How to change the owner for a rsync - unix

I understand preserving the permissions for rsync.
However in my case my local computer does not have the user the files need to under for the webserver. So when I rsync I need the owner and group to be apache on the webserver, but be my username on my local computer. Any suggestions?
I wanted to clarify to explain exactly what I need done.
My personal computer: named 'home' with the user account 'michael'
My web server: named 'server' with the user account 'remote' and user account 'apache'
Current situation: My website is on 'home' with the owner 'michael' and on 'server' with the owner 'apache'. 'home' needs to be using the user 'michael' and 'server' needs to be using the user 'apache'
Task: rsync my website on 'home' to 'server' but have all the files owner by 'apache' and the group 'apache'
Problem: rsync will preseve the permissions, owner, and group; however, I need all the files to be owner by apache. I know the not preserving the owner will put the owner of the user on 'server' but since that user is 'remote' then it uses that instead of 'apache'. I can not rsync with the user 'apache' (which would be nice), but a security risk I'm not willing to open up.
My only idea on how to solve: after each rsync manually chown -R and chgrp -R, but it's a huge system and this takes a long time, especially since this is going to production.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Current command I use to rsync:
rsync --progress -rltpDzC --force --delete -e "ssh -p22" ./

If you have access to rsync v.3.1.0 or later, use the --chown option:
rsync -og --chown=apache:apache [src] [dst]
More info in an answer from a similar question here: ServerFault: Rsync command issues, owner and group permissions doesn´t change

There are hacks you could put together on the receiving machine to get the ownership right -- run 'chmod -R apache /website' out of cron would be an effective but pretty kludgey option -- but instead, I'd recommend securely allowing rsync-over-ssh-as-apache.
You'd create a dedicated ssh keypair for this:
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/apache-rsync
and then take ~/.ssh/ over to the webserver, where you'd put it into ~apache/.ssh/authorized_keys and carefully specify the allowed command, something like so, all on one line:
command="rsync --server -vlogDtprCz --delete . /website",from="IP.ADDR.OF.SENDER",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAABKEYPUBTEXTsVX9NjIK59wJ+fjDgTQtGwhATsfidQbO6u77dbAjTUmWCZjKAQ/fEFWZGSlqcO2yXXXXXXXXXXVd9DSS1tjE6vAQaRdnMXBggtn4M9rnePD2qlR5QOAUUwhyFPhm6U4VFhRoa3wLvoqCVtCV0cuirB6I45On96OPijOwvAuz3KIE3+W9offomzHsljUMXXXXXXXXXXMoYLywMG/GPrZ8supIDYk57waTQWymUyRohoQqFGMzuDNbq+U0JSRlvLFoVUZ5Piz+gKJwwiFwwAW2iNag/c4Mrb/BVDQAyEQ== comment#email.address
and then your rsync command on your "home" machine would be something like
rsync -av --delete -e 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/apache-rsync apache#server' ./ /website
There are other ways to skin this cat, but this is the clearest and involves the fewest workarounds, to my mind. It prevents getting a shell as apache, which is the biggest security concern, natch. If you're really deadset against allowing ssh as apache, there are other ways ... but this is how I've done it.
References here:,

Last version (at least 3.1.1) of rsync allows you to specify the "remote ownership":
Changes tom ownership to www-data (aka PHP/Nginx). If you are using Mac as the client, use brew to upgrade to the last version. And on your server, download archives sources, then "make" it!

The solution using rsync --chown USER:GROUP [src] [dst] only works if the remote user has write access to the the destination directory which in most cases is not the case.
Here's another solution:
(srcmachine) (rsync) (destmachine)
srcuser -- SSH --> destuser
| sudo su jenkins
Let's say that you want to rsync:
Machine: srcmachine
User: srcuser
Directory: /var/lib/jenkins
Machine: destmachine
User: destuser to establish the SSH connection.
Directory: /tmp
Final files owner: jenkins.
rsync --rsync-path 'sudo -u jenkins rsync' -avP --delete /var/lib/jenkins destuser#destmachine:/tmp
Read more here:

rsync version 3.1.2
I mostly use windows in local, so this is the command line i use to sync files with the server (debian) :
user#user-PC /cygdrive/c/wamp64/www/projects
$ rsync -rptgoDvhnP --chown=www-data:www-data --exclude=.env --exclude=vendor --exclude=node_modules --exclude=.git --exclude=tests --exclude=.phpintel --exclude=storage ./website/ username#hostname:/var/www/html/website
-n : perform a trial run with no changes made, to really execute the command remove the -n option


