Storing and downloading Data in iOS Applications - sqlite

I am a bit new to iOS Development and I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction regarding an application I am working on.
I am currently working on an application that will be displaying product lists and categories. The list is updated on a weekly basis (one every week).
I am now trying to decide two things:
1- What's the best method of storing this data, I am looking for a way that will allow me to replace the data in the application once every week.
2- Is it going to be beneficial to use CoreData? Note that I Only have Product Category, Product and Product Information entities.
Appreciate your support.

I would use Core Data. Because I know Core Data and am used to work with it. But this is clearly very much like using a chainsaw to cut a slice of bread.
As I understand, you're not familiar with Core Data. Maybe it's not the right tool for the job considering the learning curve.
In your case I would simply use JSON files as provided by the server.
That said, if your looking in Core Data anyway, any store will do, either atomic, XML or SQLite. The first two will load the whole data set in memory and queries will be done in memory as well. SQLite provides the benefits usually associated with databases, with a slightly increased complexity. A chainsaw.

I would use Core Data. If you haven't worked with Core Data before, learn it. It's a great framework.


How to I separate a Web+App into separate web and app projects

I've created a web+app project on Google analytics and it has a lot of data on it I don't want to lose. But... App+Web is not good and makes it ridiculously difficult to see important pieces of data.
How can I separate them into either two separate properties or views?
You cannot separate data that has already been collected into different properties (and views do not even exist in Apps+Web).
If you want to look at App data and Web data separately, you'd have you use filters/segmentation.
Your best chance is to wait until BigQuery integration becomes available and then export the data and write your own aggregations, although that is probably not easier than working with Apps+Web in the first place.
Also this is still a beta, so with enough user feedback they might improve the UI to make data (including already collected data) more easily accessible. But as for short term fixes, there are none.
You can see Technology report: Cross-platform, Web or App.
You can also use Analysis --> Exploration report and create custom reports.

ASP.NET MVC and Linq, when to use?

I just started working on an / application that is going to call a number of different procedures. The -only- thing these procedures do is create database table views, and the only thing I want to do is to store the information in variables. Then pick out which columns I want to convert to JSON, and then make a JSON string. I've actually written code for that in already, which is smaller, but since I switched to mvc I'm a little unsure if I should keep it or go with the whole Linq thing.
I checked out the Linq --> SQL drag & drop functionality, and that instantly created about 200 lines of code with set & get methods and everything.
So my question is, is it still worth using Linq even for just extracting data? Eventually this data will be fed to a javascript timeline, which is where I was told MVC would be highly useful with regards to Ajax functionality.
Since you are only using LINQ-to-SQL for data retrieval, I can't think of a single reason NOT to fully utilize it. I've been working on an MVC 1.0 project since last April. During that time, I've had to quickly become familiar with a number of technologies, LINQ-to-SQL being one of them. Get comfortable with it, and also look at the repository will be very content and things will go relatively smoothly.
Now, when you get to INSERTs and UPDATEs, things are going to get a little more sticky. LINQ-to-SQL is still up to the job, but you'll need to understand how things work internally a little better. I highly recommend "Pro LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in C# 2008" by Joseph C. Rattz, Jr. The sections covering LINQ-to-SQL easily take up over a third of the book with detailed examples.
As far as the JSON objects go, LINQ-to-SQL's biggest contribution is that it allowed me not to have to worry about creating specialized views or stored procedures just to handle those one-off-types of data retrievals. My current project has a database of 65 tables...NO stored procedures. I can do filters, unions, multi-level joins...and it's all maintained in the application. Sweet...
Yes, it's totally worth it!
LINQ2SQL provides you a great subsurface to retrieve and save data to.
However, you'll need to implement your own Repository Pattern as you dig deeper into ASP.NET MVC.
And during the implementation of the Repository and the required (and even custom / webapp-state based) Queries, you'll be very glad to have all the power available at your fingertips that LINQ provides.
LINQ only adds to the available toolkit you can lean on when creating code. Even if you are using LINQ in a trivial way now, implement it, get familiar with it, and take advantage of the power it gives you both on this project and future projects.
Linq2Sql is quiet good for creating select queries. As it is appearing that you need to create JSON objects from database views it will be quiet useful

