I need to compare the values stored in two variables.The variable sizes are different. For example
x = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
y = c(2,6,11,12,13)
I need an answer that 2 and 6 are present in both variables. I need this to be done in R.Anyone help please.
The intersect function avoids the need for #mdsumner's simple indexing:
> x = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
> y = c(2,6,11,12,13)
> intersect(x,y)
[1] 2 6
Whole bunch of set operators to be found here: help(intersect)
Posted after the added requirement that some sort of tolerance be allowed: You could sequentially check one set of values against all the others in the second set or you could do it all at once with outer(). Once you have the outer result as a logical matrix there remains the task of referring back to the values, but expand.grid seems capable of handling that:
expand.grid(x,y)[outer(x,y, FUN=function(x,y) abs(x-y) < 0.01), ]
# Var1 Var2
#2 2 2
#16 6 6
After posting It occurred to me that you values were sorted. Turns out that this extraction from expand.grid() survives passing unsorted vectors.
x[x %in% y]
[1] 2 6
Or, more explicitly:
x[match(x, y, nomatch = 0) > 0]
[1] 2 6
Note that you actually chain together the results of the match with simple indexing into the input values.
See ?match.
I read that using seq_along() allows to handle the empty case much better, but this concept is not so clear in my mind.
For example, I have this data frame:
a b c d
1 1.2767671 0.133558438 1.5582137 0.6049921
2 -1.2133819 -0.595845408 -0.9492494 -0.9633872
3 0.4512179 0.425949910 0.1529301 -0.3012190
4 1.4945791 0.211932487 -1.2051334 0.1218442
5 2.0102918 0.135363711 0.2808456 1.1293810
6 1.0827021 0.290615747 2.5339719 -0.3265962
7 -0.1107592 -2.762735937 -0.2428827 -0.3340126
8 0.3439831 0.323193841 0.9623515 -0.1099747
9 0.3794022 -1.306189542 0.6185657 0.5889456
10 1.2966537 -0.004927108 -1.3796625 -1.1577800
Considering these three different code snippets:
# Case 1
for (i in 1:ncol(df)) {
# Case 2
for (i in seq_along(df)) {
# Case 3
for(i in df) print(median(i))
What is the difference between these different procedures when a full data.frame exists or in the presence of an empty data.frame?
Under the condition that df <- data.frame(), we have:
Case 1 falling victim to...
Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : subscript out of bounds
while Case 2 and 3 are not triggered.
In essence, the error in Case 1 is due to ncol(df) being 0. This leads the sequence 1:ncol(df) to be 1:0, which creates the vector c(1,0). In this case, the for loop tries to access the first element of the vector 1, which tries to access column 1 does not exist. Hence, the subset is found to be out of bounds.
Meanwhile, in Case 2 and 3 the for loop is never executed since there are no elements to process within their respective collections since the vectors are empty. Principally, this means that they have length of 0.
As this question specifically relates to what the heck is happening to seq_along(), let's take a traditional seq_along example by constructing a full vector a and seeing the results:
a <- runif(5)
#[1] 1 2 3 4 5
In essence, for each element of the vector a, there is a corresponding index that was created by seq_along to be accessed.
If we apply seq_along now to the empty df in the above case, we get:
# integer(0)
Thus, what was created was a zero length vector. Its mighty hard to move along a zero length vector.
Ergo, the Case 1 poorly protects the against the empty case.
Now, under the traditional assumption, that is there is some data within the data.frame, which is a very bad assumption for any kind of developer to make...
df <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(40), 4))
All three cases would be operating as expected. That is, you would receive a median per column of the data.frame.
[1] -0.5555419
[1] -0.4941011
[1] -0.4656169
[1] -0.605349
I'm looking for a way to exclude a number of answers from a length function.
This is a follow on question from Getting R Frequency counts for all possible answers In sql the syntax could be
select * from someTable
where variableName not in ( 0, null )
Id <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
ClassA <- c(1,NA,3,1,1)
ClassB <- c(2,1,1,3,3)
R <- c(5,5,7,NA,9)
S <- c(3,7,NA,9,5)
df <- data.frame(Id,ClassA,ClassB,R,S)
ZeroTenNAScale <- c(0:10,NA);
R.freq = setNames(nm=c('R','freq'),data.frame(table(factor(df$R,levels=ZeroTenNAScale,exclude=NULL))));
S.freq = setNames(nm=c('S','freq'),data.frame(table(factor(df$S,levels=ZeroTenNAScale,exclude=NULL))));
# 5
How would I change
to get an answer of 4 by excluding 0 and NA?
