I can logon only to SQL> - oracle11g

All the time when I'm trying login myself to sqlplus I log on to SQL> but I don`t know what I have to do to got Main user account for example [oracle#host01~] ?

The SQL> prompt is the default in SQLPlus. You can change it on the commnadline, once logged in, to a custom string. try:
set sqlprompt "_USER'#'_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER > "
to show your user and the DB you are connected to.
from this page, we can see the following default keywords that you can use:
_CONNECT_IDENTIFIER Connection identifier used to make connection, where available.
_DATE Current date, or a user defined fixed string.
_EDITOR Specifies the editor used by the EDIT command.
_O_RELEASE Full release number of the installed Oracle Database.
_O_VERSION Current version of the installed Oracle Database.
_PRIVILEGE Privilege level of the current connection.
_SQLPLUS_RELEASE Full release number of installed SQL*Plus component.
_USER User name used to make connection.


SQL Job, Linked Server, Domain Account

I think I have tried everything but I can't figure out how to set up an SQL Job that have a T-SQL Step that performs a SELECT on a linked server.
1) I got a Domain user mydomain\SQLJob
2) I got a SQL 2017 server 'JOBSERVER' with the SQL Agent running log on as a domain user mydomain\sv_agent (this cannot be changed). No futher rights should be given to this user either.
3) On the JOBSERVER I created a linked server
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'LINKEDSERVER'
4) mydomain\SQLJob is data reader on a database on LINKEDSERVER
5) I am able to do a SELECT * FROM LINKEDSERVER... from JOBSERVER in a regular Query Window.
On JOBSERVER I have tried
And then set the job to execute in MyDatabase
I have also tried
Job Step Properties > Advanced > Run as user > mydomain\SQLJob
I have tried adding mydomain\SQLJob to the linked server on JOBSERVER both with and without Impersonate
Could someone let me know what the correct steps are ?
I found another post that stated it could not be done.
What I did instead was changing the T-SQL to a PowerShell script. Here the Run As works just fine.

APEX_MAIL.SEND function not working though its not giving any error

Have to send email from oracle apex using APEX_MAIL.SEND() method.
I am using the code:
apex_mail.send(p_to => 'tanmoydawn#gmail.com'/*l_to_addr*/,
p_from => 'tanmoydawn#gmail.com'/*l_from_addr*/,
p_bcc => l_bcc_addr,
p_subj => l_mail_sub,
p_body => 'Service Request ' || :mail_body ||
'Note:- This is a system generated Email. Please DO NOT REPLY to it.');
when others then
INSERT INTO send_mail_error_test VALUES ('Send_mail',systimestamp,:service_request_id||'-err:'||seq_service_req_error_id.NEXTVAL);
*** all the variables contain correct values
Working with a database and that database has ACL(access control list) access
In apex administrative services, Configured instance settings for email as hostname, port , email provisioning enabled.
UTL_SMTP package is installed
From the same process, at the same point of control flow a code to send mail using utl_Smtp is working fine, though that apex_mail.send() is not working.
That apex_mail.send() is not giving any error or exception, but i am not recieving email from it.
Have one confusion, got some solutions like that, 'APEX_040200' should have been added to ACL. But the database I am using and implementing the code on it, say 'apex_user' is already added to ACL. Even now do I have to add 'APEX_040200' or 'APEX_050200' to ACL?
can anyone help me out and give me a fruitful solution? I am using apex
As can be found in the apex_mail api documentation:
Before you can send email from an Application Builder application, you
Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services and
configure the email settings on the Instance Settings page. See
"Configuring Email" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.
If you are running Oracle Application Express with Oracle Database 11g
release 1 (11.1), you must enable outbound mail. In Oracle Database
11g release 1 (11.1), the ability to interact with network services is
disabled by default. See "Enabling Network Services in Oracle Database
11g" in Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide.
You specified instance settings are ok. Your "database has ALC access" doesn't mean anything. Do you mean you have a database which uses network ACLs? (11g or higher)
That same documentation links to "the Enabling Network Services in Oracle Database 11g or Later" documentation
This document does not leave you guessing:
By default, the ability to interact with network services is disabled
in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 or 2 or later. Therefore, if you are
running Oracle Application Express with Oracle Database 11g Release 1
or 2 or later, you must use the new DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN package to
grant connect privileges to any host for the APEX_050000 database
user. Failing to grant these privileges results in issues with:...
If you have an older version of apex, eg 4.2, the user to grant to is another one, and can be found in the documentation. Alternatively, you can just find out
by for example querying the ALL_USERS view and find the APEX_###### users, pick the one with the highest version number:
select *
from all_users
where username like 'APEX%'
order by username;
in our case, it was a job, ORACLE_APEX_MAIL_QUEUE, which had status 'RUNNING' for 8 days. Apparently, it held some kind of lock on the queue or mailprocess
We killed the job and that was it.
(see dba_scheduler_jobs for the job & status)
I guess you should do as they say here, but with the proper APEX version, as you guessed... try various, with APEX_050000 (rather than APEX_050200 that would imply APEX 5.2 - not released yet):
-- Look for the ACL currently assigned to '*' and give APEX_050000
-- the "connect" privilege if APEX_050000
-- does not have the privilege yet.
-- When no ACL has been assigned to '*'.
'ACL that lets power users to connect to everywhere',
'APEX_050000', TRUE, 'connect');
I had this same problem. Could send email using utl_smtp, but could not with apex_mail.send. Turned out I had an extra space in the smtp server url.
Email server for APEX is setup in the APEX Instance workspace. Check "Manage Instance' > 'Instance Settings' > 'Email' > 'SMTP Host Address'
Also try checking the Logs in 'Monitor Activity' in the Instance Workspace.

