Creating a chart in -

I am working on a project and need to add an additional image using the asp:chart control. Unfortunately, I've never had to use this control before and it's a bit complex to use, so I need some help.
Basically, I need to create a stacked Column chart with two legends and two columns. The first column is "income" and stacks three values. (Wages, interest and other.) The second column is "expenses" and stacks two values. (Mortgage, Other.) Each value has it's own value.
The legend for income should be on the left, the column for expenses to the right. These legends should display the texts and values for it's related value plus a 'Total' label with value.
For this task, I only have to deal with 5 values over two columns but the asp:chart control is huge and I'm drowning in all it's options. And they want it ready yesterday, so no pressure. It's already overdue... :-)
No, it's not homework. If it was, I would have practical documentation and the additional how-to information. Since my Boss expects me to add this, he just gave me absolutely no information to work with, except for the code which already contains several other charts, none of them like this one and all done by previous victims who each used their own coding style. Basically, the project code is a huge mess so useless as documentation. (And amazingly it works, as long as I only use asp:chart for these graphics.)
The biggest problem I'm having is stacking the values correctly. Since I have two columns and 3 values, it could be solved with three series, each with points for column 1 and 2. Unfortunately, this puts income and expense in the same label, which is not what I want.
If I make it 5 series, for every value one point, then the second column doesn't start at the right height. So that won't work either.

You can download Samples for Chart Control from msdn which give you complete in depth knowledge of how to use them
For learning see these blogs as well


How to plot only within a range defined by x number of bars?

I understand that I can contingently plot on the chart using range of date and time values.
However, I would like to be able to plot using a specific number of candlesticks.
For example, I would like to be able to say something like
// Within the most recent 10 bars
// If close[0] > close[1]
// plotshape()
I have tried implementing numerous variations using barstate.isrealtime or barstate.islast but I keep running into limitations.
One major problem is that, although bar_index[#] works by indexing backwards from the most recent bar, the value of bar_index[10] is not 10 but some number in the thousands (depending on the timeframe of the chart — for me its Daily = 2,616 candles, 1hr = 6,217 candles, 15m = 5,222, etc.). In other words, it counts the number of bars from the oldest bar available.
Since referencing of the bars (starting from most recent) and the index values (starting from the oldest) are conflicting--due to counting from opposite ends--I am not sure how to specify: plotshape() for the most recent 10 bars.
I am also running into trouble due to the fact that bar_index[0] occurs every single iteration of the chart's timeframe--so I am getting caught in recursive calculations when trying to do bar_index[0]-bar_index[10].
It seems that what I need is something like bar_index.islast[10]
The reason that I would like to call a plotshape() based on the number of specified candles versus since x date/time (or within date range (x,y)), is because I want my indicator to function properly regardless of which timeframe my chart is displaying:
If I am showing a monthly chart, I want to plot across the last 10 monthly bars; If I am showing a daily chart, I want to plot across the last 10 daily bars; etc.
If I am forced to use a date range, then this functionality breaks down, since I will be shown increasingly more bars for smaller timeframes.
I am able to kinda make this work by specifying the number of bars from the oldest candlestick by stating something like:
bar_index > 2600 ? : na
However, given the fact that every single time frame displays a different number of bars, this is not a workable solution for me.
Thanks for any advice.
I have been hunting around and and found that the functionality I desire is already built into the show_last argument of the various plot()functoins.
Ill leave my question posted, in case it helps someone else.
UPDATE I have been hunting around and and found that the functionality I desire is already built into the show_last = int argument of the various plot() functions.
I'll leave my question posted, in case it helps someone else.

Power View - Tables with columns of the similar data

Apologies in advance if my question is obvious but I'm new to this and having spent days searching and experimenting I cannot achieve the result I'm after.
I have a big table of data that I want to plot some graphs for, namely stacked columns and then filter these using other criteria such as date. I came across Power View and have been learning to use it hoping it will let me produce the reports I'm after rather than standard Excel graphs which are very clunky.
An example of the sort of data my tables contains is as follows although I have a lot of other columns and about 20 of the similar metric columns:
And this is the sort of graph I want to plot:
Where the red sections correspond to "R0" values, the orange "R1" and the green "R2" - they're essentially a rating; poor, ok and good. I can plot a single metric versus the items column with the stacked bar fine but cannot find a way to plot the metrics long the x axis for say a given item or sum of all items.
I've created measures using CALCULATE to filter by the rating but when I try and plot these my only option in power view is a clustered column graph where the x axis is the rating and the legend is the metrics.
I also created another small table with a single column of R0, R1 and R2 but can only link that to one metric column whereas I need it to link to all of them.
I think it's potentially a many to many mapping issue and have found a lot of links covering bridge tables and the magic CALCULATE function.
However as I'm trying to map values in a column to several other columns it doesn't seem to quite fit the many to many problem or if it does I can't see it.
I feel like what I'm after should be quite simple but I either end up with all my metric columns being made to show identical values or there's loads of cross filtering that I don't want. The "ratings" for each metric are essentially independent and I don't want to combine them in any way.
Any help is greatly appreciated and if my solution is in the links I've listed above then I'd really appreciate a bit of help with seeing it.
Thanks in advance

