Hiding passwords for impersonation - asp.net

The following webpage talks about using impersonation in code (ASP.NET): http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306158. I am thinking about creating a class for the code, then the application can call impersonateValidUser and undoimpersonation.
I am concerned about putting usernames and passwords in my code as surely anyone will be able to see them using a tool like ILDASM. What is the best way to hide these passwords?
The article has a section titled: Impersonate the IIS Authenticated Account or User. I thought about creating an impersonated user in the Web.Config, but this would mean that the entire application is run as the inpersonated user. I only want a very small part of the application to run as the impersonated user - when it is necesary to access and update active directory.

I really like your intention to have have only the part of the application that does the AD updates running under a highly privileged account. I also share your concerns about storing the password in the web.config or in the code.
I can think of two options for you.
Store the account details in the web.config and encrypt that part of the web.config. That will ensure that only an administrator of the web server can get hold of the password. Someone else getting hold of the web.config won't understand a thing of the password.
Create a small, separate WCF service with the AD update code. Then run that WCF service in a separate application pool, with the app pool set to the identity of the user that has access to the active directory. Setup a restricted, localhost-only endpoint for the WCF. The WCF service should have access control to only allow access from a dedicated account. That account should be set as the identity of the app pool of the main web site.
Option 1 is easier to implement and protects the password rather well. Option 2 offers better protection for the passwords as they are not stored in the web.config at all - they are part of the IIS configuration. Option 2 also adds complete isolation between the privileged code and the rest of the system as it runs the AD update code in a separate process. With that isolation, it is much easier to make a code review for the AD code to check for security issues.


IIS with a Web Application using Windows Authentication with Impersonation

Im not using this, but is a interesting question.
If i set a Web Application on IIS to use Windows Authentication and Impersonate the Authenticated User and my ConnectionString to a SQLServer database use Integrated Security=true;, my application when try to connect to the database will use the User authenticated by the application?
If yes, this is a good thing?
( The database has LDAP/AD "Domain Users" permissions. Considering an Database that will be auditable where each user will have your actions logged.)
I believe E.K.'s answer is true only under a situation in which kerberos authentication is used. What you are describing is known as the 'double-hop'. Essentially, if the user authenticates to 'Server-A', the code that is running on 'Server-A' cannot turn around and use those credentials to access other network resources, such as a SQL Server on 'Server-B'. This is detailed quite a bit but here is a direct link: Blog Article
If you are running on a kerberos architected network, then you can mark a server as being a trusted delegation server. But for most people, this is not the case. If you'd like to learn more about how to do this, see this link.
Yes, the connections to the SQL Server will be under those users.
In general, it isn't good. But it depends on the situation. The following are main factors to consider :
Each user will require its own connection. Connections from different users can't be reused even if connection pooling is used. Creating of connection is relatively expensive operation. And each connection requires a little bit of memory
Each user needs to have its log in (or at least Windows group that the user is member of needs to have the log in). This can be additional maintenance to create log ins, etc. On the other hand, each such log in can be secured in a different way. Important to say is that securing objects for different users can be achieved also if a single account is used to connect to the SQL Server
Yes, it would use authenticated user and impersonate the "authenticated user" rights to access the database.
For more information do look on this link How To: Use Impersonation and Delegation in ASP.NET 2.0
The other approach is to use a service account a non-interactive windows domain account that has complete access to the database.
This allows connection pooling
Eliminates complex permission models to allow selected users to perform a delete on a set of data for example.
This does mean however that audit logic has to be added to the data layer of the application and to stored procedures that access the database to insure that the calling user is logged as part of the database access otherwise the service account would be the only account in the audit table.