Can not access a file in a lxd container shared from the host

I have an lxd container, that is named master. I found out that it's root can be found at:
So, I transferred my folder, tars to this address. Note that tars has two files.
Now, I know that the user id and the group id of tars is root. On the other hand, the user id and group id of every other file in the container is 166536.
So, for the folder and the files, I did sudo chown 166536 <file/folder name>, to change the user id, and sudo chown :166536 <file/folder name>, to change the group id.
Once, I did this, I expected tars to be accessible from the container master, but that didn't happen. Can anyone tell me what am I missing?
Here is a method, I found on reddit:
Yeah this was the answer, running with unprivileged container you are
not able to see the permissions on the LXD Host, so it appears as
Nobody:Nobody. In a way is silly because you can mount the folder into
the Container and see the files on it..
For future reference, for anyone having this issue, this are the steps
i made (it may not be the correct ones but it works)
sudo mkdir /tmp/share
adduser subsonic --shell=/bin/false --no-create-home --system --group --uid 6000 (this is a "service account")
sudo chown -R subsonic: /tmp/share
lxc exec Test -- /bin/bash
mkdir /mnt/share
adduser subsonic --shell=/bin/false --no-create-home --system --group --uid 6000 (important that the uid is the same)
lxc stop Test
lxc config edit Test (add the line security.privileged: "true" right bellow config: save and exit)
lxc start Test
lxc config device add MyMusic MyLibrary disk source=/tmp/share path=/mnt/share
lxc exec Test -- /bin/bash
ls /mnt/share/ (note that the subsonic user is there)
It's a shame that i couldnt find a way to map the user inside the
unprivileged container. if Anyone know's let me know.
Basically, to create a common user, for both the host and the container. Is there anything better that this method available?
When you open the container and do
You'll get the result:
So, the current user is root, and not ubuntu. That being said, the address where I was sending the folder to, is wrong. The current address is var/lib/lxd/containers/master/root/. Once the folder is sent, check the uid/gid (something like 165536). Change the uid by:
sudo chmod 165536 <folder-name>
and gid by:
sudo chmod :165536 <folder-name>
Once that is done, we're sure that the container user root will be able to access these files.
Or in a single step sudo chmod 165536:165536 <folder-name>.

What's the syntax and prerequisite for --password-file option in rsync?

I want to store --password-file option that comes with rsync. I don't want to use ssh public_private key encryption. I have tried this command:
rsync -avz --progress --password-file=pass.txt source destination
This says:
The --password-file option may only be used when accessing an rsync daemon.
So, I tried using:
rsync -avz --progress --password-file=pass.txt source destination rsyncd --daemon
But this return various errors like unknown options. Is my sytanx correct? How do I setup rsync daemon in my Debian machine.
That is correct,
--password-file is only applicable when connecting to a rsync daemon.
You probably haven't set it in the daemon itself though, the password you set and the one you use during that call must match.
Edit /etc/rsyncd.secrets, and set the owner/group of that file to root:root with world reading permissions.
To connect to a rsync daemon, use a double colon followed by the module name, and the file or folder to synchronize (instead of a colon when using SSH),
RSYNC_PASSWORD="YourSecretestPassword"; rsync -rtv user#remotehost::module/source/ destination/
this implies abdicating SSH encryption, though the password itself is not sent across the network in plain text, your data is ...
this is already insecure as is, never as the the same password as any of your users account.
For a better understanding of its inner workings (how to give specific IPs/processes the ability to upload to specified areas of the filesystem without the need for a user account):
After trying a while, I got this to work. Since Im copying from my live server (and routers data) to my local server in my laptop as backup user no problem with password been unencrypted, its secured wired on my laptop at home. First you need to install sshpass if Centos with yum install sshpass then create a user backup and assign a temp password. I listed the -p option in case your ssh port is different than default.
sshpass -p 'password' rsync -vaurP -e 'ssh -p 2222' backup#???.your.ip.???:/somedir/public_data/temp/ /your/localdata/temp
Understand SSH RSA is a better permanente alternative and all that, but this is a quick alternative to backup and restore on the go. It works if you are not too concern about security but more concern about your data been backup locally as in an emergency o data recovery. Your user backup password you can change it once the backup is completed. Its a lot faster to setup when your servers change IPs, users, and its in constant modifications (as routers change config and non static IPs, also when routers are not local and you are backing up clients servers locally, where you dont have always access to do SSH. Some of my clients dont even have SSH installed and they dont want to hassle with creating public keys. On some servers only where you have access on a temporary basis. By the way, if you want to do the restore, just reverse the case. Dont need change much, from the same command shell you can do it reversing the order of target and source directories, and creating another backup user with same temp password on the target. After finish, you delete the backup user or change its passwords on target and/or source servers. You can protect even further, as I have done, replacing the password for a one line file using a bash script for multi server environment. Alternative is to use the -f option so the password does not show in the bash history -f "/path/to/passwordfile" Regards
NOTE: If you want to update only modified files then you should use this parameters -h -v -r -P -t as described here
rsync -arv -e \
"sshpass -f '/your/pass.txt' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \
--progress /your/source id#IP:/your/destination
Maybe you have to install "sshpass" if you not.

