Qt: QGLShaderProgram turn off log messages - qt

Is there a way to turn of log messages when calling QGLShaderProgram::link()?
Messages look like:
QGLShader::link: "Vertex shader(s) linked, fragment shader(s) linked.
Qt code looks like this:
value = 0;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &value);
d->linked = (value != 0);
value = 0;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &value);
d->log = QString();
if (value > 1) {
char *logbuf = new char [value];
GLint len;
glGetProgramInfoLog(program, value, &len, logbuf);
d->log = QString::fromLatin1(logbuf);
QString name = objectName();
if (name.isEmpty())
qWarning() << "QGLShader::link:" << d->log;
qWarning() << "QGLShader::link[" << name << "]:" << d->log;
delete [] logbuf;
return d->linked;

So it seems the only possible solution is to redirect qWarning() as done in: How to redirect qDebug, qWarning, qCritical etc output?
qInstallMsgHandler([](QtMsgType , const char* ) { }); // empty message handler
bool result = program.link();
qInstallMsgHandler(0); // restore default message handling


How to use Intel realsense camera's (ZR300) with pre-made video or image instead live capture

I want to use pre-made files instead of live capture in the following program to track the person.
what is realsense SDK API used to load pre-made files and catch the frame by frame?
Is it possible to use to detect/track person any general video/image files which captured using any other camera's ?
Example Program:
Example Source Link
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include "version.h"
#include "pt_utils.hpp"
#include "pt_console_display.hpp"
#include "pt_web_display.hpp"
#include "or_console_display.hpp"
#include "or_web_display.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace rs::core;
using namespace rs::object_recognition;
// Version number of the samples
extern constexpr auto rs_sample_version = concat("VERSION: ",RS_SAMPLE_VERSION_STR);
// Doing the OR processing for a frame can take longer than the frame interval, so we
// keep track of whether or not we are still processing the last frame.
bool is_or_processing_frame = false;
unique_ptr<web_display::pt_web_display> pt_web_view;
unique_ptr<web_display::or_web_display> or_web_view;
unique_ptr<console_display::pt_console_display> pt_console_view;
unique_ptr<console_display::or_console_display> or_console_view;
void processing_OR(correlated_sample_set or_sample_set, or_video_module_impl* impl, or_data_interface* or_data,
or_configuration_interface* or_configuration)
rs::core::status st;
// Declare data structure and size for results
rs::object_recognition::localization_data* localization_data = nullptr;
//Run object localization processing
st = impl->process_sample_set(or_sample_set);
if (st != rs::core::status_no_error)
is_or_processing_frame = false;
// Retrieve recognition data from the or_data object
int array_size = 0;
st = or_data->query_localization_result(&localization_data, array_size);
if (st != rs::core::status_no_error)
is_or_processing_frame = false;
//Send OR data to ui
if (localization_data && array_size != 0)
or_console_view->on_object_localization_data(localization_data, array_size, or_configuration);
or_web_view->on_object_localization_data(localization_data, array_size, or_configuration);
is_or_processing_frame = false;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
rs::core::status st;
pt_utils pt_utils;
rs::core::image_info colorInfo,depthInfo;
rs::core::video_module_interface::actual_module_config actualModuleConfig;
rs::person_tracking::person_tracking_video_module_interface* ptModule = nullptr;
rs::object_recognition::or_video_module_impl impl;
rs::object_recognition::or_data_interface* or_data = nullptr;
rs::object_recognition::or_configuration_interface* or_configuration = nullptr;
cout << endl << "Initializing Camera, Object Recognition and Person Tracking modules" << endl;
if(pt_utils.init_camera(colorInfo,depthInfo,actualModuleConfig,impl,&or_data,&or_configuration) != rs::core::status_no_error)
cerr << "Error: Device is null." << endl << "Please connect a RealSense device and restart the application" << endl;
return -1;
//Person Tracking Configuration. Set tracking mode to 0
if(ptModule->set_module_config(actualModuleConfig) != rs::core::status_no_error)
cerr<<"error : failed to set the enabled module configuration" << endl;
return -1;
//Object Recognition Configuration
//Set mode to localization
//Set the localization mechnizm to use CNN
//Ignore all objects under 0.7 probabilty (confidence)
//Enabling object center feature
st = or_configuration->apply_changes();
if (st != rs::core::status_no_error)
return st;
//Launch GUI
string sample_name = argv[0];
// Create console view
pt_console_view = move(console_display::make_console_pt_display());
or_console_view = move(console_display::make_console_or_display());
// Create and start remote(Web) view
or_web_view = move(web_display::make_or_web_display(sample_name, 8000, true));
pt_web_view = move(web_display::make_pt_web_display(sample_name, 8000, true));
cout << endl << "-------- Press Esc key to exit --------" << endl << endl;
while (!pt_utils.user_request_exit())
//Get next frame
rs::core::correlated_sample_set* sample_set = pt_utils.get_sample_set(colorInfo,depthInfo);
rs::core::correlated_sample_set* sample_set_pt = pt_utils.get_sample_set(colorInfo,depthInfo);
//Increment reference count of images at sample set
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<uint8_t>(rs::core::stream_type::max); ++i)
if (sample_set_pt->images[i] != nullptr)
//Draw Color frames
auto colorImage = (*sample_set)[rs::core::stream_type::color];
pt_web_view->on_rgb_frame(10, colorImage->query_info().width, colorImage->query_info().height, colorImage->query_data());
//Run OR in a separate thread. Update GUI with the result
if (!is_or_processing_frame) // If we aren't already processing or for a frame:
is_or_processing_frame = true;
std::thread recognition_thread(processing_OR, *sample_set,
&impl, or_data, or_configuration);
//Run Person Tracking
if (ptModule->process_sample_set(*sample_set_pt) != rs::core::status_no_error)
cerr << "error : failed to process sample" << endl;
//Update GUI with PT result
return 0;
After installing the Realsense SKD, check the realsense_playback_device_sample for how to load the RSSDK capture file.
The short answer is not really. Beside the images that are captured from the other camera, you also need to supply the camera intrinsic and extrinsic settings in order to calculate the depth of and object and call the person tracking module.

