QML zoom from a clicked rectangle to another UI element - qt

I have 9:9 matrix of Rectangle elements on the main QML form with Repeater. What I want to implement is if user clicks on one of rectangles, it zooms to TextEdit widget which on Esc press zooms back.
Is it possible with QML?
If yes, how am I supposed to turn Rectangle to TextEdit and zoom this TextEdit to fill the parent?
Just starting to work with QML and can't quite get an answer from http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeanimation.html yet.
Thank you.

1) Sure thing! This is more or less what QML is made for.
2) This is an example of how you can do what you want (not the only way to do it):
Rectangle {
id: parentRect
width: 500; height: 500
// Every item in the grid should look like this
Rectangle {
id: singleItem
color: "red"
state: "closed"
// Hidden text input, shown when user clicks
TextInput {
id: textInput
anchors.fill: parent
text: "Input here"
cursorVisible: true
// MouseArea that will catch the user click
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: singleItem.state = "open"
// Item states
states: [
State {
name: "closed"
PropertyChanges {target: singleItem; width: 25; height: 25}
PropertyChanges {target: textInput; opacity: 0}
State {
name: "open"
PropertyChanges {target: singleItem; width: parentRect.width; height: parentRect.height}
PropertyChanges {target: textInput; opacity: 1; focus: true}
// Transitions between states
transitions: Transition {
ParallelAnimation {
NumberAnimation {
target: singleItem
properties: "width,height"
duration: 1000
NumberAnimation {
target: textInput
property: "opacity"
duration: 1000

Even I'm new to qt-quick. I don't think it is possible to zoom unless we write our code to do such. I'm not sure though. :-)
This effect is good and it will b nice to see in coming versions. Try to give a feature request to the community <3


QML give focus to a Component

I have this code:
Window {
id: root
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("Hello World")
objectName: "Window"
onActiveFocusItemChanged: console.log("***** ACTIVE FOCUS:", activeFocusItem, "*****")
StackView {
anchors.fill: parent
initialItem: "qrc:/LoaderPage.qml"
objectName: "StackView"
onCurrentItemChanged: currentItem.forceActiveFocus()
Item {
objectName: "ItemLoaderPage"
// Keys.forwardTo: loader
Loader {
id: loader
anchors.fill: parent
objectName: "Loader"
focus: true
sourceComponent: rect1
Component {
id: rect1
Rectangle {
Keys.onReleased: {
if(event.key === Qt.Key_Escape || event.key === Qt.Key_Back)
console.log("Esc or back pressed from", objectName)
event.accepted = true
objectName: "Rectangle"
focus: true
color: "blue"
I am trying to give the focus to the Rectangle in rect1 Component and catch key events, but with this code, the focus is always given to ItemLoaderPage and I am not able to catch key events. How can I solve that?
I find that maintaining keyboard focus is a big weakness in Qt. The docs make it all sound so straightforward, but in practice I am always ending up in situations where I can't even tell where the focus went.
I usually resort to manually calling forceActiveFocus() rather than depending on Qt to do the right thing automatically. It's a fragile solution, but it's at least one that I feel I have control over.
Loader {
sourceComponent: rect1
onLoaded: {
The Loader and the rectangle has requested the focus by your attribute:
focus: true
You should try to set the focus only once if I get the idea of the focus-attribute right.

Why my animations works in a strange way?

