How to install Allegro 5 on Mac oSX Lion with XCode - xcode4

I am new to mac development and was wondering how I can install Allegro 5 on my Mac. I want to use allegro with Xcode, and I am running Lion. How do I install allegro?

This can found here:,_Xcode_4,_Framework
If you are using OS X Lion (10.7.x) and Xcode 4.3 you will run into an issue that is not explained in the wiki. When I would attempt to create a new project and include all the frameworks as instructed and after several hours of truing to find an answer I finally stumbled across my issue.
What you may see is an error similar to:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_main", referenced from: ......
This is because for whatever reason AllegroMain-5.0.framework was not added to Summary->Linked Frameworks and Libraries. once you add this its should work!

Install homebrew in Link
Use the Brew by following these steps:
brew install cmake
brew install zlib
brew install freetype
brew install jpeg
brew install libogg
brew install physfs
brew install libpng
brew install flac
brew install ffmpeg
brew install allegro5
Works for me


Brew: uninstalling all version of a package

I am trying to uninstall qt.
I did brew uninstall qt, and it uninstalled the version 5.9.0, but it says that:
4.8.7_2, 5.8.0_1 2 are still installed
I want to delete them as well.
Is there a way to uninstall with brew all the versions of a package?
Thanks in advance!
OS: Mac El Capitan
brew uninstall --force qt
brew uninstall qt#4.8.7_2 qt#5.8.0_1
Both of these will probably warn that there are still dependencies, for example on my machine:
$ brew uninstall qt
Error: Refusing to uninstall /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.14.0
because it is required by gnuplot, octave, poppler and pyqt, which are currently installed.
You can override this and force removal with:
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies qt
You don't use --force, but add these reverse dependencies to the list. For my example above:
brew uninstall qt#5.14.0 gnuplot octave poppler pyqt
You can then check with brew list if there are any other remnants you want to remove.

Error with install opencv 3 on OS X

the problem is installation of opencv with brew has crashed with errors:
Command: brew install opencv3 --HEAD --with-contrib --with-cuda --with-ffmpeg --with-tbb --with-qt5
Problem was in old version libraries such as libpng and libtiff.
please download opencv-3.x.x form git hub and then install its work.

Installing R with Homebrew

I'm trying to install R using Homebrew. I ran these commands which are recommended elsewhere on SO:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install R
For brew tap homebrew/science, I'm receiving this error:
Error: Already tapped!
For the second command, I receive this:
Error: No available formula for r
Any suggestions?
As of 2017, it's just brew install r. See #Andrew's answer below.
As of 2014 (using an Yosemite), the method is the following:
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew install r
The gcc package (will be installed automatically as a required dependency) in the homebrew/science tap already contains the latest fortran compiler (gfortran), and most of all: the whole package is precompiled so it saves you a lot of compilation time.
This answer will also work for El Capitan and Mac OS Sierra.
In case you don't have XCode Command Line Tools (CLT), run from terminal:
xcode-select --install
As of 2017 / Brew 1.3.2 # macOS Sierra 10.12.6 all you have to do is:
$ brew install r
You don't even need to tap homebrew/science since r is now a part of core formulae for the Homebrew (homebrew-core).
It will also install all dependencies automatically:
==> Installing dependencies for r: gmp, mpfr, libmpc, isl, gcc
There are two additional options you might want to know:
Build with java support
Build with openblas support
I used this tutorial to install R on my mac, and it had me install xquartz and a fortran complier (gfortran) as well.
My suggestion would be to brew untap homebrew/science and then brew tap homebrew/science and try again, also, make sure you don't have any errors when you run brew doctor
Hope this helps
brew install cask
brew cask install xquartz
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install r
This way, everything is packager managed, so there's no need to manually download and install anything.
Working on El Capitan 10.11.1, the steps I followed are
brew install cask
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install r
This is what actually worked for me on OSX Yosemite.
brew install cask
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew install r
If you run
xcode-select --install
you do you not need to install gcc through brew, and you will not have to waste time compiling gcc. See for more details.
After that, you can simply do
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew install r
I am working MacOS 10.10. I have updated gcc to version 4.9 to make it work.
brew update
brew install gcc
brew reinstall r
brew install homebrew/science/r
works on OS X 10.11.6.
If you meant "r" specifically:
It was migrated from homebrew/science to homebrew/core.
For r 3.4.3 Mac High Sierra:
brew tap homebrew/core
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
brew install r
You can also install R from this page:
It works out of the box
homebrew/science was deprecated
So, you should use the following command.
brew tap brewsci/science
As per the homebrew page, it is installed with the following command:
brew install --cask r

How can I install qt5 to Debian using commandline?

