Seam3 #ViewConfig and pretty-faces mapping id - seam

How can I get id of urlMapping when using pretty faces through the Seam3 #ViewConfig interface?
In pretty-config.xml id is specified on url-mapping element.
<url-mapping id="foo">
<pattern value="/page/foo/">
<view-id value="..." />
With #URLMapping annotation provided by Pretty Faces i can use id attribute.
#URLMapping(id = "foo", pattern = "/page/foo", viewId = "...")
public class FooBean {
// some code here
But #UrlMapping annotation provided by Seam faces doesn't have any id attribute so I wonder what will be id of this mapping.
public interface PagesConfig {
static enum Pages {
#UrlMapping(pattern = "/page/foo")
static enum AnotherPages {
#UrlMapping(pattern = "/page/foo2")


Localization in EnumDropDownListFor using boilerplate

I have an enum dropdown
m => m.OrderBy,
new {#class = "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle toggle", onchange = "document.getElementById('hf_Pagename').value,this.form.submit();"})
//my enum
public enum OrderByOptions
Now the problem is I need to localize them. But in this case from" PriceLowToHigh" needs to change to " Price- low to high"
You can use AbpDisplayNameAttribute:
public enum OrderByOptions
[AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.Default")]
[AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.PriceLowToHigh")]
[AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.PriceHighToLow")]
[AbpDisplayName(MyConsts.LocalizationSourceName, "OrderByOptions.MostRecent")]
Define them in your localization files:
<text name="OrderByOptions.PriceLowToHigh">Price - Low to High</text>
AbpDisplayName works on type class
You can define:
public class FieldAbpDisplayNameAttribute : AbpDisplayNameAttribute
// ...
Then use [FieldAbpDisplayNameAttribute(...)] instead.
There are many ways to achieve the issue.
Way #1
Don't use #Html.EnumDropDownListFor! Just traverse enum and create the html element like below;
(I am writing the code on the top of my head)
#foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(OrderByOptions)))
<option value="#((int)item)">#(Localize(item.ToString()))</option>
There's no Localize method. Just localize it with your way.
Way #2
Other alternative is not using enum but create a dropdown item collection. And let an item consist of DisplayText and Value. Display Text must be localized from server.
Way #3
Follow the instructions explained here:
With the information above, I solve my problem this way.
I created a custome Attribute AbpEnumDisplayNameAttribute inherited from AbpDisplayNameAttribute.
public class AbpEnumDisplayNameAttribute : AbpDisplayNameAttribute
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="AbpDisplayNameAttribute"/> for enum values.
/// </summary>
public AbpEnumDisplayNameAttribute(string sourceName, string key) : base(sourceName, key)
Then I created an extension for Enum display value localization.
public static class EnumLocalizationExtension
public static string ToLocalizedDisplayName(this Enum value)
var displayName = value.ToString();
var fieldInfo = value.GetType().GetField(displayName);
if (fieldInfo != null)
var attribute = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AbpEnumDisplayNameAttribute), true)
if (attribute != null)
displayName = attribute.DisplayName;
return displayName;

Route PropertyChanged Event from static ObservableCollection to non-static wrapper class

I am trying to bind an ObservableCollection, which is filled in a Background thread, to a charting Control in the UI.
Therefore i have a static class "Core", which have a member "DataState". This DataState class owns the ObservableCollection "SensorData", which is filled in the aforementioned Background Task.
As there is no possibility to do UWP XAML Binding for static properties i wrote a wrapper class "DataWrapper" which is nonstatic and refers to the static Core.DataState.SensorData-object.
Here's some of my Code:
public static partial class Core
private static DataState m_DataState;
public static DataState DataState
return m_DataState;
if (value != null)
m_DataState = value;
public class DataState
private ObservableCollection<SensorData> m_SensorData = new ObservableCollection<SensorData>();
public ObservableCollection<SensorData> SensorData
return m_SensorData;
if (value != null)
m_SensorData = value;
public class DataWrapper
public ObservableCollection<SensorData> SensorData
return Core.DataState.SensorData;
<Charting:LineSeries Name="MySeries" Title="Title" IndependentValuePath="X" DependentValuePath="Y" ItemsSource="{x:Bind DataWrapper.SensorData}"></Charting:LineSeries>
where X and Y are the variables contained in the SensorData-Object.
So, if i wait to Show the Charting-Control until there's some data in the ObservableCollection this data is nicely plotted into my Control. But after that recently added data is not plotted anymore.
Therefore i am looking for a way to route the PropertyChanged-Event from Core.DataState.SensorData somehow to DataWrapper.SensorData. Is there any possibility to do this?
Is the structure of this Problem clear to you? I think my descriptions sounds a bit confusing...
Thank you in advance for any help :-)

