To remove the node but keep the value inside intact through XQuery - xquery

I have a content.xml modelled as below
Some text here
I am trying to remove the <childnode> and update the content.xml with only the value of it
so the output looks like
Some Text here
I wrote a function to perform this but anytime I run it it gives me error as "unexpected token: modify". I was thinking of a way to accomplish this without using functx functions.
xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace request="";
declare namespace file="";
declare namespace system="";
declare namespace util="";
declare namespace response="";
declare function local:contentUpdate() {
let $root := collection('/lib/repository/content')//root/childNode
let $rmChild := for $child in $root
return rename node $child as ''
Thanks in advance

There are multiple problems with your query:
Updating functions must be declared as updating.
You're calling another function than you defined (probably you didn't notice as there still have been syntax errors).
Rename node expects some element (or processing instruction, attribute) as target, the empty string is not allowed.
At least BaseX doesn't allow updating statements when defining code as XQuery 1.0. Maybe exist doesn't care about this, try adding it if you need to know.
You do not want to rename, but replace all <childnode />s with its contents, use replace node.
This code fixes all these problems:
declare updating function local:contentUpdate() {
let $root := collection('/lib/repository/content')
for $i in $root//childnode
replace node $i with $i/data()

eXist-db's XQuery Update syntax is documented at Note that this syntax predates the release of the XQuery Update Facility 1.0, so the syntax is different and remains unique to eXist-db.
The way to do what you want in eXist-db is as follows:
xquery version "1.0";
declare function local:contentUpdate() {
let $root := doc('/db/lib/repository/content/content.xml')/root
update value $root with $root/string()
The primary changes, compared to your original code, are:
Inserted the eXist-db syntax for your update
Prepended '/db' to your collection name, as /db is the root of the database in eXist-db; replaced the collection() call with a doc() call, since you stated you were operating on a single file, content.xml
Changed //root to /root, since "root" is the root element, so the // (descendant-or-self) axis is extraneous
Replaced updateTitle() with the actual name of the function, contentUpdate
Removed the extraneous namespace declarations
For more on why I used $root/string(), see


How do I get output for a XQuery in MarkLogic in a one line output?

Will elaborate - when I execute the following command :
let $value := xdmp:forest-status(
return $value
Above query returns a lot of information about the database "Documents" forest, like - forest-id, host-id, etc.
I only require that it should return only the "state" of my forest. How do I do that?
Use XPath to select what you want to return.
let $value := xdmp:forest-status(
return $value/*:state/text()
Also, no need for a FLWOR you could make it a one-liner:
Or you may find that using the arrow operator makes things easier to read instead of nested function calls and tons of parenthesis wrapping them:
=> xdmp:database-forests()
=> xdmp:forest-open-replica()
=> xdmp:forest-status()
The XML elements in the response are in the namespace. So, you would either need to declare the namespace (i.e. declare namespace f = "";) and use the prefix in your XPath (i.e. f:state), or just use the wildcard as I have done *:state

eXist-db serialize is expand-xincludes=no ignored?

In eXist-db 4.4, Xquery 3.1, I am compressing a number of XML files to a .zip in a directory. The compression process uses serialize().
The XML files have some large xincludes which according to the documentation are automatically processed in serializing. I have attempted to 'turn off' the xinclude serialization in two places in the code (prologue declare and map), but the serializer is still outputting all xincludes:
declare option exist:serialize "expand-xincludes=no";
declare function zip:get-entries-for-zip()
(: get documents prefixed by 'MS609' :)
let $pref := "MS609"
(: get list of document names :)
let $doclist := xmldb:get-child-resources($globalvar:URIdata)[starts-with(., $pref)]
(: output serialized entries :)
let $entries :=
for $n in $doclist
<entry name="{$n}" type='text' method='store'>
{serialize(doc(concat($globalvar:URIdata, "/", $n)), map { "method": "xml", "expand-xincludes": "no"})}
return $entries
The XML data with xincludes to reproduce this problem can be found here under the description "BM MS609 Edition (tei-xml)".
Many thanks in advance.
The expand-xincludes serialization parameter is specific to eXist and, as such (or at least at present), cannot be set using the fn:serialize() function. Instead, use the util:serialize() function:
util:serialize($document, "expand-xincludes=no")
Alternatively, since you're ultimately interested in zipping the contents of a collection, you can skip the explicit serialization step, declare your serialization options in the query's prolog (or set it inline using util:declare-option()), and simply provide the compression:zip() function the URI path(s) to the collections/documents you want to zip. For example:
xquery version "3.1";
declare option exist:serialize "expand-xincludes=no";
let $sources := "/db/apps/my-app/my-data" (: or a sequence of paths to individual docs:) ! xs:anyURI(.)
let $preserve-collection-structure := false()
let $zip := compression:zip($sources, $preserve-collection-structure),
xmldb:store("/db", "", $zip)
For more on serialization options in eXist, see my earlier answer to a similar question:

