I have an application(ASP.NET), in that I am showing different reports using the crystal report viewer.The deafult print dialog is not matching with the template I used in the page.so decided to make a differnt one.The Export option is dynamically working and exporting the report, but for printing,I use the printToPrinter method, which is not showing up the print dialog where I can seleted the printer and the print quality, paper orientation..etc...
Can anyone suggest a method to invoke the print dialog through this method
In order to configure these parameters in your code you can use:
string printerName = ""; //Insert printer name here.
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument rpt = new ReportDocument();
rpt.PrintOptions.PrinterName = printerName;
rpt.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;
And so on... I think that all the rest of your needed configuration are there, available for you to set.
Can anyone guide me how can I achieve this in my web application ? I am using Aspose.PDF Third Party dll in order to achieve this.I want to select text in PDF using Mouse and then want to underline selected text.
Once you have selected the string over PDF file, you may get the selected string and then parse the selected string to Aspose.Pdf for .NET API and then have tried updating its formatting with underlined text. Please take a look over following code snippet to underline searched string.
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document("c:/pdftest/Table_abc.pdf");
// Create TextAbsorber object to find all instances of the input search phrase
TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("Employee_Name");
// Accept the absorber for all the pages
// Get the extracted text fragments
TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber.TextFragments;
// Loop through the fragments
foreach (TextFragment textFragment in textFragmentCollection)
// Underline the selected string
textFragment.TextState.Underline = true;
// Save resulting PDF document.
My name is Nayyer and I am developer evangelist at Aspose.
Dear all I am working on an asp .net application in which I am using crystal report for showing reports.
In my application everything works fine including the reports. The real problem comes when I start clicking on the crystal report toolbar. If I click on any buttons on the crystal report tool bar like (Export, next page ...etc.) it is asking parameters again. Is there any way so that that the crystal report viewer does not ask the parameter that I have already given ?
I have also given true for the property reuseparametervaluesonrefresh. i am passing parameters to the report document.
ReportDocument rd = new ReportDocument();
rd.SetParameterValue("#Date", Request["Date"]); CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rd;
try to change Crystal Report Parameter type from Date to String.
I have written a GUI extension which adds an additional tab to many of the Item views in the SDL Tridion CME (e.g. Component, Page and Schema etc.). I have also written some JavaScript which loads that tab directly if when the view is loaded with a tab name is specified in the URL.
The result is that if a page is loaded with the tab name added as follows:
Rather than the default of
The Info Tab will be loaded on top, instead of the General Tab. This is performed with the following code snippet and works very well:
$evt.addEventHandler($display, "start", onDisplayStarted);
// This callback is called when any view has finished loading
function onDisplayStarted() {
$evt.removeEventHandler($display, "start", onDisplayStarted);
var tabname = $url.getHashParam("tab");
if (tabname != '') {
var tabControl = $controls.getControl($("#MasterTabControl"), "Tridion.Controls.TabControl");
Now I would like to make a context menu item to open items and link to the tabs using my new functionality. My first thought was to construct the Item URL myself and simply open a new window in my execute method. So I looked at the default functionality in the standard Open.prototype_execute() functionality of the GUI. This is stored in the navigation.js file of the CME, and is performed by the Tridion.Cme.Commands.Open.prototype._execute method. The code is a lot more complicated than I had anticipated as it deals with shared items, and permissions etc.
Rather than just copying all of this code to my own function, I was wondering if there is a way to elegantly extend the existing Open.prototype_execute() function and append my “&tab=MyTab” to the $cme.Popups.OPEN_ITEM_OPTIONS.URL constant for my own functions.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
At the end the Open command uses $config.getEditorUrl(item_type) to get the url for the item view (item_type - $const.ItemType.COMPONENT, etc). There are no extension points for this part of the functionality, but you could always try to overwrite it on your own risk.
I've got several XtraGrid Controls each one containing different information, I get some information about the way in which you can export a XtraGrid to an Excel file in the following direction http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/p/Q362120.aspx
Now Is there any way to export the each XtraGrid Control to a single Excel file so that every XtraGrid information is exported to a different excel sheet.
I tried setting the exporting path direction to the same Excel file, but when the first exporting process is done, the second exporting process just overrides the excel file and so on.
I tried using the method described in this direction XtraGrid - Export To Excel , but I wanted to know if there is another way whithout using the interop excel libraries because I have experience some problems when using this library (I mean when using this library you create an Excel process but after you created it you cannot kill it, even though you have used the method that is supposed to do that).
Any help would be welcomed.
I just wanted to provide a more complete answer, since it took a while for me to get a solution together using D..'s answer.
And yes - it looks like I'm trying to print something, but I'm just exporting to Excel, I promise.
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;
using DevExpress.XtraPrintingLinks;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid;
class whatever
GridControl grid1;
GridControl grid2;
public void exportToExcel()
using (var saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog())
saveDialog.Filter = "Excel (.xlsx)|*.xlsx";
if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
var printingSystem = new PrintingSystemBase();
var compositeLink = new CompositeLinkBase();
compositeLink.PrintingSystemBase = printingSystem;
var link1 = new PrintableComponentLinkBase();
link1.Component = grid1;
var link2 = new PrintableComponentLinkBase();
link2.Component = grid2;
var options = new XlsxExportOptions();
options.ExportMode = XlsxExportMode.SingleFilePageByPage;
compositeLink.ExportToXlsx(saveDialog.FileName, options);
Hope it saves somebody a little time.
To do that you will want to add a printableComponentLink to each gridControl, and then Create a compositeLink that you can add each of the printableComponent links to.
This link may prove DevExpress KB Article may prove useful as it has an example of that.
Then you will use the compositeLink.ExportToXlsx method. If you create XlsxExportOptions with the XlsxExportOptions.ExportMode property equal to SingleFilePageByPage and pass it to the CompositeLink.ExportToXlsx method, every page will be exported to a separate sheet.
In above code, compositeLink.ExportToXlsx failed for me--no such method. Of course I am using V10.2.5, which is old. I suggest this link from the DEVXPRESS site that uses the ShowPreviewDialog method which allows exporting in a number of different formats. The link also shows how to do some customization of the output.
I am writing a web application using ASP.NET 2.0 [Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition].
I have a Crystal Report that is connected to a stored procedure residing in SQL Server. This stored procedure accepts a parameter and therefore I have a formula in my report's hyperlink section to pass the parameter via Query String.
Everything works fine except when I click the navigation buttons to move to the next page of the report, I either get an error or Crystal Reports shows an input box to enter the parameter values.
The error shown is: "Missing Parameter Values". Only this error is shown and nothing else. If I try to export the report by selecting Export option on the Crystal toolbar, it opens a page and asks for the parameter values.
I am not following why parameter values disappear when either I move from the first page to the other or try to export the report?
Most likely you are setting the parameters in the report viewer instead of the report object. If the parameters are set in the report object they should persist on navigation. If you still have issues create an event handler for the report viewer's 'Navigate' event and reset them.
Aditionally, if you call report.Refresh() or report.VerifyDatabase() after you set parameters it clears the values so be aware of that,
When we click on report navigatin button, print button page is refeshed and we facing with 'missing parameter values error '
My probem is solved by using below line of code.
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReportDocument
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReportDocument
End If
where paramFields are runtime created ParmeterFields
Best Regards,
Vinay Shukla