Arduino Mega: void serialEvent3() { } is not always triggering (or is it?) - serial-port

String cmdData; // Store the complete command on one line to send to sensor board.
String phResponse; // Store the pH sensor response.
boolean startOfLine = false;
boolean endOfLine = false;
boolean stringComplete = false;
void setup()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Used for temperature probe
void loop()
if (stringComplete)
Serial.println("Stored Response: " + phResponse);
phResponse = ""; // Empty phResponse variable to get
// ready for the next response
stringComplete = false;
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
char cmd = (char);
if (cmd == '{')
startOfLine = true;
if (cmd == '}')
endOfLine = true;
if (startOfLine && cmd != '{' && cmd != '}')
cmdData += cmd;
if (startOfLine && endOfLine)
startOfLine = false;
endOfLine = false;
cmdData.toLowerCase(); // Convert cmdData value to lowercase
// for sanity reasons
if (cmdData == "ph")
if (cmdData == "phatc")
cmdData = ""; // Empty cmdData variable to get ready for the next command
void serialEvent3()
char cmd3 = (char);
phResponse += String(cmd3);
if (cmd3 == '\r')
stringComplete = true;
Serial.println("Carriage Command Found!");
float getTemp(char tempType)
float v_out; // Voltage output from temperature sensor
float temp; // The final temperature is stored here (this is only for code clarity)
float tempInCelcius; // Stores temperature in °C
float tempInFarenheit; // Stores temperature in °F
digitalWrite(A0, LOW); // Set pull-up resistor on analog pin
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // Set pin 2 high, this will turn on temperature sensor
delay(2); // Wait 1 ms for temperature to stabilize
v_out = analogRead(0); // Read the input pin
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // Set pin 2 low, this will turn off temperature sensor
v_out *=. 0048; // Convert ADC points to voltage [volts] (we are using .0048
// because this device is running at 5 volts)
v_out *= 1000; // Convert unit from volts to millivolts
tempInCelcius = 0.0512 * v_out -20.5128; // The equation from millivolts to temperature
tempInFarenheit = (tempInCelcius * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit
if (tempType == 'c')
return tempInCelcius; // Return temperature in Celsius
else if (tempType == 'f')
return tempInFarenheit; // Return temperature in Fahrenheit
void ph()
Serial.println("Calculating pH sensor value in 3 seconds");
void phATC()
Serial.println("pH auto temperature calibration will start in 3 seconds");
float temp = getTemp('c');
char tempAr[10];
String tempAsString;
String tempData;
dtostrf(temp, 1, 2, tempAr);
tempAsString = String(tempAr);
tempData = tempAsString + '\r';
Why does serialEvent3() trigger after the second and sometimes the third time a command is sent to the sensor board? Once serialEvent3() finally triggers the consecutive commands work fluently. serialEvent() seems to work as expected. I have tried rearranging the functions without success. Is there a 'fail safe' time-out code to send the command again if serialEvent3 is not triggered?
Working code:
String cmdData; // Store the complete command on one line to send to sensor board.
String phResponse; // Store the pH sensor response.
boolean startOfLine = false;
boolean endOfLine = false;
boolean stringComplete = false;
boolean s3Trigger = false;
void setup()
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
char cmd = (char);
if (cmd == '{')
startOfLine = true;
if (cmd == '}')
endOfLine = true;
if (startOfLine && cmd != '{' && cmd != '}')
cmdData += cmd;
void serialEvent3()
char cmd3 = (char);
phResponse += String(cmd3);
if (cmd3 == '\r') // If carriage return has been found then...
stringComplete = true;
void loop()
if (startOfLine && endOfLine) // Both startOfLine and endOfLine must
// be true to run the command...
startOfLine = false;
endOfLine = false;
s3Trigger = true; // Set the s3Trigger boolean to true to check
// if data on Serial3.available() is available.
if (stringComplete)
Serial.println("Stored Response: " + phResponse); // Print stored response from the pH sensor.
phResponse = ""; // Empty phResponse variable to get ready for the next response
cmdData = ""; // Empty phResponse variable to get ready for the next command
stringComplete = false; // Set stringComplete to false
s3Trigger = false; // Set s3Trigger to false so it doesn't continuously loop.
if (s3Trigger) // If true then continue
delay(1000); // Delay to make sure the Serial3 buffer has all the data
if (!Serial3.available()) // If Serial3 available then execute
// the runCommand() function
s3Trigger = false; // Set s3Trigger to false so it doesn't continuously loop.
void runCommand()
cmdData.toLowerCase(); // Convert cmdData value to lowercase
// for sanity reasons
if (cmdData == "ph")
void ph()
Serial.println("Calculating pH sensor value in 3 seconds");
New working code without having to send the command twice:
This software was made to demonstrate how to quickly get your
Atlas Scientific product running on the Arduino platform.