How can I configure rsync to create target directory on remote server?

I would like to rsync from local computer to server. On a directory that does not exist, and I want rsync to create that directory on the server first.
How can I do that?
If you have more than the last leaf directory to be created, you can either run a separate ssh ... mkdir -p first, or use the --rsync-path trick as explained here :
rsync -a --rsync-path="mkdir -p /tmp/x/y/z/ && rsync" $source user#remote:/tmp/x/y/z/
Or use the --relative option as suggested by Tony. In that case, you only specify the root of the destination, which must exist, and not the directory structure of the source, which will be created:
rsync -a --relative /new/x/y/z/ user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/
This way, you will end up with /pre_existing/dir/new/x/y/z/
And if you want to have "y/z/" created, but not inside "new/x/", you can add ./ where you want --relativeto begin:
rsync -a --relative /new/x/./y/z/ user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/
would create /pre_existing/dir/y/z/.
From the rsync manual page (man rsync):
--mkpath create the destination's path component
--mkpath was added in rsync 3.2.3 (6 Aug 2020).
Assuming you are using ssh to connect rsync, what about to send a ssh command before:
ssh user#server mkdir -p existingdir/newdir
if it already exists, nothing happens
The -R, --relative option will do this.
For example: if you want to backup /var/named/chroot and create the same directory structure on the remote server then -R will do just that.
this worked for me:
rsync /dev/null node:existing-dir/new-dir/
I do get this message :
skipping non-regular file "null"
but I don't have to worry about having an empty directory hanging around.
I don't think you can do it with one rsync command, but you can 'pre-create' the extra directory first like this:
rsync --recursive emptydir/ destination/newdir
where 'emptydir' is a local empty directory (which you might have to create as a temporary directory first).
It's a bit of a hack, but it works for me.
This answer uses bits of other answers, but hopefully it'll be a bit clearer as to the circumstances. You never specified what you were rsyncing - a single directory entry or multiple files.
So let's assume you are moving a source directory entry across, and not just moving the files contained in it.
Let's say you have a directory locally called data/myappdata/ and you have a load of subdirectories underneath this.
You have data/ on your target machine but no data/myappdata/ - this is easy enough:
rsync -rvv /path/to/data/myappdata/ user#host:/remote/path/to/data/myappdata
You can even use a different name for the remote directory:
rsync -rvv --recursive /path/to/data/myappdata user#host:/remote/path/to/data/newdirname
If you're just moving some files and not moving the directory entry that contains them then you would do:
rsync -rvv /path/to/data/myappdata/*.txt user#host:/remote/path/to/data/myappdata/
and it will create the myappdata directory for you on the remote machine to place your files in. Again, the data/ directory must exist on the remote machine.
Incidentally, my use of -rvv flag is to get doubly verbose output so it is clear about what it does, as well as the necessary recursive behaviour.
Just to show you what I get when using rsync (3.0.9 on Ubuntu 12.04)
$ rsync -rvv *.txt user#remote.machine:/tmp/newdir/
opening connection using: ssh -l user remote.machine rsync --server -vvre.iLsf . /tmp/newdir/
user#remote.machine's password:
sending incremental file list
created directory /tmp/newdir
delta-transmission enabled
total: matches=0 hash_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0
Hope this clears this up a little bit.
from: /xxx/a/b/c/d/e/1.html
to: user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/b/c/d/e/1.html
cd /xxx/a/ && rsync -auvR b/c/d/e/ user#remote:/pre_existing/dir/
rsync source.pdf user1#
If the target file is fully specified, the directory ~/not-created is not created.
rsync source.pdf user1#
But the target is specified with only a directory, the directory ~/will-be-created is created. / must be followed to let rsync know will-be-created is a directory.
use rsync twice~
1: tranfer a temp file, make sure remote relative directories has been created.
# Dir0/Dir1/Dir2/ is directory that wanted.
rsync -aq /Users/temp/ rsync://remote
2: then you can specify the remote directory for transfer files/directory
rsync -avc /Users/XX/data rsync://remote/Dir0/Dir1/Dir2
# Tips: [SRC] with/without '/' is different
This creates the dir tree /usr/local/bin in the destination and then syncs all containing files and folders recursively:
rsync --archive --include="/usr" --include="/usr/local" --include="/usr/local/bin" --include="/usr/local/bin/**" --exclude="*" user#remote:/ /home/user
Compared to mkdir -p, the dir tree even has the same perms as the source.
If you are using a version or rsync that doesn't have 'mkpath', then --files-from can help. Suppose you need to create 'mysubdir' in the target directory
Create 'filelist.txt' to contain
mkdir -p source_dir/mysubdir/
touch source_dir/mysubdir/dummy
rsync --files-from='filelist.txt' source_dir target_dir
rsync will copy mysubdir/dummy to target_dir, creating mysubdir in the process. Tested with rsync 3.1.3 on Raspberry Pi OS (debian).