I need to install Qt5 to my Debian using commandline. How can I do that?
My system:
debian 2.6.30-vortex86mx-yh
I am trying to install using qt online installer from
But after ./ I get this error: version glibcxx_3.4.11 not found
I try to install libstdc++6. but Debian said it is already newest version.
cat /etc/issue result is:
Debian 5.0
Also my debian has no gui. I have to do it using commandline.
Try this command for installing from default debian 5 repository:
#apt install g++
#apt install qtcreator
#apt install qtdeclarative5-dev
You should be able to run the qt-installer in a decent debian version. Get Version by:
cat /etc/issue
On older versions or "unsupported" versions you can still download the sources and build the libraries yourself, which is probably your way to go, since the vortex86-builds are pretty limited in compiler flags. Compiling is rather easy, depending on your needs. The configure script itself gives you a lot of hints regarding possible flags.
Another alternative is to find a user-managed repository that has QT5 for your debian version and add this repository to your sources.lst, so you could perform a apt-get install libqt5.

Can I use homebrew's qt5 with capybara-webkit?

I want to use qt5's QtWebKit with capybara-webkit.
brew uninstall qt
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.8.4...
brew install qt5
This formula is keg-only: so it was not symlinked into /usr/local.
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.0.2: 3103 files, 140M, built in 60.9 minutes
If I force brew to create the symlinks for qt5 I can build the native extension for capybara-webkit ..
brew link --force qt5
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.0.2... 122 symlinks created
gem install capybara-webkit -v '1.0.0'
Successfully installed capybara-webkit-1.0.0
.. but webkit_server crashes hard ..
bundle exec rake test:integration
Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL: Can't assign requested address - connect(2)
dyld: Library not loaded: /private/tmp/qt5-KytU/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2/qtwebkit/lib/QtWebKit.framework/Versions/5/QtWebKit
Referenced from: /usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/QtWebKitWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWebKitWidgets
Reason: image not found
See full osx crash report.
I tried installing capybara-webkit with LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS but webkit_server still crashes hard.
env LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib \
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/qt5/include \
gem install capybara-webkit -v '1.0.0'
NOTE: IAmNaN here... this answer worked find for El Cap and Yosemite but it is no longer relevant as of MacOS Sierra. Instead follow the instructions from Thoughtbot. To summarize...
Download and install a new Qt from here.
Edit ~/Qt5.5.1/5.5/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac/default_pre.prf.
Around line 15 find and replace -find xcrun 2 with -find xcodebuild 2.
Save and run PATH=~/Qt5.5.1/5.5/clang_64/bin:$PATH gem install capybara-webkit
Now back to our regularly scheduled answer....
I got this to work on OSX Yosemite. The reason for building against Qt5 was to get some fixes not in Qt4 that prevented capybara-webkit from using font and stylesheet assets in some circumstances.
Comment out the capybara and capybara-webkit gems from your gemfile. Then:
gem uninstall capybara-webkit
gem uninstall capybara # if it complains about dependencies 'gem uninstall' them first
brew remove qt
brew remove qt5 # if you've been playing around
From a clean environment (restart your terminal):
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install qt55
brew linkapps qt55
brew link --force qt55
Uncomment capybara and capybara-webkit in the gemfile and then:
bundle install
Note: You may safely ignore the "brew unlink" warnings issued by brew doctor.
Two years later, the same steps from my question now work. Thanks, whoever fixed it.
gem uninstall --all capybara-webkit
brew remove qt
brew install qt5
brew linkapps qt5 # optional?
brew link --force qt5
gem install capybara-webkit
After installing qt5, I no longer see this message from my test suite:
WARNING: The next major version of capybara-webkit will require at least version 5.0 of Qt.
Uninstalling the capybara gem is not necessary (as other answers suggest) because it has no native extensions, thus no direct dependency on QT.
According to , QT stopped working with webkit at version 5.6. However, there is a qt55 brew available, so use qt55 (instead of qt5) in the answers above.
I suggest to brew update, brew remove qt5 and brew install qt5, because I find on my system, that:
xcrun otool -L /usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.0.2/lib/QtWebKitWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWebKitWidgets
/usr/local/Cellar/qt5/5.0.2/src/qtwebkit/lib/QtWebKit.framework/Versions/5/QtWebKit (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.0.2)
So Qt5 does link against QtWebKit and the link is valid on my system in contrast to yours.
Therefore the suggestion to reinstall. If homebrew installs the prebuilt bottle and still has this issue, please report on Homebrew's issue tracker on github. I installed mine from source.
However, I guess an upstream issue (a minor one) is that the link points into src which should probably lib. But that is up to Qt to fix.