An Arduino MEGA 2560 board was used to test this code.
This code was written in the Arudino 1.0 IDE
Modify the code to fit your system.
**Type in a command in the serial monitor and the Atlas
Scientific product will respond.**
**The data from the Atlas Scientific product will come out
on the serial monitor.**
Code efficacy was NOT considered, this is a demo only.
The TX3 line goes to the RX pin of your product.
The RX3 line goes to the TX pin of your product.
Make sure you also connect to power and GND pins to power
and a common ground.
Open TOOLS > serial monitor, set the serial monitor
to the correct serial port and set the baud rate to 38400.
Remember, select carriage return from the drop down menu
next to the baud rate selection; not "both NL & CR".
String inputstring = ""; // A string to hold incoming data from the PC
String sensorstring = ""; // A string to hold the data
// from the Atlas Scientific product
boolean input_stringcomplete = false; // Have we received all
// the data from the PC
boolean sensor_stringcomplete = false; // Have we received all the data from
// the Atlas Scientific product
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
void setup() { // Set up the hardware
// Set up the hardware
Serial.begin(38400); // Set baud rate for the hardware
// serial port_0 to 38400
inputstring.reserve(5); // Set aside some bytes for
// receiving data from the PC
sensorstring.reserve(30); // Set aside some bytes for receiving
// data from Atlas Scientific product
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH); // Turn on pull-up resistors
void serialEvent() { // If the hardware serial port_0 receives a char
char inchar = (char); // Get the char we just received
inputstring += inchar; // Add it to the inputString
if(inchar == '\r') { // If the incoming character is a <CR>, set the flag
input_stringcomplete = true;
void loop() { // Here we go....
char inchar = (char); // Get the char we just received
sensorstring += inchar; // Add it to the inputString
if(inchar == '\r') { // If the incoming character
// is a <CR>, set the flag
sensor_stringcomplete = true;
if (input_stringcomplete){ // If a string from the PC has been
// received in its entirety
mySerial.print(inputstring); // Send that string to the Atlas Scientific product
inputstring = ""; // Clear the string:
input_stringcomplete = false; // Reset the flag used to tell if we have
// received a completed string from the PC
if (sensor_stringcomplete) { // If a string from the Atlas Scientific
// product has been received in its entirety
Serial.println(sensorstring); // Send that string to to the PC's serial monitor
sensorstring = ""; // Clear the string:
sensor_stringcomplete = false; // Reset the flag used to tell if
// we have received a completed string
// from the Atlas Scientific product

One thing I noticed (not the cause of the serial read problem). In a microprocessor, floating point math is expensive. It might be worth your while to combine these three lines:
tempInCelcius = 0.0512 * v_out -20.5128;
tempInCelcius = v_out * 0.24576 -20.2128;
I would also move tempInFarenheit = (tempInCelcius * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; right into the return statement so the calculation is only done if required. Generally splitting these lines up is encouraged for programming on a PC, but with a microprocessor I tend to compact my code and insert lots of comments.
I had a look at the example code for the sensor and I think I have something you can try. You have a while (Serial.available()) line in here. I can't be certain, but this doesn't look right to me and it might be messing you up. Try removing that block and just doing the read in the event.


How to send a number over serial to an arduino?

I'm trying to send a number value over serial to an Arduino to control an Individually Addressable LEDstrip. Using the Arduino IDE "Serial Monitor" I'm able to send a number to the light strip with no issue. However when i try to do it externally by reading from a text file in processing it doesn't go through.
After some debugging I can see that Processing has the number right and its stored in the variable. However the lightstip will only ever light up on led, instead of the number given.
