Integrating SpringSource with XAMPP server - sts-springsourcetoolsuite

I am going to ask if there's a way to add the XAMPP Tomcat Server to the SpringSource Tool Suite's server list under the Server project folder?

As far my knowledge goes, XAMPP stack does not have Tomcat, but an Apache web server.
And for Tomcat, yes you can configure it in STS check out this video. Though video explains it for Eclipse, it's going to be similar for STS too!


Can we have an ASP.NET Core application alongside a WordPress sites?

I'm working for company which we have their own Virtual server for WordPress sites and It is running.
I don't know much about servers and hosts but I know that we run apache on server for WordPress sites and use cPanel for server management.
I create an application with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Core is a cross-platform.
My question is ...
Can I run my application on this server without conflicting with other WordPress sites?
Thanks For Your Help!!
As long as you run your ASP.NET Core server on a port which is not used by another server, you should be fine.
Mahdi, Since you are using .NET Core you can host ASP.NET Core on Linux machines with Apache. For more details take a look at this article. To see how exactly to configure Apache reverse proxy take a look here.
Also bear in mind that you can run an entire WordPress Application over an ASP.NET Core Host seamlessly using PeachPie which is an open-source PHP language compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core frameworks. If you are interested in this take a look here.

ASP .NET Core app and myBB forum on one server?

I want to buy VPS (Debian/Ubuntu) and host my ASP .NET Core app and myBB forum on this machine. How can I configure Apache ( and everything what is needed ) to get something like this: targets ASP .NET app or targets myBB forum.
I had never dig into Apache configuration so I don't know how to do this. Any help will be appreciated.
You'll need to configure systemd to run your ASP.NET Core application as a service. Then you will need to configure Apache to reverse proxy your application (requires mod_proxy). In addition you will want to serve the forum content locally (try ProxyPassMatch).
Short of doing the work for you I would suggest you read the docs and try some tutorials out.
The simplest and most effective approach will be to use IIS. You can host myBB and you ASP.Net app without and issue.
For your Core app follow this tutorial and for configuring and installing PHP (for your myBB forum) follow the tutorials here.

problem of installing Elgg on IIS web Server

I am installing Elgg on IIS web server and I got this problem:
Web server
We think your server is running the IIS web server.
The rewrite rules test failed. You need to configure your web server with Elgg's rewrite rules and try again.
How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
Elgg officially only supports use on an Apache server. See here
That being said, people have made it work, and there's an Elgg doc on the issues involved in running Elgg on an IIS server.
In general, a good place to start for inquiries like this is the main Elgg technical docs.

Is there any IIS equivalent to Tomcat?

I want to test ASP.NET applications to get the feel for the MVC extension and compare that to what I can do today with Grails or Rails.
The trouble is that being in a corporate environment, I can't install IIS on my workstation, neither on my DEV server. And - you guessed it - Visual Studio is not to be considered at that moment (I guess for my investigations I'll stick with SharpDevelop and the .NET SDK for the time being).
On the Java side, I could unzip some Tomcat distribution in any folder and hit go.
Is there any equivalent in the IIS world, like a lightweight ASP.NET host?
UltiDev Cassini Web Server
cassini runs locally. I'll get a link..
Edit: Here's the link to the Cassini Web Server
UltiDev recently started shipping test builds of the Cassini replacement - UltiDev Web Server Pro. It requires elevated/admin privileges to be installed, but it can be downloaded for free. It's quite advanced, it's closer to IIS than Cassini. See screenshots.

Can I access ASP.NET Development server in an intranet?

Im testing an ASP.NEt site. When I execute it, it starts the ASP.NET Development Server and opens up a page.
Now I want to test it in the intranet I have.
Can I use this server or I need to configure IIS in this machine?
Do I need to configure something for it to work?
I've changed the localhost to the correct IP and I opened up the firewall.
Yes you can! And you don't need IIS
Just use a simple Java TCP tunnel. Download this Java app & just tunnel the traffic back.
In command prompt, you'd then run the java app like this... Let's assume you want external access on port 80 and your standard debug environment runs on port 1088...
java -jar tunnel.jar 80 localhost 1088
(Also answered here: Accessing asp. net development server external to VM)
No, you can't. It's set up so it only works on localhost, and I couldn't find any workarounds to make it work.
But, here's what I've been doing - I created the website on a specific port in IIS and opened that port up so it's visible on the network. I pointed that IIS website to my website's root folder (the one with web.config in it). Then I continued to use the ASP.NET Development server on that local machine while developing - both IIS and the ASP.NET Development Server can access the files at the same time (unless you're doing something wacky).
Let me know if there's a challenge with running IIS on your machine and I'll update my answer.
I realize this isn't a direct answer to your question, but an alternative to debugging using the ASP development server is to attach to the IIS process: How do I attach the debugger to IIS instead of ASP.NET Development Server?
Nope, stupidly (IMHO) there's no way to get the default development server to serve pages to IPs other than localhost. What I did was to use UltiDev Cassini which is very quick to set up and is basically a version of the development server compiled by UltiDev, and it will serve pages to any IP address.
Just for those who don't want/cant set up IIS for whatever reason...
Use fiddler or similar on your host - set your browser on the client VM to use the proxy then just use localhost:dev_port as usual on the client.
All requests from the client goto the proxy on your dev machine which routes to localhost on the dev machine and the dev server thinks the request is from your dev machine!
You can recompile Cassini to get it to work - there's a fairly easy to remove check for localhost in there. Or, I'm pretty sure Ultidev's Cassini doesn't have this restriction. Both of these are easier to setup than IIS.
But, yeah, the builtin WebDev.WebServer doesn't work....Hmm, unless you run something like AnalogX's Proxy on your dev box and point it to the WebDev port. That should work (though I haven't tried it, it should take < 2 mins to setup).
You can use Cassini to expose your web apps externally. You just need to proxy the connection. I wrote a simple program to do this that you can run in another VS instance. Just change the port to match the port Cassini is using.
You can do port redirection using SOAP Toolkit 3.0
Once installed, go to My Programs > Microsoft Soap Toolkit 3 > Trace Utility
Once Trace Utility opened, go to File > New > Formatted Trace
In the dialog insert your ASP .NET Development Server port in Forward To Destination Port field.
It's only a workaround for testing purposes
I believe the built in ASP.NET server only works on localhost. You'll have to use IIS.
Compile all you website in Debug mode, then create the website and publish it in IIS (make sure you can view it from other machine). Then attach the VS2010 Debugger to the process with the AppPool of your website (the process is called w3wp.exe when IIS>v5 and aspnet_wp.exe when IIS<5).
If you make some changes, just replace the package contents on the physical path of the website, and there you go again.