We can use colSums,
#[1] 4
You can use sum to calculate the sum of integers. if NA's are found in your column you could be using na.rm(), however because the NA is located in a different column you first need to remove the row containing NA.
Our solution is as follows, we remove the rows containing NA by subsetting S.freq[!is.na(S.freq$S),], but we also need the second column freq:
sum(S.freq[!is.na(S.freq$S), "freq"])
# 4
You can try na.omit (to remove NAs) and subset ( to get rid off all lines in freq equal to 0):
subset(na.omit(S.freq), freq != 0)
S freq
4 3 1
6 5 1
8 7 1
10 9 1
From here, that's straightforward:
length(subset(na.omit(S.freq), freq != 0)$freq)
[1] 4
Does it solve your problem?
Just add !is.na(S.freq$S) as a second filter:
length(S.freq$freq[S.freq$freq!=0 & !is.na(S.freq$S)])
If you want to extend it with other conditions, you could make an index vector first for readability:
idx <- S.freq$freq!=0 & !is.na(S.freq$S)
You're looking for values with frequency > 0, that means you're looking for unique values. You get this information directly from vector S:
and leaving NA aside you get answer 4 by:
Regarding your question on how to exclude a number of items based on their value:
In R this is easily done with logical vectors as you used it in you code already:
you can combine different conditions to one logical vector and use it for subsetting e.g.
length(S.freq$freq[S.freq$freq!=0 & !is.na(S.freq$freq)])
Part of a function I'm working on uses the following code to take a data frame and reorder its columns on the basis of the largest (absolute) value in each column.
ord <- order(abs(apply(dfm,2,function(x) x[which(abs(x) == max(abs(x)), arr.ind = TRUE)])))
For the most part, this works fine, but with the dataset I'm working on, I occasionally get data that looks like this:
a <- rnorm(10,5,7); b <- rnorm(10,0,1); c <- rep(1,10)
dfm <- data.frame(A = a, B = b, C = c)
> dfm
1 0.6438373 -1.0487023 1
2 10.6882204 0.7665011 1
3 -16.9203506 -2.5047946 1
4 11.7160291 -0.1932127 1
5 13.0839793 0.2714989 1
6 11.4904625 0.5926858 1
7 -5.9559206 0.1195593 1
8 4.6305924 -0.2002087 1
9 -2.2235623 -0.2292297 1
10 8.4390810 1.1989515 1
When that happens, the above code returns a "non-numeric argument to mathematical function" error at the abs() step. (And if I get rid of the abs() step because I know, due to transformation, my data will be all positive, order() returns: "unimplemented type 'list' in 'orderVector1'".) This is because which() returns all the 1's in column C, which in turn makes apply() spit out a list, rather than a nice tidy vector.
My question is this: How can I make which() JUST return one value for column C in this case? Alternately, is there a better way to write this code to do what I want it to (reorder the columns of a matrix based on the largest value in each column, whether or not that largest value is duplicated) that won't have this problem?
If you want to select just the first element of the result, you can subset it with [1]:
ord <- order(abs(apply(dfm,2,function(x) x[which(abs(x) == max(abs(x)), arr.ind = TRUE)][1])))
To order the columns by their maximum element (in absolute value), you can do
Your code, with #CarlosCinelli's correction, should work fine, though.
I'm trying to (inner) join two data frames based on a similarity function that I have.
for example:
data1<-data.frame(a=c(1,2,3),lat=c(38.862976,37.878146,36.825658), lon=c(-99.336782,-99.326054,-98.475976))
data2<-data.frame(b=c(10,20),lat=c(38.863412,37.877333), lon=c(-99.336701,-99.325151))
and given a similarity function:
something like
The output I wish to receive is:
a b lat lon
1 1 10 38.862976 -99.336782
2 2 20 37.878146 -99.326054
Where the lat/lon belongs to one of the tables (it doesn't matter which, say the first).
All the join/merge methods I checked doesn't let you define how the join is taking place. It only lets you specify things like col1=col2.
Is there a way to do this computationally efficient (not by running with two loops on the two sets)?