Processing Code:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
void setup()
size(200,200); //make our canvas 200 x 200 pixels big
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
void draw()
while(true) {
// Read data from the file
String[] lines = loadStrings("Lifenumber.txt");
int number = Integer.parseInt(lines[0]);
Arduino Code:
if ( Serial.available()) // Check to see if at least one character is available
char ch =;
if(index < 3 && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'){
strValue[index++] = ch;
Lnum = atoi(strValue);
for(i = 0; i < 144; i++)
leds[i] = CRGB::Black;;
re = 1;
index = 0;
strValue[index] = 0;
strValue[index+1] = 0;
strValue[index+2] = 0;
What I want the program to do is read a number from a text file and light up that number of LEDs on the 144led lightstrip.
Here are a couple of comments on your code that should help make improvements in the future. It's important to form good coding habits early on: it will make your life so much easier (I'm speaking a mostly self taught programmer that started with flash so I know what messy and hacky is ;) )
import processing.serial.*;
//import*; // don't include unused imports
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
void setup()
size(200,200); //make our canvas 200 x 200 pixels big
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
// handle error initialising Serial
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
}catch(Exception e){
println("Error initializing Serial port " + portName);
void draw()
// don't use blocking while, draw() already gets called continuously
//while(true) {
// Read data from the file
// don't load the file over and over again
String[] lines = loadStrings("Lifenumber.txt");
int number = Integer.parseInt(lines[0]);// int(lines[0]) works in Processing, but the Java approach is ok too
println("parsed number: " + number);
if(myPort != null){
// don't use blocking delays, ideally not even in Arduino
Here's a version of the Processing code that loads the text file, parses the integer then sends it to serial only once (if everything is ok, otherwise basic error checking should reveal debug friendly information):
import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
void setup()
size(200,200); //make our canvas 200 x 200 pixels big
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; //change the 0 to a 1 or 2 etc. to match your port
// handle error initialising Serial
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
}catch(Exception e){
println("Error initializing Serial port " + portName);
// Read data from the file
String[] lines = loadStrings("Lifenumber.txt");
int number = Integer.parseInt(lines[0]);
println("parsed number: " + number);
// validate the data, just in case something went wrong
if(number < 0 && number > 255){
println("invalid number: " + number + ", expecting 0-255 byte sized values only");
if(myPort != null){
}catch(Exception e){
println("Error loading text file");
void draw()
// display the latest value if you want
// add a keyboard shortcut to reload if you need to
Your strip has 144 leds (less than 255) which fits nicely in a single byte which is what the Processing sketch sends
On the Arduino side there's nothing too crazy going on, so as long as you validate the data coming in should be fine:
#include "FastLED.h"
#define NUM_LEDS 64
#define DATA_PIN 7
#define CLOCK_PIN 13
// Define the array of leds
int numLEDsLit = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
void updateSerial(){
// if there's at least one byte to read
if( Serial.available() > 0 )
// read it and assign it to the number of LEDs to light up
numLEDsLit =;
// constrain to a valid range (just in case something goes funny and we get a -1, etc.)
numLEDsLit = constrain(numLEDsLit,0,NUM_LEDS);
// uses blacking delay
void updateLEDs(){
// for each LED
for(int i = 0; i < 144; i++)
// light up only the number of LEDs received via Serial, turn the LEDs off otherwise
if(i < numLEDsLit){
leds[i] = CRGB::White;
leds[i] = CRGB::Black;
Adjust the pins/LED chipsets/etc. based on your actual physical setup.

Sending array data from Processing to Arduino

I successfully managed to send a single integer from processing to Arduino but now I want to send an array of three integers and I can't get it working. I want to create a buzzer feedback with Arduino which processing will control which buzzer to activate. For example, the data send from processing should be [1,0,1] meaning sensor 1 and 3 should start working. The buzzers should be able to be activated simultaneously in case that [1,1,1] goes through.
This is the code I have so far:
I am trying to understand what data is being sent back to Arduino to know how to use it and I keep getting either a null value or a random integer.
I'm trying to learn how to do this so apologies if the code is bad.
void setup(){
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication at 9600 bps
void loop(){
if (Serial.available()){
const char data =;
char noteBuzzer[] = {data};
for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(noteBuzzer); i++) {
import processing.serial.*;
String notes[];
String tempo[];
Serial myPort;
String val;
void setup(){
String portName = Serial.list()[0];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
notes = loadStrings("data/notes.txt");
tempo = loadStrings("data/tempo.txt");
void draw() {
if (keyPressed == true)
if (key == '1') {
void readNotes(){
for (int i = 0 ; i < notes.length; i++) {
delay(int(tempo[i])); //this will be the tempo?
if ( myPort.available() > 0)
val = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
If you're data is an array that always has 3 items and each of those items are always either 1 or 0 (bits), you could store that whole data in a single byte (and still have 5 more bits to spare). Sending and receiving a byte is pretty simple with Arduino.