Having trouble with Nested-Objects using Nest

When I try to index a doc of my defined type, having a list which is supposed to be mapped as a nested-object ("type":"nested"), it's getting mapped as a regular object type.
Take a look at the code:
I've got a simple class like this one:
public class MyJob
public int jobCode { get; set; }
[ValueFieldAttribute(Type = FieldType.nested)]
public IList<JobProfessionalFieldInfo> JobProfessionalFields { get; set; }
The code for the JobProfessionalFieldInfo class is:
public class JobProfessionalFieldInfo
public int JobId { get; set; }
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
The code for the ValueFieldAttribute class is:
public class ValueFieldAttribute : ElasticPropertyAttribute
public ValueFieldAttribute()
: base()
this.Store = false;
this.Index = FieldIndexOption.not_analyzed;
My program:
static void Main(string[] args)
ConnectionSettings node = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
ElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(node);
List<JobProfessionalFieldInfo> list = new List<JobProfessionalFieldInfo>();
list.Add(new JobProfessionalFieldInfo { CategoryId = 1, JobId = 1 });
list.Add(new JobProfessionalFieldInfo { CategoryId = 2, JobId = 2 });
var res = client.Index<MyJob>(new MyJob
jobCode = 1,
JobProfessionalFields = list
},"jobs", "MyJob",1);
Now, when I run it, it indexes the object successfully... BUT(!!) when I get the mapping of the index with GET jobs/MyJob/_mapping, I see that jobProfessionalFields has no "type":"nested" in its mapping.
That results in a query like the following one, returning the indexed doc while it's not supposed to get it back (that's what nested-type is for right?..):
GET jobs/_search
{"match": {"jobId":1}},
{"match": {"categoryId":2}}
It's not the end:
I'd a look at here,
there the guy that answered tells that when we use annotations we need to manually call the createIndex and Map methods, but the problem is that I don't have any generic Map method...!
Take a look at here: (just to make you get into the link - here's its start..)
namespace Nest
public partial class ElasticClient...
And I don't know how to use the non-generic Map method to put the mapping of my MyJob class.
How can I cause this stuff to map the jobProfessionalFields as nested-type dudes?
Thanks for any help of you guys!
OK, got it LOL!
The MapFromAttributes<> is the right generic method for putting the mapping (at least in the current Nest version I'm using - 0.12.0).
But it demands a manual call for the index creationg, o.w it gives an IndexMissing exception (like the guy in the above mentioned link said).
client.CreateIndex("jobs", new IndexSettings { });
var res = client.MapFromAttributes<MyJob>("jobs","MyJob");
But that's really interesting why isn't it enough to just define the
[ElasticProperty(Type = FieldType.nested)],
in order to get the nested mapping though..
I would be glad to get an answer for that one.

structuremap enrichwith not overriden

I am trying to find a way to override a structuremap registry statement containing EnrichWith like so (here is the Registry class):
public class MyRegistry : Registry
public MyRegistry()
For(typeof(IMyList<int>)).EnrichWith(x => DecorateMyList(x)).Use(typeof(MyListA<int>));
private object DecorateMyList(object o)
var genericParameters = o.GetType().GetGenericArguments();
var myListDecoratorType = typeof(MyListDecorator<>).MakeGenericType(genericParameters);
var decorated = Activator.CreateInstance(myListDecoratorType, new []{o});
return decorated;
public class MyRegistryUser
ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IMyList<string>>(); // Good: Returns an instance of MyListB<string> as expected
ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IMyList<int>>(); // Bad: Returns an instance of the decorator containing MyListB<int> - my second rule should have overridden the EnrichWith as well.
Am I right to think that there is a glitch in structure map or is there something I'm not seeing?
Thanks in advance

AutoMapper: Can't access original object instances passed to Map() from within AfterMap()

I have code like this:
Product _prod, _existingProd;
void Test()
_prod = MakeAndPopulateSomeRandomProduct();
_existingProd = GetProdFromDb(1);
.AfterMap((s, d) =>
Console.WriteLine(d==_existingProd); //Why does this print false?
//Customize other properties on destination object
Mapper.Map(_prod, _existingProd);
When I call Test(), false is printed but I expected true. In my scenario, it is important to be able to access the original destination object via the AfterMap argument. I only included the fields to demonstrate the problem but in my real code, I don't have direct access to them. How can I access the object instances passed in to Map() when customizing the mapping?
The following example works. Probably you are using some type converter which creates new instance... Also please provide all mapping configurations to better understand the problem.
public class AfterMap_Test
private Product _prod, _existingProd;
public void Test()
Mapper.CreateMap<Product, Product>()
.AfterMap((s, d) =>
Trace.WriteLine(d == _existingProd); //Why does this print false?
//Customize other properties on destination object
_existingProd = new Product {P1 = "Destination"};
_prod = new Product {P1 = "Source"};
Mapper.Map(_prod, _existingProd);
internal class Product
public string P1 { get; set; }
