's browser will have to make another GET request to attain those files.
An embedded CSS is included in the first GET response for that page (it is part of the HTML response, after all).
In external style-sheet case scenario, you'd be imposing two GET requests (one for the HTML document, and another for the CSS file) as opposed to the single GET request to just embed the CSS into your document.
See the wiki on HTTP for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_message
HTTP requests are costly as far as speed goes. I'd try to minimize them. For organization sake, try to keep things in external stylesheets, but if it's just a couple of things applicable to only that page, it makes sense to use an embedded stylesheet. You have to find the right balance of the two.

Is there an App that removes unused classes from frameworks?

So to give you an idea of what it is I am trying to do, OOCSS Framework uses a ton of classes, I'm about to package up a mobile site that is about ~2.5 megs and would like to remove all unused classes from the files. Sure, I could do it by hand but it would be much easier if something like this existed for the future.
There is a Firefox extension called Dust Me Selectors
It extracts all the selectors from all the stylesheets on the page you’re viewing, then analyzes that page to see which of those selectors are not used. The data is then stored in your user preferences, so that as you continue to navigate around a site, selectors will be crossed off the list as they’re encountered.
You’ll end up with a profile of which selectors are not used anywhere on the site.
or give Unused Css a try
from Unused Css site:
Latish Sehgal has written a windows application to find and remove unused CSS classes. I haven't tested it but from the description, you have to provide the path of your html files and one CSS file. The program will then list the unused CSS selectors. From the screenshot, it looks like there is no way to export this list or download a new clean CSS file. It also looks like the service is limited to one CSS file. If you have multiple files you want to clean, you have to clean them one by one.
Dust-Me Selectors is a Firefox extension (for v1.5 or later) that finds unused CSS selectors. It extracts all the selectors from all the stylesheets on the page you're viewing, then analyzes that page to see which of those selectors are not used. The data is then stored so that when testing subsequent pages, selectors can be crossed off the list as they're encountered. This tool is supposed to be able to spider a whole website but I unfortunately could make it work. Also, I don't believe you can configure and download the CSS file with the styles removed.
Topstyle is a windows application including a bunch of tools to edit CSS. I haven't tested it much but it looks like it has the ability to removed unused CSS selectors. This software costs 80 USD.
Liquidcity CSS cleaner is a php script that uses regular expressions to check the styles of one page. It will tell you the classes that aren't available in the HTML code. I haven't tested this solution.
Deadweight is a CSS coverage tool. Given a set of stylesheets and a set of URLs, it determines which selectors are actually used and lists which can be "safely" deleted. This tool is a ruby module and will only work with rails website. The unused selectors have to be manually removed from the CSS file.
Helium CSS is a javascript tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. You first have to install the javascript file to the page you want to test. Then, you have to call a helium function to start the cleaning.
UnusedCSS.com is web application with an easy to use interface. Type the url of a site and you will get a list of CSS selectors. For each selector, a number indicates how many times a selector is used. This service has a few limitations. The #import statement is not supported. You can't configure and download the new clean CSS file.
CSSESS is a bookmarklet that helps you find unused CSS selectors on any site. This tool is pretty easy to use but it won't let you configure and download clean CSS files. It will only list unused CSS files.