Here's a basic sketch that shows you how to flip 3 bits in a single byte:
// the state as a byte
byte buzzerState = 0B000;
void setup(){
textFont(createFont("Courier New",18),18);
void draw(){
text("DEC: " + buzzerState +
"\nBIN:" + binary(buzzerState,3),10,40);
void keyPressed(){
if(key == '1'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,0);
if(key == '2'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,1);
if(key == '3'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,2);
// flips a bit at a given index within a byte and returns updated byte
byte flipBit(byte state,int index){
int bit = getBitAt(state,index);
int bitFlipped = 1 - bit;
return setBitAt(state,index,bitFlipped);
// returns the integer value of a bit within a byte at the desired index
int getBitAt(byte b,int index){
index = constrain(index,0,7);
return b >> index & 1;
// sets an individual bit at a desired index on or off (value) and returns the updated byte
byte setBitAt(byte b,int index, int value){
index = constrain(index,0,7);
value = constrain(value,0,1);
if(value == 1) b |= (1 << (index));
else b &= ~(1 << (index));
return b;
Use keys '1','2' and '3' to flip the bits.
Note that in keypress we're always updating the same byte.
The text will display the decimal value first and the binary value bellow.
This is the most efficient way to send your data and the simplest in terms of serial communication. On the Arduino side you can simply use bitRead() on the byte you get from For more on binary/bits/bytes be sure to read the BitMath Arduino tutorial. Binary may seem intimidating at first, but it's really not that bad once you practice a bit and it's totally worth knowing.
Here's an updated version of the code above that sends the byte to Arduino on the first available serial port (be sure to change Serial.list()[0] with what makes sense for your setup and press 's' to send an update to Arduino:
import processing.serial.*;
// the state as a byte
byte buzzerState = 0B000;
Serial port;
void setup(){
textFont(createFont("Courier New",18),18);
port = new Serial(this,Serial.list()[0],9600);
}catch(Exception e){
void draw(){
text("DEC: " + buzzerState +
"\nBIN:" + binary(buzzerState,3),10,40);
void keyPressed(){
if(key == '1'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,0);
if(key == '2'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,1);
if(key == '3'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,2);
if(key == 's'){
if(port != null){
println("serial port is not open: check port name and cable connection");
// flips a bit at a given index within a byte and returns updated byte
byte flipBit(byte state,int index){
int bit = getBitAt(state,index);
int bitFlipped = 1 - bit;
return setBitAt(state,index,bitFlipped);
// returns the integer value of a bit within a byte at the desired index
int getBitAt(byte b,int index){
index = constrain(index,0,7);
return b >> index & 1;
// sets an individual bit at a desired index on or off (value) and returns the updated byte
byte setBitAt(byte b,int index, int value){
index = constrain(index,0,7);
value = constrain(value,0,1);
if(value == 1) b |= (1 << (index));
else b &= ~(1 << (index));
return b;
And here's a super basic Arduino sketch:
byte buzzerState;
void setup() {
//test LEDs setup
void loop() {
if(Serial.available() > 0){
buzzerState =;
bool bit0 = bitRead(buzzerState,0);
bool bit1 = bitRead(buzzerState,1);
bool bit2 = bitRead(buzzerState,2);
//test LEDs update
If you connect 3 LEDs to pins 10,11,12 you should them toggle as you press keys '1','2','3' then 's' in Processing
One way around binary in Processing could be using a String representation of your data (e.g. "00000101" for [1,0,1]) and unbinary() to convert that String to an integer value you can write to serial, but it will be a bit annoying to getting and setting a character at an index (and potentially parsing that char to it's integer value and back)
When you need to send more than a byte things get a bit more complicated as you need to handle data corruption/interruptions, etc. In these situations it's best to setup/design a communication protocol based on your needs and this isn't easy if you're just getting started with Arduino, but not impossible either. Here's an example, there are many more online.
