I use tmux and find one problem of it.
For example, I make 2 panes within 1 window under tmux.
In one pane, I compile Linux kernel and as you know it will output a lot of message there.
During the compilation, in another pane of tmux, when I tried to input some command, it will react very slow.
How to solve this?
With two panes, tmux has to update two portions of the screen at once. My suggestion is to let the compile running in a separate window, so that tmux doesn't need to render so much output to the visible screen, and configure some sort of monitor on the compile window so you will be notified when it is finished.
As chepner says, tmux has to send a lot more characters to update a bigger part of the screen. In my case, enabling ssh compression reduced this kind of slowness quite a lot. You can give it a try with:
ssh -C user#host
or put Compression yes into your ~/.ssh/config to make it permanent.
Question asked in June.. 2012?! ^^
If you are using X11, try a different terminal. Besides those based on xterm there are KDE's konsole and it's variants (like yakuake drop-down terminal) and GNOME's VTE and offsprings (like guake drop-down terminal :)), display update speed can be very different.
Furthermore, a rate limiting feature was implemented in march which will be in the 1.7 release out soon.
I'm trying to find a way of live-code music together with others, real time and collaboratively, like one would do in a document editor as Etherpad or Google Docs.
I have tried some specific tools for that (e.g: Troop and Flok), but I would like to stay in Neovim.
Then I tried Tmux, which is great because when a client evaluates a block of code that will be done for all clients in that session, but just one person can write at a time and that won't work for live coding together.
This really nice plugin for Neovim: Instant allows multiple clients coding together in Neovim each one with its own cursor, but it only shares text.
Is there a way for Tmux to share only the vim commands, native or from plugins, and not text? So, one could use both Tmux and Instant and have the best of both worlds.
I'm using Ubuntu Studio 22.04, NeoVim v0.8.0-dev-1081-g907fc8ac3, tmux (I couldn't find which version), scnvim and tidal-vim for livecoding.
Thank you all in advance for any directions.
Maybe something is wrong with my configuration, but when I search my tmux scrollback by typing:
<search target>
instances of search target that are interrupted by line breaks (because the tmux pane or terminal window is too narrow or search target is very long, or it's just bad luck) are not found. If I resize the pane so that an instance of search target is not interrupted by a line break, then tmux finds it.
Is there a way to perform a search with tmux that finds stuff in wrapped lines?
By the way, this is a pretty bad bug and reduces my confidence in tmux. It should not be possible to perform a search, regardless of method or configuration, that fails to finds instances of the search target. Searches are often used to confirm the presence or absence of something, and in a way tmux is providing a false negative test result. I guess I should stick with grepping files to be safe. I know there is a way to put the tmux scrollback in a file.
Kind of sad.
I am trying to configure Console2 to use the R terminal.
I created a new tab named "R" and under the shell directory I linked it to:
...\R\R-3.1.3\bin\x64\R.exe. Console 2 just hangs for a few seconds and then reappears in the corner of my desktop with the window completely resized as small as it will go. You cannot resize it in this state - it just jumps back. The only option is to quit.
If I instead link to ...\R\R-3.1.3\bin\R.exe it works fine except that if I alt-tab to another window and then return to the terminal I am unable to type anything in R tab for Console2 or delete previously typed characters. It's completely unusable and I have to restart.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
This is something I've been experiencing myself and it seems to be a bug - it happens with most other shells I used under Console2. The only solution that worked for me was to use a modified version of Console2 called ConsoleZ, which is found under: https://github.com/cbucher/console - it has many other useful options and it's more actively developed. Hope it helps.
I have clean install of spacemacs. When I press escape to enter normal mode then immediately press u it will uppercase a word. If I wait a second, it will undo last action.
I'm assuming this is evil-mode or emacs key-chord feature in action. How can I change that behavior?
Spacemacs, particularly the develop branch should just work right out of box without the delay. However, I have found that this delay happens when I am running emacs inside of tmux. You should see if you are trying to run this inside tmux or screen, and if you are, see if this problem happens when you run emacs directly inside a terminal, without a terminal multiplexer.
If tmux is your problem, you can fix this with:
set -s escape-time 0
You'll have to find the equivalent in screen if that is what is happening.
See: https://bitbucket.org/lyro/evil/issue/69/delay-between-esc-or-c-and-modeswitch
Zeroing out my delay as Ho-Sheng Hsiao suggested has served me well, but as Wesley Baugh pointed out, that has the consequence of preventing the use of ALT-key modifiers in your editors.
The Emacs-evil FAQ addresses the problem, but not very succinctly, and without a concrete recommendation.
The Neovim FAQ has a more succinct explanation, and a specific recommendation:
set-option -sg escape-time 10 # millisecond delay
This seems a rather silly question: but I can't find (for more than an hour) now a button to "reset" all standard windows.. I accidentally closed quite a lot of them during a crash. (Especially the "command window" and the signals-in-region during simulation seem to be gone permanently).
From "ModelSim User’s Manual, v10.1d", appendix F:
Most user GUI preferences are stored as Tcl variables in the .modelsim file on Unix/Linux
platforms or the Registry on Windows platforms.
You may consider to look into .modelsim, and possibly delete it, together with .modelsim.bak. The motivation for this suggestion is that .modelsim contains setup details for the layout of panes. .modelsim will (should!) be regenerated next time you open modelsim.
At the menu bar (main window), click on layout and then choose reset. Most of the windows will be reset.