Matlab contourf() to plot data on a global map - plot

I have been using Matlab 2011b and contourf/contourfm to plot 2D data on a map of North America. I started from the help page for contourfm on the mathworks website, and it works great if you use their default data called "geoid" and reference vector "geoidrefvec."
Here is some simple code that works with the preset data:
axesm('MapProjection','lambert','maplo',[-175 -45],'mapla',[10 75]);
framem; gridm; axis off; tightmap
load geoid
%geoidrefvec=[1 90 0];
load 'TECvars.mat'
%contourfm(ITEC, geoidrefvec, -120:20:100, 'LineStyle', 'none');
contourfm(geoid, geoidrefvec, -120:20:100, 'LineStyle', 'none');
coast = load('coast');
geoshow(, coast.long, 'Color', 'black')
title(sprintf('Total Electron Content Units x 10^1^6 m^-^2'),'Fontsize',14,'Color','black')
%axis([-3 -1 0 1.0]);
The problem arises when I try to use my data. I am quite sure the reference vector determines where the data should be plotted on the globe but I was not able to find any documentation about how this vector works or how to create one to work with different data.
Here is a .mat file with my data. ITEC is the matrix of values to be plotted. Information about the position of the grid relative to the earth can be found in the cell array called RT but the basic idea is. ITEC(1,1) refers to Lat=11 Long=-180 and ITEC(58,39) refers to Lat = 72.5 Long = -53 with evenly spaced data.
Does anyone know how the reference vector defines where the data is placed on the map? Or perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!

OK. So I figured it out. I realized that, given that there are only three dimensions in the vector, the degrees between latitude data must be the same as the degrees between longitude data. That is, the spacing between each horizontal data point must be the same as the spacing between each vertical point. For instance, 1 degree.
The first value in the reference vector is the distance (in degrees) between each data point (I think...this works in my case), and the two second values in the vector are the minimum latitude and minimum longitude respectively.
In my case the data was equally spaced in each direction, but not the same spacing vertically and horizontally. I simply interpolated the data to a 1x1 grid density and set the first value in the vector to 1.
Hopefully this will help someone with the same problem.
Quick question though, since I answered my own question do I get the bounty? I'd hate to loose 50 'valuable' reputation points haha


Efficiently find a border around a binary group of points

This is more of a mathematical question.
I have a list of 2D coordinates of length N. (Nx2 list)
The coordinates are rounded numbers and form a region. The following is an example:
enter image description here
What I would like is to have a border around these points. Like the following:
enter image description here
One option to do this is to
go through the list, and for each coordinate i
check for the 8 possible neighbours j to see
if this point doesn't overlap with given coordinates k .
if this point doesn't overlap with already found border coordinates
This works well, nut needs N*N*8 calculations. For my N=1000 points: 8 million!
Does anyone know how this could be done more efficient?
Best regards,
If the size of the grid is constrained and is on the order of N as well, you could do better and get to O(N) by making a 2-D array of ints the size of the grid.
Initialize the grid to zeros.
For each point in the list of points, set the point itself to negative in the grid array and set each neighbor that isn't negative to positive.
When you're done, each point in the 2-D grid array that's positive is the border.
Make a sorted container that enforces uniqueness (in c++ STL, that's a std::set) of coordinates. Go through the points, adding each point's eight neighbors to the set if they aren't already in there. Then go though the points a second time, subtracting them from the set if they are in the set. The points that remain are the border. That's O(N*log(N)). In general that's the best you can do. But see my other answer for a better algorithm if additional criteria exist.

spatstat wiht R: Error with defining the window of spatial point pattern

Please see below image. This image is created by first converting a two-column data frame into a study window (call it study_win) using as.owin, and then plotting another two-columns data-frame (call it study_points)on top of the window.
It is clear that the points are lying inside the window! However when I call
ppp(study_points[,1],study_points[,2],win = study_window)
it says that most of my points are rejected as lying outside the window. Could someone tell me what is going on?
First you could have taken a step back to check that the window object study_window was what you intended. You could have plotted or printed this object in its own right. A plot of study_window would show (and you can also see this in the plot that you supplied in the question) that the boundary of the window is a disconnected scatter of points, not a joined-up polygon. A printout of study_window would have revealed that it is a binary pixel mask, with a very small area, rather than a polygonal region. The help for as.owin explains that, when as.owin is applied to a dataframe containing columns of x,y coordinates, it interprets them as pixel coordinates of the pixels that lie inside the window.
So,what has happened is that as.owin has created a window consisting of one pixel at each of the (x,y) locations in the data frame. That's not what you wanted; the (x,y) coordinates were meant to be the vertices of a polygonal boundary.
To get the desired window, do something like study_window <- owin(poly=df) where df is the data frame of (x,y) coordinates of vertices.
To do it all in one step, type something like mypattern <- ppp(x, y, poly=df) where x and y are the vectors of coordinates of the points in the window.
so I solved the problem by using the "owin" and specify the region to be polygon; instead of "as.owin". I have no idea the difference between owin and as.owin, but I am just glad it worked...