One quick and dirty thing you could try is sending that data as string terminated by a new line character (\n) which you could buffer until in Arduino then read 4 bytes at a time, discarding the \n when parsing:
e.g. sending "101\n" from Processing, representing [1,0,1] then on the Arduino side use Serial.readStringUntil('\n') and a combination of charAt() and toInt() to access each integer within that that string.
Here's an example Processing sketch:
import processing.serial.*;
// the state as a byte
String buzzerState = "010\n";
Serial port;
void setup(){
textFont(createFont("Courier New",18),18);
port = new Serial(this,Serial.list()[0],9600);
}catch(Exception e){
void draw(){
void keyPressed(){
if(key == '1'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,0);
if(key == '2'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,1);
if(key == '3'){
buzzerState = flipBit(buzzerState,2);
if(key == 's'){
if(port != null){
println("serial port is not open: check port name and cable connection");
String flipBit(String state,int index){
index = constrain(index,0,2);
// parse integer from string
int bitAtIndex = Integer.parseInt(state.substring(index,index+1));
// return new string concatenating the prefix (if any), the flipped bit (1 - bit) and the suffix
return state = (index > 0 ? state.substring(0,index) : "") + (1 - bitAtIndex) + state.substring(index+1);
And an Arduino one based on Arduino > File > Examples > 04.Communication > SerialEvent:
Serial Event example
When new serial data arrives, this sketch adds it to a String.
When a newline is received, the loop prints the string and
clears it.
A good test for this is to try it with a GPS receiver
that sends out NMEA 0183 sentences.
Created 9 May 2011
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
String inputString = ""; // a string to hold incoming data
boolean stringComplete = false; // whether the string is complete
void setup() {
// initialize serial:
// reserve 200 bytes for the inputString:
// test LEDs setup
void loop() {
// print the string when a newline arrives:
if (stringComplete) {
// process string
bool bit0 = inputString.charAt(2) == '1';
bool bit1 = inputString.charAt(1) == '1';
bool bit2 = inputString.charAt(0) == '1';
//test LEDs update
// clear the string:
inputString = "";
stringComplete = false;
SerialEvent occurs whenever a new data comes in the
hardware serial RX. This routine is run between each
time loop() runs, so using delay inside loop can delay
response. Multiple bytes of data may be available.
void serialEvent() {
while (Serial.available()) {
// get the new byte:
char inChar = (char);
// add it to the inputString:
inputString += inChar;
// if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
// so the main loop can do something about it:
if (inChar == '\n') {
stringComplete = true;
Note this is more prone to error and used 4 times as much data as the the single byte option.

Arduino read string from serial line and compare

I'm trying to read a string from the serial line and compare it to a list of commands. If the string is a valid command the Arduino should go ahead and do something, and return some info on the serial line.
However, my comaprison always fails (give me the "not a valid command response"). I have tried sending the word "temp" both from the Arduino serial monitor and from a Python script.
My arduino code:
int sensorPin = 0; // Sensor connected to A0
int ledPin = 13; // Led connected to 13
int reading = 0; // Value read from A0
float voltage = 0; // Voltage we read
float temperatureC = 0; // Temperature we measure
String inputString= ""; // Set string empty
String Temperature = "temp"; // The command we are looking for
boolean stringComplete = false; // See if we are done reading from serial line
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
inputString.reserve(200); // Reserve space for inputString in memory
void serialEvent() {
// Read data from serial line until we get a \n.
// Store data in inputString
while (Serial.available()){
char inChar = (char);
inputString += inChar;
if (inChar == '\n'){
stringComplete = true;
void loop() {
serialEvent(); // See if there are data on serial line and get it
if (stringComplete){ // If we are done reading on serial line
if (inputString == Temperature){ //WHY YOU FAIL ME?
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
voltage = (analogRead(sensorPin) * 5.0)/1024.0;
temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100;
Serial.print(voltage); Serial.println(" volts");
Serial.print(temperatureC); Serial.println(" degrees C");
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Serial.print("Not a valid command:");
Serial.print(' '+inputString);
// Reset so we can wait for a new command
inputString = "";
stringComplete = false;
First of all I'd avoid using the String object. It's better, in my opinion, to just use char arrays. They are lighter and avoid memory allocation and deallocation.
By the way, why are you reserving the space if, later, you are assigning it a new empty string?