How do I plot two values against each other in tableau

I have two values I wish to plot against each other in tableau. They are two totals aggregated around the same date. I can get them to the point where they are plotted on a dual access against the date like so:
but any attempt to plot them against each other for correlation has come to nothing. I've tried simple conversion to scatterplot, using calculated fields, using a cross tab with subtitles and attempting to only plot the subtotals against each other all of which have failed. I could do it in Excel but have to do it in tableau.
I have consulted the official Tableau 9.0 guide, google and existing questions on Stack Overflow all to no avail. If I was doing this in BOXI, I could just select the columns and chart them. How do I do the equivalent visualisation in Tableau?
You aren't clear about what type of chart you want to make.
Do you want a scatter plot? If so, put one measure on the row shelf, the other measure on the column shelf, and one or more dimensions (such as your date) on the detail shelf to define how finely to aggregate the data. Check the aggregation functions you use (SUM, AVG) and the aggregation level for your date fields (YEAR, MONTH ...) as desired. You probably want to use the second block of date aggregations on the menu unless you want to group all January data together regardless of year.
If you want a connected scatter plot, set the mark type from automatic to line and move the date field from the detail to the path shelf. You might also then want to put the date on size, color or legend to visually show the direction of time on the line. You might need to change that field to attribute in some cases to avoid creating multiple lines.
Tableau is fantastic once you learn how it works, and get a strong understanding of how choices about treating fields as dimensions or measures, or discrete or continuous impacts the behavior. If you skim over those details, you can still make beautiful charts by following recipes, mimicking examples (and asking StackOverflow), but Tableau's behavior will seem mysterious and arbitrary.
If you take some time to learn the fundamentals about how Tableau works, it will repay your time investment. I recommend Joshua Milligan's book Learning Tableau for a good way to start, along with the training videos on the Tableau website.

JAVAFX 8 Chart: get style of existing plotted series

This is a follow up to this question which has to that day still 0 answers.
What I really want to do is having in a tableview, a column that has the symbol for the plotted data corresponding to the objects in the table view row. I have managed to generate the colours supposedly followed by the JavaFX chart. The issue I have of course is that my own colour generation works (it goes back to the first colour without fail after 8 elements), when the one from the chart has the issue outlined in my unanswered question.
I would like now to try to pick up the style actually applied to each series of the chart independently from pre-supposed rule about the default order of colours. How do I do that?
This way I could apply those to my table view and even if the colours randomly change upon reloading then at least I will know what I am looking at.
Thanks in advance for your help.
After a bit of research I found that the following code allows me to get what I want, supposing I am interested in the series at index intitem:
This will produce a ObservableList containing the following string values (here example for the series at index 8 (9th series)):
From this I can then get the information that I need. that is the colour actually applied to that curve. I can then generate a symbol to be used in my tableview.
I would still be interested in an answer to the question linked, which prompted the present question...

How to create a dyraph with multiple x-axis labels?

I'm working with a lot of rank data that would benefit from a way to simultaneously display its respective year on the x-axis. For example, I want to create the following graph adapted from the dygraph gallery:
Note how the rank information (red arrow) for a particular weekend (green arrow) are both displayed on the x axis.
I know this might not be possible with dygraphs now, at least it wasn't available in these demos, so I guess my follow up question would be are there any plans to make this possible (how about in the [r] {dygraph} package)? Apparently a plotter called flot can do this.
If indeed this feature does not exist yet, then the following, although potentially obvious to Dygraph developers, is a thought for accomplishing the task easily (perhaps I'm wrong). At first I thought it would be necessary to provide input data of the form shown in Table A
However such input is a major deviation from the existing Dygraph parser model who expects one abscissa. Such suggests that a modification to the parser to accept a "Dual Label" option, requiring that both labels be contained in a single abscissa element as in Table B, would be easier. Thereafter, with the option specified, the parser would manage CSV as it usually would with the exception that it is now "bin cognizant" and detects division between labels 1 and 2 by use of an acceptable delimiter (in this case a single quotation mark - maybe not the best choice) and divisions between label 1 abscissa elements by name change. Behind the scenes each point gets its unique x coordinate and the "Dual Label" option causes the dygraph to visually scoot up a couple pixels to accommodate an extra label. Not sure how to handle full zoomed scrolling put simply leaving a label 1 element centered until an adjacent label 1 element comes on screen is an option.
Dygraphs rule!
There's no simple way to do this with dygraphs now. As you say, there's a fairly deep assumption that there's only a single x-axis.
Your best bet would be to either modify the existing legend plugin to do this, or to create a new plugin which renders just the "Weekend 1", "Weekend 2" line. While the plugins API isn't official yet, it is at least somewhat documented.
If you get this to work, please share your code!
