Summing elems of array using binary recursion - recursion

I wasn't starting to understand linear recursion and then I thought I practice up on sorting algorithms and then quick sort was where I had trouble with recursion. So I decided to work with a simpler eg, a binary sum that I found online. I understand that recursion, like all function calls, are executed one # a time and not at the same time (which is what multi-threading does but is not of my concern when tracing). So I need to execute all of recursive call A BEFORE recursive call B, but I get lost in the mix. Does anyone mind tracing it completely. The e.g. I have used of size, n = 9 where elems are all 1's to keep it simple.
* Sums an integer array using binary recursion.
* #param arr, an integer array
* #param i starting index
* #param n size of the array
* floor(x) is largest integer <= x
* ceil(x) is smallest integer >= x
public int binarySum(int arr[], int i, int n) {
if (n == 1)
return arr[i];
return binarySum(arr, i, ceil(n/2)) + binarySum(arr,i + ceil(n/2), floor(n/2));

What I personally do is start with an array of size 2. There are two elements.
return binarySum(arr, i, ceil(n/2)) + binarySum(arr,i + ceil(n/2), floor(n/2)) will do nothing but split the array into 2 and add the two elements. - case 1
now, this trivial starting point will be the lowest level of the recursion for the higher cases.
now increase n = 4. the array is split into 2 : indices from 0-2 and 2-4.
now the 2 elements inside indices 0 to 2 are added in case 1 and so are the 2 elements added in indices 2-4.
Now these two results are added in this case.
Now we are able to make more sense of the recursion technique, some times understanding bottom up is easier as in this case!
Now to your question consider an array of 9 elements : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
n = 9 => ceil(9/2) = 5, floor(9/2) = 4
Now first call (top call) of binarySum(array, 0, 9)
now n = size is not 1
hence the recursive call....
return binarySum(array, 0, 5) + binarySum(array, 5, 4)
now the first binarySum(array, 0 ,5) operates on the first 5 elements of the array and the second binarySum(array,5,4) operates on the last 4 elements of the array
hence the array division can be seen like this: 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9
The first function finds the sum of the elements: 1 2 3 4 5
and the second function finds the sum of the elements 6 7 8 9
and these two are added together and returned as the answer to the top call!
now how does this 1+2+3+4+5 and 6+7+8+9 work? we recurse again....
so the tracing will look like
1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 | 4 5 6 7 | 8 9
1 2 | 3 4 | 5 6 | 7 8 | 9
[1 | 2]___[3]___[4 5]___[6 7]___[8 9]
Till this we are fine..we are just calling the functions recursively.
But now, we hit the base case!
if (n == 1)
return arr[i];
[1 + 2]____[3]____[4 + 5]____[6 + 7]____[8 + 9]
[3 + 3] ____ [9] ____[13 + 17]
[6 + 9] [30]
[15 + 30]
which is the sum.
So for understanding see what is done to the major instance of the problem and you can be sure that the same thing is going to happen to the minor instance of the problem.

This example explains binary sum with trace in java
the trace is based on index of array , where 0 - is yours starting index and 8 is length of the array

int sum(int* arr, int p, int k) {
if (p == k)
return arr[k];
int s = (p + k) / 2;
return sum(arr, p, s) + sum(arr, s + 1, k);


trouble converting index to row

I'm having trouble converting an index number into its respective column/row. The table goes like this
The graph scales in each dimension. Each square is surrounded by one blank space. I need to turn the number of the square into the x/y coordinates
I've figured out the column, but the row is still evading me.
This is what i have now:
#define IDtoX(n, w) ((2*(n%w))+1)
#define IDtoY(n, h) ((2*(n/h))+1)
IDtoX works as intended. IDtoY does not.
outputs should be as following.:
grid of width 7 and height 5:
n y
0 3
1 3
2 3
3 1
4 1
5 1
grid of width 9 and height 7:
0 5
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 3
5 3
6 3
7 3
8 1
9 1
10 1
11 1
The main reason why you are failing with your function IDtoY(n, h) is that the result also depends on the value of w. Therefore you must change your signature to something like IDtoY(n, w, h). To see this, try drawing more arrays with the same hs but varying ws and you will see that the ids will also change for each n. You were fooled by your successful function for IDtoX which does indeed not depend on h but only on n and w. Now, if your ids began at zero at the top, they would not depend on w, but as you drew the array, they do.
I found multiple formulae that work, but none of them are pretty. Here are two--if you do not like them, you could find some equivalent formulae.
#define IDtoY(n, w, h) (h - 2 - 2 * n // (w - 1) * 2)
or perhaps
#define IDtoY(n, w, h) (h - 2 - n // (w // 2) * 2)
where the // operator is integer division. You do not state which computing environment you are using--the simple / operator may work for you.