Comparison of loading CSS inline, embedded and from external files

We can write CSS as the following types:
Inline CSS
Embedded CSS
External CSS
I would like to know pros and cons of each.
It's all about where in the pipeline you need the CSS as I see it.
1. inline css
Pros: Great for quick fixes/prototyping and simple tests without having to swap back and forth between the .css document and the actual HTML file.
Pros: Many email clients do NOT allow the use of external .css referencing because of possible spam/abuse. Embedding might help.
Cons: Fills up HTML space/takes bandwidth, not resuable accross pages - not even IFRAMES.
2. embedded css
Pros: Same as above regarding prototype, but easier to cut out of the final prototype and put into an external file when templates are done.
Cons: Some email clients do not allow styles in the [head] as the head-tags are removed by most webmail clients.
3. external css
Pros: Easy to maintain and reuse across websites with more than 1 page.
Pros: Cacheable = less bandwidth = faster page rendering after second page load
Pros: External files including .css can be hosted on CDN's and thereby making less requests the the firewall/webserver hosting the HTML pages (if on different hosts).
Pros: Compilable, you could automatically remove all of the unused space from the final build, just as jQuery has a developer version and a compressed version = faster download = faster user experience + less bandwidth use = faster internet! (we like!!!)
Cons: Normally removed from HTML mails = messy HTML layout.
Cons: Makes an extra HTTP request per file = more resources used in the Firewalls/routers.
I hope you could use some of this?
I'm going to submit the opinion that external style sheets are the only way to go.
inline CSS mixes content with presentation and leads to an awful mess.
embedded CSS gets loaded with every page request, changes cannot be shared across pages, and the content cannot be cached.
I have nothing against either method per se, but if planning a new site or application, you should plan for external style sheets.
Quick, but very dirty
This is (sadly) also the only really sane option for HTML formatted email as other forms often get discarded by various email clients.
Doesn't require an extra HTTP request, but doesn't have the benefits of:
Can be cached, reused between pages, more easily tested with validators.
You want external css. It's the easiest to maintain, external css also simplifies caching. Embedded means that each separate html file will need to have it's own css, meaning bigger file size and lots of headaches when changing the css. Inline css is even harder to maintain.
External css is the way to go.
Where to start!!??
Say you had a site with 3 pages...
You could get away with Inline CSS (i.e. CSS on the page itself, within tags).
If you had a 100 page website...
You wouldn't want to change the CSS on each page individually (or would you?!)...
So including an external CSS sheet would be the nicer way to go.
Inline CSS is generally bad. It's much easier to modify the style of a page when all the styles are located in one central location, which inline CSS doesn't offer. It's easy for quickly prototyping styles, but shouldn't be used in production, especailly since it often leads to duplicating styles.
Embedded CSS centralizes the styles for the page, but it doesn't allow you to share styles across pages without copying the text of the embedded style and pasting it in each unique page on your site.
External CSS is the way to go, it has all of the advantages of embedded CSS but it allows you to share styles accross multiple pages.
Use external CSS when:
you have a lot of css code that will make your file messy if you put it all inline
you want to maintain a standard
look-and-feel across multiple pages
External CSS makes it a lot easier to manage your CSS and is the accepted way of implementing styles.
If the styles are only needed for one file, and you don't foresee that ever changing to apply to other pages, you can put your css at the top of the file (embedded?).
You should generally only use inline CSS if:
It's a one-time formatting for a specific tag
You want to override the default css (set externally or at the top of the file) for a specific tag
To everyone in the here and now, reading after 2015, with projects like Polymer, Browserify, Webpack, Babel, and many other important participants that I'm probably missing, we have been ushered into a new era of writing HTML applications, with regards to how we modularize large applications, distribute changes and compose related presentation, markup and behavior into self-contained units. Let's not even get started with service workers.
So before anyone forms an opinion on what is and isn't feasible, I would recommend that they investigate the current web ecosystem in their time to see if some issues related to maintainability have been gracefully solved.
Allows you to control the layout of the entire site with one file.
Changes affect all documents at the same time.
Can eliminate redundant in-line styling (Font, Bold, Color, Images)
Provide multiple views of the same content for different types of users.
Older browsers may not be able to understand CSS.
CSS is not supported by every browser equally.
In this case, the pros far outweigh the cons. In fact, if the site is designed in a specific way, older browsers will display the content much better (on average) than if the site were managed with tables.
If you are using a server side language, why not embed CSS and use conditional programming to display it as necessary? For example, say you're using PHP w/ Wordpress and you want some homepage specific CSS; you could use the is_home() function to show your CSS in the head of the document for that page only. Personally, I have my own template system that works like so:
inc.header.php = all the header stuff, and where page specific CSS would go I put:
if(isset($CSS)) echo $CSS;
Then, in a specific page template (say about.php), I would use a heredoc variable for the page specific CSS, above the line which includes the header:
Contents of about.php:
$CSS = <<< CSS
/* CSS code */
/* more CSS code */
include "inc.header.php"; // this file includes if(isset($CSS)) echo $CSS; where page-specific CSS would go ...
<!-- about us html -->
include "inc.footer.php";
Is there something I'm missing that makes this approach inferior?
1) I can still cache the page using standard caching techniques (is there a caching method that takes advantage of a CSS only external file??).
2) I can use php for special case conditional formatting in specific class declarations if absolutely necessary (PHP doesn't work in a CSS file, unless I'm missing some server directive I could set).
3) All my page specific CSS is extremely well organized in the actual PHP file in which it's being used.
4) It cuts down on HTTP requests to external files.
5) It cuts down on server requests to external files.
1) My IDE program (Komodo IDE) can't follow the Heredoc formatting to properly highlight the CSS, which makes it slightly harder to debug syntax errors in the CSS.
2) I really can't see any other con, please enlighten me!

Find all CSS styles used on website

I have a DotNetNuke skin that has a single CSS file over 3,500 lines long. It contains styles for YUI, Telerik, Cluetip as well as the actual customisation of the site. The old developers just kept adding styles and never cleaned up the old unused ones.
I want to cleanup the file and get it to a more managable size. I first thought about scanning through the code base but this is 5,500 files with a mixture of CSS applied in the .aspx, .ascx and .cs files as well as jQuery aplying styles sometimes from generated code and sometimes from js files. Some styles are applied with class selectors and others with id selectors.
Is there a way I can easily check just which styles the website actually needs across all of its pages? Is there some crawler that could do this?
For firefox there is an add-in called dust-me-selectors. If you provide a sitemap, it will find all unused css styles.
If you run dust-me-selectors, remember to run it in every page of your website so you don't delete any styles that are actually used.

CSS on a separate file or not?

