How to process a google-checkout "buy-now button" transaction? -

Google-checkout has a wizard that creates the html code for the button, but how do I have my website get confirmation that the transaction has been completed (or that it wasn't)?
EDIT: I have already seen pages such as and the like. But I don't know how to implement them. For example: what is "HTTP Basic Authentication" , "HTTP request headers" , "HTTP 200 response code" , "POST" , etc.
So what I need is a simple (!) example with minimum code.

You would have to implement Google's Notification API. You can read about it here: Implementing the Notification HTML API.
In Response to:
Thanks. But unfortunately I don't know enough web developing to know
how to apply what is written there.
I'll be honest with you. Simple is relative and if you aren't familiar with some of the fundamental concepts as POST and request headers, it's likely you will never get a simple response.
Having said that, I believe the simplest solution for you is to manually confirm the transaction upon receipt of the confirmation email.
I envision that you would have some sort of management screen that displays a list of all 'pending' transactions. When you receive your confirmation email from Google, you would simply mark the corresponding transaction as having been completed. This is not entirely uncommon. In fact, since you are using single-item purchases using the Google button, this is probably the best option for you.
A more complex scenario (again not a simple solution), would be to create a service that will parse your emails and using some voodoo to map those emails to the corresponding transaction in your web app. This, though, is probably as advanced as implementing the Notification API.


Log analytics event when verifying email in firebase

Not sure if this is possible but maybe someone knows how to work around this.
I have a web application and I'm using the new analytics for firebase. I want to create a funnel for the registration process.
My funnel will look something like this
Pretty simple right. The issue is that I don't have a way of tracking when the users verify it's own email. Maybe the firebase team can add a new automatic event like the ones described here
If you want to file a feature request, Stack Overflow is not the right spot. You cn file a feature request with Firebase support.
But until such a feature is added, you'll have to implement the analytics event yourself. The most common way to do that is by sending the event from the client when you first detect that the email address is verified.
There are some subtle differences between this approach and one where the Firebase servers log it automatically, but it's as close as you can get for the moment, and relatively straightforward to implement.

Tickera WordPress Plugin, getting a PayPal IPN error e-mail

I purchased the Tickera wordpress plugin from I have repeatedly requested support from them, but they don't respond.
I installed this plugin on a client's website to sell tickets for an event. The plugin works. The visitor buys the ticket via paypal and then they are sent an e-mail with a PDF attachment of the ticket which can be scanned at the event.
The problem is that with each transaction, my client gets an e-mail from PayPal with this statement:
Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:
and then it has my client's URL with the folder where the WordPress lives and then ?ipn=paypal.
Do I need to open a IPN account on PayPal to stop the error e-mail? I have been afraid to do this, in case it screws up the function of the plugin. It is working now.
Does anyone have experience with this?
It sounds like the plugin must be setting the IPN URL using the NotifyURL parameter of API requests, or just the notify parameter in a standard HTML button/form. That would override anything you set up in your PayPal profile anyway.
It sounds like there must be some sort of a problem with the IPN script itself that is causing it to send a failure code of some sort back to PayPal's IPN server. You should be able to check your web server logs for the times that URL is getting hit and see the result there so you can look at the error and resolve it.
I would be very reluctant using this plugin - see Facebook for more than enough reasons. As to not try to say too much, I will just say "client side only validation" and "tickera == name your own price ticket system". What made this bug even worse is that it could be triggered accidentally by merely using normal browser behavior and so a kid with no knowledge of Javascript or the sort could still easily add 4 tickets, proceed to payment, click back in the browser and again proceed and get 4 tickets for the price of 1... Someone with a bit more knowledge and malicious intent could mess with a client side value array and set prices to $0.01/ea if they wished... I was consulting for someone in an attempt to clean up the mess from using this plugin and quickly discovered Tickera to be less than helpful on the support front... Best I can tell, the client-only-validation "bug" (horrible design) is still in play.. When notified of the bug, they were pretty much like "Oh, no biggie - just review all sales and cancel/refund/etc manually" - an unacceptable solution for medium/large events and just bad business for an event of any size... There are some serious security concerns with this plugin and their lack of response or support is just the icing on the cake... Beware.

Facebook App to Post HTTP GET to Timeline

A lot of the documentation online is pre open graph, and I find the Facebook developers documentation quite confusing (I'm a novice developer). Can someone please tell me, at a high level, how or where I might find out how to go about creating an app in Facebook where I can post to my business' page timeline through a single encoded HTTP GET (or similar) request.
I understand I might have to make a simple FB app and authorize it to talk with a separate web app. But I'm just looking at pointers at this stage.
well it isn't quite correct that you can only find pre-open graph things on Facebook. Anyhow, to post, you need an access token.
What you seek to do is update your fan page via app, if I get it correctly.
That isn't done with just one url: you need to call at least two:
1) one call is to authorize the app and get an access token
2) the second call is to get your accounts (fan pages) with ids and access tokens
3) the third call is to update your fan page via app.
The url to post via app would be$your_id/feed with the following parameters: access_token, message (the message you want to post, not required), link (if any. Not required.), image (not required), description (not required), caption (not required), etc. You need at least a message or a link for the post. If you use php the easiest is a curl POST call. I've found something for you here, by the way

Is there a way for to receive comment notifications using disqus without registering?

I am using Disqus, and I'm trying to find a way for commenters to receive notifications of replies to their comments (or new comments) without registering with disquis. If using native wordpress comments people can check the little box that says "receive notifications" and receive messages when there is a new comment. However, when using disqus people have to register to receive those notifications. Many commenters don't want to register for another service, so people aren't getting notified. Is there any way to make it easier for people to get notifications?
After researching and talking with disqus, this can not be done. As a free service they want to direct users back to their site to set up an account in order to get features such as comment replies. I've decided to go back to wordpress native comments.

Detect Fake CLicks and Impressions Ads Project

I am creating a mobile ads project and I need to detect real ip/user_agent/os and all that stuff. I am able to track them down but my problem is I will give the publisher php code and will detect everything on their servers and then send a POST request to my server to store data but since I am giving the code to them they can modify it and send fake IP/os/user agent and impressions to earn more.
I can't encrypt my code. Can any one answer with best solution to stop this issue?
I found a way to do it
i am storing everything in cookies now so will be bit harder for publishers to flood