"Could not find stored procedure <Proc Name Here>"

I am trying to add an control to my page. I am following the wizard. Step 1, I select my connection string. The connection works, no error messages. Step 2, I choose "Specify a custom SQL statement or stored Procedure" radio button. Step 3, in the "SELECT" tab I click the "Stored Prodedure" radio button, then select the stored procedure I would like to use. I take this as confirmation that the connection string is working. Step 4, I press the "Test Query" button.
A pop up appears with the message "There was an error executing the query. Please check the syntax of the command and if present, the types and values of the parameters and ensure they are correct. Could not find stored procedure .
I've tested the procedure in SSMS, and it works. I took the query string that is in the stored procedure and changed the radio from Step 3 to "SQL Statement" and pasted the string into the box. The statement worked fine.
I also changed the permissions for the login specified in the connection string to the same permissions I have on the server. (Full admin rights!) That did not correct the issue. I only found a few questions in the forums regarding this issue, and they all pointed to permission issues, but I have ruled that out as I set the permissions.
The Wizard can find the procedure when I am walking through the Wizard, but it can't find it when I test.
I hope someone can point me in the right direction... Thanks!
* EDIT *
Just to expand on the #BlackjacketMack's answer:
When I use the wizard to create the SqlDataSource, and select the Stored Procedure from the the list, it appears that VS is defaulting to the dbo schema at runtime, even though it displays all the sprocs in each schema. (I verified this by changing the schema the sproc was on to dbo and testing it. The results were returned with no errors.) Within the wizard, I do not see any options to change the schema. If I click the "SQL Statement" radio button and type EXECUTE [APP001].[MyStoredProcedure], it works perfectly. I did try the GRANT EXECUTE as #otaku recommended, but that did not work. I also changed the default schema for the user specified in the connection string to [APP001] to no avail. So this appears to be an issue when using the dropdowns in the wizard. Manually entering the data so that the schema can be fully qualified did the trick!
Make sure the application that you are running have the appropriate grant execute on the database objects. Sometimes they are tied to a database role such as below where the stored procedure need to have the execute permission:
GRANT EXECUTE ON ][dbo].[MyStoreProc] TO U_ExecuteProcs
Qualify your procedure with the schema If the proc has a schema 'APP001' as you indicated in a comment, make sure the Sql being passed looks something like EXEC APP001.YourStoredProcedureName.
Use a profiler! One great way to approach this problem is run a profiler on your SQL...either the MS Profiler, or we use http://anjlab.com/en/projects/opensource/sqlprofiler which used to be free. Basically, you'll see exactly what SQL your application is sending and who the login they're sending it as.
If you gave yourself admin permissions as you indicated, I wouldn't define too many object specific permissions simply because they tend to go unmaintained.
I think defining the execution context within your stored procedure will resolve the issue , Here is the link:

Restoring a database into a different instance of tridion

I have got most of the way but there seems to be a permissions issue somewhere:
Before the restore everything is working fine in my target environment - target has a server login account TCMDBUser which is mapped to my tridion_cm database user TCMDBUser
My source tridion_cm database has user TCMDBUser_DEV.
After restoring the source .bak into my target TCMDBUser_DEV is orphaned.
I edit the TRUSTEES table to correct MTSUser and my admin log accounts for my target environment and run the following to fix up my orphaned database user:
sp_change_users_login #Action='update_one',
I can log back in to Tridion explorer and see the expected list of publications and can walk through the tree structure but when I come to a folder which should contain items I see nothing with error:
and the corresponding event log error is:
Unable to get list of SDL Tridion Content Manager items.
Error Code:
0x80040000 (-2147221504)
Call stack:
You will need to delete/drop the TCMDBUser_DEV form the DB and then create a new one with the same name and password (or reattach it to your cm DB). That should fix your problem.
I normally use the delete method with MS SQL server. I believe this occurs due to the ownership status that the TCMDBUser has on the database Schema.
When complete your TCMDBUser user should have the following permissions on your Tridion_CM database
Like Chris mentioned, I always drop the user from the database and then assign the existing TCMDBUser in SQL Server the rights to the restored database. You can drop the user with the following command (on the restored database):
EXEC sp_dropuser TCMDBUser
Then through the SQL Server - Security - Logins, you request the properties of your TCMDBUser and in the User Mapping add the following database roles: db_datareader, db_datawriter and db_ddladmin.
That's what I've always done in the past and works for me, not sure if its all required, but worth a try I guess
Try creating new user TCMDBUser in the database and run the following command
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'TCMDBUser', 'TCMDBUser'

Complains of a user that does not exist

I've specified the user of my application pool to be SERVER4\IUSR_SERVER4. And then I added this user to the SQL Server. But when I try to connect to the database I get the following error:
Server Error in '/BSHHD' Application.
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'SERVER4\Administrator'.
What's driving me mad is there's no user named SERVER4\Administrator. What do I have to do in order to be able to properly connect to this SQL Server database from my website?
P.S. I think this is related with Membership authentication. Now I need to find out how Membership accesses SQL Server and where the login credentials are specified
The thing is, the app pool user is not necessarily the user you use to connect to MSSQL (as a guy in the comments already stated). After seeing your connection string, this is probably the case, and maybe, just maybe, the problem is not the user but it's default database.
I've had this error in the past: Try setting the user you use in the connection string (clerk's) default database to something else. This error is common when you've set a default database for a user before and now the database doesn't exist anymore or is having some problems.
You can change the user's default database using something like this:
Exec sp_defaultdb #loginame='clerk', #defdb='dok'
You can also use something like this but I've never used it:
Also, there's no need to set the integrated security to false because it is the default value already. I hope this helps =)
