SQL connection string ignoring specified username & password? - asp.net

I’m having a problem with my SQL Connection strings not using the authentication provided in the connection string. I have written an ASP.NET application using self-tracking entities and I need to access data from two different servers. The first server, SQLSERVER1 is using windows authentication and is on the domain and im able to pull my data just fine. The second server connection however, is on another box off the domain and I need to use a specific login and password to access the data. I confirmed that the credentials im using in the connection string can connect to the server just fine.
On my web-server setup I have my app pool in IIS7 running under its own credential “Domain\AppPoolUser”.
For some reason, whenever I try to call data from SQLSERVER2 after publishing to the webserver im getting the following error, even though I have specified the credentials in my connection string and they are valid. The connection works fine however, if im debugging the application locally : Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\AppPoolUser'.
It seems like it’s not using the credentials I have specified in the connection string, and instead trying to connect as the application pools credentials. How can I setup the connection string to use the credentials I have provided?
Here is my connection strings:
<add name="ADATrackingContext" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Server=SQLSERVER1;Database=ADATracking;Integrated Security=True;" />
<add name="PatientContext" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" connectionString="Server=SQLSERVER2;Database=Patients;uid=PatientUser;password=123456;Integrated Security=False;" />

Not sure if it matters, but the user should be User Id= and not uid=

The ADATrackingContext connection string will attempt to login using the Domain\AppPoolUser domain account since you have set the Integrated Security = true. Since you don't have Domain\AppPoolUser as a login for your db, you will get the error you describe.
Double check to make sure you are passing the correct connection string to your DbContext.

It looks like the error was being caused beacuse I was trying to pull the data before my client page was authenticated to the ADATracking connection string. I moved the data call over to the HomeConstroller.cs instead of the Global.asax file and all is working now. My mistake.


Azure App Service Connection string settings not available custom Session provider

I added all my connection strings to the App Service -> Settings screen.
I'm using Redis to share Sessions between the different instances. Everything is good if I have the connection in the ConnectionString section in the web.config but if I remove it from there and just add it to the Connection string section under the settings screen then it all breaks.
I'm running a classic .net web application on .net 4.7
I've tried the following so far:
Added a connection string in web.config without a value hoping it will overwrite it
Completely removed the connection strings in the web.config file.
Just for a test, I added an extra connection string which I can later retrieve and show on a web page.
How early do the connection strings from azure get applied? Is there a workaround or is this a known issue (haven't managed to find anything about it)?
EDIT: Here is a sample of what I'm trying to do.
I have a connection string called <add name="redis.sessions" value=""/> and a session state provider that points to that connection string
<add name="redis" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.Redis" applicationName="private" connectionString="redis.sessions" pollingInterval="2"/> and in the session provider on Initialization it tries to initialise the Redis connection with a blank connection string. Even through one has been provided in the App Service Settings.

App ignoring initial catalog attribute from connection string

I do face a rather strange behavior at customer site:
My ASP.NET application tries to connect to a database using a connection string, specified in the web.config.
This works fine in all cases but one - this specific customer needed to switch integrated security on, due to security permissions.
Strangely, now the application tries to connect to another database and not the one defined as 'initial catalog'.
I've already double-checked the connection string for any typos.
There are no USE statements in the queries. Basically there's nothing else telling the application where to connect to but this connection string.
If relevant - it is using the EntityClient provider.
The connection string (some parts changed of course):
<add name="ConnName" connectionString="metadata=... provider connection string="data source=SERVER;initial catalog=DB;persist security info=True;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Problem solved - there is a View involved which hasn't been created correctly and was pointing to that other database.

Active Directory membership provider using LDAP

I am working on a school assignment where we handle logins to a web application written in asp.NET using Active Directory. Our Active Directory is installed on a virtual machine on Azure.
When trying to login, I am presented with the following error:
I have checked my connection string multiple times, and can't seem to get it to work.
Currently, I have the following connection string:
<add name="ADConnectionString" connectionString="LDAP://ictforevents1.cloudapp.net/DC=ictforevents1,DC=cloudapp,DC=net" />
The DNS name assigned to our virtual machine is ictforevents1.cloudapp.net, which is also the domain I set up in the Active Directory setup wizard.
Using the data in the connection string above, I can connect to the AD using LDAP Admin.
How to fix the error?
I fixed the issue by replacing the domain with the IP address in the connection string. From what I could find, asp will always always try to use a secure connection, even when using the insecure port (389). It will not attempt this when an IP address is given.
My new connection string is:
<add name="ADConnectionString" connectionString="LDAP://,DC=ictforevents1,DC=cloudapp,DC=net" />
While this is not ideal, because the server does not have a static IP, it's better than not working at all.

Unable to connect using sql authentication through an asp.net web app

I cannot get my web app to connect to the database when running the app. I can connect in the SQL Server object explorer and I took the connection string from the connections properties
Here is my connection string :
<add name="Quotes.DAL.QuotesConnection"
connectionString="Data Source=(localdb)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=***;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I can connect as SA and I can create the database that it points to in Management Studio. When my app tries to connect via Entity Framework I get the following error :
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject,
I'm running Windows 7 as a home dev machine so there is no Active Directory.
Can anybody explain why this might happen?
I have found that this is probably because I have Entity Framework in another assembly. I created a new web application and its connection string works. When it try the same connection string in my DAL it fails with this same error!
It may be because of setting Integrated Security=False, I have never set it to false. I normally use just the bare minimum Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;
Password=myPassword; when setting up my connection strings with sql authentication, only adding things as I need them.
The other issue I see is using SA to connect to the database. This breaks almost every best practice in the book and I would recommend creating an app specific password for when you roll out the program. The reason being is the GOD ACCESS account for the server will have its password in plain text in the app.config file. Just something to keep in mind.
EDIT: After some comment discussion the connection string was in the wrong config file.

instance failure error in asp.net web site

I have a website included login module.when i hosted the website in iis there is an error
Server Error in "/" Application.
system.invalid operation Exception: Instance Failure
My ConnectionString is like this
<add name="MyConnectionstring" Connectionstring="Data Source=IP Address,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;initial catalog=Databasename;integrated security=True" Provider Name="System.data.sqlclient"/>
How can i solve this problem?Any one knows Please help me
Simply change DataSource=My-PC\\\SqlServer2008 to DataSource=My-PC\SqlServer2008 in your Web config because the previous one is valid one you are writing in Code Beind file but not in Web config file as it is an XML file.
The first thing I noticed is that you need to replace IP Address in your connection string with the actual IP address and Databasename with the actual database name. You also don't need ",1433" after the IP Address since 1433 is the standard port.
Second, is the SQL you are connecting to the default instance on the machine? If it is a named instance, you need to make sure to include the name in the data source setting.
Third, does the ID the ASP.NET process is running under have authority to connect to the SQL Server instance?
