Is there built-in alternative to google analytics in Liferay - google-analytics

I'm looking for a portlet like-solution that would collect and report usage analytics in Liferay... but google analytics is not an option, unfortunately.
Stats by community, group, session tracking, apart from the usual bounce and exit rates, referrals, origin, etc. I know I'm kind of asking the reinvention of the wheel, but there are plenty of usage data that can be collected by Liferay that google can't. I've already checked PiWik, and it looks very impressive.
Any suggestions? TIA,

As of 2015 there is Audience Targeting plugin, which (at least for Liferay 6.2) comes bundled with analytics-api / analytics-hook modules, which collect some useful analytics data. Mind now:
So far it doesn't look like there is any standalone use for them as they were introduced, I believe, to enable the content visited, page visited and other such rules in the Audience Targeting itself; you can't see the raw events in any of the provided portlets
The events are stored as rows in a SQL database, so I would be concerned about it's performance in the long run (with thousands of clicks every minute etc.), although I say this purely theoretically as I haven't done any tests myself nor checked if there are some performance enhancing measures implemented
What you can do, however, is to put together your own portlet which would create some graphs etc. based on the data stored in CT_Analytics_AnalyticsEvent table.

Right now, I dont think there is any out of the box feature available for this, you might need to create this. There can be 2 things
1) You need to create a javascript library if you need realtime/web analysis (this is same like creating google analytics lib)
2) This option is quite easy. Liferay stores everything in db, you can have a report portlet which will show the report based on the data. We did this for one project where we were tracking the session ids/ip and logged in user details for portlets.
To achieve point 2) you can create new Liferay service, which will be used to store these data and retrieve.
Hope this helps

You already mention Piwik, which is similar to google analytics. You probably have your own theme (almost everybody changes the appearance to look like their own site) and it's quite appropriate to place the relevant piwik-stats-snippet in there.
You can also, as Felix suggests, mine your log files. Liferay stores some data, your webserver access logs also are quite worth to mine. And, of course, you can change your theme to log even more for every page access, just take care that you don't create a performance bottleneck by writing too much during one page request.
So, coming back to your question: Built-in like google analytics: No. Easily integrateable (like Piwik): Yes, of course. Completely customizeable: Yes, of course.
Edit: It just happens that David has created and documented an integration that makes using Piwik even easier


How to I separate a Web+App into separate web and app projects

I've created a web+app project on Google analytics and it has a lot of data on it I don't want to lose. But... App+Web is not good and makes it ridiculously difficult to see important pieces of data.
How can I separate them into either two separate properties or views?
You cannot separate data that has already been collected into different properties (and views do not even exist in Apps+Web).
If you want to look at App data and Web data separately, you'd have you use filters/segmentation.
Your best chance is to wait until BigQuery integration becomes available and then export the data and write your own aggregations, although that is probably not easier than working with Apps+Web in the first place.
Also this is still a beta, so with enough user feedback they might improve the UI to make data (including already collected data) more easily accessible. But as for short term fixes, there are none.
You can see Technology report: Cross-platform, Web or App.
You can also use Analysis --> Exploration report and create custom reports.

Valuable? Fields support in REST API

I've read some topics about GraphQL, and one of the great features I like is you can specify fields you want (Client End).
I'm thinking maybe I can also add it into REST API. I look around and find there has already such specification: fetching-sparse-fieldsets
So I'm trying to add such feature in Symfony. (Especially, in FOSRestBundle+JSMSerializer).
But I'm not quite sure whether it is valuable or not. Can someone give you advice?
That is a question you should ask to your API users and your customer. It might be useful for the API user, but it has a lot of downsides:
By building it yourself, you spend a lot of time by developing, testing and maintaining this 'optional' feature. Is the customer willing to pay? (YAGNI)
As mentioned above, you must maintain the code for this feature, you cannot remove it unless you decide to release a new API version. As external packages change, your code might require an update aswell.
It can become difficult when troubleshooting. API users might be trying to retrieve a field that isn't specified in the API URL (ofcourse these issues arise after project transfers to other developers). Questions can come up why some data isn't available, but is present in API documentation.
Especially the first one in the list is incredibly important. Don't build features that the customer does not need. Personally I always return all accessible data available, even null values. The API users decide what to do with that data. Bandwidth isn't such a problem these days I guess. - Can it replace Kimonolabs