Using local settings through SSH

Is it possible to have an SSH session use all your local configuration files (.bash_profile, .vimrc, etc..) on login? That way you would have the same configuration for, say, editing files in vim in the remote session.
I just came across two alternatives to just doing a git clone of your dotfiles. I take no credit for either of these and can't say I've used either extensively so I don't know if there are pitfalls to either of these.
sshrc is a tool (actually just a big bash function) that copies over local rc-files without permanently writing them to the remove user's $HOME - the idea being that might be a shared admin account that other people use. Appears to be customizable for different remote hosts as well.
.ssh/config and LocalCommand
This blog post suggests a way to automatically run a command when you login to a remote host. It tars and pipes a set of files to the remote, then un-tars them on the remote's $HOME:
Your local ~/.ssh/config would look like this:
Host *
PermitLocalCommand yes
LocalCommand tar c -C${HOME} .bashrc .bash_profile .exports .aliases .inputrc .vimrc .screenrc \
| ssh -o PermitLocalCommand=no %n "tar mx -C${HOME}"
You could modify the above to only run the command on certain hosts (instead of the * wildcard) or customize for different hosts as well. There might be a fair amount of duplication per host with this method - although you could package the whole tar c ... | ssh .. "tar mx .." into a script maybe.
Note the above looks like it clobbers the same files on the remote when you connect, so use with caution.
Use a dotfiles.git repo
What I do is keep all my config files in a dotfiles.git on a central server.
You can set it up so that when you ssh into a remote machine, you automatically pull the latest version of the dotfiles. I do something like this:
ssh myhost
cd ~/dotfiles
git pull --rebase
cd ~
ln -sf dotfiles/$username/linux/.* .
To put that in a shell script, you can automate the process of executing commands on a remote machine by piping to ssh.
The "$username" is there so that you can share your config files with other people you're working with.
The "ln -sf" creates symbolic links to all your dotfiles, overwriting any local ones, such that ~/.emacs is linked to the version controlled file ~/dotfiles/$username/.emacs.
The use of a "linux" subdirectory is just to allow for configuration changes across platforms. I also have a mac directory under dotfiles/$username/mac. Most of the files in the /mac directory are symlinked from the linux directory as it's very similar, but there are some exceptions.
Finally, note that you can make this even more sophisticated with hostnames and the like rather than just a generic 'linux'. With a dotfiles.git, you can also raid dotfiles from your friends, which is awesome -- everyone has their own set of little tricks and hacks.
No, because it's not SSH using your config files, but the remote shell.
I suggest keeping your config files in Subversion or some other VCS. Here's how I do it.
Well, no, because as Andy Lester says, the remote machine is the one doing the work, and it has no access back to your local machine to get .vimrc ...
On the other hand, you could use sshfs to mount the remote file system locally and edit the files locally. This doesn't require you to install anything on the remote machine. Not sure how efficient it is, maybe not great for editing big files over slow links.
Or Komodo IDE has a neat "Open >> Remote File" option which lets you edit files on remote
machines by scping them back and forth automatically.
I do this kind of things every day. I have about 15 bash rc files and .vimrc, a few vim plugin scripts, .screenrc and some other rc files. I have a sync script (written in bash) which uses the cool rsync command to sync all these files to remote servers. Every time I update some files on my main server, I would call the script to sync them to remote servers.
Setting up a svn/git/hg repository on the main server also works for me but my remote servers need to be repeatedly reinstalled for testing. So I find it's more convenient to use rsync.
A few years ago I also used the rdist tool which can also meet the requirement for most of the time. But now I prefer rsync as it supports incremental sync which is very efficient.
ssh can be configured to pass certain environment variables through to the other (remote side). And since most shells will check some environment variables for additional settings to apply, you can hack that into applying some local settings remotely. But its a bit complicated and most administrators turn off the ssh environment variable pass-through in the sshd config anyways.
You could always just copy the files to the machine before connecting with ssh:
scp ~/.bash_profile ~/.vimrc user#host:
ssh user#host
This works best if you are using keys to login and no one else logs in as that user.
Here's a simple bash script I've used for this purpose. It syncs over some folders I like to have copied over using rsync and then adds the ~/bin folder to the remote machines .bashrc if it's not there already. It works best if you have have copied your ssh keys to each server. I use this approach instead of a "dotfiles repo" as lots of the servers I connect to don't have git on them.
So to use it, you'd do something like this:
./ server1
function show_help()
echo ""
echo "usage: SERVER {SERVER2 SERVER3 etc...}"
echo ""
if [ "$1" == "help" ]
if [ -z "$1" ]
# Sync ~/bin and some dot files to remote server using rsync
for SERVER in $*; do
rsync -avrz --progress ~/bin/ -e ssh $SERVER:~/bin
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.vim/ -e ssh $SERVER:~/.vim
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.vimrc -e ssh $SERVER:~/.vimrc
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.aliases $SERVER:~/.aliases
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.aliases $SERVER:~/.bash_aliases
# Ensure remote server has ~/bin in the path
ssh $SERVER '~/bin/'
pathadd() {
if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
# Add to current path if running in a shell
pathadd ~/bin
# Add to ~/.bashrc
if ! grep -q PATH:~/bin ~/.bashrc; then
echo "PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
if ! grep -q source ~/.aliases ~/.bashrc; then
echo "source ~/.aliases" >> ~/.bashrc
I wrote an extremely simple tool for this that will allow you to natively transport your .vimrc file whenever you ssh, by using SSHd built-in config options in a non-standard way.
No additional svn,scp,copy/paste, etc required.
It is simple, lightweight, and works by default on all server configurations I have tested so far.
I think that does what you need.
I wrote it long time ago before sshrc was born and it has more benefits compared to sshrc:
It does not require dependencies on xxd for both hosts (which can be unavailable on remote host)
Kyrat uses a more efficient encoding algorithm
It is just ~20 lines of code (really easy to understand!)
No need of root access or any installations to the remote host
For instance:
$> echo "alias q=exit" > ~/.config/kyrat/bashrc
$> kyrat $> q

