What are Modules in a project? - asp.net

Hi i want to know what is meant by modules in a project??how they are classified and how many modules we can have in a project?can anyone explain with simple examples??What modules we can have in a typical online shopping website?

In .net context I believe one can draw 2 meanings not sure what specific you are looking for.
One is modular programming by following design principles like "Separation of concerns", "Single Responsibility", "loose coupling". This means divide you code into classes based on these principles and further group these classes again based on these principles into modules.
In ASP.NET or C# or in general we create class library projects and use them across the entire project. Like all the logging functionality is put in some classes and these classes are include in an class library project which can be called "Logging module". Whenever you need logging in any of the project you can include this module and use the functionality.
Some examples:
Web module for HTTP requests ( The WebApp)
Repository and Data access Layer modules. (DAL code)
Models module containing all the business entities.
WebService modules for integrating with other apps.
Logging for debugging and problem identification
Infrastructure/Utility modules for utility like functionalities and
application configuration.
Business logic modules.
Transaction gateway module.
Other way to define module in .net is they are PE files and I believe they have extension .netmodule which contain Metadata but they do not contain the assembly manifest. To use a module you have to create a PE file with the necessary assembly manifest.
Create a module:
csc /t:module ufo.cs
Create assembly using the module:
csc /t:library /addmodule:ufo.netmodule /out:airvehicles.dll helicopter.cs
Above 2 commands are from this link

The module is an external code that you plugin on your site and runs in order to do some actions.
(source: codeguru.com)
We make and use modules to have the ability to share the actions of the module with others with out giving the source code, and vice versa, we use modules from other that we do not have access to the source code. Or we can simple use module for have the ability so simplify our code and remove it easy if we do not need it.
We can have as modules as we like, but each module place extra overhead on our code - after all is need to make more thinks there.
More about modules: http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/article.php/c19389/HTTP-Handlers-and-HTTP-Modules-in-ASPNET.htm
How to create module: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307996


Asp.Net Core Modular Application

I am building asp.net core 2 modular application, I was having one module but now I am about to create another module and I get to the point that I need to develop a communication between the two modules, I need to use a model class from module A in module B, how can I achieve this without any dependencies between the modules
I do not want to put the model class in a shared project nor creating references between modules.
Modules should not depend on another module, it can depend only on contracts. Some example. You have module Awith intrerface IModuleAService and class that implements it, ModuleAService. Module B requires for his service ModuleBSerice implementation of IModuleAService. So create separate assemblies:
ModuleA.Abstractions: containts IModuleAService and other contracts
ModuleA: depends on ModuleA.Abstraction, contains class ModuleAService that implements IModuleAService
ModuleB: depends on ModuleA.Abstraction.
And at your startup class you need register all modules. IoC will make all workds for you. If later you would like to seperate app into two, it will be easy. Case your need to
implement proxy to access ModuleA.

how to develop a custom connector in SailPoint

I am novices to the field of Identity and Access management.
Till now I know, Sail point has provided the some direct connectors to integrate the known systems like LDAP, HR systems, OIM, Databases..
And sailpoint also provided the support for disconnected applications with the use of Custom connectors.
Here, My question is how to develop a custom connector..?
I do not have jar file provided by sailpoint which contain "AbstractConnector" class.
So that I can write my own class and develop..?
I also so not understand, what to do with that class?(if i have a jar)
How sailpoint will refer to that class..
Do we need to deploy that class to somewhere...
Here I am expecting the complete flow to develop and deploy the custom connector..
If anyone is working please help..
If you unzip your identityiq.war, you'll find a JAR file called WEB-INF/lib/connector-bundle.jar. This is the JAR where you'll find AbstractConnector. Once you've written your connector code, you will need to compile it and bundle it into a JAR file, which you will place into WEB-INF/lib.
Finally, you will need to update the ConnectorRegistry object (under Configuration on the debug screen) to reference the new class, which will make it available as an Application type. If it has custom connection parameters (as most do), you will also need an xhtml page that will be embedded into the Sailpoint UI to prompt the user configuring the Application.
If you have Compass access, they have a whitepaper called Custom Connectors that you will find helpful.
All that said, I encourage you to try to find a way to use an out-of-box connector if possible.
Most of the times it will be better if you use the DelimitedFile connector, you can import a CSV of identity data, and make it work within Sailpoint's workflow. You will be able to map fields, correlate accounts and create multi-valued group memberships rapidly. Of course, this means that Sailpoint will not be connected directly to the application, and you will have to develop a workflow to extract the identities and upload them. But at least, you can integrate without going the Custom Connector way.