I have write a simple animation demo,but the animation work in a strange way.
The Code
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 480
height: 680
id: root
Rectangle {
id: rect
width: 200
height: 200
color: "blue"
anchors.centerIn: parent
states: State {
name: "A"
when: mouseArea.pressed
PropertyChanges {target: rect; color:"red"; }
PropertyChanges {target: rect; width: rect.width + 100}
PropertyChanges {target: rect; rotation: 720}
transitions: Transition {
ColorAnimation {duration: 1000}
NumberAnimation {duration: 1000}
RotationAnimation {duration: 1000}
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
Q1: When mouse press and hold, I want the rectange width increase 100 every time,but my code seems not work?
Q2: If the width assign a const value(eg 100), the NumberAnimation seems not work, the width change immediately?
Q3:The RotationAnimation not rotate 720, it rotate exceed 720?
Currently, I am not familiar with js&qml, Hope Good Man(Woman) can help me.
Q1: You shouldn't bind rect.width to itself. That causes a binding loop. Either use a constant value or come up with some way outside of rect to keep track of what size you want the rect to be.
Q2: You need to tell the NumberAnimation which property to animate on. In this case it's "width".
Q3: 720 degrees means twice all the way around. That's exactly what I'm seeing when I test it, so I think it's working correctly.
The code below works for me.
Rectangle {
id: rect
width: 200
height: 200
color: "blue"
anchors.centerIn: parent
states: State {
name: "A"
when: mouseArea.pressed
PropertyChanges {target: rect; color:"red"; }
PropertyChanges {target: rect; width: 300} // Fixed value
PropertyChanges {target: rect; rotation: 720}
transitions: Transition {
ColorAnimation {duration: 1000}
NumberAnimation {property: "width"; duration: 1000} // Specify property
RotationAnimation {duration: 1000}
In addition to the answer from JarMan, I think you want to define a onPressed handler in the MouseArea, where you assign a new value to the width of the rect (note the difference between "binding" and "assigning"):
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: rect.width += 100
To clarify why that PropertyChange on width didn't work: as long as State "A" is active (thus during the mouse press), the PropertyChange overwrites the binding in the original Rectangle code, and you are defining it as a binding, meaning during the "A" state, the width is bound to itself (the binding loop that JarMan writes about). When state "A" is not active anymore, it will return to width: 300 (which is basically also a binding, albeit being constant).
When you use the above onPressed handler, the width property will loose it's binding and become fixed to the value assigned to it. Note: you can make it bound again by using Qt.binding or temporarily by using another PropertyChanges from a State

How to manage Focus with States in my custom QML component?

I´ve created a draggable custom Component in order to manage the geometry of individual Quick Controls Components.
The componet has 2 parts:
The "Manipulator" which is a draggable and resizable Rectangle
The inner component which is in the center of the manipulator
Description of the behavior:
No focus: the default state, the Manipulator is invisible
and you can only see the inner component
Focused: When you click the component (or try to drag it) you enter
this state and the Manipulator becomes visible but you can´t access
the inner component. Disabled pressing Escape or clicking outside the component (goes to state 1)
Inner Focus: when you double click on the component The Manipulator
keeps visible and you can still still resize but the the inner
component has the main focus (for example a TextEdit now could be
editable). Disabled pessing Escape (goes to state 2) or clicking outside the component (goes to state 1)
Example of the Component when the Manipulator area is visible
The logic of this component would be similar to the logic of a folder in a Desktop Enviroment (except for resizing) The manipulator would be the folder itself and the inner component is its name.
analogy with folder
Here I post a simplified version of my manipulator, I´m sure it will help to construct an answer, (I tried a lot of variations for several hours, this is one of those not functional attempts)
id: root
width: 175; height: 25;
focus: true
states: [
State {
name: "noFocus"
when: !manipulator.activeFocus && !innerComp.activeFocus
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp
enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator
visible: false
State {
name: "focused"
when: manipulator.activeFocus
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp
enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator
visible: true
State {
name: "innerFocus"
when: innerComp.activeFocus
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp
enabled: true
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator
visible: true
//visual area of manipulation (drag, redimension, etc)
id: manipulator
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: forceActiveFocus(innerComp) //go to state 3 "innerFocus"
drag.target: manipulator
Keys.onEscapePressed: forceActiveFocus(root) //I don´t think this is the correct to loose focus but I don´t know how to do that
Rectangle {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
color: "lightsteelblue";
//Inner Component (TextField for example)
InnerComp {
id: innerComp
anchors.fill: parent
Keys.onEscapePressed: forceActiveFocus(manipulator) //return state 2 "focused"
I finally found the solution, as someone in a qt forum sugested:
Maybe reverse the dependency, i.e. make the focus depend on the state, not the state depend on the focus?
So I changed my code and now it works!
I post the solution here for those who could be interested in it (as I said this is a simplified version of the real code):
Item {
id: root
width: 175; height: 25;
states: [
State {
name: "noFocus"
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp; enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: background; visible: false
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator; focus: true
State {
name: "focused"
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp; enabled: false
PropertyChanges {
target: background; visible: true
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator; focus: true
State {
name: "innerFocus"
PropertyChanges {
target: innerComp; enabled: true
PropertyChanges {
target: background; visible: true
PropertyChanges {
target: manipulator; focus: true
state: "noFocus"
//visual area of manipulation (drag, redimension, etc)
id: manipulator
anchors.fill: parent
onPressed: {
root.state = "focused"
forceActiveFocus(manipulator) //this prevents loosing focus in some especific situations
onDoubleClicked: root.state = "innerFocus"
Keys.onEscapePressed: root.state = "noFocus"
Rectangle {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
color: "lightsteelblue";
//Inner Component (TextField for example)
InnerComp {
id: innerComp
anchors.fill: parent
Keys.onEscapePressed: root.state = "focused"