Using rsync to delete a single file

File foo.txt exists on the remote machine at: /home/user/foo.txt
It doesn't exist on the local machine.
I want to delete foo.txt using rsync.
I do not know (and assume for the purposes of this question that I cannot find out) what other files are in /home/user on either the local or remote machines, so I can't just sync the whole directory.
What rsync command can I use to delete foo.txt on the remote machine?
Try this:
rsync -rv --delete --include=foo.txt '--exclude=*' /home/user/ user#remote:/home/user/
(highly recommend running with --dry-run first to test it) Although it seems like it would be easier to use ssh...
ssh user#remote "rm /home/user/foo.txt"
That's a bit trivial, but if, like me, you came to this page looking for a way to delete the content of a directory from remote server using rsync, this is how I did it:
Create an empty mock folder:
mkdir mock
Sync with it:
rsync -arv --delete --dry-run ~/mock/ remote_server:~/dir_to_clean/
Remove --dry-run from the line above to actually do the thing.
As suggested above, use --dry-run to test prior. --delete deletes files on the remote location per the rsync man page.
rsync -rv --delete user#hostname.local:full/path/to/foo.txt
Comment below stating this will list only is incorrect. To list only use --list-only and remove --delete.
Just came across the same problem, needed to use rsync to delete a remote file, as only rsync and no other SSH commands were allowed. The --remove-source-files option (formerly known as --remove-sender-files) did exactly that:
rsync -avPn --remove-source-files remote:/home/user/foo.txt .
rm foo.txt
As always, remove the -n option to really execute this.