ASP.NET Scaffolding/Templating CRUD Solutions

I've been looking into ASP.NET Dynamic Data and how it does scaffolding and routing. I've only scratched the surface, but it's looking like I'd have to create a template for each table that I didn't want to display all columns the same way.
My first impression after looking at dynamic data is that it would seem like less time on the programmer to have to edit one-time generated user controls rather than build a template for each table that doesn't have a uniform display behavior.
What proven solutions are people currently using that help ease the laborious tasks of creating ASP.NET CRUD type user controls?
In ASP.NET webforms we use CodeSmith. From a single entity we generate admin pages, codebehinds, service layers, data layers and db stored procedures. All in a matter of seconds. I'd recommend you check it our for quickly building the crud in your apps.
We're actually working on our own code generation tool. It has already proven to work perfectly on the lower layers and now we're on the way to extend it for the presentation layer, that is for generating user controls.
I've not looked into dynamic data (although I'd like to when I have some time) but my biggest fear is always to lose flexibility. The problem is that these front-ends are then maybe generated dynamically each time based on some template and editing, especially bringing in special customer wishes becomes quite difficult. For small standard apps it may work perfectly though.
What we're therefore doing is to "generate" these usercontrols based on a set of standard custom server controls we've developed, but we'll generate just the first time from some static information about the entities in our application. Then you can continue customizing.
Such systems should help the developer, improving his development speed, doing the initial awkward work but then they should give him the flexibility to modify till the maximum. They should not add additional complexity...
I used .netTiers CodeSmith templates long time ago (years) and it was proven so strong, so, it must be more than great now.
I know a (big) company who have built a customization engine (allowing GUI for internal company options) around those templates to use them in most of their applications and were so successful.
I've used in the past which has been great. Saved us MONTHS of time on our last project which has a big DB, so the cost is worth it. But it looks a bit ugly and can be tricky to update the DB schema once you've generated.
Obviously not much widespread use out there other than whats provided in Visual Studio.
Have a look at Blinq.

ASP.Net Data Driven Website Efficiency

I'm creating an ASP.Net website that displays large amounts of data. The data is served to me through a data access layer. From the data I'm getting I'm building up large data tables and then displaying these using either gridview's or dynamically created web controls.
The problem I'm finding is that the website is slow when a lot of data is passed to it. I've read that data readers are the way to go but I can't use a datareader directly from the SQL table due to needing to use the data access layer.
I also don't have the option of partially filling the datatable as I need to apply a lot of sorting methods to the data to display what I need.
Any suggestions of ways to speed up data tables? or perhaps use something else that's more efficient?
Since you are “.. building up large data tables and then displaying these using either gridview's or dynamically created web controls”, the network can be a bottleneck. See the answers to the similar SO question that may be helpful.
Are you absolutely certain that the bottleneck is in the Web Application?
The first thing I would do would be to guess what the longest SQL query you execute on a slow page would be, then see how it runs in the query browser.
If it's slow, work on optimizing that.
Pulling 'large' amounts of data into a web application and doing sorting / filtering there is always going to be slow, depending on your definition of 'large'. If you can apply any sorting / filtering on the database server before you pull the data to your web application that should speed things up. You say you don't have the option to do this but sorting is something that database servers are made for, are you sure you can't make this work?
You can use distributed cache, to cache your data. Memcache ( or Velocity Microsoft Distributed Cache (
The first thing you will want to do is to pinpoint exactly what part of the process that is being slow. It might not be where you think it is. Do code profiling or timing of different parts to determine exactly how much time each piece of code consume during a request. In our case we found that the data layer (executing readers, populating object models) were really fast (with a couple of exceptions that were taken care of by indexes in the database), while we had some javascript on the client that was really slow.
So, start with measuring, then decide where to optimize.

Sample Data Creation Tool (mainly for Databases)

I’m thinking through some database design concepts and believe that creating sample data simulating real-world volume of my application will help solidify some design decisions.
Does any anyone know of a tool to create sample data? I’m looking for something that’s database and platform neutral if possible (from MySQL to DB/2 and Windows to UNIX) so to test the design across different systems/architectures. I’m visioning some tool that you can:
point to a database table(s) (some configuration of the DSN, etc.)
introspect the fields and based on the field... (point-and-click or add some configuration)
have a means for expressing how to create sample data (MySQL Sample Data Creator is the kind of thing I vision but I think their'd be some more options like commit frequency so to create very large data sets... millions or billions of rows... don't think this tool would scale to the volume of data I want to create)
push a button and go (depending on your parameters, this may take a long time)
Any thoughts? Sure, I could write an app to do this but it seems so generic that I shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel.
DBMonster is fine but I prefer databene benerator as I explained it in this answer to a similar question.
Something like DBMonster?
This page also has a listing of many DB data generators.
I cannot help you with MySQL or DB/2 but, in case anyone gets to this answer with a need for MS SQL Server, I can recommend the Data Generator from Red Gate.
Our test data generator, Datanamic DB Data Generator can do this for you. Works with MySQL. It uses default "generator settings" when loading your tables the first time. You can then "fine-tune" the fields and/or choose other "generators".
