Simply display RSS feed in/on aspx page -

Maybe I am being a n00b here, but for the life of me, I cant find a simple drop in type solution for displaying an rss feed inside an aspx page?
I am looking for a simple solution, as when Firefox gets pointed to an rss feed, it just plainly displays it, no thrills, no fuss. I don't want to get into the xml and format it extensively. I just want a basic feed, will style it with font and a:styles. Thats it.
Any ideas?
I am attempting to show a worpress "feed" inside an aspx page...

The simplest solution is to just display it in an iframe, browser will take care of the formating. Otherwise you'll need to parse the xml and create appropriate html tags for each of its elements and/or attributes.


Force drupal to return 200

Is it possible to link to a page that doesn't necessarily exists as drupal content and not get a 404 page not found.
There is no search/projects node or page so obviously it returns page not found although I can still run my queries inside that page.
Views would probably be a solution here but I sort of need more control on the outputted html and don't feel like going in to the views templates.
I guess my question is if it is possible to mimic views feature of creating pages which will aggregate content but don't have content theme selfs.
Is this possible at all? It seems pretty standard right? I have no idea ho to do it thought...
You can create a menu item for search/projects and return anything you'd like.
should get you started.

Searching for a specific string in TinyMCE

I'm creating a short-code generator for the WordPress Add/Edit Post/Page screen.
I want to make sure that there does not exist more than one short-code in the same post/page. So I added an onclick function for the button so that whether there already exist a short-code, could be checked.
How do I go on doing this?
I searched around the TinyMCE API and the closest I got was the tinymce.Formatter.match method. But there's no example on this page. I don't really think that this has anything to do with the content search anyway.
Another way would be to simply use the getContent method and run javascript code against it. But I guess this wouldn't be the best option if there's something built-in for this already.
I do not know exactly what you mean by the term "short-code".
But i guess it is a string you can find using getContent-Method.
There are several other ways to search the editor content.
Since tinymce editor is rendered inside an iframe and is indeed real html code you can use all regular DOM-Methods of your browser. There are even some additional DOM-Methods provided in tiny_mce/classes/dom/DOMUtils.js.

Custom Parser for Nutch (or open source .NET Crawler)

I have been using Nutch/Solr/SolrNet for my search solutions, I must say, it works a treat. On a new site I'm working on, I am using Master pages, as a result, content in the header and footer is getting indexed and distorts the results. For example, I have a link to the Contact Us page in the header. Now, when I search for 'Contact' the result returns all the pages in the site.
Is there a customizable Nutch parser that i can maybe pass a div id and then it only indexes content inside the div.
Or if there are .NET based crawlers that I can customize.
BTW you'd get a more relevant audience by posting to the Nutch user list
You can implement a Nutch filter (I like Jericho HTML Parser) to extract only the parts of the page you need to index using DOM manipulation. You can use the TextExtractor class to grab clean text (sans HTML tags) to be used in your index. I usually save that data in custom fields.

Read rss and show as html

I am using google reader for my RSS, i want to export all my shared or starred rss items to HTML to take this html and put on my website
Do any one have an idea about?
And one important thing as well, can i page through this html? i mean to export as pages not all in one html page to let the user on my site page through my starred feeds.
With XSTL you can transform XML to any format you want, including HTML. You can do the transformation on the server, or with modern browsers like IE6+ and Firefox2+ you can do the transformation on the client side. XSTL isn't very pretty as a programming language, but the concept is pretty neat.
I don't know if you can link directly to the RSS feed XML so that it's always up to date. I think Google requires that you authenticate and have permission to access the feed.
You can read from an RSS with jQuery by selecting and iterating through the tags rather easily. Additionally, you can perform conditional-checks on attributes etc as well.

Parsing PlainText Emails from HTML Content (ASP.NET)

Right, in short we basically already have a system in place where the HTML content for emails is generated. It's not perfect, but it works.
From this, we need to be able to derive a plaintext alternative for the email. I was thinking of instantly jumping on and creating a RegEx to strip the <*> tags from the message - but then I realised this would be no good because we do need some of the formatting information (paragraphs, line breaks, images etc).
NOTE: I am OK with actually sending the mail and setting up alternative views etc, this is only about getting plaintext from HTML.
So, I am pondering some ideas. Will post one as an answer to see what you guys think, but thought I would open it up to the floor. :)
If you need any more clarification then please shout.
Many thanks,
My Solution
OK, so here it is! I thought up a solution to my problem and it works like a charm!
Now, here are some of the goals I wanted to set out:
All the content for the emails should remain in the ASPX pages (as the HTML content currently does).
I didn't want the client code to do anything more other than say "SendMail("PageX.aspx")".
I didn't want to write too much code.
I wanted to keep the code as semantically correct as possible (no REALLY crazy-ass hacks!).
The Process
So, this is what I ended up doing:
Go to the master page for the email messages. Create an ASP.NET MultiView Control. This control would have two views - HTML and PlainText.
Within each view, I added content placeholders for the actual content.
I then grabbed all the existing ASPX code (such as header and footer) and stuck it in the HTML View. All of it, DocType and everything. This does cause VS to whinge a little bit. Ignore It.
I then of course added new content to the PlainText view to best replicate the HTML view in a PlainText environment.
I then added some code to the Master Page_Load, checking for the QueryString parameter "type" which could be either "html" or "text". It falls over to "text" if none present. Dependant on the value, it switches the view.
I then go to the content pages and add new placeholders for the PlainText equivalents and add text as required.
To make my life easier, I then overloaded my SendMail method to get the response for the required page, passing "type=html" and "type=text" and creating AlternateView's as appropriate.
In Summary
So, in short:
The Views seperate the actual "views" of the content (HTML and Text).
A master page auto switches the view based on a QueryString.
Content pages are responsible for how their views look.
Job done!
If any of this is unclear then please shout. I would like to create blog post on this at some point in more detail.
My Idea
Create a page based on the HTML content and traverse the control tree. You can then pick the text from the controls and handle different controls as required (e.g. use ALT text for images, "_____" for HR etc).
You could ensure the HTML mail is in XHTML format so you can parse it easily using the standard XML tools, then create your own DOM serialiser that outputs plain text. It'd still be a lot of work to cover general XHTML, but for a limited subset you plan to use in e-mail it could work.
Alternatively, if you don't mind shelling out to another program, you could just use the -dump switch to the lynx web browser.