Finding X & Y based off of Index

Good day all
I am having a math issue, it may be due to the lack of sleep but I am totally drawing a blank.
I need to find the x and y coordinates based off of the index.
So I know the width of the grid, the height and the index. But I dont know the X and Y coordinates. i need build a formula to get that data.
For example. I know the index of 9. Through a formula i need to be able to get the number 4 for X and 2 for Y
int numOfRows = 4
int numOfCols = 5
int index = 13
int X = ?
int Y = ?
//perform math magic
x = 4
y = 3
It is very simple:
public static void foo(int i) {
int x = i % 5 + 1;
int y = i / 5 + 1;
It gets much easier if you start counting with 0:
| 0 1 2 3 4
0| 0 1 2 3 4
1| 5 6 7 8 9
2|10 11 12 13 14
Let a be the number in the grid and numberOfCols the number of columns (5 in this example).
In that case, it's plain to see that
the row number is a / numberOfCols (without remainder) and
the column number is a modulo numberOfCols.
You can reduce your case to this case by adding 1 to the resulting row/col numbers.

How do I find a list (multiset, size n) of integers where the root-mean-square of the set is an integer?

I already found this one
Brute force is possible of course, but are there any other ways? Is there a way to find all multisets? Is there a way to find out how many combinations exist under a certain limit?
Perhaps this question is too mathy for SO, if that is the case I'll move it.
I created my own version in javascript by generating all possible combinations of a list of numbers, then checking for integer RMS. These are sets though, not multisets.
Edit: I used N for sum value and K for the number of squares.
Number of multi-sets grows fast, so N should have reasonable value. So this problem is equivalent to changing sum N by K coins with nominals 1,4,9,25... (and the number of variants might be calculated using dynamic programming).
The simplest implementation is recursive - we just generate all possible addends. In my Delphi implementation I collect summands in string (instead of list) for simplicity.
Note that such implementation might generate the same sequences again and again - note {5,7} end-sequence in my example. To improve performance (important for rather large values of N and K), it is worth to store generated sequences in table or map (with {N;K;Min} key). In that case generation from large summands to smaller ones would be better, because small summands give a lot of repeating patterns.
procedure FSP(N, K, Minn: Integer; Reslt: string);
i: Integer;
if (K = 0) then begin
if (N = 0) then
Memo1.Lines.Add(Reslt); //yield result
i := Minn;
while (i * i <= N) do begin
FSP(N - i * i, K - 1, i, Reslt + Format('%d ', [i]));
i := i + 1;
procedure FindSquarePartitions(N, K: integer);
FSP(N, K, 1, '');
FindSquarePartitions(101, 5);
1 1 1 7 7
1 1 3 3 9
1 1 5 5 7
1 2 4 4 8
1 5 5 5 5
2 2 2 5 8
2 3 4 6 6
2 4 4 4 7
3 3 3 5 7

