How to post message on Facebook Wall with offline access -

I am trying to send message from my website running on localhost with offline access.
Can I post data on fb wall when my web-site is running on localhost is so then please provide me some solution.
I have tried using graph api provided by facebook on and I am sending code from sever-side.

The permission named Offline Access has been deprecated.
You can do so by creating a facebook app.
When configuring, your app's permissions should include the permission to post on behalf of your user (publish_stream should do).
Give the app permission for your user - visit{your_app_name_or_id}/, you will be asked to allow the app certain permissions regarding your user. Allow.
Obtain the app's token.
Access the graph API using the token you received. One way (should make it easier, I hadn't a chance to go over it thoroughly myself) is using CS SDK.


Can't get Code from Azure Active Directory from Post because of redirect

I need assistance with a company website I'm working on that should be linked up with Azure Active Directory. I have read those Azure Active Directory Docs. Our cloud team have already setup Azure Active Directory on the Azure Portal and when users including myself try to access the page they are brought to a Microsoft Login Page. Our cloud team have fulfilled Step 1 of registering our app on Azure. And this process of logging into Microsoft fulfills Step 2 of Authorization. The problem here is although the users are able to sign in through Azure active directory, once they sign in and come back to the webpage, we are unable to get the code that Azure generates.
This example Authorize link from the docs shows me the correct process for authorization.
This link will send you to Microsoft Login page and then after you sign in, it will redirect to the specified redirect_url and it will provide the code in the query parameters. I can see it in the URL bar.
My company's app authentication currently doesn't work like this. We are able to have the user sign in and get redirect back to our page. But the redirect_url for our app is I haven't seen this in any other examples and I'm not sure if this is calling a Azure Active Directory specific callback through this endpoint or if somehow the app server should be handling this.
I can see through Chrome Dev Tools when this happens it is sending a post request to and I can see the payload contains the code that I need but the webpage redirects immediately after that request. I have tried to setup a controller with our .Net ASP.NET backend to handle paths from /.auth/login/aad/callback by trying to send a string response back but it doesn't appear that that works.
My Major question is does the url call an azure specific callback function that our app can't interact with? Or is it sending a post request to our server that we should be handling.
After we get this code we will be able to follow the rest of the authentication process.
This picture shows the initial callback call after a user logs into the Microsoft Login page and gets redirect to the I can see in the dev tools that this post request contains the code.
I'm thinking that it's probably something we need to handle on the server especially since it's a post request. Regardless, any help would be appreciated!

Get access token LinkedIn Api

I am developing a module to integrate the company's website with several social networks.
I've done it with Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
I wanted to do the same with LinkedIn.
When i call the API to generate the token i receive the error message:
Postman call
I have searched everywhere and i don't found any indication where i need to go to ask permission to create tokens.
The support of LinkedIn tell me to came here...
Anyone can help me?
Perhaps you can try reading more about the LinkedIn client credentials flow in the below link.
If your application needs to access APIs that are not member specific, use the Client Credential Flow. Your application cannot access these APIs by default. Learn more about LinkedIn Developer Enterprise products to request permission to the Client Credential Flow.
As highlighted in the document, an application will not be having access to client credentials by default and you will have to request access exclusively based on your business need. Most of the LinkedIn APIs require three-legged authentication fetch member related data since most of the data request is directly or indirectly related to a member or owned by a member.

What is the right way to implement authentication between a WordPress plugin and a Laravel API?

I'm so confused about how to get authentication between an external, consumer website and a Laravel API right. What I'd like is to have a web app for which users are able to present information from the app to other people, using an external website that consumes the app's API. Here's an example of the basic setup in a bit more detail:
A Laravel 5.3 app that has a protected API endpoint api/status. Only authenticated users should be able to hit api/status, and the status returned is a particular status for the authenticated user.
An external website that consumes the Laravel API on behalf of a user, let's call her Alice. The necessary information is stored in the backend of Alice's website so that it can authenticate with the API on behalf of Alice. (The actual implementation I'm working on will be a WordPress site, and the API consumption will be done by a WordPress plugin that I am implementing; so any info stored will likely be stored in the WordPress database.)
The website has a /status page that displays Alice's status to anyone who browses to the page. (Ie, when the /status page is browsed to, an API call to the app is made on behalf of Alice. The returned status is specific to Alice, and is displayed to the person browsing the page.) People browsing to /status on Alice's website do NOT need to do any sort of authenticating to view the status on the page.
That is very simplified compared to my actual goal, but I hope it serves to keep the extraneous details to a minimum so we can focus on my actual question, which is what method of authentication should I use to achieve this?
One thing I DON'T want:
The person browsing Alice's website should NOT be able to use their browser's inspector to watch the API call and from that create further API calls on Alice's behalf on their own.
I have Passport installed on my Laravel App, but if I'm understanding things correctly I don't want to use the basic Access Token issuing workflow, as that would require the people browsing to Alice's website to authenticate using the Alices's credentials. For the same reason, I don't think I want an Implicit Grant Token.
Using a Password Grant Token would require storing Alice's password for the Laravel app on her website. Is it ok to store passwords like this in a WordPress database? It makes me nervous...
The other option available through Passport is to have Alice create a Personal Access Token and store that in her website backend as the token to use to authenticate. But the Laravel documentation seems to imply that Personal Access Tokens are meant for testing and development purposes, which makes me wary of going this route for a production plugin. Plus, doesn't using a PAT make it possible to do the thing I DON'T want above, since the PAT is simply passed in the request header? Or is that problem mitigated by the fact that the API interaction would be done over SSL?
Do I even need to go through Passport to achieve what I want here? Is there a better way?
I've been reading myself in circles trying to understand what the best practice for this kind of setup is. I'm sorry if this question isn't focused enough, but if anyone has any good advice, or can clarify things for me I would much appreciate it!

Firebase: Local Development and testing in AngularFire

I am using Angularfire to make a website. I am trying to integrate oauth based sign in with google for user authentication but when I try to run index.html file and try to login following error is displayed
11:59:28.189 Error: There are no login transports available for the requested method.
Stack trace:
1 app.js:31:4
I searched on stackoverflow for this and got this answer , it says that I need to setup a server for this.
Then I looked at firebase docs and they said
For security reasons, if you're using a web-based OAuth flow
(Facebook, Twitter, Github, or Google), only domains that you
whitelist are allowed to initiate authentication for your app. This
does not apply to Email & Password, Anonymous, or Custom
authentication methods. All Firebase applications have localhost and enabled by default for local development and testing.
The authentication works fine after I host it on firebase but deploying takes a lot of time and also sometimes even I don't have access to internet.
So please suggest me easiest manner so I can run my app on localhost.
An easy way to locally run a Firebase (or any other) web site is to use the Firebase tools and then run
firebase serve
See this blog post introducing the local server.

facebook - user does not list any access token via access token url

I have an issue with one of our clients.
We developed an app, that apparently works fine.
We tested with various accounts.
The issue is that our client can't use the app.
Accessing the client's account, I tried this FB access token tool:
I tried to use various apps with the client's account, from various vendors.
This is the result (screenshot):
What can be the cause? It seems that this account cannot store any access token from any app.
Thank you!
The Access Token tool will only show tokens for apps that the user is an admin or developer of - if they are just a regular user, this will not show up here.