I'd suggest using outer to identify (a,b) pairs that meet the criterion:
neighbormat <- outer(
dimnames(neighbormat) <- list(data1$a,data2$b)
Using the names only makes sense if a and b are unique, but I'll assume they are since the OP is using them that way. For #konvas's are.close function, this gives
10 20
To get the (a,b) pairs that meet the criterion, use
ns <- which(neighbormat,arr.ind=TRUE,use.names=TRUE)
dimnames(ns) <- list(NULL,c("a","b"))
a b
[1,] 1 1
[2,] 2 1
[3,] 1 2
[4,] 2 2
It's straightforward to merge these back to the original data. (Taking an arbitrary (lat,lon) as the OP does, seems like a very bad idea, though.)
Here is an approach using dplyr. I have assumed that are.close() is vectorised and returns TRUE/FALSE, for example this will work with a function like are.close <- function(a, b, c, d) (a-c)^2 + (b-d)^2 < 1
expand.grid(a = data1$a, b = data2$b) %>%
left_join(data1, by = "a") %>%
left_join(data2, by = "b") %>%
mutate(close = are.close(lat.x, lon.x, lat.y, lon.y)) %>%
I wouldn't know of a function that does this (but there of course might be...), so I would try writing some code myself. Which might be difficult depending on the data. But assuming that couples are really clear (e.g. the latitude of point 1 could be closest to b 10, whereas the longitude might be closer to b 20, etc.) this might be the beginning of something to work with:
data1<-data.frame(a=c(1,2,3),lat=c(38.862976,37.878146,36.825658), lon=c(-99.336782,-99.326054,-98.475976))
data2<-data.frame(b=c(10,20),lat=c(38.863412,37.877333), lon=c(-99.336701,-99.325151))
# calculate which is the closest value
closest=function(x,to=to) to[which.min(abs(to - x))]
data1$lat=sapply(data1$lat_original,function(x) closest(x,to=data2$lat))
data1$lon=sapply(data1$lon_original,function(x) closest(x,to=data2$lon))
# if dataframes are not equally big: remove biggest assigned "closest values" (or doubles?)
if(nrow(data1)!=nrow(data2)) {
maxN <- function(x, N=N){
warning('N greater than length(x). Setting N=length(x)')
data1=data1[!data1$diff %in% maxN(data1$diff,N=nrow(data1)-nrow(data2)),]}
# perhaps check if doubles (two different points of data 1 assigned to the same point in data2)
#merge based on those closest values
I'm pretty new to R..
I'm reading in a file that looks like this:
1 2 1
1 4 2
1 6 4
and storing it in a matrix:
matrix <- read.delim("filename",...)
Does anyone know how to make a for statement that adds up the first and last numbers of one row per iteration ?
So the output would be:
Many thanks!
Edit: My bad, I should have made this more clear...
I'm actually more interested in an actual for-loop where I can use multiple values from any column on that specific row in each iteration. The adding up numbers was just an example. I'm actually planning on doing much more with those values (for more than 2 columns), and there are many rows.
So something in the lines of:
for (i in matrix_i) #where i means each row
#do something with column j and column x from row i, for example add them up
If you want to get a vector out of this, it is simpler (and marginally computationally faster) to use apply rather than a for statement. In this case,
sums = apply(m, 1, function(x) x[1] + x[3])
Also, you shouldn't call your variables "matrix" since that is the name of a built in function.
ETA: There is an even easier and computationally faster way. R lets you pull out columns and add them together (since they are vectors, they will get added elementwise):
sums = m[, 1] + m[, 3]
m[, 1] means the first column of the data.
Something along these lines should work rather efficiently (i.e. this is a vectorised approach):
m <- matrix(c(1,1,1,2,4,6,1,2,4), 3, 3)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 1 2 1
# [2,] 1 4 2
# [3,] 1 6 4
v <- m[,1] + m[,3]
# [1] 2 3 5
You probably can use an apply function or a vectorized approach --- and if you can you really should, but you ask for how to do it in a for loop, so here's how to do that. (Let's call your matrix m.)
results <- numeric(nrow(m))
for (row in nrow(m)) {
results[row] <- m[row, 1] + m[row, 3]
This is probably one of those 100 ways to skin a cat questions. You are perhaps looking for the rowSums function, although you might also find many answers using the apply function.