Which is a better option: to store CSS on a separate file or on the same page?
Let's forget the fact that changing the CSS on a file makes it to apply all HTML pages directly. I am using dynamic languages to generate the whole output - so that does not matter.
A few things I can think of:
CSS on a separate file generates less bandwidth load.
CSS on a separate file needs another HTTP request.
On the other hand, if I compress the data transmission with Zlib, the CSS on the same page should not matter in terms of bandwidth, correct? So, I get one less HTTP request?
The main benefit of an external CSS file is that:
It can be used on multiple pages; and
It can be cached so it doesn't need to be loaded on every page.
So, if there is potential for reuse of the dynamically generated CSS between pages or on multiple views of the same page then an external file could add value.
There are several common patterns for dynamically generated CSS.
1. Generating a subset for a page
I've seen this occasionally. A developer decides to limit the amount of CSS per page by only sending what's necessary. I don't imagine this is the case for you but I'm mentioning it for completeness. This is a misguided effort at optimization. It's cheaper to send the whole lot and just cache it effectively.
2. User-selected theme
If the user selects a particular look for your site, that's what I'm talking about. This implies they might select a whole package of CSS and there might be a limited set to choose from. Usually this will be done by having one or more base CSS files and then oen or more theme CSS files. The best solution here is to send the right combination of external CSS files by dynamically generating the page header with the right <link> elements and then caching those files effectively.
3. User-rolled theme
This goes beyond (2) to where the user can select, say, colours, fonts and sizes to the point where you can't package those choices into a single theme bundle but you have to generate a set of CSS for that user. In this case you will probably still have some common CSS. Send that as an external CSS files (again, caching them effectively).
The dynamic content may be best on the page or you may still be able to make use of external files because there is no reason a <link> can't point to a script instead of a static file. For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/custom.php?user=bob" type="text/css">
where the query string is generated dynamically by your header from who is logged in. That script will look up the user preferences and generate a dynamic CSS file. This can be cached effectively whereas putting it directly in the HTML file can't be (unless the whole HTML file can be cached effectively).
4. Rules-based CSS generation
I've written a reporting system before that took a lot of rules specified by either the user or a report writer and a custom report and generated a complete HTML page (based on the tables and/or charts they requested in the custom report definition) and styled them according to the rules. This truly was dynamic CSS. Thing is, there is potential for caching here too. The HTML page generates a dynamic link like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/report.annual-sales.0001.css" type="text/css">
where 'annual-sales' is the report ID and 0001 is like a version. When the rules change you create a new version and each version for each report can be cached effectively.
So I can't say definitively whether external CSS files are appropriate or not to you but having seen and developed for each of the scenarios above I have a hard time believing that you can't get some form of caching out of your CSS at which point it should be external.
I've written about the issue of effective CSS in Supercharging CSS in PHP but the principles and techniques apply in any language, not just PHP.
You may also want to refer to the related question Multiple javascript/css files: best practices?
There is a method that both Google and Yahoo apply which benefit's from inline CSS. For the very first time visitors for the sake of fast loading, they embed CSS (and even JavaScript) in the HTML, and then in the background download the separate CSS and JS files for the next time.
Steve Souders (Yahoo!) writes the following:
[...] the best solution generally is
to deploy the JavaScript and CSS as
external files. The only exception
I’ve seen where inlining is preferable
is with home pages, such as Yahoo!'s
front page (http://www.yahoo.com) and
My Yahoo! (http://my.yahoo.com). Home
pages that have few (perhaps only one)
page view per session may find that
inlining JavaScript and CSS results in
faster end-user response times.
If you're generating HTML dynamically (say, from templates), embedding CSS allows you the opportunity to also generate the CSS dynamically using the same context (data, program state) as you have when you're producing the HTML, rather than having to set that same context up again on a subsequent request to generate the CSS.
For example, consider a page that uses one of several hundred images for a background, depending on some state that's expensive to compute. You could
List all of the several hundred images in rules in a seperate, static CSS file, then generate a corresponding class name in your dynamic HTML, or
Generate the HTML with a single class name, then on a subsequent request generate CSS with a rule for that name that uses the desired image, or
Do (2), but generate the CSS embedded in the HTML in a single request
(1) avoids redoing the expensive state computation, but takes a larger hit on traffic (more packets to move a much larger CSS file). (2) Does the state calculation twice, but serves up a smaller CSS file. Only (3) does the state calculation once and serves the result in a single HTTP request.
Browsers can cache the CSS files (unless it changes a lot). The bandwidth should not change, because the information is sent, no matter where you put it.
So unless the css quite static, putting it in the page costs less time to get.
I always use mix of both.
site-wide styles are in separate file (minified & gzipped),
any page-specific styles are put in <style> (I've set up my page templates to make it easy to insert bits of CSS in <head> easily at any time).
Yes and no. Use a .css file for most rules; your site should have a consistent look anyway. For rare, special case, or dynamically generated rules you can use inline 'style=""'. Anything that sticks should move into the .css, if only to make transcluding, mash-ups, etc. easier.
Keep it separate. HTML for centent, CSS for style, JavaScript for logic.
