Pause the playing video when switch to another div -

I have 2 div's, one div has swf object & other has tabular data. Both are on same page. I would like to toggle them, if video display table div is hide, and if table then video div will hide.
This is working fine, but when toggle to table div video get started from start. I want to pause the existing video.
So please let me know how can I pause it without restart it.

If you are hiding the div with CSS (display:none;) the SWF file will start rendering as if you are opening the page for the first time or reloading it. First try to use (visibility:hidden;) but you will have to set the position to absolute because this way will preserve div's space on the page.
If this didn't help there is a bridge between javascript in the page and SWF files where you can ask for where the video is playing now before you hide the div, store this on the page, then when you restore the div you can tell SWF to seek to the stored time.
check this as a sample for javascript/AS3 interactions:


Could the screen of apple watch be scrolling/paging style?

If I want to design things on the Apple Watch with many contents then exceeds the screen, could it be scroll or paged?
Yes. It does. WKInterface allows you to scroll to bottom/up when content is more than the screen size. As you keep on adding the content to interface, Watchkit will automatically create scroll that allows you to view the content to the bottom. Second one is horizontal scrolling page by page. In WatchKit there is only one way to do horizontal page based scrolling. You have to set up a page based UI. You will have to have a new instance of a controller for each page. See link for more info.

How Did dropbox create landing page?

Im looking to create a landing page that emulates DropBox (in wordpress). I was wondering how they achieved the effect of clicking the play button that overlays the background box that then turns into a video?
I see from the source that they are using JW player but again no clue on where to start with this. Are there skins you can buy that allow this? Any ideas to lead me in the right direction are appreciated.
Can be done easily with jquery and css. First, absolute position both divs centrally on the page so that when visible one is on top of the other, then set the video div css to "display:none;". Then you can use jquery to show the video and hide the play button on click, something like this:
Simply done mi amigo. Bare in mind they don't have to be centered, they just have to be positioned one above the other... hide display while loading many images

I'm developping a card game.
I have an ASP.NET page with some 52 small images (the cards), say 300 Kbytes in total.
When the page loads for the 1st time the effect is ugly: User can see each card being loaded in turn.
Moreover, only some images are to be displayed after page loads.
Hence the big issue:
I can't make the images hidden from ASP.NET since if hidden they are simply NOT rendered within the "dynamically generated" aspx page!
And of course when I use a js function fired from windows.onload event, then the user will see all the images before I can hide them in javascript!
The dirty way would be to create a Div that would be displayed in front of all other objects since I use absolute positioning.
I'm quite sure you all gurus, you have better ideas!...
If all of the images are enclosed in a single element (say, a div) then you can set its CSS to display: none by default so that even during page rendering it won't show to the user. Then, when all of the content is loaded, display it to the user. Something like this:
<style type="text/css">
#imageContent { display: none; }
<div id="imageContent">
<!-- your images are here -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// assuming jQuery because, well, come on
$(document).load(function() {
Now, this makes no guarantees that it won't take a long time for the images to load, resulting in the user not seeing any of them for a while. And if some of them fail to load then I'm not sure what would happen. I imagine the event will still fire once the DOM gives up on trying to load the failed resources.
Naturally, you'll want to style around all of this so that the transition from no images to all images is a smooth user experience. If it takes a few moments then the user may already be interacting with the page when the images suddenly load and move stuff around (I haven't seen your page, so maybe that's not an issue.)
So you'll want to test something like this one a known slow connection or with known broken images to see how it all behaves.
I have a small idea of how such things oftenly done in different jQuery libraries.
The idea is to pack all the cards in ONE image and show different patrs of the image by setting this image as a background of the div and change offsets.
Google does so, for instance. Take a look:
This is the elements used at SERP

Image precaching

at the website I'm working on, I have a ton of CSS rollovers, that only load when rolled over, is there a way to force load these onLoad so that they don't flash when rolled over the first time? It makes the site look broken. I could use a <body onLoad...> but am not sure how to implement it.
Sure, just use image sprites. In short, this means you put both states of an image (default and hover) in one image file. Upon hover, you then shift the background-position of the element in question.

Background image shows through briefly

I have a site that uses a large centered background image, which naturally loads a tad slower than the other elements on the page. For the most part this works okay, but there is also a repeat-x background image that covers the background for large monitors. The only problem is that this smaller file loads first and flashes briefly before the large image loads fully. Is there a way to have the large image load first so it is in place before the repeating background image loads? Thanks!
I don't know whether there is a way to accomplish that but you can use either javascript or jquery to change your dom elements show priority.
There's no way using strictly css to absolutely control the order images load.
The browser will try to download the images in the order they're listed in the css file, so putting your large background iage first will help, but the download time is gonna make it a moot point more than likely.
You could load the larger background via javascript once the rest of the DOM has loaded if it's worth going that far.
I figured out the answer to my own question: Instead of repeating the whole pattern of the upper body, I used only the pattern portion that is where the main content is. This loads quickly and looks natural behind the content while the large image loads. Thanks Aaron for the reply.
