R plot, x-axis and y-axis touching - r

My problem concerns the making of a graph for a publication in R. I have used the plot function like follows:
plot(x=data$SL, y=data$BD, xlab = "SL (mm)", ylab = "BD (mm)", pch=data$pch)
SL ranges from 51.7 to 73.7 and BD from 13.5 to 20.4. Unfortunately I am not allowed to post images yet.
However, wanting to get rid of the box I used "axes=F". Problem now is lack of control over the axis function. I used:
axis(side=1, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=c(min(data$SL):max(data$SL)))
axis(side=2, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=c(min(data$BD):max(data$BD)))
Problem is that I can't manage to get the y- and x-axis to come together on the same point as in the plot with the box. How to let the x- and y- axis to touch each other?

Most likely setting xaxs = "i" and yaxs = "i" will help you getting the desired behaviour.
plot(c(1,2,3),c(2,4,6),axes=F,xaxs = "i",yaxs="i",xlim=c(0,3),ylim=c(0,6))
axis(side=1, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=0:3)
axis(side=2, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=seq(0,6,2))

Try box(bty='L') to draw only the left and bottom parts of the box. You could also just draw the lines yourself using lines, segments, or abline and using grconvertX and grconvertY functions to find the locations where to draw the lines.

I suggest that you follow the procedure you outlined and then use:
box(which = "plot", bty = "l")
plot.window(xlim = c(1, 18), ylim = c(2, 20))
points(1:18, 2:19, pch = 1, col = "#FF7F24", cex = 1.2)
lines(1:18, 2:19, col = "#FF7F24", lwd = 2)
axis(side = 1,
lwd = 0,
lwd.ticks = 1,
at = 1:18,
cex.axis = 0.9)
title(main = "Plot",
ylab = "Y-Axis")
legend = c("Legend"),
col = c("#FF7F24"),
text.col = c("#FF7F24"),
pch = 1,
bty = "n",
cex = 1.2)
axis(side = 2,
lwd = 0,
lwd.ticks = 1)
box(which = "plot", bty = "l")
You should pass the options lwd = 0 and lwd.ticks = 1 to your seperate axis() calls in order to prevent some parts of your axes to appear fatter than other parts of your axis because some get overlayed by your call to box() and some do not.
The solution of using box() at the end is, I think, more general in that you can use it when e.g. you cannot or do not want to pass bty = "l" in your plot.default or plot.window call.


R Base Plot suppress axis line but show ticks

I am having the following issue with the axis() function.
at=1:length(stringi::stri_rand_strings(21, 15)),
labels=stringi::stri_rand_strings(21, 15),
mgp = c(0,1,0),
col = title_colour,
col.ticks = title_colour
,lty = "solid",
cex.axis = 1,las=2,cex=0.75)
But whatI really need are the tickmarks without the continuous x'x line connecting the ticks:
How do I accomplish this using axis()??
Set col to NA but col.ticks to a value:
plot(1, type = 'n', axes = FALSE)
axis(1, c(0.75, 1, 1.25), col = NA, col.ticks = 1)
(Note my reproducible and minimal example, try to include that in your question!)

placing legend outside a dynamically changing plot R

In my R code below, I have two situations each resulting in a different plot depending on S being larger OR smaller than 1. I was wondering how I can take out (move up) the current legend and put it above the plot at the same place for either of the resulting plots?
Note: Due to Y axis being on log-scale, I have used 10^par('usr')[4] but I need to add a number to 10^par('usr')[4] (i.e., (10^par('usr'))[4] + a number) such that "this number" puts the legend in the exact same place above either of the resulting plots?
Here is the R code:
S <- 0.25 ### !!! Change this to "24" and see how another plot will appear !!! ###
Ur <- c(0.25, 24, 16)
plot(1, 1, type = "n", xlim = c(0,1.5), ylim = c(1/3, 100), log="y", bty="n", ann=F, axes=F, xaxs="i")
axis(side=1, at = seq(0,1.5,.25),labels = c("0",".25",".5",".75","1","1.25","1.5"))
axis(side=2, at = c(1/3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100),labels = c("1/3", "1", "3", "10", "30", "100"),las=1)
plot(1, 1, type = "n", xlim = c(0,1.5), ylim = c(.01, 3), log="y", bty="n", ann=F ,axes=F, xaxs="i")
axis(side=1, at = seq(0,1.5,.25),labels = c("0",".25",".5",".75","1","1.25","1.5"))
axis(side=2, at = c(.01, 1/30, 1/10, 1/3, 1, 3),labels = c("1/100", "1/30", "1/10", "1/3", "1", "3"),las=1)
legend(0, (10^par("usr"))[4], bquote(paste("Selected Prior: ",bold('PN'[10])," = ", .(round(S,3)))), ## Legend
pch = 21,cex=2,pt.bg="green", col="red", pt.cex=2.8, bty="n")
You can use the inset argument in legend.To do so, you need to use legend location as a word. In your case, "topleft". This way, you do not need to provide specific location based on your "y".
The inset argument allows you to offset the legend. In the present case, the y is offset by -0.03.
I also use par(xpd=TRUE)to expand the allowed plotting space. Finally, I also changed the font size to produce the following charts.
legend("topleft", legend=bquote(paste("Selected Prior: ",bold('PN'[10])," = ", .(round(S,3)))), ## Legend
pch = 21,cex=1,pt.bg="green", col="red", pt.cex=2, bty="n", inset=c(0,-0.03))

How to force R plots y axis to start at y=0 and keep the color?