asp.net user permissions

I am quite confused about this and none of the texts / docs / SO questions have elucidated the matter for me.
I want my asp.net MVC app to be able to save an XML doc to a folder on the server. But I am getting an exception...
Access to the path 'D:\blah\blah\folder\xml_data.xml' is denied.
So as I understand it my application is running under a user account that does not have write permissions.
I think I had this problem before and my solution was to contact my web host and ask them to give my site permissions.
But what if I want to create my own custom set of roles with corressponding permissions? Do these have to be added into IIS? Would I have to create a list and then hand it over the the web host? What would such a list look like? As I understand it, it is not possible to configure roles and permissions in web.config, is that correct?
Once I have the roles and their permissions set up how to I set the default role for the app to run under and also how do I programitically change the role that the app is running under?
ps. I don't want to use asp.net membership I would like to know how to set this up myself.
Use asp.net membership. I don't care if you don't like it. Use it. It's easy, it's simple, and it gets security right. You will mess security up if you do it yourself and don't know what you're doing.
People give membership a bad rap, it's a good tool. Most people just make the wrong assumptions about it.
You define your roles in the membership/role API. This is stored in your database. You can't have roles without a user to apply them to, so you need a membership system of some type.
There are two kinds of users here. The first is the user that the ASP.NET worker process runs as under IIS. This is the user that your host must define, and allow to access various folders to access files.
The second is the IIdentity user of asp.net, this is the user that asp.net defines for the logged in web user, and this is completely seperate from the Worker process user. IIdentity users have no inherent operating system rights or privileges, other than those assigned to the worker process identity.
In other words, IIDentity based users run as the same Worker process identity in IIS.
The exception to this is when you define "impersonate=true" in the web.config, and this allows the worker process to "log on" to the OS as the user in question. In other words, the worker process will run as the web users credentials. This requires that the web user have credentials in the OS as well.
The other exception is that you can specify a specific OS user to impersonate in the web.config. But, again, there must be an operating system user to impersonate. Also, impersonation is a very expensive operation and takes a lot of system resources.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa292118(v=vs.71).aspx

Asp.net application pool and sql server data connection

I have an asp.net application that runs on a custom app pool which runs under a service level account. I have anonymous access turned off in web.config. The web server is part of a domain. The application access a sql server which runs on the same machine.
Currently, for all users, I impersonate the service level account to access the Database. When lots of users are accessing the site, this slows the site down as the lsass process starts using the cpu.
I am not allowed to create a sql server account, I have to work with what I have.
I am also not allowed to add each individual user to the database and give them specific access.
My question is, how can I set my application and datbase reletionship up such that I dont have to do impersonation of the Service level account and thus avoid CPU thrashing when website usage is high.
You shouldn't have to impersonate the service account. The service account is the account that needs access to the database and I suppose it already has. Have you already tried running your application without impersonating the service account when you access the database? This should work.
To perform a simple test, check the identity returned by WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() (inside Page_Load for example). This should return the application pool identity and this is the identity that will be used to access the database.
Of course, this only works if you do not have client impersonation configured in your Web.config file. But since this is not a general practice except for some corner cases I suppose you don't use this. Client impersonation is not necessary for determining who the current user is, you should only use it when you want to access third-party systems (databases, fileshares, queues, ...) using the identity of the currently logged-on user (which is not a very scalable approach).

what does 'run the ASP.NET worker process with dbo privileges' mean?

I am having issues implementing SqlSiteMapProvider using the Wicked Code article. I am using VB.NET and SQL Server 2008 - and the OnSiteMapChanged event is not firing (the SqlDepdencyCache just seems to simply be not working at all).
The article states "You also need to run the ASP.NET worker process with dbo privileges for SQL Server 2005 cache dependencies to work automatically.)"
I don't understand what this means. I know what the ASPNET user account is and that it runs aspnet_wp.exe which is basically the ASP.NET run time as I understand it. I know what DBO privs are on SQL. But my SQL and web servers are on different machines, and ASPNET is not a domain account. And it seems crazy to make it one to try to simply get the SqlDepdencyCache to work, and I have trouble believing everyone is doing this?
Anyone have any clue what I'm missing here?
Thanks very much
Your worker process identity needs to be changed to either a domain user OR a user with a matching username/password on both the web and database servers. The SQL Server would also need Windows authentication (or Mixed authentication) enabled.
Under IIS 5 (Windows XP/2000), you need to modify the ASP.NET Process Identity in the machine.config file.
Under IIS 6 / 7 (Windows Vista/7/2003/2008/R2) you should just be able to modify the Application Pool identity. If this doesn't work, enable <identity impersonate="true" /> in your web.config.
SqlDependencyCache uses SqlDependency and SqlDependency deploys at runtime a set of services, queues and stored procedures in your database as part of its infrastructure. You can read this article on more details what really happens The Mysterious Notification.
When you create your site map provider, you provide a connection string. This connection string specifies either a SQL login and password, or it specifies that SSPI (or Trusted, or Integrated) Authentication should be used. When a user and password are provided then this user is used to log in into your application database (the ASP database). When SSPI is used then the conenction is made using the ASP thread identity, which is either the app pool identity or the impersonated user identity. Whichever login ends up being used, this login must have the priviledges necessary to deploy the SqlDependency infrastructure (create a queue, create a service, create a stored procedure). The simplest way is to simply make this login's user in the database member of the db_owner role (which is the correct wording for what the article calls 'dbo priviledges').
So depending on yoru connection string, your app pool identity and your impersonation settings, the database user that corresponds to the login used by the map provider must be added to the db_owner role. I can't tell what you need to do, because it all depends on the variable factors enumerated above.