I use Kimonolabs right now for scraping data from websites that have the same goal. To make it easy, lets say these websites are online shops selling stuff online (actually they are job websites with online application possibilities, but technically it looks a lot like a webshop).
This works great. For each website an scraper-API is created that goes trough the available advanced search page to crawl all product-url's. Let's call this API the 'URL list'. Then a 'product-API' is created for the product-detail-page that scrapes all necessary elements. E.g. the title, product text and specs like the brand, category, etc. The product API is set to crawl daily using all the URL's gathered in the 'URL list'.
Then the gathered information for all product's is fetched using Kimonolabs JSON endpoint using our own service.
However, Kimonolabs will quit its service end of february 2016 :-(. So, I'm looking for an easy alternative. I've been looking at, but I'm wondering:
Does it support automatic updates (letting the API scrape hourly/daily/etc)?
Does it support fetching all product-URL's from a paginated advanced search page?
I'm tinkering around with the service. Basically, it seems to extract data via the same easy proces as Kimonolabs. Only, its unclear to me if paginating the URL's necesarry for the product-API and automatically keeping it up to date are supported.
Any users here that can give advice if is a usefull alternative for this? Maybe even give some pointers in the right direction?
Look into Portia. It's an open source visual scraping tool that works like Kimono.
Portia is also available as a service and it fulfills the requirements you have for
automatic updates, by scheduling periodic jobs to crawl the pages you want, keeping your data up-to-date.
navigation through pagination links, based on URL patterns that you can define.
Full disclosure: I work at Scrapinghub, the lead maintainer of Portia.
Maybe you want to give Extracty a try. Its a free web scraping tool that allows you to create endpoints that extract any information and return it in JSON. It can easily handle paginated searches.
If you know a bit of JS you can write CasperJS Endpoints and integrate any logic that you need to extract your data. It has a similar goal as Kimonolabs and can solve the same problems (if not more since its programmable).
If Extracty does not solve your needs you can checkout these other market players that aim for similar goals: (as you already mentioned)
Disclaimer: I am a co-founder of the company behind Extracty.
I'm not that much fond of, but seems to me it allows pagination through bulk input urls. Read here.
So far not much progress in getting the whole website thru API:
Chain more than one API/Dataset It is currently not possible to fully automate the extraction of a whole website with Chain API.
For example if I want data that is found within category pages or paginated lists. I first have to create a list of URLs, run Bulk Extract, save the result as an import data set, and then chain it to another Extractor.Once set up once, I would like to be able to do this in one click more automatically.
P.S. If you are somehow familiar with JS you might find this useful.
Regarding automatic updates:
This is a beta feature right now. I'm testing this for myself after migrating from kimonolabs...You can enable this for your own APIs by appending &bulkSchedule=1 to your API URL. Then you will see a "Schedule" tab. In the "Configure" tab select "Bulk Extract" and add your URLs after this the scheduler will run daily or weekly.

Filtering Data in ASP.NET Web Services

I've been using this site for quite a while, usually being able to sort out my questions by browsing through the questions and following tags. However, I've recently come across a question that is rather hard to lookup amongst the great number of questions asked - a question I hope some of you might be able to share your opinion on.
As my problem is a bit hard to fit into a single line, going in the title, I'll try to give a bit more details on the problem I've encountered. So, as the title says I need to filter, or limit, some of the response data my standard ASP.NET Soap-based Web service returns on invoking various web methods. The web service is used to return data used by other systems (a data repository more or less), where the client today is able to specify a few parameters on how the data should be filtered and in return a full-set of data back.
Well, easy enough I thought, just put additional filtering options on the existing web methods which needs a bit more filtered applied, make adjustments on the server-side and we are all set to go - well, unfortunately it turned out to be a bit more tricky then this.
The problem I am facing is that I'm working on a web service running in a production environment, which needs to be extended in such that additional filters can be applied to existing web method being invoked w/o affecting the calls already being made by other systems used by the customer using their client stubs. This is where I am a bit troubled, since I can't seem to find a "right solution" on extending the current web service.
Today, the filter is send as a custom data structure which holds information on which data should filtered, but I am not sure if I can simply just add more information to this data structure w/o breaking code at the clients? One of my co-workers suggested that I could implement a solution where I would extend the web.config on the server-side to hold a section with details on which data should be excluded (filtered out), but I don't find this to be a viable solution long-sighted - and I don't trust customers with such an option since this is likely to go wrong at some point. So the solution I am looking for is a way that I can apply a "second filter" to the data I am requesting from the client so instead of getting a full-set of data back it should only give a fraction, it implemented in such that the filter can be easily modified and it must not affect the current client calls.
Any suggestions on how I should approach this problem?
Kind regards,
A pretty common practice is to create another instance of the application OR use part of the url to signify the version of the endpoint they are connecting to, perhaps the virtual directory is the date. That way old calls will go to the old API and new calls will come in on the new API.

To Develop LMS and Scorm Sequesncing Engine

We want a LMS(coded in ASP.NET/ which is able to import SCORM packages & display it to learner for viewing content. I am totally new to SCORM and have been shifted to this project. I want to know how can I access SCORM Assessment object's (Test) result, like Learner ID, passed/fail, time.
Can you please guide me what will I need to implement in ASP.NET code to accomplish my goal ?
Task that I have done so far is,
Reading a manifest zip file, unzipping the file and get all information from the file(content name,description,items and launching page) and when user clicks on a particular course a pop up window is launching the page.
I eagerly want to know what I can do next to communicate with the LMS with the APIs. Shall I need to develop my own LMS to get the result,If there is a quiz which is running, all I need to know is the no of questions attempted by the user, whether the user is pass or fail and I need to store all information in the database for individual user so that I can review the result afterwards.
So the task remaining.
Tracking mechanism to deliver the content.
SCORM/LMS sequencing engine that controls the navigation between parts of SCORM conformant course.
Please help.
SLK at codeplex provides a good starting point. However, if you are truly wanting to provide an in-house written SCORM play that is fully compliant, you have a major task ahead of you. In essence there are three party you need to fully develop:
CAM - the unzipping process, which it sounds like you have already achieved.
RTE - the javascript host for SCORM, providing the 8 specified methods. Behind this you also need to implement the SCORM object model, which SLC does help with. If you have implemented all of this, then there should be data entries on the data model that indicate completion etc.
SN - the sequencing and navigation processing. This is significantly the most complex part. I am still in the process of trying to implement this, using SLC, and it is hard. It is the completion of this that will potentially give you more information that will enable you to know what has been done.
it is also worth looking at, who are a consultancy, but provide a lot of useful information about the scorm standard.
That is true. SCORM is one of these stadarts where you can implement as little as possible. But you will need some of Javascript with a Backend-Script (JSON to the rescue) so you can track the scorm data, and save it your database.
But let me tell you this: This is the easiest task! Making your own course-creator is a whole other beast.