MarkLogic - How to insert element into XML

How to insert the node in XML.
let $a := <a><b>bbb</b></a>)
xdmp:node-insert-after(doc("/example.xml")/a/b, <c>ccc</c>);
Expected Output:
Please help to get the output.
You should be using xdmp:node-insert-before I believe in the following way:
xdmp:document-insert('/example.xml', <a><b>bbb</b></a>);
xdmp:node-insert-before(fn:doc('/example.xml')/a/b, <c>ccc</c>);
(: returns <a><c>ccc</c><b>bbb</b></a> :)
Nodes are immutable, so in-memory mutation can only be done by creating a new copy.
The copy can use the unmodified contained nodes from the original:
declare function local:insert-after(
$prior as node(),
$inserted as node()+
) as element()
let $container := $prior/parent::element()
return element {fn:node-name($container)} {
let $a := <a><b>bbb</b></a>
return local:insert-after($a//b, <c>ccc</c>)
Creating a copy in memory and then inserting the copy is faster than inserting and modifying a document in the database.
Depending on how many documents are inserted, the difference could be significant.
There are community libraries for copying with changes, but sometimes it's as easy to write a quick function (recursive where necessary).
You can use below code to insert the element into the XML:
xdmp:node-insert-child(fn:doc('directory URI'),element {fn:QName('http://yournamesapce','elementName') }{$elementValue})
Here we use fn:QName to remove addition of xmlns="" in added node.

XQuery: using global var in function

I need to use a counter to remember how many node I have dealed with. So I defined a global var $classCounter. For some unknown reasons, I get an error from zorba:
test.xqy>:15,9: error [zerr:XSST0004]: "local:owlClassNameBuilerHelper": function declared nonsequential but has sequential body
I really don't understand what this error means. How to implement a global counter in XQuery?
The whole xqy file is:
declare namespace rdf="";
declare namespace owl="";
declare namespace xsd="";
declare namespace rdfs="";
import module namespace functx="";
declare variable $srcDoc:="test_xsd.xml"; (:need to adjust the input XSD file here:)
declare variable $defaultXMLNS:="";
declare variable $defaultXMLBase:=$defaultXMLNS;
declare variable $classCounter:=0;
declare function local:owlClassNameBuilerHelper($pnode as node()*)
as xs:string?
let $tmp:=""
(:if(functx:if-empty($pnode/#name, "-1")!="-1") (:if the name attr doesn't exist:)
then data($pnode/ancestor::element[1]/#name) (:get the name attr of first ancestor named element:)
else data($pnode/#name):)
element rdf:RDF
namespace {""} {$defaultXMLNS},
namespace {"owl"} {""},
namespace {"xsd"} {""},
namespace {"rdfs"} {""},
attribute xml:base {$defaultXMLBase}
command line:
zorba -i -f -q test.xqy
I need to use a counter to remember how many node I have dealed with.
Firstly, XQuery is a functional programming language. That's a completely different processing model: you can't "remember" what you have "dealt with", because there is no memory and no time dimension. Functions are mathematical functions, they can't have side-effects like updating global variables.
Now, the error message suggests to me that the particular XQuery processor you are using (Zorba) has extensions that allow you to depart from the pure functional programming model; but you are using the extensions incorrectly. In particular, if you want a function to have side-effects then you must declare the function as such. You'll have to look in the Zorba documentation for how to do that, because there is no standard.

XQuery Nested loop error

I'm using OSM and I have cartridge with an Order Recognition Rule, with its Order Data Rule (inside Transformation tab)
In the ODR I have this XQuery code:
declare namespace im="http://xxx";
declare namespace xs="";
declare variable $order := fn:root(.)/im:Order;
for $moli in $order/MainOrderLineItem
return {
for $oli in $moli/OrderLineItem
There's no compile error in OSM, but on runtime I get:
Invalid Order Specification Fault
Order data expression failed due to oracle.communications.ordermanagement.rule.XMLRuleException
I run the OSM by submitting an XML through Web Service.
Thanks a lot for your replies.
The returned XML should actually be in parentheses instead of braces. There also needs to be a comma between the first returned OrderLineItem element and the FLWOR expression instead of wrapping it in braces:
declare namespace im="http://xxx";
declare namespace xs="";
declare variable $order := fn:root(.)/im:Order;
for $moli in $order/MainOrderLineItem
return (
for $oli in $moli/OrderLineItem