Converting 2 point coords to vector coords for angleBetween()?

I'm working on a PyMEL script that allows the user to duplicate a selected object multiple times, using a CV curve and its points coordinates to transform & rotate each copy to a certain point in space.
In order to achieve this, Im using the adjacent 2 points of each CV (control vertex) to determine the rotation for the object.
I have managed to retrieve the coordinates of the curve's CVs
#Add all points of the curve to the cvDict dictionary
while int<selSize:
pointName='point%s' % int
coords= pointPosition ('[%s]' % (obj,int), w=1)
#Setup the key for the current point
#add coords to x,y,z subkeys to dict
cvDict[pointName]['x']= coords[0]
cvDict[pointName]['y']= coords[1]
cvDict[pointName]['z']= coords[2]
int += 1
Now the problem I'm having is figuring out how to get the angle for each CV.
I stumbled upon the angleBetween() function:
In theory, this should be my solution, since I could find the "middle vector" (not sure if that's the mathematical term) of each of the curve's CVs (using the adjacent CVs' coordinates to find a fourth point) and use the above mentioned function to determine how much I'd have to rotate the object using a reference vector, for example on the z axis.
At least theoretically - the issue is that the function only takes 1 set of coords for each vector and I have absolutely no Idea how to convert my point coords to that format (since I always have at least 2 sets of coordinates, one for each point).
If you wanna go the long way and not grab the world transforms of the curve, definitely make use of pymel's datatypes module. It has everything that python's native math module does and a few others that are Maya specific. Also the math you would require to do this based on CVs can be found here.
Hope that puts you in the right direction.
If you're going to skip the math, maybe you should just create a locator, path-animate it along the curve, and then sample the result. That would allow you to get completely continuous orientations along the curve. The midpoint-constraint method you've outlined above is limited to 1 valid sample per curve segment -- if you wanted 1/4 of the way or 3/4 of the way between two cv's your orientation would be off. Plus you don't have to reinvent all of the manu different options for deciding on the secondary axis of rotation, reading curves with funky parameterization, and so forth.

Finding the image boundary

While I use R quite a bit, just started an image analysis project and I am using the EBImage package. I need to collect a lot of data from circular/elliptical images. The built-in function computeFeatures gives the maximum and minimum radius. But I need all of the radii it computes.
Here is the code. I have read the image, thresholded and filled.
actual.image = readImage("xxxx")
image = actual.image[,2070:4000]
image1 = thresh(image)
image1 = fillHull(image1)
As there are several objects in the image, I used the following to label
image1 = bwlabel(image1)
I generated features using the built in function
features = data.frame(computeFeatures(image1,image))
Now, computeFeatures gives max radius and min radius. I need all the radii of all the objects it has computed for my analysis. At least if I get the coordinates of boundaries of all objects, I can compute the radii through some other code.
I know images are stored as matrices and can come up with a convoluted way to find the boundaries and then compute radii. But, was wondering if there a more elegant method?
You could try extracting each object + some padding, and plotting the x and y axis intensity profiles for each object. The intensity profiles is simply the sum of rows / columns which can be computed using rowSums and colSums in R
Then you could find where it dropps by splitting each intensity profiles in half and computing the nearest minimum value.
Maybe an example would help clear things up:
Hopefully this makes sense

Disperse points in a 2D visualisation

I have a set of points like this (that I have clustered using R):
180.06576696, 192.64378568
180.11529253999998, 192.62311824
180.12106092, 191.78020965999997
180.15299478, 192.56909828000002
180.2260287, 192.55455869999997
These points are dispersed around a center point or centroid.
The problem is that the points are very close together and are, thus, difficult to see.
So, how do I move the points apart so that I can distinguish each point more clearly?
Maybe I'm overlooking some intricacy here, but...multiply by 10?
Assuming the data you listed above are Cartesian (x,y) coordinate pairs, you can visualize them as a scatter plot using Google Charts. I've rounded your data to 3 decimal places, because Google Charts doesn't appear to handle higher precision than that.
I don't know the coordinates for your central point. In the above chart, I'm assuming it is somewhere nearby and not at (0,0). If it is at (0,0), then I imagine it will be difficult to visualize all of the data at once without some kind of "zoom-in" feature, scaling the data, or a very large screen.
slotishtype, without going into code, I think you first need to add in the following tweaking parameters to be used by the visualization code.
Given an x by y display box, fill the entire box, with input parameters [0.0 to 1.0]...
overlap: the allowance for points to be placed on top of each other
completeness: how important is it to display all of your data points
centroid_display: how important is it to see the centroid in the same output
These produce the dependent parameter
scale: the ratio between display distances to numerical distances
You will need code to
calculate the distance(s) to the centroid like you said,
and also the distances between data points, affecting the output based on the chosen input parameters.
I take inspiration from the fundamentals in the GraphViz dot manual. Look at the "Drawing Orientation, Size and Spacing" on p12.
