Integrated Windows Authentication for Multiple Domains -

I have website for domain A users with the Integrated Windows Authentication.
Now users from domain B need to access the website.
But Domain B users receive pop-up window to input the authenticated information when they access the website
My question is:
How to configure the IIS or Windows Server to allow Domain B users to access the website without the pop-up windows for authentication, just like the users from Domain A.

Check that you have a trust configured
Verify this by trying to add domains users from domain B to the file system where your IIS site is located.
Verify that the correct user group from domain B has access to file system where your IIS site is located. ( if not using domain users from domain B ).
Verify that the user that is testing from domain B has the correct group memberships.
And if running Kerberos authentication.
Check on client where the user is if you have a kerberos ticket by using command
"klist tickets"


ADFS, SharePoint On-prem

We have a SharePoint 2016 farm with 8 servers. Also, the load balancer server is functioning to balance the request between the web-front-end server(s). The web application is configured to use the ADFS as an additional authentication provider while the default is "Windows Authentication NTLM" also using at the same time in the default zone. As the web application has two authentication providers - ADFS and Windows - every time the user has to select the authentication method. If "Windows auth" is selected the user will enter his or her internal Active Directory account manually to login into and if the user selects ADFS, request go to ADFS and redirecte to Azure login as the relying party and a claim is configured. The ADFS thing is ok for me as it is working as expected.
But I want to resolve the intranet users in intranet network itself (Pass-Through Authentication). As we know ADFS has the capability to authenticate intranet users in company networks by setting up the ADFS property by Set-AdfsProperties -IntranetUseLocalClaimsProvider $true to have all intranet users use AD and not be redirected to Azure AD but somehow it's not affecting anything. The cmd is runing successfully but not working.
Is there any additional configuration related to ADFS or SharePoint which needs to be done to archive pass-through authentication or autologin for intranet users who have logged into the machine using AD accounts?
enter image description here

Can I use forms authentication if machine is not part of a domain?

I have successfully configured forms authentication in an ASP.NET website and able to login using my domain's account. I am now deploying to out UAT server which is hosted on Amazon, UAT server is not part of a domain and it is on a workgroup, I have created a local user and trying to login but unable to login. I am have tried these user name combinations
Can I use forms authentication if machine is not part of a domain?

Getting multiple domains in Active Directory

I have a .Net application hosted on IIS with Windows Authentication enabled. We are in network Domain A. Our company has a few set up of people on Domain B. When Domain A users access this site, IE prompts with a login dialog box, where they provide Domain A user name and password. They logs-in to the site automatically. When Domain B users access this URL, they don't get this prompted.
I'm not sure if this is the right question... but how do I get prompt for Domain B users? What do I need to add to IIS or firewall?
To resolve the issue, I had to open up AD Users and Computers on the Server --> enable Advanced Features --> Select the Computer Object --> Properties --> Security --> Add the Group I want to allow access to the computer (in this case, DomainA\Domain users) and allow "Allowed to Authenticate". If you are not sure where and how to do this, you can talk to your Server Admin team. They should know where to do these steps.
I found solution in an IIS forum in case someone is interested...

Windows Authentication between 2 domains without trust

We have web application running on Domain A with working Windows Authentication.
Our customer now wants to authenticate users from Domain B to this website, but we are not allowed to have trust between Domain A and Domain B.
Windows Authentication is not required for the users from Domain B, but Windows Authentication for Domain A should still work.
Does anyone know if this is possible to do?
We are using .net framework 4.0.
what about creating restricted accounts in the domain A for these users?
what about creating local accounts on the server in domain A for these users?
or, you can use Active Directory Federation Services

Windows authentication with ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider

I have an issue with my website authentication.
I'm building an website that needs to use the same single sign on as an intranet site.
My idea was to use windows authentication on the website to get the user credentials and then use LDAP to authenticate them against our client's Domain controller.
The website in question is hosted on a server outside the client's domain.
I've tried using the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider but i cannot get it to work with integrated authentication.
My issue is that my i cannot get windows authentication to use LDAP as a membership provider. At the moment, windows authentication gets the user credentials, tries to authenticate them against users on the computer and fails as the web server is not on the domain. I want to get the credentials and send them using LDAP to a domain controller that will authenticate them.
Is there a way i can do integrated authentication using and LDAP connection for authentication?
If your website is Hosted on the Server outside the Client's Domain then you can not get the User Authenticated.
Because when you send the Credential to the Hosted Server there is a Location object in the Domain Server, and it will try to find that specified User first locally where you have hosted your website and then to the Doamin Server that have been specified in location(though we can also set the priority)
If it doesn't found any user locally then
After that it will Send request to the Domain Server with those Credentials.
In your case First it will not found that Domain Server name in the location object to which you want it to communicate with.
For ex:
PrincipalContext pr = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "corp.local", "dc=corp,dc=local", username, password);
Here Corp.Local is the Domain name which is in my Location object and Username and Password of that user which have administrative rights for Edit/Update/Delete any user in Domain server.
So the whole process goes again and when the specified Domain Server is found in the Location object then it will make communication with that Domain and generate a TOKEN
The Only Solution for your case is that you need to replicate all your user from Client Server to your Domain Server or else you need to make TRUST between two domain servers.
Hope this is what you are looking for.!!