Little help with null space of a matrix

This requires a little knowledge about Matlab and I have none. I was just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction and give me some pointer :)
I have to write a matlab code for finding the Null spaces of matices
A and B, where B = A^T x A. And then nd the general solutions to AX = b1
and BX = b2, where b1= the column [1 2 3 4 5] and b2= the column [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8].
My concern is that I dont really know how to go about this code.
This is what I have so far and I do not think i am in the right track. I have a specific matrix as below.
The rows are divided by semi-colon.
A = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8;
1 2^2 3^2 4^2 5^2 6^2 7^2 8^2;
1 2^3 3^3 4^3 5^3 6^3 7^3 8^3;
1 2^4 3^4 4^4 5^4 6^4 7^4 8^4;
6 8 1 1 7 9 0 7 ]
B = A’A (this is how transpose is written)
C = null(A)
D = null(B)
I feel like there should be a rref somewhere - I'm just not getting anywhere. Please point me in the right direction.
Ok so I updated it to the this now....My username changed from jona and I dont know why
A = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8;
1 2^2 3^2 4^2 5^2 6^2 7^2 8^2;
1 2^3 3^3 4^3 5^3 6^3 7^3 8^3;
1 2^4 3^4 4^4 5^4 6^4 7^4 8^4;
6 8 1 1 7 9 0 7 ]
B = A’*A (this is how transpose is written)
b1=[1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ];
b2=[1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 ];
However I still don't feel this is right :(
#Chris A. I know the null space is the solution to Ax=0. However I'm confused on how to use it to find general solution using the b1 and b2 I have. Is it possible for you to explain to me the connection? I don't undertand the book as much.
In MATLAB, arithmetic operations need to be explicit, i.e. a(b+c) should be written as a*(b+c)
Have you tried writing B as
Also, you seem to be using a different character for the transpose... You're using ’, the unicode character for single right quotation when you should be using ' or the unicode character for apostrophe.
Ok, so the bottom line is that the null space is the set of all vectors x such that A * x = 0. You got that right. And C is an orthonormal basis for the vectors in the null space. So that means if you have a particular solution (let's call it v) such that A * v = b1 then the space of solutions is the vector v plus any combination of vectors in the null space.
For the case of A, the size (second dimension) of your C will tell you the dimension of the null space. Each one of the vectors in C will be a vector in the null space.
To get v you can do v = A \ b1. You can write arbitrary combinations of vectors in C by C * c where little c is a column vector that is the size of the null space.
The general solution is thus v + C * c where c is any vector that is the dimension of the null space. To see that this solve the system, just plug it back in
A * (v + C * c) =
A * v + A * C * c =
b1 + 0 * c =
Edit: It's the exact same idea for finding the solution to A'*A * x = b2, just anywhere you see A in the above discussion, replace it with A'*A and anywhere you see b1 replace it with b2. The solutions to A * x = b1 and A'*A * x = b2 are separate problems.

What math do I need to convert numbers according to this table?

Given an X, what math is needed to find its Y, using this table?
This is a language agnostic problem. I can't just store the array, and do the lookup. The input will always be the finite set of 0 to 6. It won't be scaling later.
y = (8 - x) % 7
This is how I arrived at that:
x 8-x (8-x)%7
0 8 1
1 7 0
2 6 6
3 5 5
4 4 4
5 3 3
6 2 2
int f(int x)
return x["I#Velcro"] & 7;
0.048611x^6 - 0.9625x^5 + 7.340278x^4 - 26.6875x^3 + (45 + 1/9)x^2 - 25.85x + 1
Sometimes the simple ways are best. ;)
It looks like:
y = (x * 6 + 1) % 7
I don't really like the % operator since it does division so:
y = (641921 >> (x*3)) & 7;
But then you said something about not using lookup tables so maybe this doesn't work for you :-)
Since you want to actually use this in real code and cryptic numbers are not nice, I can offer this more maintainable variant:
y = (0x2345601 >> (x*4)) & 15;
Though it seems a bunch of correct answers have already appeared, I figured I'd post this just to show another way to have worked it out (they're all basically variations on the same thing):
Well, the underlying pattern is pretty simple:
x y
0 6
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
6 0
y = 6 - x
Your data just happens to have the y values shifted "down" by two indices (or to have the x values shifted "up").
So you need a function to shift the x value. This should do it:
x = (x + 5) % 7;
Resulting equation:
y = 6 - ((x + 5) % 7);
Combining the ideas in Dave and Paul's answer gives the rather elegant:
y = (8 - x) % 7`
(though I see I was beaten to the punch with this)
unsigned short convertNumber(unsigned short input) {
if (input <= 1) { return !input; } //convert 0 => 1, 1 => 0
return (8-input); //convert 2 => 6 ... 6 => 2
How about:
y = (x <= 1 ? 1 : 8) - x
and no, i dont/cant just store the array, and do the lookup.
Why not?
yes, the input will always be the finite set of 0 to 6. it wont be scaling later.
Just use a bunch of conditionals then.
if (input == 0) return 1;
else if (input == 1) return 0;
else if (input == 2) return 6;
Or find a formula if it's easy to see one, and it is here:
if (input == 0) return 1;
else if (input == 1) return 0;
else return 8 - input;
Here's a way to avoid both modulo and conditionals, going from this:
y = (8 - x) % 7
We know that x % y = x - floor(x/y)*y
So we can use y = 8 - x - floor((8 - x) / 7) * 7
What about some bit-fu ?
You can get the result using only minus, logical operators and shifts.
b = (x >> 2) | ((x >> 1) & 1)
y = ((b << 3)|(b ^ 1)) - x