bundle optimization in distributed software architecture

We have an architecture where one big application is split into multiple Angular applications maintained by different teams with different deploy schedules.
These separate Angular applications in an ASP.NET context are deployed on a server and run as one big application.
Every application is deployed on a separate app pool and they all have the same layout and framework code.
Each application would use a bundle optimized by using the AOT compiler and a module bundler (rollup or webpack 2).
Each application would also use centralized JavaScript code which needs to be centralized in the big application (framework code). This code would also use Angular components and contain things such as a centralized layout component, multiple angular services making web API calls, etc...
So each application would use this same frameworke code.
The goal is also that when a change occurs to that framework code no single application would have to update and deploy again.
The standard way that I see is that es2015 imports are used and that a module bundler interprets the imports and only adds the necessary code into the module (tree shaking). Mostly the Angular framework stuff that you need is also included in the bundle (no use of CDN).
But in this case there are 3 parties delivering code:
Angular and other vendor code
The centralized custom-made framework code used through all applications also using Angular and also providing a bundle
The application itself providing one bundle
How would you go about to split and optimize the bundles?
Make a separate bundle with all Angular/vendor stuff that the centralized framework code and the application need to use
Angular stuff would be excluded from the main bundle
Use a CDN-like way to centralize the custom framework stuff and referencing that bundle (without angular code in the bundle)
So you would end up with something like this:
<script src="vendor-bundle.js"></script>
<script src="/central-location/frameworking-bundle.js"></script>
<script src="app-bundle.js">/script>;
What is the best approach in this specific case? I cannot find good examples for this kind of architecture setup.
Just use this kind of construction:
<script src="vendor-bundle.js"></script>
<script src="/central-location/frameworking-bundle.js"></script>
<script src="app-bundle.js">/script>;
And use eTags/last modified caching on the frameworking-bundle.js
This way the file is downloaded again if modified.
Users will always get latest version without using versions/hashing/query string. It won't have to do modifications to the code.
The frameworking code should exclude the vendor code and the application should define it. In the same way that for example Kendo requires you to have JQuery.

Dynamically extract interfaces from silverlight modules and load modules

In some winforms / webforms applications, I wrote a module that at application start, using reflection, inspects all assemblies from BIN folder, extract all public classes and interfaces they implement and write into a repository. This to to allow me later, at runtime, to load modules based on interfaces they implements and use.
I need to know if / how can I accomplish this for Silverlight. Is there any way to inspect all XAP's and extract all modules together with their metadata? And later to be able to dynamically load the module where the component I need is located, and then load the component from it.
Thank you
The source code for MEF's DeploymentCatalog should show how to inspect the main application XAP as well as download and inspect other XAPs.

Prism and Using Unity IoC in Prism

I am a total newbie on Prism. I have been getting to understand a lot from questions on SO and from various Blogs. I am using latest build – V2
I want some explanations on things that may be pretty easy things for you guys but it’s just not getting into my brains (small one for that).
Instead of doing it all right the first time , for which I have spent more than two weeks looking at various blogs, webcast …., I thought to start a project and learn. The amount of information on those hundreds of sites was overwhelming and difficult to digest.
Currently my project is setup like this
Shell --  Menu Module- ViewModel - - -> Menu Service -- -- > Menu Repository --- Data
All are in different assembly
MyShell --- MenuModule ---MyServices -- Myrepository
Shell is required to reference modules ( thought I am sure I can add it using string) later on .
ViewModel has a reference to View - Can live with it for now
View Model requires to use menu service and menu service uses repository
All are built with constructor injection. I have it working now by having module reference MyService and Myrepository projects and then registering types at module level.
But this does not feel good. I don’t want to hard reference any projects. If we are referencing projects why use IoC. In MenuModule.cs ( which is in the root of module) I can register views with unity container
I think I am getting a feel that the answer to this one may lie in the first question
Is Configuration file the answer/
Should I use configuration file for
true decoupling?
If (somehow) we can
register types from code, should we
register types at module level ( I
don’t want to have hard reference to projects)
I need to know the
Interfaces in advance so do you
recommend separate assembly for just
Bear with me if the questions sound real stupid 
You don't need a configuration file for true decoupling. All you need is to register your types in your shell's bootstrapper. I usually break up my projects and refs like this.
Contract Assembly
(Contains only a few simple types and interfaces)
Referenced by:
(Contains concrete implementations of interfaces defined in Contract assembly)
Referenced by:
No one
(Declares dependencies on interfaces defined in Contracts assembly, for instance IMenuRegistry)
Referenced by:
No one (I use a Directory Module to search for modules in a directory)
Here's a sample project I put together. In this sample I reference the module from the shell for simplicity's sake, but you can remove that reference and use a directory module catalog to load the compiled module at runtime:
Hope this helps,
You're definitely on the right track. Use the configuration file to register your types, and put the interfaces in a separate assembly.