I am now trying to plot the Probability Density Functuion of some data, and I find the is some distance between y=0and x axis. I tried to set yaxs="i", but then the x axis will become grey. Is there any solution? Thanks. Here is an example
As you can see, the color of the x axis will become grey. How to make it black?
The reason you get the gray line is that you are calling plot.density when you pass an object class density to plot. plot.density has a zero.line argument which is set to TRUE and plots the gray line using abline(h = 0, lwd = 0.1, col = "gray") by default (see stat:::plot.density for code). You need to set zero.line to FALSE.
plot(density(nums), yaxs="i",
xlab="", ylab="", main="",
zero.line = FALSE)
You can control the upper ylim too if you want to give some more room at the top than yaxs = "i" would give otherwise. Of course, you still need zero.line = FALSE to not plot the gray zero line.
plot(density(nums), yaxs="i",
xlab="", ylab="", main="",
zero.line = FALSE,
ylim = c(0, 0.5)) # put whatever you want here instead 0.5
An alternative solution would be to cover the gray line with another line:
plot(density(nums), yaxs="i",
xlab="", ylab="", main="")
abline(h = 0)
If you specify the ylim, it should work.
d <- density(rnorm(100))
plot(d, xlab = "", ylab = "", ylim = c(0,max(d$y)), yaxs = "i")
you could also specify
par(col.axis = "black")
Looks as follows, i.e., starting at 0 and keeping the color.
d <- density(rnorm(100))
plot(d, xlab = "", ylab = "", ylim = c(0,max(d$y)+.05), yaxs = "i",
col.axis = "black")

Plots side by side in R. Controling size accurately

I need to put 2 columns of plots side by side (only one row in the example) and I can't manage to control the size of the plots and the position of the labels so that both plots are exactly aligned. This is the code the have now:
par(oma=c(0,1,0,0), mai=c(0.6,0.36,0.5,0.7), cex=0.5, mgp = c(0.5,0.1, 0), tck = -0.05)
plot(datos$UN.CJF*1000, datos$Methane.Produced.CJF, pch = 16, cex = 0.5, col ="black",
xlab = "UN (g/d)", ylab = expression('CH'[4]*'(g/d)'))
title(main = "a)", cex=0.8, line=0.5, adj=0, cex.lab=1.2)
datos$LWchangeD.CJF <- datos$LWchange.CJF/15
par(oma=c(0,1,0,0), mai=c(0.6,0.36,0.5,0.7), cex=0.5, mgp = c(0.5,0.1, 0), tck = -0.05)
scatter2D(datos$UN.CJF*1000, datos$Methane.Produced.CJF,
pch = 16,
xlab = "UN (g/d)", ylab = "",
colvar = datos$LWchangeD.CJF, clab = c("Liveweight change (kg/d)")
title(main = "b)", cex=0.8, line=-0.7, adj=0, cex.lab=1.2)
Notice how the size of the 2 figs is different
There must be a better way to do it.
Any help would be MUCH appreciated
grid.arrange did the trick, but I first re-did all my plots in ggplot2.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions

R plot, change scale of values for plot axis

I am doing a plot with R, the code for stacked bar and axis 2 are simple, here is the code for line and axis 4:
type = "o",
pch = 20,
lwd = 2,
cex = 1.2,
lty = 1,
col ="forestgreen")
at = getYaxis(0,1,0.01, 3), # function to get 3 values for axis
labels = getYaxis(0,1,0.01, 3),
col.axis= "forestgreen",
las = 1,
cex.axis= 0.7,
col = "forestgreen",
line = 0)
then I found the min and max value: 0.46, 0.68 , and want to use them as axis, so the changing of line can be seen more obviously(the red line).
labels = getYaxis(min(theLineValues),max(theLineValues),0.01,3),
How would I scale the 'theLineValues' to do this?
Update 1: the code for 'y':
y <- barplot(
combinedvalues, # it's list of 3-combined values.
col = c("slategray1","darkseagreen1","moccasin"),
beside = FALSE,
border = "grey80",
las = 1,
cex.axis= 1.0,
ann = FALSE,
ylim = c(0,1),
yaxt = "n")
Update 2: the combined values:
these values are in .csv file, and use the following to get the 'combinedvalues' and pass it to 'y':
# frame0+frame1+frame2 shoud be 1, theLineValues were calculated by some formulas.
the csv file:
frame0 frame1 frame2 theLineValues
0.4460203874 0.2271394791 0.3268401336 0.4674583872
0.4473756948 0.2084173711 0.3442069341 0.4796977238
0.5296042291 0.1570493286 0.3133464423 0.570317484
0.5255498752 0.1234146373 0.3510354875 0.6095475721
0.5405768621 0.119299957 0.3401231808 0.6251561825
0.5657840709 0.0916650587 0.3425508703 0.6896446583
0.4826617968 0.0877739789 0.4295642243 0.6610089801
0.3588171226 0.122977733 0.5182051444 0.606129318
0.2608499204 0.1705417922 0.5686082874 0.595971676
0.2111782825 0.2040231107 0.5847986067 0.6057364576
0.1731616573 0.240909341 0.5859290016 0.6153720603
Update 3: the final plot:
Frames.txt is based on the three frame columns.
frames <- read.table("/your-path/frames.txt",header=T,na.string="NA")
theLineValues<-c(0.4674583872, 0.4796977238, 0.570317484, 0.6095475721, 0.6251561825, 0.6896446583, 0.6610089801, 0.606129318, 0.595971676, 0.6057364576, 0.6153720603)
barplot(t(frames), , col = c("slategray1","darkseagreen1","moccasin"))
axis(2, ylim=c(0,1))
mtext("barplot values", side=2, line=2)
plot(theLineValues, type = "l", pch = 20, xlab="", ylab="", col = "forestgreen", lwd=2, ylim=c(min(theLineValues), max(theLineValues)), axes=FALSE)
axis(4, ylim=c(min(theLineValues), max(theLineValues)))
mtext("lineValues", side=4, line=0.2)
