Google Analytics seeming impossible results [closed] - google-analytics

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm a Google Analytics newbie using it to satisfy my curiosity as to where my very-low-traffic website is being looked at from and what pages they're looking at. Frequently I see results that seem impossible given my understanding of what I think I'm looking at. What I do each morning is check to see from which cities it has been viewed, then look at which pages have been looked at from each city. This morning's results illustrate the supposed problem. The website was looked at from Eugene, Oregon and from Vienna, Austria. Both showed the exact same pages looked at for the exact same amount of time. That this should happen without their usage being linked would seem impossible. Somehow it has to be the same usage, but I can't figure out how they would be linked. Can anyone enlighten me? I Googled for awhile trying to find the answe but without success.

you site is likely being visited by automated scripts running out of those 2 cities(or by proxy). THey are likely spammer scripts or scripts designed to find vulnerabilities in your sites security.


What is [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I know that is a google website because .goog is a google-reserved domain,
but what's it for? I know this question may be off-topic but I can't find another website to put it on?
I guess that Google is just using this domain ending for their own microservices, for example, if you use Google Translate for you'll get the following URL:
The English Wikipedia article states:
Google also owns the top-level domains goog (for sites such as and, gle (for shortened URLs such
as and and youtube (for sites such as and

Need help on homework about tracert in windows [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
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This is the question
Select three random companies, and issue the whois and traceroute (tracert in Windows) commands for each one. Tracert is available from a command prompt. To use whois, you will need to search for an online tool. Then write a short paragraph about each utility outlining the kinds of information available from each. Copy & Paste screen shots for each utility and each company to back up the reported findings.
Assuming i am a noob. I would be glad if someone would outline how to tackle this question for my homework assignment.
This is what I make of this question
Read this article for information on trace routes
Company 1 - BBC
Run a tracert on
Using the information from the tracert documentation will help you document your findings. Then follow the same methodology for the next two companies.
Who is
There is a webisite Whois Lookup
Just put in or whatever.
The first paragraph here outlines the information you can get from it. Also looking up a domain will show you what information this will provide.
The information on the websites will help with:
Then write a short paragraph about each utility outlining the kinds of information available from each.
You will then need to take screenshots.
The question is very straight forward, add a sprinkling of common sense and you have yourself an answer.

Struggling to set up "network" drives on home p.c. to mimic work environment for software development [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to mimic my work computer so I can develop with reference to my network drives for my Windows 10 computer at home.
I want S:\ drive to point to some local drive on my computer.
I am following directions to the letter when attempting to create homegroup for windows 10.
When I type HomeGroup under search, I don't see any option, as shown in article below.
Any ideas?
folks, this is a good question, and I struggled with it.
i don't appreciate the negative points.
here is the answer.
To do what I need to do, you have to go to file explorer, and under sharing tab, i was able to share with everyone (the folder).
Then, in my mappping, i have to refer to \\ComputerName\ShareName.
They keep changing the way things work from one windows to the next....
Set up drive partitions.
Much simpler and more reliable...

What does it mean to buy a top level domain(TLD)? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Recently I read news about Google bought .app, Amazon bought .buy, what does it mean? They own every domain name followed by .app? I can only register with google if I want to have, and they can say no even if no one is using it?
Domain/DNS works with "zones". The "top level zone" in this case being "app". Above that there is only anymore ICANN/IANA.
They can do what ever they like with the zone (according to the rules & regulations made by ICANN/IANA) - they do not have to sell domains within their zone.
Selling domains as what .COM (verisign) does is purely due to that being their business model.
Google or Amazon on the other hand might find other value in owning a TLD/Zone and might rather use it to promote/canonicalize their own projects instead of selling sub-zones.

Are there any programming challenges out there for R users? [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Are there any websites or blogs with programming challenges specifically for R users?
I don't know of any specifically for R users. But you'll find a good number of R entries on the Project Euler challenge. See this blog, for example:
I don't know about any specific to R, but there are quite a few questions tagged code-golf, here on Stack Overflow. Many of them are language agnostic, but not all.
Another area of the site that I like to visit are the questions tagged rosetta-stone. Those questions specifically ask for answers from every programming language.
I haven't heard of any, but you could visit some math-oriented challenges, where you can solve problems in any programming language you wish. One I know is
Bah, someone was faster ;). A thing to be added: after you solve a riddle there, you can see others posts on it, many people submit they code, I saw some R code there afair.
