I am working on website in which i want to copy the file from my application folder to other folder on same server (But this folder is out of my application folder i.e. my application on C driver and the destination folder is on D drive).Is this possible using any functionality of Asp.Net?
Thanks in advance.
YES it's possible, the only concern that you have to watch for is that the CopyTo path should be the full path, not the relative one (ex: c:\websites\myOtherFolder).
this way, you can successfully copy/move the file from your ASP.NET code.
below is a pseudo code to show you how to get it done (assuming that the file has been placed on the root folder of your ASP.NET Application).
using System.IO;
// Get the current app path:
var currentApplicationPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;
//Get the full path of the file
var fullFilePath = currentApplicationPath + fileNameWithExtension;
// Get the destination path
var copyToPath = "This has to be the full path to your destination directory.
Example d:\myfolder";
// Copy the file
File.Copy(fullFilePath , copyToPath );
use this function:
System.IO.File.Copy(FileToCopy, NewCopy)
It's very easy to move file from one folder to other folder. you can change the file name while moving...
string Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles;
//Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(#"~\godurian\sth100\transfiles\" + Filename);
Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(#"~\transfiles\" + Filename);
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(#"~\transfiles\" + Filename)))
File.Delete(Server.MapPath(#"~\transfiles\" + Filename));
//ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(#"~\godurian\sth100\ProcessedFiles");
ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(#"~\ProcessedFiles");
File.Move(Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles);
That's it now you can check your application folder to confirm the move process status
It is fairly common to allow users to download a file via having some path modifier in the URL
//MVC Action to download the correct file From our Content directory
public ActionResult GetFile(string name) {
string path = this.Server.MapPath("~/Content/" + name);
byte[] file = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path);
return this.File(file, "html/text");
quoted from http://hugoware.net/blog/dude-for-real-encrypt-your-web-config
An application I'm working with has liberal path downloads ( directory based ) sprinkled throughout the application, hence it is super vulnerable to requests like "http://localhost:1100/Home/GetFile?name=../web.config" or ( ..%2fweb.config )
Is there an easy way to restrict access to the config file - do I need to provide a custom Server.MapPath with whitelisted directories - or is there a better way.
How do you secure your file downloads - are path based downloads inherently insecure?
A simple option, assuming that all files in the ~/Content directory are safe to download would be to verify that the path is actually under (or in) the ~/Content directory and not up from it, as ~/Content/../web.config would be. I might do something like this:
// MVC Action to download the correct file From our Content directory
public ActionResult GetFile(string name) {
// Safe path
var safePath = this.Server.MapPath("~/Content");
// Requested path
string path = this.Server.MapPath("~/Content/" + name);
// Make sure requested path is safe
if (!path.StartsWith(safePath))
// NOT SAFE! Do something here, like show an error message
// Read file and return it
byte[] file = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path);
return this.File(file, "html/text");
How to change the installer path and add subfolder using qt installer framework.
Default output:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Subfolder
I want to path to example output.
Example output:
I know this is old but maybe is usefull for someone.
I changed a Qt Installer Framework example called dynamicpage (look in QtIfw examples dir), where the target directory is selected from a custom widget called targetwidgetui. To avoid the user write directly in the line edit I added in my file config/controllerscript.qs this code:
Controller.prototype.TargetDirectoryPageCallback = function()
currentPage.TargetDirectoryLineEdit.enabled = false;
I also added #ApplicationsDir#/MyAppFolder in config.xml so this is the default install path.
When the user change the destination folder I take the path and append "/MyAppFolder". To do this I changed a function in the dynamicpage example, in file installscript.qs. This is how my function look like now:
Component.prototype.chooseTarget = function () {
var widget = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName("DynamicTargetWidget");
if (widget != null) {
var newTarget = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory("Choose your target directory.", widget
if (newTarget != "")
newTarget += "/MyAppFolder"; // The same subfolder of TargetDir in config.xml
widget.targetDirectory.text = Dir.toNativeSparator(newTarget);
Using this you will append always your folder to the installation path.
In your config.xml file you can add
To install to a custom directory.
From Qt Installer Framework documentation:
Default target directory for installation. On Linux, this is usually the user's home directory.
Note that you can use predefined variables like #ApplicationsDir# or #DesktopDir# as stated here.
Is it possible to save an image from an url in the assets folder?
void DataPacking::createAndSaveImage(QString argSavingFilePath,
QByteArray argDataLoaded) {
m_file = new QFile;
m_savingFilePath = QDir::homePath() + "app/native/assets/images/"
+ QString("multipleActive.png");
createAndSaveImage(m_savingFilePath, m_dataLoaded);
but when I try to use this image, I am getting the error below.
"Unable to get asset in (/apps/com.bluewave.LeasePlan.testDev_e_LeasePlan45b0f435/native/assets/): (/images/multipleActive.png)."
The assets directory (or more properly the app directory) is part of the protected area of the application sandbox that can not be changed. If you want to store data in the sandbox you should use the data directory.
See: https://developer.blackberry.com/native/documentation/cascades/device_platform/data_access/file_system.html
I need to put a property file named "customer.properties" into the "distribution.jar". Fle paths for above files are;
My requirement is to have "modules\distribution.ja\distributionaManager\customer.properties"
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("jar", "uf", "distribution.jar", "distributionaManager\\customer.properties");
Process process = pb.start();
jarFile.getParentFile() - "modules directory"
But this code creates no property file inside the jar. Any suggestions?
I'll ONLY recieve an "Error #3000: Illegal path name" if I try to open a file which is placed inside the app-folder of the air. If the file is somewhere else outside of the app-folder it works.
private var file:File = File.documentsDirectory;
public function download():void{
var pdfFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("PDF Files", "*.pdf");
file.browseForOpen("Open", [pdfFilter]);
file.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileSelected);
private function fileSelected(e:Event):void
var destination:File = File.applicationDirectory
destination = destination.resolvePath("test.pdf");
//This works, also if the file to copy is placed inside the appfolder
file.copyTo(destination, true);
/*This Throws me an Error #3000, but ONLY if the file is located in
the App folder*/
When i try to get the same file and copy it to another place it's doing fine.
Why that? Something special to do if i wanna open files which are inside the appfolder?
It also don't work in debug mode - bin-debug.
Regards, Temo
After reading the document a few times i saw that this is not possible (it's not a bug, it's a feature!?!)
Opening files with the default system application
You cannot use the openWithDefaultApplication() method with files located in the application directory.
So I do this instead:
Not so nice, but it works.