Anyway, I think that the problem is that you are appending also the new line to the string. Moreover, in a windows environment a new line is a '\r' followed by a '\n', so you get different behaviour in Win and Linux.
I'd just replace
inputString += inChar;
if (inChar == '\n'){
stringComplete = true;
if ((inChar == '\r') || (inChar == '\n')){
stringComplete = (inputString.length() > 0);
} else {
inputString += inChar;
EDIT: I'd also add a break in the stringComplete case, since otherwise multple commands can't be detected. So:
if ((inChar == '\r') || (inChar == '\n')){
if(inputString.length() > 0) {
stringComplete = true;
} else {
inputString += inChar;
inputString += inChar.trim();
Instead of.
inputString += inChar;

Arduino Communicate with android through bluetooth

Currently i success to build the communication between the android device and arduino through bluetooth. As arduino will send string "ON" or "OFF" depend on the LED condition to Android through bluetooth and my android able to receive the string "LED:ARE:OFF" and "LED:ARE:ON" through the read() function. But currently i want to read a data by split the string into 3 from the LED, for example: "LED:ARE:OFF" into "LED" , "Are", "OFF" , but i failed to received the data. I had tried the String.split(":") to split out the aaa:bbb:ccc into 3 part, and it unable to read the data as well. Please help
Arduino Code:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>// import the serial library
SoftwareSerial Genotronex(10, 11); // RX, TX
int ledpin=8; // led on D13 will show blink on / off
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long interval = 1000; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
int ledState = LOW; // ledState used to set the LED
long Counter=0; // counter will increase every 1 second
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Genotronex.println("Bluetooth On please wait....");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if(currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) {
// save the last time you blinked the LED
previousMillis = currentMillis;
// if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa:
if (ledState == LOW){
ledState = HIGH;
digitalWrite(ledpin, ledState);
ledState = LOW;
digitalWrite(ledpin, ledState);
// set the LED with the ledState of the variable:
Android Code:
int delay = 1000; // delay in ms
int period = 100; // repeat in ms
timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask()
public void run()
if (flag)
final byte data = read(); Runnable()
public void run()
if (data != 1){
message = txtReceived.getText().toString() + (char)data;}
message = "";
String message;
//New Code for split the data
String[] parts = message.split(":"); // escape .
String part0 = parts[0];
String part1 = parts[1];
String part2 = parts[2];
//End of Split
// txtReceived.setText(Message);
}, delay, period);
private byte read()
byte dataRead = 0;
dataRead = (byte);
catch(IOException readException)
toastText = "Failed to read from input stream: " + readException.getMessage();
Toast.makeText(Blood_Pressure.this, toastText, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
return dataRead;

Convert into a usable string using Arduino

I'm using two Arduinos to sent plain text strings to each other using NewSoftSerial and an RF transceiver.
Each string is perhaps 20-30 characters in length. How do I convert into a string so I can do if x == "testing statements", etc.?
Unlimited string readed:
String content = "";
char character;
while(Serial.available()) {
character =;
if (content != "") {
From Help with Serial.Read() getting string:
char inData[20]; // Allocate some space for the string
char inChar = -1; // Where to store the character read
byte index = 0; // Index into array; where to store the character
void setup() {
Serial.write("Power On");
char Comp(char* This) {
while (Serial.available() > 0) // Don't read unless there
// you know there is data
if(index < 19) // One less than the size of the array
inChar =; // Read a character
inData[index] = inChar; // Store it
index++; // Increment where to write next
inData[index] = '\0'; // Null terminate the string
if (strcmp(inData, This) == 0) {
for (int i=0; i<19; i++) {
inData[i] = 0;
index = 0;
else {
void loop()
if (Comp("m1 on") == 0) {
Serial.write("Motor 1 -> Online\n");
if (Comp("m1 off") == 0) {
Serial.write("Motor 1 -> Offline\n");
You can use Serial.readString() and Serial.readStringUntil() to parse strings from Serial on the Arduino.
You can also use Serial.parseInt() to read integer values from serial.
int x;
String str;
void loop()
if(Serial.available() > 0)
str = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
x = Serial.parseInt();
The value to send over serial would be my string\n5 and the result would be str = "my string" and x = 5
I was asking the same question myself and after some research I found something like that.
It works like a charm for me. I use it to remote control my Arduino.
