Use Google font or host font myself [closed] - css

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Closed 8 years ago.
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On my current project I am using a font which is currently hosted on The font is "free" so I can get a copy and put it on my server.
My question is; is there any benefit to hosting it on Google vs having it on my own server? I've already got two other paid fonts hosted on my own server (using #font-face with fallbacks). So I was thinking of bringing the other font across, having it all in one place.
But I wasnt sure if there is anything I'm not considering? Is google fonts significantly faster/better performance etc?

Google could be faster than your server depending on your server's bandwidth and load. However some negatives to hosting on google are:
The Item could be removed leading to problems with your site could be an extra DNS lookup adding time to your site's load process
I personally hate hotlinking
If dns entry is caches potentially faster proformance
Less data use to your server

A problem I've encountered with self hosting google fonts is that google serves different woff files for different OS and Browsers, sometimes even with the same name. This is due to different type rendering engines in Windows and OS that make perceptible differences in fonts width's between, for example, Chrome in Windows and Chrome in Mac. Let's say it's more complicated to self host fonts cross Browsers and os. Here is an interesting project focused on this type of subtile problems.
On the other hand it could be important to self host fonts in security-relevant sites.
Perhaps this would have merited only a comment, but I can not do it yet.


Should we enable CDN for a single live stream for 10,000 geographically spread users? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Trying to understand the benefits of CDN for a live company-wide town meeting. I understand how it would help for Azure blob streaming, but what about live video? If there's nothing to cache does a CDN offer any benefit?
The whole point of a CDN is content distribution over a large geographic area. If you are expecting viewers to come from all over the world then having a CDN would enable your content to be delivered from a closer location to that user.
It could have benefits for you even locally as well depending where you are. Some areas have a few Azure regions near them so it may well provide some benefit there.
One thing for certain is that you won't see a performance hit by using a CDN. Ultimately it's down to if the Azure Streaming Endpoint could support 10,000 viewers or if you'll need to CDN back it, I've done live streaming to more than that before without a CDN before the integration existed and it was fine but I would personally still look to make use of the CDN.
You can find more details on it over in this Getting Started blog post.

Is font-awesome used to serve commercial webfonts? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have two related questions. Is font-awesome used to serve commercial fonts, or just icons? And either way, how many file(s) are needed to serve font(s) using font-awesome (file names are also welcome)?
As explanation: my client has a commercial webfont license on their website, and wants me to use it in an HTML5 'app' (interactive visuals) that will be embedded on their site. I don't have access to their site / domain / server, but I need to provide the code so it will work with their font libraries. They have given me this link to font-awesome and said that is all I need to do so.
I am pretty sure there must be at least one other CSS file needed, and maybe other details. I am not the HTML5 developer myself, but I have a good handle on the technology of this and develop in several other software languages. He is used to converting non-commercial fonts online, but not using this type of service.
I cannot find any docs or examples of font-awesome being used this way, pretty much only for icons. I would really appreciate knowing exactly what to ask for, or even if they are giving me the right path to follow, since the corporate communication chain doesn't give me access to their web site developer.
FontAwesome needs one css file and 6 font files.
The link above is a css which gets those 6 font files on that cdn server. (look at the top of that file)
You can embed that link or provide the files yourself by downloading them.
You can go to and download it to see for yourself.

Is there any way to check if this is working fine [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We have subscribed for CDN (content delivery network) for our website.
Is there any way to (any online tool to display) see the server locations available.
Is there any way to check if this is working fine?
I used
Look at the Response header for Server. Previously mine was Apache/2.2.22, after setting up cloudflare it was still Apache/2.2.22, but using web sniffer it showed it as cloudflare-nginx.
previously I'd been looking at response headers in chrome dev tools, but web sniffer gave different server response headers ?!
You can use a tool like this to measure page/resource load times at various places on the globe. If the CDN setup up is really working it should consistently show similar response times from all the locations, if not it will be lesser at the location closer to where the site is physically hosted and will increase as you go physically away from it.
Full guide is here :
If you want to check if the CDN has improved the page loading speed for your visitors worldwide, you can use performance testing tools like pingdom or gtmetrix and select different locations to test the load time. However, for each location, you will need to run the test twice as during the first run the CDN is expected to take longer than the usual because it has to fetch those files at that geography first before delivery.
If you want to check the number of locations of a CDN, you can get an idea of it with tools like CDN Latency Benchmark. This gives you the latency of the CDN at the world level, plus gives you the list of IPs the CDN resolves to in different countries.

Regarding platform-dependent issue while purchasing space (for domain) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to create a Website for that I am using technology,Since I am Actually Buying a domain and web hosting space for it. Before that I have question regarding some doubts.
I have seen Website . As everyone Knows that is platform dependent and I want my Website should open everywhere with same look and feel. And Someone have told me there will be no issue for platform Dependency,You only need to choose Server with windows and deploy Your website there. and after that everybody will be able to open website with same look. Now My question is that if that's the thing is there then why the issue of platform Independent for(java EE,Php) website is there.
Please Clarify my doubts.
Platfrom independence in this case is only a concern for the server, not the client.
A normal website can be openened in all mainstream browsers, on Mac, Linux or Windows or mobile clients. So it will work everywere. is platform dependent.
This is not true.
An website can be installed on any web-server provided it has .net framework installed on it. Most modern age windows servers has it. Hence, whoever told you that
choose Server with windows and deploy Your website there. and after
that everybody will be able to open website with same look
Is right.
When somebody accesses your website's page generates HTML content which is sent to client which is platform independent. Hence all clients will get same look and feel.

Hosting Javascript/CSS file on CDN similar to Google hosting jQuery [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am wondering if there are any hosts or if I can host my file (JS & CSS) on Google so that they are cached and load real quick (due to CDN and gzip).
A number of my customers use these files and I would prefer if they could somehow include this to file to receive the JS file. Ideally with filename.js?publickey=sdfgsdfg (which will be tied to a particular domain name).
The problem is that my hosting needs are very small- only about 100kb.
Any suggestions? My problem is that the customers using the JS & CSS file, have no clue about gzipping content or caching (as their shared hosts do not support it), as a result causes the JS/CSS to take forever to load. Am wondering if I can leverage an existing free service, or I do not mind paying either. allows you to submit a pull request to their GitHub account to get a JavaScript library on their CDN. I've been attempting to get a CSS library added on their forum old and abandoned forum.
If you're comfortable with the Amazon cloud platform, you can use CloudFront. You don't need to use it with S3, but you can.
You can try Amazon AWS CloudFront for quick content delivery. Amazon CloudFront works seamlessly with any origin server, which stores the original, definitive versions of your files.
Here comes the JQGrid CDN Link!jqgrid
Use Cloudflare. It will take care of all your JS CSS files, with added security to your whole system.
Try SimpleCDN. You can store your files very cheap and the traffic is also not that expensive. Number of people have complained to their service - I have no objections.