Drag after long press

I want to drag my custom buttons QML after a long press over them. I've implemented that behaviour, however the problem is that after enabling drag, I need to press button once again to actually start dragging. How should I implement this mechanism if I want to move buttons without releasing after long press?
Here is my button code (onReleased and onLongPressed are my own signals):
labelText: "button"
iconImageSource: path
isGrayedOut: false
Drag.active: dragArea2.drag.active
Drag.hotSpot.x: 10
Drag.hotSpot.y: 10
dragArea2.enabled = true
MouseArea {
id: dragArea2
enabled: false
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: parent
onReleased: parent.Drag.drop()
onClicked: {
console.log("MouseArea onClicked")
onPressAndHold: {
console.log("MouseArea onPressAndHold")
Any idea?
Generally speaking you can connect different signals and concatenate operations as discussed in this page. You should have a look at it since it is full of nice and useful information.
However, when it comes to mouse events, an interesting approach to events concatenation is given by MouseEvents acceptation. Documentation says about MouseEvent::accepted:
Setting accepted to true prevents the mouse event from being
propagated to items below this item. Generally, if the item acts on
the mouse event then it should be accepted so that items lower in the
stacking order do not also respond to the same event.
In this case we can take the opposite approach by not accepting the event. This way the pressed event can be used to both activate the drag and actually perform it. Then the MouseEvent can be accepted (implicitly) in the release event, occurring at the end of the drag.
Here is a simple example following this approach. As the mouse is pressed and hold the drag.target is set and drag can start, whereas when the mouse is released the drag.target is removed, removing the dragging behaviour. To test it, just press and hold the mouse over the rectangle and when it changes color just drag it.
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
ApplicationWindow {
width: 300
height: 300
visible: true
Rectangle {
id: item
border.width: 2
x: 100
y: 100
width: 100
height: 100
state: "BASE"
states: [
State {
name: "BASE"
PropertyChanges { target: mouseArea; drag.target: undefined}
PropertyChanges { target: item; color: "steelblue"}
State {
PropertyChanges { target: mouseArea; drag.target: item}
PropertyChanges { target: item; color: "darkblue"}
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
// target: NOT SET HERE
minimumX: 0
minimumY: 0
maximumX: parent.parent.width - parent.width
maximumY: parent.parent.height - parent.height
smoothed: true
onPressAndHold: {
item.state = "DRAGGABLE"
mouse.accepted = false // mouse event is USED but NOT CONSUMED...
onReleased: {
item.state = "BASE" // mouse event acceptation occurs here!
This simple approach should work perfectly also with your custom signals.

How to stop the transition animation in QML?

There is window, its layout designed by states and transition. we know that when the state change, the transition-animation will start automatically, but when the transition animation doesn't finished, i change the state, it make troubles. just like slow in reacting; how to fix it? thank you...
it something like this :
Flickable {
id: content
anchors.fill: parent
flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalFlick
contentWidth: width * 2
contentHeight: height
clip: true
onFlickStarted: {
if(horizontalVelocity > 0) {
regAndFind.state = "Find"
else {
regAndFind.state = "Register"
} .......
states: [
State {
name: "Register"
PropertyChanges {
target: slider
x: 0
PropertyChanges {
target: content
contentX: 0
State {
name: "Find"
PropertyChanges {
target: slider
x: parent.width / 2
PropertyChanges {
target: content
contentX: parent.width
transitions: [
Transition {
NumberAnimation {
target: slider
property: "x"
duration: 600
NumberAnimation {
target: content
property: "contentX"
duration: 600
Read about the animation element in Qml.
Before you move to other state, you can call the Animation::stop () function to stop the animation in between. Note that it will stop the animation immediately, and the animation will have no further effect on the property values.