QDataStream not working as expected

I am storing some data in QDataStream and immediately taking the data, but the count is showing zero while retriving. code looks fine but unexpected behaviour
QDataStream& operator<< (QDataStream& writeTO, const CascadeJobInfo& data)
writeTO << data.m_infoJobType << data.m_connectionName << data.m_submitJobId << data.m_submitJobStat;
return writeTO;
QDataStream& operator>> (QDataStream& readIn, CascadeJobInfo& data)
readIn >> data.m_infoJobType >> data.m_connectionName >> data.m_submitJobId >> data.m_submitJobStat;
return readIn;
void Fun()
// Code Starts here
projectFileName = /*Path to folder*/
QFile file(projectFileName);
QDataStream dStream(&file);
int jobLstCount = /*Get the Count, assume 4*/
dStream << jobLstCount;
for(int i = 0; i < jobLstCount; i++)
JobInfo.m_infoJobType = jobFlowItem->getJobType();
JobInfo.m_connectionName = submitItem->connectionName();
JobInfo.m_submitJobId = submitItem->jobID();
JobInfo.m_submitJobStat = submitItem->jobState();
// All valid data stored here
QDataStream dStreamOut(&file);
dStreamOut >> jobLstCount; /*Count returns zero here insted of 4*/
CascadeJobInfo jobInfo;
// Why jobLstCount is getting zero here
for(int i = 0 ; i < jobLstCount ; i++)
dStreamOut >> jobInfo;
file.close(); <--- HERE
QDataStream dStream(&file);
You are closing the file as soon as you open it, so basically you are working with an invalid file descriptor which won't work. Put file.close() at the end of the code when you are done.