ASP.NET Application to authenticate to Active Directory or SQL via Windows Authentication or Forms Authentication

I am in the process of writing an application that will need multiple forms of authentication.
The application will need to support authentication to Active Directory, but be able to fail back to a SQL Membership Provider if the user is not in Active Directory. We can handle the failing to the SQL Provider in code based on the username provided because the username will be a different format than the Active Directory username.
Is this even possible? What I mean is, can I use membership and use both ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and SqlMembershipProvider together or will I have to roll my own?
Another additional added complexity is that I would like to automatically authenticate my internal users based of Windows Authentication back to AD, but use Forms Authentication for users not on our internal network, or users that are using the SQL Provider.
These will most likely be separate servers, one internal, and the other external so I have a lot of planning to do to figure out the data replication, and how I will authenticate the AD users if they hit the outside server etc.
I am wondering what thoughts are out there as I start down this road. Is what I am wanting to do even possible without me rolling my own, or is there a way to mesh these together?
Thanks for the reply.
The reason I asked originally was because I was able to get this specific senerio working about 7 years ago using IIS to authenticate and then passing back the credentials to a Lotus Domino Server Web App. If the user was not authenticated via the Windows Authentication/ISS then Domino would handle the authentication. This was what I was looking to do here, but really couldn't think of a way to make it work in IIS.
As for the rest of your reply, I think you are on to the way that I will need to take. I have thought this through and tossed it around in my head a lot. The application will be somewhat different on the two servers anyway since there is going to be limited access to the data on the external server anyway. The fact that so much is going to be different already I may just treat these as two applications, thus negating the need to use two types of authentication in the same application anyway.
I am playing around with the idea already of writing my own authentication/login window for the external server, and if the user trys to log in with their AD credentials on the external server I will be able to detect that and redirect them to the internal server. If they are not on the local network or VPN'd in they will simply not get access. This part still has some thought process to go though so I am not sure.
As an additional thought - is there a way to pull just enough of AD into a SQL database to allow me to authenticate users to the SQL database from the external server using their AD credentials, without creating any security issues? I hope I am clearly typing what I am thinking....
Thanks again!
This is the way I've handled a similar situation based on this info:
Configured the application to use Forms authentication.
Set the LoginUrl to a page called WinLogin.aspx.
In WinLogin.aspx, use Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"] to get the username then call FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage( authorizedUserName, false ) to log them in. I guess you can manually check Active Directory as this point as well.
Create an html page that redirects to a page called Login.aspx
Login.aspx is your standard username/password login.
In IIS, Enable Integrated Authentication and Anonymous on the entire site, but deny anonymous access to WinLogin.aspx.
In IIS, set your 401 errors to the page created in step 3.
What basically happens is that when an unauthenicated user hits the site, they're redirected to WinLogin.aspx. Since anonymous is turned off, integrated security makes a check. If that passes, your custom code in WinLogin can run. If the integrated security check fails, a 401 error occurs. Your custom 401 page redirects to Login.aspx where the user can log in using their username and password with the SQL provider.
As far as I know, Web Applications are configured to use either Windows Authentication or Forms Authentication, but not both. Therefore, I do not believe it is possible to automatically authenticate internal users while requiring others to enter a username / password.
You could authenticate to Active Directory or a SQL user store via Forms authentication by using a custom provider. However, the AD users would still need to enter their username and password. Although I've never combined these two methods, I have used Forms authentication to authenticate against both sources at one time or another.
With that said, I think you may want to consider reducing the "flexibility" of your system. If you have an external facing server and an internal facing server, you could simply change the provider configuration on each copy of the application to go against a different source. Then, you could configure the internal one to use Windows (automatic) authentication and the external one to use Forms authentication.
IMHO, I believe that internal users should not be using the external server to access the application. If they are, they should have a user account stored in SQL, completely separated from their AD account. Basically, when someone accesses the application externally, they are acting as an external user, irregardless of their physical location.
Well, it is possible to use ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider and SqlMembershipProvider, but this requires you design your log on page with your own code instead of the Login controls.
About the mix authentication (Windows and Forms), as far as I know only IIS 7 makes it easy and clean. See this post for details,
