How to install and run Versi Design Template for Marklogic? - xquery

Can someone tell me how to install and run Versi Design Template for Marklogic ? I followed the instructions given in the getting started guide but it is giving me errors. Versi design template is available at the following link:-

To my knowledge, the Versi project exists quite long already. Not sure how well it has been kept up to date. If you are thinking about using it to develop web applications more quickly, you might also be interested in RunDMC, which is more actively maintained for sure:


IntelliSense & .NetCore

I've been using .NetCore for some smaller projects and I generally love it, but there are a few issues, of which one has been irritating me quite a bit:
In this example a lot of the configuration stuff uses extension methods to hang extra features off of Json, Command Line, Object Binding etc... In these cases all of which live in separate packages. When you see some code examples which typically include one or more of them you naturally copy them into a project to try them out, giving you compile errors when you try to build them.
Asking VS for guidance (pressing good old Ctrl Dot), doesn't help and so you have to search for the relevant packages you need followed by more searches in Nuget installing each one as required.
So my question is (Drum Roll Please) am I missing something or is there a tool/setting or extension that can give me suggestions based on exported extension methods on Nuget's public packages when you press Ctrl Dot on the error much like suggestions on missing namespaces?
If you are targeting netcoreapp2.1 you can use the metapackage which will include all of "supported" packages from Microsoft.

ASP.NET - install React and typescript

So have created an ASP.NET 4.5.2 project and now need to install react and typescript. I installed node.js so wondering if its best to install via that. Also because I will be using TypeScript I will need the .d.ts files is there an easy way to install these in the project locally? Cause I assume everything else will be installed globally by npm as I might use them in other projects?
One other thing I am confused by all the different types of react packages available on npm, do i need a few or just one of them? I have worked on many projects involving this kind of tech stack but they are established and have never created one from scratch like i am doing now. So some really informative links or tips here would be immensely helpful! :)
So using Visual Studio 2017 I followed this tutorial and managed to get it working. The only issue left now is that i need to call webpack cmd on the project root when i make changes before refreshing the site. I am fine with this and will look into further into automating it as it kind of is a different and unrelated question.
One thing I will include is to always install npm packages globally (most of the time anyway) and just link them in using npm link. Was quite useful considering I went through the process a few times creating the project from scratch over and over again until I understood it all.

Drupal update modules and core strategy

I would like to know where can i find or whats the official process to consider when you have to update both the modules and the core in a Drupal 7 site at same time.
I mean, what do i have to update first?
Modules then Core, Core then modules or it doesn't matter at all or it depends of each module documentation?
Also i would like to know if this process changed in Drupal 8.
I have found the process to update each one but not together.
I always do modules then core, but if you have a good reference or any article with a justification for this will be better to understand why.
Thanks in advance
Firstly I would suggest you to use drush commands to upgrade core version. It will take care of the rest. But if you want to do manually then you can continue reading below answer.
In my opinion you have to update the core first ( if there is latest core and the core required modules available ) and then you can update other modules i.e contrib modules. At the end custom modules based on compatibility.
After placing the latest code you can use drush updb or {your domain}/update.php to update your database.
Or else you can do it in the following way:
Download latest drupal code, place your custom code inside it and use the old database and then run update. This is not the correct way but sometimes it works.
Note: Before doing any of the steps above always work in local environment and keep a backup. Never try it on production.

How can I upgrade my Realm Swift version from 0.96 to 0.97?

Can I just replace the two old version realm frameworks to the new version ones? Or what should I do?
Yep! If you're not using a dependency manager like CocoaPods or Carthage, you just need to delete the old framework folders and copy the new ones into the same place. Xcode should be fine handling that the next time you attempt to build your project.
If you are using a dependency manager, then you just need to hit the update command in their command line tools, and it'll be taken care of automatically.
Please keep in mind that Realm 0.97 has completely removed all of its previously deprecated APIs, so if you were using any of those, you will get build errors, but they'll be very easy to fix.
I cam up with the same question and while looking around came up with a good solution. This is in addition to what TiM has pointed out. Also, a few things to keep in mind:
I upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.0.1: so there weren't many changes to the framework and commands I used in my app.
I didn't use any special or very specific commands. Mainly the queries and writes/updates of objects. Nothing very fancy. If you have very specific requirements of Realm than I suggest look into those and see if there are any special changes to how they are managed.
Now to the steps:
Remove the frameworks from the "Embedded Binaries" section by clicking the "-":
General Tab - Embedded Binaries
Remove the frameworks from the project itself by right-clicking on them and select "Delete"
Navigator - Framework Files
Now just go and do the steps for installing the frameworks as found in the documentation "".
I understand this question is rather old, but looking through the SO I dint find a definite answer to this.
Hope this helped!

Include another MSI file in my setup project

I'm trying to make a setup program for an ASP.NET web site. I need to make sure the target machine has sqlxml installed.
I must verify the target machine has the software installed, and if not, launch a .msi file either before or after the main installation.
I'm a complete newbie with setup projects, so maybe this is obvious, but after several hours browsing the web I haven't found a satisfactory solution. I've been reading about WiX, etc. but I'm looking (if possible) for a simple solution.
Thank you both!
I understand an installer can't run another one. I was thinking in a functionality similar to Prerequisites (in project properties). There I can check a component and it will be automatically installed if it isn't. I don't need to do anything else. But, the most important thing for me is that the installation won't run if it's not needed.
I also tried the .msm solution, but I couldn't find any. Maybe I can make one myself? I haven't tried it yet though.
Unfortunately, you can't run one installer from another, since only one can be running at a time. You need to chain them together and run one after the other. Google "msi chaining". This is often the reason why products like Visual Studio use an external setup.exe which then runs the installers one after the other.
Looks like you need to 'chain' the installs
You can get the redist here
CAn you add this as a pre-req for your install?
What are you using to build the create the install?
I had a look to see how you can check of the SQLXML is installed and come across this:
The system I am on just now has the following key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ SQLXMLX (note the X at the end), so you might need to do a bit more investigation in to what the actual key is.
I'm not familer with Visual Studio install authoring but if you can add an entry to the AppSearch and RegLocator tables you should be able to check for the existance of the registry key when the install starts. See here
The Reglocator table gives you the option to set a property with a value from the registry if found. You can then use this in the condition on a custom action.
A lot to put together, but I hope it move you in the right direction.
Brent's answer is correct. I would just add that, sometimes, you can find a "merge module" for the bits you depend on. That's a .msm file. You can certainly include 1 or more of those in your .msi file. I have no idea whether a merge module is available for SQLXML. Sorry.