// Buffer to store incoming commands from serial port
String inData;
void setup() {
Serial.println("Serial conection started, waiting for instructions...");
void loop() {
while (Serial.available() > 0)
char recieved =;
inData += recieved;
// Process message when new line character is recieved
if (recieved == '\n')
Serial.print("Arduino Received: ");
// You can put some if and else here to process the message juste like that:
if(inData == "+++\n"){ // DON'T forget to add "\n" at the end of the string.
Serial.println("OK. Press h for help.");
inData = ""; // Clear recieved buffer
This would be way easier:
char data [21];
int number_of_bytes_received;
if(Serial.available() > 0)
number_of_bytes_received = Serial.readBytesUntil (13,data,20); // read bytes (max. 20) from buffer, untill <CR> (13). store bytes in data. count the bytes recieved.
data[number_of_bytes_received] = 0; // add a 0 terminator to the char array
bool result = strcmp (data, "whatever");
// strcmp returns 0; if inputs match.
if (result == 0)
Serial.println("data matches whatever");
Serial.println("data does not match whatever");
The best and most intuitive way is to use serialEvent() callback Arduino defines along with loop() and setup().
I've built a small library a while back that handles message reception, but never had time to opensource it.
This library receives \n terminated lines that represent a command and arbitrary payload, space-separated.
You can tweak it to use your own protocol easily.
First of all, a library, SerialReciever.h:
class IncomingCommand {
static boolean hasPayload;
static String command;
static String payload;
static boolean isReady;
static void reset() {
isReady = false;
hasPayload = false;
command = "";
payload = "";
static boolean append(char c) {
if (c == '\n') {
isReady = true;
return true;
if (c == ' ' && !hasPayload) {
hasPayload = true;
return false;
if (hasPayload)
payload += c;
command += c;
return false;
boolean IncomingCommand::isReady = false;
boolean IncomingCommand::hasPayload = false;
String IncomingCommand::command = false;
String IncomingCommand::payload = false;
#endif // #ifndef __SERIAL_RECEIVER_H__
To use it, in your project do this:
#include <SerialReceiver.h>
void setup() {
void serialEvent() {
while (Serial.available()) {
char inChar = (char);
if (IncomingCommand::append(inChar))
To use the received commands:
void loop() {
if (!IncomingCommand::isReady) {
executeCommand(IncomingCommand::command, IncomingCommand::payload); // I use registry pattern to handle commands, but you are free to do whatever suits your project better.
Here is a more robust implementation that handles abnormal input and race conditions.
It detects unusually long input values and safely discards them. For example, if the source had an error and generated input without the expected terminator; or was malicious.
It ensures the string value is always null terminated (even when buffer size is completely filled).
It waits until the complete value is captured. For example, transmission delays could cause Serial.available() to return zero before the rest of the value finishes arriving.
Does not skip values when multiple values arrive quicker than they can be processed (subject to the limitations of the serial input buffer).
Can handle values that are a prefix of another value (e.g. "abc" and "abcd" can both be read in).
It deliberately uses character arrays instead of the String type, to be more efficient and to avoid memory problems. It also avoids using the readStringUntil() function, to not timeout before the input arrives.
The original question did not say how the variable length strings are defined, but I'll assume they are terminated by a single newline character - which turns this into a line reading problem.
int read_line(char* buffer, int bufsize)
for (int index = 0; index < bufsize; index++) {
// Wait until characters are available
while (Serial.available() == 0) {
char ch =; // read next character
Serial.print(ch); // echo it back: useful with the serial monitor (optional)
if (ch == '\n') {
buffer[index] = 0; // end of line reached: null terminate string
return index; // success: return length of string (zero if string is empty)
buffer[index] = ch; // Append character to buffer
// Reached end of buffer, but have not seen the end-of-line yet.