QNetworkAccessManager not emitting finished signal with this code

so i have been browsing the previous questions before about this issue, but i could not find a solution for my code.
cpp file of dialog
#include "everesult.h"
#include "ui_everesult.h"
everesult::everesult(QWidget *parent) :
ui1(new Ui::everesult)
delete ui1;
void everesult::setmodel(QStandardItemModel *model)
void everesult::on_buttonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton *button)
EveReprocess M_;
QModelIndex Selectedindex = ui1->listView->currentIndex();
QModelIndex StationIdsindex = ui1->listView->model()->index(0, 1);
int typeID = 0;
int stationID = 0;
stationID = ui1->listView->model()->data(StationIdsindex, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
typeID = ui1->listView->model()->data(Selectedindex, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt();
M_.GetMaterials(typeID, stationID);
Getmaterial and replyFinished from main window.
void EveReprocess::GetMaterials(int typeId, int stationid)
//get typeid from material list
this->modelMaterial = new QSqlQueryModel();
modelMaterial->setQuery(QString("SELECT tm.quantity, tm.materialTypeID, t.typeName FROM invTypeMaterials tm INNER JOIN invTypes t ON t.TypeID = tm.materialTypeId WHERE tm.TypeID=%1 ").arg(typeId));
if (!modelMaterial->query().exec())
qDebug() << modelMaterial->query().lastError();
//Set eve Central Url with typeids
QUrl url = QUrl("http://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?");
QUrlQuery q;
int numRows = modelMaterial->rowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < numRows; ++row)
QModelIndex index = modelMaterial->index(row, 1);
q.addQueryItem( QString("typeid"), QString::number(modelMaterial->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toInt()));
q.addQueryItem( QString("usesystem"), QString::number(stationid));
//set created url and connect
qDebug() << url;
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply *)));
manager->get(QNetworkRequest(url) );
void EveReprocess::replyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
qDebug() << "replyFinished called";
if ( reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError ) {
qDebug() << "Request failed, " << reply->errorString();
emit replyFinished(false);
qDebug() << "Request succeeded";
//process with xmlreader and get values
processSearchResult( reply);
some of the code is here, i think it should be somewhere here, as the rest works fine.
this issue showed up after i use a dialog to let user pick a int from a list.
below is the function that calls the dialog that i have made for this. sorry about code format wil clean it up after it is working
void EveReprocess::Search_TypeId(QString ItemName, QString SystemName)
QList<int> TypeIdList;
QList<int> StationIdList;
modelIds = new QStandardItemModel(10,2,this);
if !(db.isOpen()) return;
this->queryItem = new QSqlQuery;
queryItem->prepare("SELECT typeID FROM invTypes WHERE invTypes.typeName LIKE ? AND invTypes.groupID NOT IN (268,269,270)AND published= 1");
queryItem->bindValue(0, ItemName);
this->queryStation = new QSqlQuery;
queryStation->prepare("SELECT solarSystemID FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE mapSolarSystems.solarSystemName LIKE ?");
queryStation->bindValue(0, SystemName);
if(!queryStation->exec() || !queryItem->exec() )
qDebug() << queryItem->lastError().text();
qDebug() << queryItem->lastQuery();
qDebug() << queryStation->lastError().text();
qDebug() << queryStation->lastQuery();
while( queryStation->next())
for (int i = 0; i < StationIdList.count(); ++i)
modelIds->setItem(i,1,new QStandardItem(QString::number(StationIdList.at(i))));
for (int i = 0; i < TypeIdList.count(); ++i)
modelIds->setItem(i,0,new QStandardItem(QString::number(TypeIdList.at(i))));
everesult Dialog;
Before you proceed any further, some of your code is allows SQL injections. Even when it's not a security hole, it'll still lead to bugs. Instead of using string substitution in SQL queries, you should be using bindings.
Your problem is here:
everesult Dialog;
The exec() is a blocking function - it blocks the main event loop until the dialog is dismissed. Thus the signals from the threaded network access manager never get delivered to your objects.
You should display the dialog box asynchronously, like so:
everesult * dialog = new everesult;
connect(dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), dialog, SLOT(deleteLater());
connect(dialog, SIGNAL(rejected()), dialog, SLOT(deleteLater());
Note that it's misleading to have type names starting with lower case and variable names starting with upper case. Qt's convention is the opposite, and it's useful to retain it unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.
DO Parameter Binding in SQL Queries
QSqlQuery query("SELECT .. WHERE tm.TypeID=:typeid");
query.bindValue(":typeid", typeId);
QSqlQueryModel model;
DON'T DO String Substitution in SQL Queries
setQuery(QString("SELECT ... WHERE tm.TypeID=%1 ").arg(typeId));

What is the defined behavior of SQLite when interleaving statements that affect each other?

In SQLite if I prepare a SELECT statement and begin stepping through it, then before the last row of the results is reached I execute another statement that has an effect on the SELECT statement that I am stepping through, what is the expected result?
I can't find anything in the SQLite documentation about what is supposed to happen but it seems like an extremely common case when programming in a multi-threaded environment.
Below is a c++ file that can be compiled and run on Windows to demonstrate the situation.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <Knownfolders.h>
#include <Shlobj.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <comdef.h>
using namespace std;
int exec_sql(sqlite3 *db, const char* sql)
char *errmsg;
int result = sqlite3_exec(db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg);
if (result != SQLITE_OK) {
cout << errmsg << endl;
return -1;
return 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cout << "Running jsqltst with SQLite version: ";
cout << sqlite3_libversion();
cout << endl;
PWSTR userhome;
if (!SUCCEEDED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Profile, NULL, NULL, &userhome))) {
cout << "Failed getting user home dir\n";
return -1;
wcout << "User home: " << userhome << endl;
wchar_t *ws1 = userhome, *ws2 = L"\\test.sqlite";
wstring dbpath_str(ws1);
dbpath_str += wstring(ws2);
_bstr_t dbpath(dbpath_str.c_str());
cout << "DB path: " << dbpath << endl;
sqlite3 *db;
int result = sqlite3_open_v2(dbpath, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE|SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL);
if (result != SQLITE_OK) {
cout << sqlite3_errmsg(db) << endl;
return -1;
const char * create_stmt = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS atable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, number INTEGER);";
if (exec_sql(db, create_stmt) != 0) {
return -1;
const char * delete_stmt = "DELETE FROM atable;";
if (exec_sql(db, delete_stmt) != 0) {
return -1;
const char * insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO atable (name,number) VALUES ('Beta',77),('Alpha',99);";
if (exec_sql(db, insert_stmt) != 0) {
return -1;
sqlite3_stmt* select_ss;
const char * select_stmt = "SELECT * FROM atable;";
result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, select_stmt, -1, &select_ss, NULL);
if (result != SQLITE_OK) {
cout << sqlite3_errmsg(db) << endl;
return -1;
int i = 0;
boolean gotrow;
do {
result = sqlite3_step(select_ss);
gotrow = result == SQLITE_ROW;
if (gotrow) {
cout << "I got a row!" << endl;
if (i == 1) {
if (exec_sql(db, insert_stmt) != 0) {
return -1;
} while (gotrow);
cout << "Last result: " << result << ", errstr: " << sqlite3_errstr(result) << endl;
result = sqlite3_finalize(select_ss);
if (result != SQLITE_OK) {
cout << sqlite3_errmsg(db) << endl;
return -1;
return 0;
SQLite's behaviour for concurrent statements in the same transaction is neither documented nor defined.
As you have seen, newly inserted records might be seen when a SELECT's cursor has not yet reached that part of the table.
However, if SQLite needed to create a temporary result table for sorting or grouping, later changes in the table will not appear in that result.
Whether you have a temporary table or not might depend on decisions made by the query optimizer, so this is often not predictable.
If multiple threads access the same connection, SQLite will lock the DB around each sqlite3_step call.
This prevent data corruption, but you will still have the problem that automatic transaction end when their last active statement ends, and that explicit transaction will fail the COMMIT if there is some other active statement.
Multi-threaded programs are better off using (at least) one connection per thread.

QJSON using in Mac - getting some issues

I am using the QJson for parsing. But I am stuck up with some issues. I have used the following code:
void CityBook ::getCityList(QUrl url)
//!connect(cityReply, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this, SLOT(httpReadyRead()));
cityGuideNetworkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
connect(cityGuideNetworkAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(httpReadyRead(QNetworkReply*)));
QNetworkRequest cityRequest(url);
void CityBook::httpReadyRead(QNetworkReply *reply)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("HTTP"),
QJson::Parser parser;
bool ok;
const QByteArray &resultbyte = reply->readAll();
qDebug() << resultbyte;
QVariant result1 = parser.parse(reply->readAll(), &ok);
qDebug() << result1;
QVariantList result=parser.parse(resultbyte,&ok).toList();
qDebug()<< result.size();
if (!ok)
qFatal("An error occurred during parsing");
exit (1);
qDebug() <<"error String"<< parser.errorString();
qDebug() <<"error" <parser.errorLine();
//! QVariantList entries = result["name"].toList();
foreach (QVariant city, result) {
QVariantMap names = city.toMap();
qDebug() << "\t-" << names.value("name");
The output is:
Starting /Users/QT Developement/CityBook-build-desktop/CityBook.app/Contents/MacOS/CityBook...
QVariant(, )
error String ""
error 0
The result of the readAll function is an empty byte array. According to documentation this can mean either that no data are available or that an error occurred.