// Discard the rest of the line (safer than returning a partial line).
char ch;
do {
// Wait until characters are available
while (Serial.available() == 0) {
ch =; // read next character (and discard it)
Serial.print(ch); // echo it back
} while (ch != '\n');
buffer[0] = 0; // set buffer to empty string even though it should not be used
return -1; // error: return negative one to indicate the input was too long
Here is an example of it being used to read commands from the serial monitor:
const int LED_PIN = 13;
const int LINE_BUFFER_SIZE = 80; // max line length is one less than this
void setup() {
void loop() {
Serial.print("> ");
// Read command
char line[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE];
if (read_line(line, sizeof(line)) < 0) {
Serial.println("Error: line too long");
return; // skip command processing and try again on next iteration of loop
// Process command
if (strcmp(line, "off") == 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
} else if (strcmp(line, "on") == 0) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
} else if (strcmp(line, "") == 0) {
// Empty line: no command
} else {
Serial.print("Error: unknown command: \"");
Serial.println("\" (available commands: \"off\", \"on\")");
String content = "";
char character;
if(Serial.available() >0){
//reset this variable!
content = "";
//make string from chars
while(Serial.available()>0) {
character =;
//send back
If you want to read messages from the serial port and you need to deal with every single message separately I suggest separating messages into parts using a separator like this:
String getMessage()
String msg=""; //the message starts empty
byte ch; // the character that you use to construct the Message
byte d='#';// the separating symbol
if(Serial.available())// checks if there is a new message;
while(Serial.available() && Serial.peek()!=d)// while the message did not finish
{;// get the character
msg+=(char)ch;//add the character to the message
delay(1);//wait for the next character
};// pop the '#' from the buffer
if(ch==d) // id finished
return msg;
return "NA";
return "NA"; // return "NA" if no message;
This way you will get a single message every time you use the function.
Credit for this goes to magma. Great answer, but here it is using c++ style strings instead of c style strings. Some users may find that easier.
String string = "";
char ch; // Where to store the character read
void setup() {
Serial.write("Power On");
boolean Comp(String par) {
while (Serial.available() > 0) // Don't read unless
// there you know there is data
ch =; // Read a character
string += ch; // Add it
if (par == string) {
string = "";
else {
//dont reset string
void loop()
if (Comp("m1 on")) {
Serial.write("Motor 1 -> Online\n");
if (Comp("m1 off")) {
Serial.write("Motor 1 -> Offline\n");
If you're using concatenate method then don't forget to trim the string if you're working with if else method.
Use string append operator on the It works better than string.concat()
char r;
string mystring = "";
r =;
mystring = mystring + r;
After you are done saving the stream in a string(mystring, in this case), use SubString functions to extract what you are looking for.
I could get away with this:
void setup() {
void loop() {
String message = "";
while (Serial.available())
if (message != "")
Many great answers, here is my 2 cents with exact functionality as requested in the question.
Plus it should be a bit easier to read and debug.
Code is tested up to 128 chars of input.
Tested on Arduino uno r3 (Arduino IDE 1.6.8)
Turns Arduino onboard led (pin 13) on or off using serial command input.
Note: Remember to change baud rate based on your board speed.
// Turns Arduino onboard led (pin 13) on or off using serial command input.
// Pin 13, a LED connected on most Arduino boards.
int const LED = 13;
// Serial Input Variables
int intLoopCounter = 0;
String strSerialInput = "";
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup()
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
// initialize serial port
Serial.begin(250000); // CHANGE BAUD RATE based on the board speed.
// initialized
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop()
// Slow down a bit.
// Note: This may have to be increased for longer strings or increase the iteration in GetPossibleSerialData() function.
void CheckAndExecuteSerialCommand()
//Get Data from Serial
String serialData = GetPossibleSerialData();
bool commandAccepted = false;
if (serialData.startsWith("LED.ON"))
commandAccepted = true;
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
else if (serialData.startsWith("LED.OFF"))
commandAccepted = true;
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
else if (serialData != "")
Serial.println("*** Command Failed ***");
Serial.println("\t" + serialData);
Serial.println("*** Invalid Command ***");
if (commandAccepted)
Serial.println("*** Command Executed ***");
Serial.println("\t" + serialData);
String GetPossibleSerialData()
String retVal;
int iteration = 10; // 10 times the time it takes to do the main loop
if (strSerialInput.length() > 0)
// Print the retreived string after looping 10(iteration) ex times
if (intLoopCounter > strSerialInput.length() + iteration)
retVal = strSerialInput;
strSerialInput = "";
intLoopCounter = 0;
return retVal;
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
This always works for me :)
String _SerialRead = "";
void setup() {
void loop() {
while (Serial.available() > 0) //Only run when there is data available
_SerialRead += char(; //Here every received char will be
//added to _SerialRead
if (_SerialRead.indexOf("S") > 0) //Checks for the letter S
_SerialRead = ""; //Do something then clear the string
